Elysium's Multiverse

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Lahn’s body… hurt. It was painfully obvious to Lady Shovi Lucio, his mother, whenever she looked at him; and her fury had never known such heights. Not until the day he’d withdrawn from the academy a physically and mentally broken man

“YOU NEED TO DO MORE!” Lady Shovi Lucio, Lahn’s mother, screamed at his father - the esteemed Lord Nikola Lucio right outside Lahn’s room through an open door. Furiously throwing a vase at the wall and causing it to shatter into hundreds of tiny porcelain pieces, Lahn’s mom heaved with a red face - shoulders raising and hands quivering violently with ill-contained rage. “GET OFF YOUR ASS AND FIND OUT WHO DID THIS!”

Slamming the door as hard as she could in front of her shocked husband and not bothering to even look back at her other children - who’d done nothing but make jabs about Lahn’s situation since he’d withdrawn from the academy, Lady Shovi Lucio sank into a chair next to his bedside and tried to contain a sob with cupped hands over her mouth.

Her glistening, watery eyes slowly lifted to match his own as he struggled to breathe. “Don’t worry Lahn. I won’t stop until whoever hurt you is found.”

Lahn didn’t reply. He couldn’t. Or he could, but he didn’t want to. He claimed to not know who the culprits were. He’d expressionlessly watched his sister sneer at him from the hallway when he’d been wheeled back into the room with his good leg and good arm both broken in multiple spots - something her mother had noticed and honed in on with a suspicious glare, but she had no foundation for any accusation thus far.

How had she ever raised such uncaring, pompous brats? Out of the three children she’d raised, only Lahn had ever showed any compassion or interest for anything other than their own wellbeing. In large part she blamed the man she married, but she also knew she was partially to blame for not failing to correct such behavior. Now, as they’d reached young adulthood, she feared it was far too late.

She turned her eyes back to her broken, kind, loving son on the bed. His jaw was shattered, his ribs were broken. The beating was so bad in fact, his arms were so mangled after the brutal beating he’d received, that she didn’t even know if he’d have ANY ‘good’ limb after it was all said and done - and the good healers were all on the front lines helping keep people alive. The ones left here in the capital were either absolutely swamped with more serious cases than his, or simply inadequate compared to the ones who’d usually tend to his injuries - so the healing had been subpar at best. He was still in a massive amount of pain any time he attempted to budge, and it’d caused her to sob uncontrollably at random times throughout each day since he’d been back.

Rearranging the pillows he was laying in and making sure Lahn was as comfortable as he could be under the thin sheets of his bed, Shovi stepped back to the window and opened it for some sunshine. It was still winter and sunshine wasn’t all that abundant, but it was better then nothing. She took out a brush and nervously combed her brunette hair like she usually did whenever she was upset, staring out across their courtyard, only to notice a new carriage had parked itself sometime over the past ten minutes right outside.

Curiously frowning down at it, she heard a knock at the door - and wondered who it could be.

“Lahn… I believe we have company.” Shovi said in a shaky, hoarse voice from all the screaming and crying she’d done over past days. Clearing her throat and flattening down her green dress, she clasped her hands and put on as kind a smile as she could while trying to catch the gaze of her broken son.

He only barely acknowledged her with a brief glance, then turned his lost gaze back to the window - not moving for fear of causing himself more pain.

Not knowing what else to say, she excused herself and started for the main hall where talking was already starting to echo throughout the house. Stepping gracefully to the first platform overlooking the entrance hall where a painting of her and her husband was set up the first flight of stairs, she furrowed her brows even further when she saw the new guests.

There were three of them. None of which she recognized. One was an extremely attractive, extremely pale man with startling blue eyes and an athletic build - dressed in very basic yet a stylish vest, shirt and pants. Beside him on either side were two startlingly beautiful young women, one tan and blonde with green eyes and a silver form-fitting dress - while the other was brunette, pale, and blue-eyed just like the man; probably a sibling. This last woman wore a very bright red dress, and it hugged her body to reveal otherwise hidden toned musculature along her hips and abdomen with her shoulders bare. She also wore long red gloves that came up her arms while leaving her fingers bare, and had a strange amulet strung around her neck similar to the man beside her - likely a family sigil if Shovi had to guess.

They were talking to her husband, and there were two maids on standby along the right wall.

“You’re here for Lahn?” Her husband asked curiously, his deep voice echoing throughout the room as Shovi made her way down. “What were your names again?”

Lord Nikola Lucio, High Inquisitor of the king’s court, was a very thickly built man and more resembled his eldest son Parius than anyone else. Nikola was blonde, hazel-eyed, with a neatly trimmed beard and a short stylized haircut. Whenever he was out of his armor and not on the front lines, he could be seen in attire that most of the nobles wore - frilled, victorian style jackets over white long-sleeved shirts with military-esq pants and boots.

