Elysium's Multiverse

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Riven’s journey back was a quiet one while he contemplated the things Gurth’Rok the orc had said. Pondering the chieftain’s words and feeling not just a little bit guilty about slaughtering so many of them to defend the elvish village, he wondered what the morally right choice would have been.

But he did not dwell on it for long. In this world, he could only do what he thought was right at the time. Thinking about how he ‘could’ have done something differently would not change the past, and to mope on it would be nothing but pathetic.

So he chalked it up to a learning experience, and would try not to make the mistake of assumptions again. He knew sometimes it couldn’t be helped, but that was life and he’d just do his best.

Firelight flickered and crackled where a small pit in the dirt had been dug by Ren. Azmoth had helped light the fire, while Fay and Athela had set up a defensive perimeter using webs and unholy detonation traps.

“You’re staring again.” Riven stated flatly, staring into the fire without looking up. “Is there something I can help you with? Anything you want to talk about? You seem nervous.”

Ren was fidgeting with a knife he had in his hands, and had been giving Riven side-eyes whenever he thought the vampire wasn’t looking. Riven could also hear his heartbeat racing every time the elf talked about getting back to the village, and the man almost looked sick by the way he was occasionally caught sweating even at night.

Ren coughed, covering his mouth with one arm and sank his knife into the dirt beside him. He pushed his legs out in front, closer to the fire, and shook his head. “Sorry, it’s just odd traveling with a vampire is all. Very strange, I never thought I’d be in a position like this.”

Riven tucked the black communication bauble he’d been speaking to Allie with into a pocket of his robe, then took in a deep breath of fresh mountain air. “It’s nice out here. Isn’t it?”

Dr. Brass nodded wordlessly and adjusted his glasses, a content smile on his face. “It’s peaceful.”

Ren looked around, eyeing Azmoth while the brutalisk sat cross-legged and flipping his tail back and forth from side to side. “Uhm… yes, it’s rather peaceful.”

Riven slowly and sadly smiled. “Yes. Yes it is. I wish it could always be that way.”

The fire crackled and writhed, eating away at the wood while none of the men said a single word. Further into the forest underneath the dark canopy of trees, the sounds of Fay and Athela chatting and bathing in a stream could be heard too - in conjunction with occasional crickets or owls hooting under a starry night.

The silence was eventually interrupted minutes later when Riven cleared his throat and addressed the elf again. “So what has Ethel said about me recently? I’m a little nervous, making her my thrall. I don’t want her to think I’m taking advantage of her.”

Ren was happy to start up a new topic of conversation. “Oh! She and my daughter Senna both say great things about you.”

“But what exactly?” Riven pressed with a polite smile, arms folded and legs crossed in a sitting position with his back to a log.

Dr. Brass was curious too, and he sat up a little straighter to listen in.

Ren scratched his head, then looked up thoughtfully to the stars in the sky. “Hmm. Well, they talked a lot about your battle prowess. How you were nice enough to help them when you could have let the goblins eat them. Ethel is a bit nervous to become your thrall but she’s also excited, or at least that’s what she told me.”

“Has she told you anything about Brightsville?” Riven asked, getting a frown of confusion from the other man.

“Is that the city where your sister is? The other vampire?”

“Yes, that’s the one!” Riven gave a bit, toothy smile. “I talked a lot about Allie, I hope she and Ethel will become good friends over time. I think they’ll like one another.”

Upon the topic of Allie, Ren perked up a bit. “Ah, yes! Ethel told us stories about her. She has another coven or something like that in a tower there, right?”

“Right. She’s setting up an undead faction there, it’s not really a coven per say but it’s full of other ghouls, skresh, some bone or blood golems, that kind of thing. I saw a couple other types of lesser, mindless minions but those were mostly skeletons or zombies.”

Riven hesitantly glanced to Ren from the corner of his eye, and the man was visibly trying not to react.

“Oh…” Ren stated, seemingly surprised. “A necropolis then. It’ll be good to have such strong allies nearby now that the world has turned upside down.”

“Definitely. We’d be more than happy to help you out and protect the village, Allie has already said she would send a group down here to clear out any local monsters. But only if that’s what you want.”

Riven shot the man another quick glance, and Ren’s expression was conflicted.

“I… We would appreciate that.” Ren said with a nervous smile, scratching the back of his neck with one hand.

“Of course that can only happen when the war with Prophet is over.” Riven stated with a yawn. “Ah, excuse me. I’m rather tired. Did Ethel ever mention the war? I don’t know too much about it, but apparently my sister is planning something big.”

He let the comment hang there, still staring at the flames, while Ren contemplated his words.

Eventually, after much fidgeting with his knife, Ren glanced up. “So what’s the big move? Ethel told me something of the war, but not a lot.”

