Elysium's Multiverse

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Chapter 170


Beginners Magic Theory – Instructors Kremsin Bots and Ori Orumi

  • Mornings

Beginners Battle Abilities 1: Applications of Magic, Miracles, and Martial Arts –

Instructors Jaimest Vorvus and Thoi Jorsem

  • Afternoons

Beginners Battle Abilities 2: Combined Warfare Tactics – Instructor Mince Quarteple

  • Afternoons

Combined Combat Class – Instructors Nester Rose, Jokzofrie Belfast, and Jupis Astirith

  • Evenings

Beginners Healing – Instructors Nuthak Ororin and Jan Wetzle

  • Evenings

Lahn Lucio put his parchment away in the bright lighting of the academy hall, stuffing the schedule into his bag with his right hand as he struggled to maintain balance with his left despite it being shriveled and weak. His matted brown hair was damp from the rain, and the family maid assigned to him had been pulled off her duty to attend to his brother instead - per his brother’s request. No doubt to cause Lahn even more trouble getting to class on time, as his two siblings were always trying to find ways to make his life harder. For what reason: Lahn didn’t know. Perhaps they were embarrassed he was here, perhaps they were just malicious, but regardless of the why - the results were always the same.

At the very least they were years ahead of him, so his classes were devoid of their harassments. Mostly.

He’d gone to his Beginners Magic Theory and Battle Abilities courses earlier that morning, and had been disappointed to see that Allie’d skipped out again. She usually skipped Beginners Battle Abilities 1 after the incident with Instructor Thoi Jorsem, but the other courses she often attended. Occasionally she’d miss due to ‘family matters’, as did many of the other nobles who were inheriting their parent’s estates, but she was certainly an outlier for how often it happened.

And seeing as she was one of only a few people who gave him the time of day and didn’t shun him outright, Lahn had grown very fond of his new friend - always disappointed when he ended up sitting in class alone.

So he took in a deep breath, already late to Combined Combat Class - as if HE would ever see combat, and rattled the door.

The metal knob squeaked and turned, and it took a good bit of effort he managed to push the door open and wheel the rolling chair he used into the crack before it shut. Inside he could already see that the class had started - with numerous people getting into groups and firing off basic projectiles of different sources towards a target at the back of the gymnasium.

“Late again, Mr. Lucio?” A motherly voice called out from the right, and he managed to push himself through the door entirely when the teacher strode over and helped open the heavy wooden obstacle.

Instructor Nester Rose was the kindest of the three Combined Combat instructors. She was middle aged, redheaded, and was a very committed teacher - even for someone like him. “Come now Mr. Lucio, we can’t have you always being late just because your siblings steal your help. You need to leave earlier. Overcome, adapt, and struggle against the odds - I have faith you will one day see success.”

These were some of the kindest words he’d ever heard from his teachers, and she always told him thus any time he came late. She knew what he was going through, and he gave a smile of appreciation to the encouragement. “Thanks Instructor Rose, I appreciate it.”

The middle aged woman wiped down her finely made, richly colored blue robes and nodded with a thin-lipped smile. “Very good. Now, find a group to join and get started. We’re practicing projectile magics today. I know you have at least one.”

Lahn sighed and nodded with a grimace. “Yes Instructor Rose. I do.”

“Very good. Now move along, you’ve already missed a third of the class.”

Nodding and wheeling himself further into the room, the instructor left to go attend to other trainees in the gym. Half of the class was on his right, half was on his left, and they were all facing away from him as they practiced their various spells and miracles. There were even a few martial arts being practiced, but most of these included projectiles like arrows that were infused with power rather than an outright energy projectile that the other types of energy produced.

Though there were always exceptions to every rule.

He scanned the room, looking for a very particular person, until his eyes landed on her. His face brightened and he quickly began to wheel himself towards the back left corner where Allie was currently leaning against a wall, looking bored as would-be male suitors of various noble houses tried to talk to her and gain her attention. They looked like flies drawn to a corpse the way they swarmed her, and the reason it’d taken Lahn so long to find her was because of just how packed it was over on this side.

That and he was in a sitting position and it was hard to get a good view.

