Elysium's Multiverse

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Trumpets sounded, and drums reverberated across the broad street between towering marble buildings of monumental architecture.

Kathrine Vonsilla Crushada the 9th, eldest daughter to the Duke and Dutchess of House of Crushada, 107th in line for the vampiric throne, was nervously waving to the crowds of vampires while they roared with thunderous applause.

Red flower petals poured down from the balconies and airships far overhead as an orange dawn broke the horizon and cast the beautiful hues of sunrise on the capital of their world. The prophecy concerning Riven and Allie had been spot on, marking the exact time and date that their altar would come into being and connect their world with the homeland they’d fallen so far from.

The return of a prince and princess was a big deal. To the senate, to the noble houses, to the High Queen Nephridi, and even to the masses. Even more so, it was a big deal to the enemies of their empire. It marked both the beginning of political discontent amongst the power players of their civilization, and marked The Blood Moon Requiem as an increasing threat to the surrounding systems of their controlled sects of space, but it was also symbolic in nature to their empire’s citizens. The queen’s favorite granddaughter was still missing, but her granddaughter's children had been found, and of all the citizens of their empire - the royal family had always produced the best and brightest of The Blood Moon Requiem. It symbolized potential, potential for the rise of a new chapter in their great dynasty, and it added yet another powerful cog to the network of prophetic potential that the royals represented. The royal bloodline was one of extreme power, and having not one - but TWO more of them capable of malignant prophecy would only further ensure the security of their people. After all, though Malignant Prophecy was found only within the royal lineage of their empire - only 20 of their number had ever been able to use this gift and was often found skipping generations despite aggressive or selective breeding practices.

Well, now that number was 22.

Kathrine continued to glide down the paved streets towards the brilliantly lit palace, and despite the sunlight - she was not bothered by the glare. It had long been the case that their homeworld was granted a great boon by the queen, allowing all vampires in their homeland to walk in the light as daywalkers would. And for that, Kathrine was truly appreciative. Some things could only have their beauty appreciated in the light.

Her long, perfectly combed and straight brown hair only barely shifted with each step she took at the front of the small column. The long, beautifully made black dress of embroidered red flowers that matched her glowing eyes flowed out behind her. Handpicked apprentices to elite military branches, all at the maximum level of 90 that the system would allow into the integrating world, marched in black, gray and red plate armor of intricate designs, huge pauldrons, visored plumed helms and metal boots. Each handpicked soldier wore elegantly crafted swords at their sides that were a cross between a scimitar and a longsword, runes etched into their blades, with flag-adorned halberds and tower shields displaying a black background behind a red crescent moon.

Ahead of her, up a wide flight of steps, positioned on the raised platform above the roaring crowds in front of the palace gates, was High Queen Nephridi in all her elegance. The long-lived matriarch of their empire was the undisputed powerhouse that ruled this sector of the galaxy, a true terror to their enemies and beloved by the people she lorded over that were not the lesser being slaved for livestock. Beside High Queen Nephridi were Kathrine’s parents, the Duke and Dutchess of House Crushada, given a place of honor in this ceremony after Kathrine was chosen to be the voice of their empire on Panu. They’d even been placed in front of the high queen’s own children and prince Jalel, the man who’d found the two new royals. Kathrine was still very young, slightly older than Riven and Allie actually, and met the low level requirements to enter the temporarily quarantined frontier world. She was the only member of the royal bloodline that met this qualification, and had been the youngest of their line up until the discovery of the new prince and princess.

Her parents had obviously been thrilled, but this in turn had caused friction between House Crushada and the other royal branch families that were jealous of the sudden favor bestowed upon them. It was written upon the faces of their rivals even now as the noble houses looked down on her approach from the platform above with thinly veiled contempt.

Most normal citizens would not recognize it for what it was, but after being raised as aristocracy - it was easily noticeable to her. It was evident in the way their eyes narrowed by the barest margin of a fraction, by the way they shifted slightly in their stance as if ready to pounce, or could be seen in the way their lips twitched at the corners of their mouths while they watched her walk forward.

She started up the marble steps, blood-red flower petals continuing to shower her in a drifting cloud of elegance while flags above shifted along a warm breeze. Keeping her posture perfect and eyes on the steps in front of her, she tried to contain the pounding of her heart.

Until she finally arrived.

She found herself kneeling at the edge of the platform, and a large portal behind the nobility and directed to their chosen altar ripped through space to show the rest of the trading commune awaiting her arrival on the other side.

“Kathrine vonsilla Crusahda the 9th…” High Queen Nephridi said softly, her words of palpable power echoing out above the trumpets and drums to silence them immediately along with the applause of the crowd. “I welcome you, child, and congratulate you on your selection.”

The queen’s own dark brown hair was decorated with red flowers over a form-fitting plain white dress, and the usual ruby amulet around her neck sparkled in the sunlight. Her young, extraordinarily beautiful features smiled warmly down at her distant niece, and a light touch ushered Kathrine to stand and meet her gaze.

The narrative has been taken without permission. Report any sightings.

“Thank you, majesty.” Kathrine stated with clasped handed in front of her, not daring to look over at her parents for emotional support despite how much she wanted to. This was without doubt the most important event of her life thus far, and she was deathly afraid of messing up.

Queen Nephridi gave an amused hum of contentment, red eyes looking her younger relative up and down approvingly, and she reached a hand out to fix Kathrine’s collar where it’d been ruffled by wind.

Kathrine blushed in embarrassment, keeping her eyes on the queen’s chest, but didn’t move.