“Lady Allie Wraithtide is my name.” The stunning woman in the red dress said politely, though by the way she nor either of the others smiled or even attempted to address Lord Lucio properly in his home made it obvious she was not in a friendly mood. “I’ve said that twice now. Where is Lahn?”

“Are you friends of Lahn?” Shovi asked, hurrying down the hall and becoming excited at the prospect of Lahn having made friends. He’d always struggled with that, and although this wasn’t likely the case - Shovi could hope. Lahn could use all the positive energy he could muster…

Allie’s eyes settled on Shovie, and the piercing gaze was oddly unsettling.

Coming to stand beside her husband, who was frowning at the three people in their entryway, Shovi put a hand on Lord Lucio’s wrist to squeeze meaningfully. “What business do you have with my son?”

Lady Allie Wraithtide paused, her gaze almost calculating while she coldly evaluated both parents of the household, before clasping her hands behind her back. “He is my class partner. I was on a family business trip and heard he was beaten half to death… Lahn and I have become close. I was hoping to speak with him.”

Lord Nikola Lucio’s eyes widened in surprise, giving the young woman a once-over - and Lady Shovi Lucio’s breath caught in her throat.

“You… are close with my youngest son?” Lord Lucio responded, skeptically. “And you are an academy attendant? I have not heard of House Wraithtide before.”

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“Father? Who is that?” a young male voice called from the kitchen area on the first floor, and soon Parius came into the light from beyond the next corner. He was very handsome, confident, with a very straight posture and muscular build - very much like his father. Strutting over with a rather cocky attitude often found with the sions of noble houses, he nearly tripped when he laid eyes on both Allie and Fay. Then his gaze landed on Riven, and it was as if he was a peacock that'd gotten its tail feathers in a tussle.

Immediately assuming an air of better-than-thou-ness, Parius walked directly up to square off with Riven, evaluating the man of equal height with a piercing gaze as Riven casually stared back.

“I do not believe we’ve met.” Parius said, extending a hand to Riven for him to shake. “Parius Lucio, heir to this house.”

Riven glanced down at the extended hand, back up to Lahn’s brother, and without smiling - shook it wordlessly. “Travis Wraithtide.”

“You’re being rude, Parius.” Shovi sighed. “You cannot just barge into the middle of a conversation like that.”

“Agreed. Mind your manners, boy.” Lord Nikola Lucio said with a crisp tone, getting a wince from his son.

Parius abruptly nodded, but spared both Fay and Allie sidelong glances. “I apologize. I was just so taken with the looks of these young women that I forgot myself.”

He gave his most charming smile, of which neither woman returned the expression - outwardly throwing him off as he sheepishly stepped back in line.

Lord Nikola Lucio let out a long sigh and placed his hands on his hips. “Excuse the rudeness of my eldest. As for my other son, Lahn, he is not well. It is true that he was severely beaten, but he has not identified the perpetrators and the matter is being investigated. It is best if you leave him be.”

“Nonsense.” Shovi said with a growl, stepping forward and reaching out to stand beside Allie with an approving nod. “My boy would love to have visitors, you must tell me about how the two of you met. He hasn’t brought many friends over to our house before! This is good news!”

Meanwhile, Parius Blinked in confusion. “That’s because Lahn doesn’t have any friends, mother… Wait, what are your names?”

Allie gave an exasperated sigh, gritting her teeth and closing her eyes. “Lady, Allie, Wraithtide.”

“OH!!!” Parius exclaimed, his fist smacking into his other open palm. “I have heard of you from my sister, Linela! You’re the girl Lahn was stalking at school!”

Lord Nikola Lucio immediately stiffened at the news, flushing with anger and embarrassment while giving a sideways glare up the stares to Lahn’s room. Meanwhile, Shovi’s heart sank.

“Stalking…?” Lady Shovi Lucio repeated with an awkward laugh. “Surely not… Lahn wouldn’t do that.”

“He would.” Parius shot back, irritation showing in his flick of the wrist to motion in the same direction his father had glared up at only a moment ago. “You know how desperate he is for attention, mother. You of all people should know. You need to stop babying him. Lahn even went as far as to steal an invitation to the royal ball from this young woman! Is that not true, Lady Wraithtide?”

Parius stared back at Allie eagerly, pleased that he’d made the connection, and let his eyes wander across her body rather thoroughly in ill-hidden lust. “I’m sure that’s the real reason you’ve come, is it not? Lahn admitted to stealing it and handed it over to me, I actually have it stored in my room - I was going to find and give it to you to make amends. Would you like it back?”

Allie blinked, the clockworks ticking rapidly in her mind as the other two people with her silently glared Parius’ way. Then her demeanor abruptly changed, and Allie shifted from being outwardly cold to being very polite and charming. She put on a fake but convincing smile, fluttered her eyelashes, and stepped in close with an extended hand. “I would certainly like it back.”