“This spot is taken.” A snobby female voice sourly called out when he neared one of the groups to pass them by, an orange-haired young woman in bright yellow judgingly glaring at him as he gave a sheepish smile and continued on.

It wasn’t like he was wanting to ask that group anyway. He knew Precilla was a jerk and wouldn’t have taken him unless he groveled.

Struggling and breathing hard now after the exertion of wheeling himself across campus with only one arm, occasionally needing to correct his direction by reaching over to the other side and take the left wheel with his right hand. It truly was a struggle.

Huffing and puffing, he came across another young man who only glared down at him, refusing to move, so Lucio had to wheel around him and then tried to make for a straight line in Allie’s direction.

“Allie!” Lahn called out excitedly, getting a few glares or mocking laughter from some of the men surrounding her position. He ignored them. “Hey Allie!”

The room was loud, and she didn’t hear him despite his two attempts while she continued to watch in boredom while some of the other young men tried to impress her with displays of their own fireballs, tiny ice lances, holy smites, or sparks of electricity. Instead, one of the men who was already looking disgruntled by being shoved to the back of the crowd around her took notice.

It was none other than Gleetus Nefrand.

God how Lahn hated this guy. But Gleetus’ own frown of annoyance quickly turned to wicked malice when noticing Lahn, and his pristine victorian-styled jacket - complete with buttons and a frill - was adjusted quickly before Gleetus began walking in Lahn’s direction. Gleetus took a comb and touched up his already perfectly gelled brown hair, eyes narrowing like a snake ready to strike, before stopping directly in front of Lahn with a sneer.

“What are you doing here?” Gleetus asked in a low hiss, his hands clasped behind his back and his chest puffed out arrogantly. One finely made boot tapped on the gymnasium floor, as if impatiently waiting for an answer even though he’d only just asked. “Lady Wraithtide is busy. You’ll have to come back later after more suitable men speak with her first. If you are trying to woo her, don’t bother. No one would want to court a cripple like you - Lucio.”

“I wasn’t trying to woo anyone! She’s just my friend!” Lahn retorted in a half snarl, barely containing his anger. He tried to wheel around Gleetus, only for the bigger man to step in front of him again. “Get out of my way Gleetus! Allie and I always partner up!”

“Hardly.” Gleetus said down the bridge of his nose in a nasally sigh. Then he inspected his nails, one by one, enjoying every second of being in a position of power over Lahn. “You barely know her. Do not act like she is your friend. I realize you’re desperate for any kind of social interaction, even your maids don’t want to be near you. I feel sorry for your siblings, having the family name marred by one such as you. Your lies about being on good terms with Lady Wraithtide only further insult that name. Begone, before I report your misgivings to your elder brother again. I’m sure he’d not want to here you’re dragging their reputation through the mud once more.”

“I’m not desperate.” Lahn growled through gritted teeth, glaring up hatefully at his long-time nemesis. “And I’m not trying to court her. I know she wouldn’t want to be with someone like me, I am merely her friend. That’s all. Just because you’re at the back of the line and can’t get a good spot with all these other guys jockeying for position doesn’t mean you need to take it out on me.”

Lahn had obviously hit the nail right on the head, by the way Gleetus froze in place and began to redden in the face.

Stepping forward menacingly and hissing low so that only Lahn could hear him, his eyes were barely slits - and his hands trembled. “Watch your insolent mouth, Lucio, or I will break that other leg of yours so you know your place.”

“LAHN!” Allie’s voice called out excitedly from behind, and Gleetus abruptly straightened and turned around with a wide, bright smile to intercept.

“Lady Wraithtide!” Gleetus said sweetly while stepping in front of her as she pushed her way through the crowd. “I’d been hoping-”

She merely walked around Gleetus, completely ignoring him like he wasn’t even there, and knelt in front of Lahn’s wheelchair with a brilliantly white smile. The way she walked, the formfitting leathers she wore that were far different than most ladies of the court, the way her hips moved, the way her perfect features shown like the sun and her blue eyes twinkled were enough to captivate any man’s heart - and Lahn felt himself flush a bright red when she got down on her knees to put a hand on his own. She was utterly stunning, an angel having taken human form - there were no other words for it.