“I hope you realize the importance of what you are doing.” Queen Nephridi said softly, her words still easily heard over the vast expanse of the long mainstreet leading through the capital where hundreds of thousands or even millions of people were now gathered. “Despite my power, I am unable to intervene directly with the events on this new planet. Panu, I believe it to be called. You will be my eyes and ears, a more direct line of communication, and will be responsible for guiding them back home. Despite the trainers, advisors, teachers, and resources we supply, it is a very real possibility that both the prince and princess will die in upcoming years. I know you never experienced one for yourself, being born in an already established world, but integration trials are not easy. Above all else, the invading armies of other kingdoms will no doubt soon be aware of their existence, and be it murder or a hostage situation for political gain - they will seek to harm both Riven and Allie. And you. Their world is far from our own borders, and we cannot spare the legions we have on a crusade so far from our lands. That means that, aside from the trade access and benefits thereof, we will be unable to send aid. Their altar could be attacked at any moment, assassins could come for you or them, and you must be aware of the risks. Do you still willingly accept this position as the mouth of the empire in my stead?”

There was a palpable silence as Kathrine Vonsilla Crushada, eldest daughter to the Duke and Dutchess of House Crushada, took in a breath. “I humbly and willingly accept this position of honor, your majesty.

Kathrine bowed, and the crowds roared with approval.

“Good.” The queen smiled, glancing over to Kathrine’s beaming parents with a nod. “Prepare yourself Kathrine, the portal is ready, and the prince has just accepted our trade agreement as prophesied. It is time you leave, and if you ever need anything - you know where to find me.”


Kathrine stepped onto a platform of black metal plates underneath a star-filled night sky. Overhead a black spire familiar to her as an unholy-oriented altar displayed a green halo of flames, and a chill night breeze rustled her black and red dress.

Standing behind her were the advisors, trainers, merchants, and other important people of the empire that The Blood Moon Requiem had sent over to Panu. Behind them still were two columns of heavily armored soldiers, all level 90, all elites for their level and grade. Their tower shields and halberds waving with the black flag of the crescent red moon blew in the wind just as Kathrine’s brown hair did, and her glowing eyes settled onto two sets of similar gazes not far off.

She briefly glanced behind her, looking up at the small stone keep with towers and battlements that’d been sent over as their version of the trade commune, and she nervously took in another deep breath before solidifying her resolve and walking forward. To know that the eyes of the entire empire were on her right now through scrying abilities crossing the portal was… intimidating, to say the least.

Two of her thrall servants, both older human men in nicely fitted satin robes with cleanly cut beards, followed behind her mutely. Each carried a small intricately carved box made from ebony and platinum, with the royal crest of the blood moon depicted on the lids.

Holding her head high in front of the rather shoddy-looking bunch of characters, Kathrine came to a stop only ten feet away. It was an odd bunch: demons, orcs, various undead, and even a human who was no thrall in the background, all stared at her silently. She looked right to the other trading commune that’d been set up. It was from a small and insignificant dungeon from the hellscapes that’d been part of Riven’s tutorial process to her knowledge, and she was rather uninterested in the lot as they stared her way.

Refocusing on her primary objectives, she politely smiled and briefly curtsied. “My name is Kathrine Vonsilla Crushada the 9th, eldest daughter to the Duke and Dutchess of House of Crushada, 107th in line for the vampiric throne. I believe we are distant cousins, Riven and Allie Thane, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintances.”

There was a pause as Allie and Riven exchanged looks.

“Uhm… Well this is unexpected and I’m not quite sure how to react.” Riven, the newly found prince said while scratching the back of his head. “It’s nice to meet you, but… you’re really related to my mom and dad then?”

“Told you!” Athela crowed from the background with a laugh while the jabob demon and incubus nearby just gawked in muted silence.

Before Kathrine could reply, the princess butted in.

“Do you know if my mother is back in your world?” Allie asked with a concerned furrow of her brows. “Do you know anything about her disappearance?”

Kathrine opened her mouth to speak, unsure of how to reply, but hesitantly shook her head. “We are not sure where Princess Sheline is, I am sorry. High Queen Nephridi hopes to find her though, and informed me to tell you both that - should you ask about it - ongoing efforts to find her granddaughter and her granddaughter's husband are underway in full force.”

Allie’s face fell in dismay, but she nodded in acceptance with a glum expression.

Riven’s disappointment was apparent too, and he held out a hand to take his sister’s in his own. Gently squeezing it, he gave her whispered words of encouragement - something that was somewhat of a shock to Kathrine. Growing up in an aristocratic family, shows of affection like this in public were often frowned upon and considered signs of weakness. However the prince and princess did it so openly, so blatantly, that it temporarily stunned Kathrine into silence.

She had to remind herself that her own upbringing was far different from those of these two newfound royals, and internally considered what it would mean and how much she’d have to teach them about court life and the proper way to hold oneself in the public eye.

“Riven and Allie Thane, or better said - Riven and Allie of House Wraithtide, we have much to speak about.” Kathrine gestured towards the immaculate keep that their commune had set up in. “Would it be alright if we speak in private? There are many sensitive topics I’d like to discuss, and I’m sure you have lots of questions.”

But before Riven or Allie could reply, the thrall servant next to Kathrine let out an abrupt scream. He dropped the present from the queen while falling to his knees, clutched at his bulging gut, and his body exploded in a hail of blood and silver shrapnel imbued with white fire that raced towards all three of the royals like homing missiles.

Kathrine had little time to register the assassination attempt in her confusion before hot, searing anti-vampire metals and enchantments ripped through her abdomen and soared straight for Allie’s head.


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