Parius nodded, blushing at her close proximity and clearing his throat. “I will retrieve it then! I should say that, although I’ve never met you before, I’m excited to think about you attending the ball! I’ll be there as well. Perhaps, giving the ticket back that my little brother stole will earn me a dance?”

Allie didn’t reply, only keeping her hand extended expectantly - and Parius then cleared his throat to quickly walk away and up the stairs towards his own room on the opposite side of the house from Lahn’s.

Shovi was utterly crestfallen. While her husband remained blushing with shame over what Lahn had done, she was pale and felt like all the hope she’d had about potential friends coming to visit her crippled boy was out the window. “We… Uhm, we apologize for our son’s behavior.”

“Which one?” Allie asked Shovi with a raised eyebrow.

Lord Nikola Lucio barked a scoffing laugh, shoving his hands into his pockets and muttering to himself while glaring at Allie, then up the stairs towards Lahn’s room again, before huffing to turn back to Allie once more. “Of course we speak of our youngest boy. I’m mortified to think that he’d stalk you, much less steal something so valuable from you. I was confused at first at your appearance, but it appears Parius and Linela know who you are and intervened in time to reacquire your invitation. I am glad for it. Invitations to social events like that are in high demand and I can understand why you came personally to fetch it. You have my most sincere apologies. I am sure that, should time permit it, I will break time away from the king to speak to your parents on my family’s behalf to also offer my apologies to them in turn.”

Allie stared back at Lahn’s father, the fake smile still plastered there for many seconds. “Lord Lucio, I am afraid you’re mistaken.”

Lahn’s father shuffled slightly, then raised an eyebrow. “Oh? How is that?”

Allie’s eyes narrowed in turn. “That invitation was given to your son so he could attend the ball as my date. Lahn never stole that invitation, which begs the question as to why your daughter Linela accused him of stealing it - and why Parius has it now. I’m quite curious.”

Dead silence filled the entrance hall.

“You’re taking Lahn? Lahn, my youngest son? To the royal ball?” Lord Nikola Lucio sputtered, disbelief written plainly for all to see. He gestured up and down at Allie. “You?”

“That’s all you got out of what I just said?” Allie asked, her words now coming out venomous as her anger began to rise. Her teeth clenched again, and for a brief moment her eyes flashed a brilliant red as the amulet around her neck abruptly cracked. But it came so fast that neither of Lahn’s parents were sure that it’d actually happened. Rather, their attention was drawn down to the amulet where a tiny piece of the oddly shaped sigil had chipped and fallen to the floor.

Shovi didn’t know what to think. On one hand she was internally reeling that this stunning young woman would go out of her way to ask Lahn to the ball. A mysterious young lady of the court, an academy attendant, and one as gorgeous as her? Shovi couldn’t ask for more concerning her youngest boy, but what exactly was Lady Allie Wraithtide implying here? Surely she didn’t think that Lahn’s siblings had anything to do with his beating. Linela and Parius weren’t bastions of innocence and had grown up into poor excuses for adults, being spoiled all their lives and being taught by their father that they were better than everyone else, but to claim that they were involved in Lahn’s current state? That was preposterous. There was certainly another reason why Parius had the invitation, and Shovi could think of many possibilities off the top of her head even now. Perhaps Parius had acquired the invitation after the beating, finding it in Lahn’s room and assuming he’d stolen it. Perhaps Lahn had given it up out of shame when the incident had occurred. Perhaps Lahn knew he couldn’t go to the ball and had spun a lie to his brother and sister so they’d take the invitation and put it to good use. There were many, many reasons Parius could have acquired that invitation.

Parius’ footsteps came thudding back under the heels of his leather boots. The young nobleman proudly displayed the invitation to Allie’s outstretched hand, and Allie snatched it from the man without a word.

“Well? A promise to a dance?” Parius asked eagerly, folding his arms, sucking out his stomach and puffing out his chest to make himself look bigger than he naturally was. “I’d love to take you as a date, if you don’t already have someone attending the ball with you!”

Allie’s eyelids dropped. “I’ll have to decline. I’m attending with your brother.”

There was a pause. Then Parius nearly choked, and his eyebrows narrowed in confusion. “Huh? Surely this is a jest… Wait, are you being serious? Is this out of pity for what happened to him? He won’t be able to attend the ball the way he is anyways! He’s a cripple, and he’s been so badly beaten-”

“Then I will sit with him in his room as he recovers and simply forgo the ball.” Allie replied flatly. Turning away from the shocked father and son duo, Allie smiled Shovi’s way. “Please take me to Lahn. I have a lot to talk to him about. I hope it doesn’t feel like an intrusion.”

Shovi nearly choked as well, but her reason was far different than her eldest flabbergasted son. “Not at all! Oh my, Lahn will be so excited to see you! Come! Come, he’s up the stairs to the left.”


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