“My favorite person! I’ve been waiting all day for you!” She said with a laugh, brushing her silky brown hair to the side and tilting her head. “Have you been practicing with those tips I gave you!? The way you form your intent when casting?”

Lahn was very aware of all the hostility oozing out from the dozen or so other young men, and he gulped while avoiding their gazes - but kept this eyes locked onto hers. “Uh, yeah! I’ve been practicing… can’t say I’m all that great at it. But I’ll get there! And there is NO way you’ve been waiting all day. You’ve been skipping again.”

A sly grin etched itself across her features, and she shrugged - standing up and getting behind his wheelchair to push him forward through the group of nobles to the front. “Well I can’t say you’re wrong. I’m a slacker.”

A fake laugh from one of the other men, and Lahn was almost shellshocked to see it was Braden Rooze. Braden was probably the most popular man in their year. He was incredibly handsome, muscular, had a father who was a front line war hero who’d even achieved the prestigious A-class category on the world power boards, and his family was filthy rich due to owning many of the laboratories in Dawn used to create potions for the war effort. That being said, Braden had never been mean or vile towards Lahn - so Lahn didn’t necessarily think poorly of the man either.

“I wouldn’t say that you’re a slacker, Lady Wraithtide.” Braden cut in with a swish of his blonde hair, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “From my perspective, you’re just more advanced than the rest of us and don’t need to attend those classes. And hello Lahn. How are you today?”

A small pit of jealousy built inside Lahn’s gut, but he quickly pushed that back down. He knew there wasn’t anything between himself and Allie anyways, and Braden would make a great suitor for someone like her. So instead, he put on a warm smile and reciprocated the friendly gesture with a wave. “Hello Braden. I’m doing well, though I’m obviously a bit wet from the rain.”

Braden chuckled warmly with a nod of understanding. “Yes, that tends to happen when you have… a lack of help. Lady Wraithtide has been telling me a lot about how she’s teaching you tips and tricks. It must be nice to have such a beautiful tutor. I tried to get her to teach me too, but she said she doesn’t have time and we merely settled on lunch.”

The narrative has been taken without permission. Report any sightings.

Lahn cought Allie’s brief smile, one directed towards Braden, and his heart sank even though he know it shouldn’t. “Oh! You had lunch together?”

“We did.” Allie nodded in confirmation, putting a hand on Lahn’s shoulder and directing him to the marked line where people would stand to cast spells. “Braden is slightly less insufferable when compared to many of the other people here. It was a nice chat.”

Braden’s victorious smile cut like a knife, not only to Lahn - but to many of the other nobles present too. Four of them wordlessly left right there and then, with two more following shortly thereafter - admitting defeat without even a word.

Allie seemed to not notice, and she focused on coaching Lahn instead. “Alright, so show me what you’ve got. Remember the intent part is far more important than anything else, and the imagery of what you need should be incorporated simultaneously when you channel the power through your Holy pillar. Got it?”

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Lahn nodded and began to cast. Raising his good arm forward, he closed his eyes and focused inwards on his soul apparatus. He could see the faint sparks of white energy channeling up the pillar, could see them etch themselves into the foundation, and slowly he opened his eyes again to see a small sphere of brilliant light forming in front of his outstretched hand.

“GREAT!” Allie exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and down just once and pointing towards the target carved into enchanted stone at the end of the gymnasium. “Now fire!”

Lahn concentrated, imagining the arc the holy bolt would need to take, and the orb began to move forward.

Only it veered left.

Slamming into another projectile further down the gymnasium, he saw his small holy projectile get crushed by a flurry of ice and snow - torn apart instantaneously by another more proficient caster who began to shriek in outrage.

“GET AHOLD OF YOUR MAGIC, LUCIO!” A shrill, high pitched scream from Precilla echoed through the room - getting a bout of laughter from multiple groups who’d seen the two magics collide. Her face was flushed red in irritation, and her yellow dress swayed when she pointed his way. “I had PERFECT MARKS until your stupid sphere made contact! Now look! The marker is going to record my attempt as a miss!”

Lahn visibly recoiled. “Sorry…”

“Fuck off bitch.” Allie called out with a dismissive wave of her hand. “It’s not like that pissant attempt at an ice flurry would have killed anyone anyways.”

This resulted in even more laughter, and Precilla’s red face almost matched the color of her orange hair as she stomped one foot into the ground. “I have had PERFECT marks thus far, Lady Wraithtide! Unlike you, who fails to even attend the most basic schedule of classes! It is apparent that only one of us is taking our training seriously, and we’ll see just who is superior by the end of the year for it!”

“Whatever.” Allie called back with a bored yawn. “Just shut the fuck up and stop screeching in the meantime, you’re annoying voice is nearly making my ears bleed.”

Even more laughter erupted from different parts of the audience, and Precilla’s anger was visibly rising. Strutting across the room right over to where Allie stood looking back at her with an impassive expression, Precilla stopped directly in front of her and pointed a finger in Allie’s face.

“If you’re so confident, you low class country bumpkin, I challenge you to a restricted duel.”

Excited muttering quickly replaced the laughter, and even the instructors were now looking over to see what the commotion was about.

Allie glanced over to Instructor Nester Rose, and then instructor Jupis Astirith. “Is that allowed here? Or do we need to take it out to the colosseum?”

Instructor Rose waltzed over, her thin-lipped smile quirked in amusement as she gazed down at Lucio as if telling him she knew he was the cause of this dispute. Perhaps she did know and had seen it from beginning to now. “We can do it here, though we’ll have to take up one side of the gymnasium to do it. It appears everyone is rather interested to see the end result anyways. Is that alright with all of you?”

Everyone’s attention was now drawn to the dramatic scene where Precilla was heaving angrily every breath she took, and Instructor Rose got a unanimous answer in the form of ‘Yes’ by the audience.

“Very well. Everyone spread out, the other instructors and I will set up a mana field.”

“Allie!” Lahn hissed under his breath as muttering began to pick up around the room and Precilla stomped off to be with her friends. “She’s really good! Probably just as good as you are, you don’t need to do this! You could lose!”

Allie’s amused giggle made her eyes sparkle, and she covered her mouth with a warm expression directed his way. “We’ll see about that.”

Gleetus sneered at them from the sidelines after watching the friendly interaction, then muttered something under his breath to a friend who only nodded with distaste in Lahn’s direction.

It didn’t take long for the instructors to set up a rectangular mana barrier, encompassing a field about half the size of the gymnasium with everyone present watching the proceedings. They’d had very minor practice bouts with pseudo-sparring sessions in the colosseum before, but Allie had never faced Precilla before and they were arguably two of the most competent people in the room alongside a few others.

Instructor Rose began the usual speech. “As usual, these restricted duels come with protective gear. Neither of you can or should remove the bracelets we dispense to you, unless you want to accidentally die. They are meant to save your life in case of an attack to potent, and will heal any wounds you receive afterwards within reason. Any wounds that the bracelets do not heal can be dealt with by us, or by the medical bay staff should it be severe. Outside of mortally wounding your opponent, you can do whatever you want to do in order to win - but you must stop if the instructors pause the fight. Failing to stop when instructed to do so by our staff will result in immediate expulsion. Any equipment damaged during a fight is not our problem, and it is your responsibility to get it repaired if you need to do so. Do I make myself clear?”

Allie nodded calmly with her arms crossed. Meanwhile, Precilla continued to snarl and drew out a very decorated wand with gold trimmings and diamond studs.

“Very well. Are there any further questions or words you’d like to have before the fight begins?”

“Yes, I do.” Precilla raised her hand to garner the attention of the class. She smiled wickedly Allie’s way, then raised he nose up as if in disgust. “I’d like to make a bet.”

Allie’s eyebrow quirked up in amusement. “What kind of bet?”

Precilla paused, dramatically looking Allie up and down and then gesturing with an upturned lip at Allie’s outfit. “I would like to have a wager of wealth on this fight… though I’m not sure how much you can afford to bet concerning how poor your family is.”

Laughter yet again echoed from around the room at Precilla’s jab at Allie’s outfit.

Precilla paused, waiting for the laughter to sink in. “I know your family is from a poor, and poorly known country estate. Based on how you dress I am concerned you may not be able to match me, but if you can - I’d like to bet my wand.”

Precilla held the sparkling, gold and diamond encrusted wand out for the admiration of everyone else. “It is worth at least a hundred platinum, if not two hundred platinum. Do you have anything to match? Anything at all?”

The noble lady in training cocked her prominent hip out to one side and rested her free hand on it, waiting expectantly with a confident smirk.

Allie hesitated for a moment, tapped her pointer finger on her chin, then shrugged. “I might.”

Allie first made a display of rummaging around in her spatial sack, as if searching for a time. Spatial sacks were very rare and of high value in of themselves, and no one had known up until now that it even was a spatial sack. They’d though it merely a bag she carried around. But when Allie pulled out a book that was far larger than the sack itself, two realizations hit the class simultaneously.

The first realization was that the bag was indeed a spatial sack and worth more than the wand itself. The second realization was that this book was of even far greater value, and although not many of them had identification classes or items to help them do so - the basic description of this book along with the way its aura pulsed through the room made things very obvious.

[The Prophets Call (Holy Grimoire, Legendary Holy Relic): ???]

Brilliant white and gold inscriptions were written into the back, front, and spine of the hard silver cover. It was rather large, and magic literally danced around the object like a thin cloud of radiance. The book’s presence was palpable, spreading warmth through the room like a cozy campfire on a cold winter’s day, and many of the people there felt not only rejuvenated - but energized just by looking at it.

“I believe this should suffice as reasonable compensation should I lose the bet.” Allie said plainly, handing the book to Instructor Rose - who just gawked at the item. “Though I highly doubt I’ll lose. I do believe that wand will look rather nice strapped at my hip.”

Precilla’s eyes were large, round with greed, and her fingers twitched while almost reaching out across the room as if to take the book now. “What is an unholy-based caster doing with such an item? That book is obviously not meant for you.”

Allie grinned, remembering how she’d stripped it off Prophet’s corpse. “Let’s just say it was a gift. Now are you going to stop gawking? Or do I need to wait?”

Turning back to glare at Allie despite the murmurings of admiration concerning the relic, Precilla nodded with a fire in her eyes. “Instructor Rose, please let us know when to proceed. I have a lowly country bumpkin to squash and a bet to win.”

Instructor Rose, who’d been turning the book over in admiration, quickly cleared her throat and stepped back from the wall of mana that encompassed the two combatants. “Very well. Are you both ready to begin?”

Both women nodded. Allie remained silent with folded arms while examining the protective bracelet meant for dueling, and Precilla took a casting stance with wand pointed in Allie’s direction.

“Then BEGIN!”

Instructor Rose made a chopping motion with her hand, and Precilla immediately went on the offensive.

A blast of ice and snow similar to the one Lahn’s tiny projectile had interrupted crossed the space between Precilla and Allie over the course of two seconds. Lahn took in a quick inhale of breath when he thought it was going to collide with Allie’s face, only to let out a sigh of relief and shock when the ice magic shattered and dispersed.

Precilla blinked rapidly, not understanding what had happened, and she swung her arm around in the air dramatically for another casting. Ice yet again billowed out and shot Allie’s way, only this time the rebuttal was more obvious.

Death mana, radiating out in waves of neon teal and dark black energy, briefly pulsed from Allie’s figure when she began to casually walk forward. The energy rebuffed the ice immediately, whipping forward and crushing the glacial magic in an instant.

“Is that an Aura?” Braden Rooze asked one of his acquaintances in a shocked whisper. “How does someone at this level already have an aura!?”

Becoming enraged, Precilla conjured a different spell. This time, a spike of ice three-fingers in diameter jutted out from the ground right behind Allie and ripped forward towards her left calf muscle.

Yet the same thing happened, and the ice shattered the moment it made contact with the aura surrounding Allie’s figure.

“What kind of treachery is this!?” Precilla shrieked, trying yet again as Allie continued to casually approach.

The ice shattered for the fourth time, leaving Precilla in shock and building dismay. But things changed even more dramatically when Allie took out her own wand next.

It was a thin instrument, longer than most other wands and created from black wood and ivory bone - with a very sharp end to it with jagged edges on one side akin to small vertebrae. The weapon was drawn out from her spatial sack, and the moment it appeared an overwhelming aura of dread overtook the entire room similar to what the book had done. This aura was far more malicious though, and it literally staggered not only Precilla - but many of the watching nobles too with one of them even keeling over right there and then. It was as if their very souls had been humbled in the wand’s presence.

The weapon hissed, and then it let out an ear-piercing shriek when Allie lifted it to point in Precilla’s direction.

Lahn’s jaw dropped as a billowing cloud of black and teal flames roared to life around Allie’s wand-holding hand, then her arm. Her silky brown hair whipped backwards with the explosion of power, and an uncharacteristic, malicious grin spread across her face as she laser-focused on Precilla in front of her.

The four walls of the containment field shuddered and cracked, and with another piercing scream from the wand in Allie’s hand - dozens of flaming strings tore forward to attack the other caster.

Precilla screamed in horror and anguish as she was penetrated all across her body. Needle-like threads of death mana ripped open her skin along her abdomen, neck, face, arms, legs and feet in a simultaneous flash of darkness. Precilla crumpled, seizing on the ground with dozens of burn marks as the attack immediately ceased. Her yellow dress was utterly destroyed.

The classroom remained silent aside from the calm footsteps of Allie’s boots. She came to stand over the seizing girl with a look of utter disgust, bent down, and ripped the diamond studded wand out of Precilla’s hand.

“Oh my! How pathetic!” Allie said with a giggle, a hand daintily covering her mouth, her malicious intent having gone as quickly as it had come. She attached the diamond studded wand at her hip, nodded in approval as she spun around, and then walked over to the barrier wall between her and instructor rose. Tapping the mana barrier with a finger just once, the magical construct the instructors had created shattered into a million pieces and drifted away into the air. Taking the holy relic out of Instructor Rose’s hands, she turned heel and sauntered over to where Lahn was gawking. “I think I’m over this class today. How about we go get some food? I’m hungry!”

Braden Rooze was quick on the uptake, nudging past another admirer and putting his handsome self at Lahn’s side. “I would be glad to accompany you for another meal in his stead if you don’t mind, Lady Wraithtide! Your display was quite remarkable, and I do believe I’d like to continue the conversation from earlier!”

Braden put a hand forward and touched Allie’s lower back, a little thing but something with tremendous weight behind the gesture. Lahn didn’t fail to notice it, and his eyes faltered, but was surprised when Allie took a step away from Braden with raised eyebrows.

“My dear sir.” Allie said with a soft smile, tisking at him and removing his hand. “Don’t get so frisky. I’m not spoken for yet, but that doesn’t mean you’re the man to do the job.”

She turned back to Lahn, smiled, and then knelt. “You ready to go? I have some stuff I want to talk to you about, and we can practice together in a more private setting in the colosseum later!”

Lahn gulped and nodded, watching as some of Precilla’s friends helped her back up and carried her out of the room towards the medical bay. “Yes, I’d love to go! But don’t you want to stay and keep practicing?”

The question was absurd after what he’d just witnessed. He and everyone else there knew it, but he couldn’t help but ask. He felt obligated to do so out of respect for Instructor Rose even despite Allie’s utter display of dominance. It was obvious that she didn’t need to be here, and she was likely only here - if Lahn had to guess - for political connections.

But if that was the case, then why had she chosen him? He was a nobody. Maybe she wanted to connect with his family?

“I’m fine, and I’d much rather have a scone.” Allie mused with another light-hearted laugh, coming around to Lahn’s back and beginning to push him forward out of the room. “As long as you have no objections, I’d actually only come today so that I could meet up with you and then leave. I’m very much wanting to try those new cream-cheese dumplings too… or the candied applies. This place has all sorts of tasty treats and I haven’t experienced even half of it yet!”


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