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“Oh? What did she tell you? That way I can fill you in on the rest without wasting too much time.” Riven grinned and motioned with his hand over to where Athela and Fay were loudly laughing. “You know how girls are with their gossip. She probably told you most of the big details, but I just want to make sure I’m not glazing over unimportant stuff.”

“Uh… Just the basics.” Ren stated with a shrug. “Your sister has a tower, Prophet and her are fighting, those kind of details.”

“Did she mention the recent battle?” Riven raised an eyebrow.

Ren slowly nodded. “Yes… Your sister routed Prophet and sent him into the north. Is that right?”


“Well that’s about all I know. So what’s this news about a new plan your sister has? I’m curious.” Ren held out his hands helplessly to either side. “I don’t get out of the village much.”

To this, Riven let on a low chuckle and nodded in understanding. He uncrossed and recrossed his legs with the opposite leg on top, then snorted. “Hmmm. Where to start.”


Riven intentionally set a slow pace, wanting to enjoy the scenic view of the mountains and wildlife around him. Ren went on ahead to talk to the village, a scouting party of elves had already went on to inform the village of their impending and victorious arrival, and Riven sent Dr. Brass away with Athela and Fay to go level the man up. The old man was determined to join Riven in the ranks as a vampire himself, mostly due to the fact that his old age would soon be the end of him, and Riven respected it. He wouldn’t want to die of old age either, and the vampiric curse was more of a blessing than anything else for Dr. Brass because of that.

A shrill wind, far colder than most days provided, rustled the treetops under a cloudy gray sky as Riven’s boots crunched leaves underfoot. The beginnings of autumn were upon them, and speckles of orange and yellow dotted the oak trees in patches across the countryside. Taking a position on a hill, Riven couldn’t help but wonder just how long he’d have gone missing out on this kind of hiking lifestyle should the system have never set in.

He’d spent far longer indoors than he’d realized back then, in his old life.

Unholy mana drifted on the currents around him, settling into the surroundings with only a light touch so that animals or people wouldn’t be disturbed by it. His aura was a palpable thing now, and on command he could retract or press on the environment around him - influencing the shifting tides of power in ways that he’d never have guessed at prior to his revelations in the hospital basement.

“There.” Azmoth pointed down the hill with a wicked, black claw. His body flickered with cinder, and his rows of black teeth grinned in excitement. “We back to the elf home!”

Beyond the hill and across a flatter area of land at the base of the mountain was Greenstalk Village.

“Indeed we are…” Riven muttered absentmindedly, gesturing for Azmoth to lead the way. “After you my friend.”

Azmoth carried four large barrels, one for each arm, each one a gift from the orcs and a tribute to the elvish peoples as a peace offering. They contained odds and ends, and an observer could see textiles, weapons, cutlery and foodstuffs poking out of the tops of each. The large brutalisk proudly stomped down the hill just ahead of the smaller, cloaked man but kept the overall pace. The village was stirring, already many of them congregating on the periphery where a long stretch of flat ground devoid of many trees opened up within the forest. Many of the remnant elf warriors were present, along with Elder Bren, Elder Preen, Ethel and Ethel’s entire family with the exception of Len. Even Farrod and Senna were there.

The masked vampire, eyes glowing red underneath a hooded cloak, waved overhead to the happy group of men and women awaiting his arrival. As he got closer, he and Azmoth were greeted with shouts of celebration from the village periphery.

Azmoth trudged on, placing the barrels at the feet of Elder Bren with a proud humph. Each of the four large barrels caused the earth to shake slightly under their weight, and the elves gawked wide-eyed at the treasures pushing out their tops.

“For you, from orcs.” Azmoth stated with a large grin, folding his four arms over his chest before scratching his neck with an extra maw - only to reel in the maw into his back again. “They peace offering.”

“I see that!” Elder Preen cooed, stepping forward past the demon and running a hand ver some of the textiles. “This is quality work. How did the orcs have such things with them? Had they raided these from other settlements?”

Riven’s form halted a dozen feet away, hands in his pockets while he evaluated the crowd. “Yeah. That’s what they said anyways”

The vampire glanced over at the scouting party who’d informed the village of his impending arrival, all of them along the sideline where the trees of the forest started growing thicker. They all gave him nods of appreciation, and he nodded back with a wave. “Did they tell you about the peace deal I brokered?”

“The orcs are leaving these lands is what they told us.” Elder Bren said stiffly, rubbing his chin and holding a beautiful gold and ruby necklace up before glancing over at Ethel. “For you, dear? It is your future master that did this for us.”

The young woman blushed, and shot Riven a look. “Well, would you mind Riven?”

She couldn’t see his facial expresions from underneath the mask he wore, but he nodded and the elf smiled wide. “Thank you so much!”

She took the necklace from Elder Bren and place it around her neck, with her mother coming over to take a look.

“This is so nice! Very good job Riven!” Genua laughed along with the merriment of the others, then shot Riven wink and then turned back to the village. “Oh I almost forgot! Len and I are supposed to pick mushrooms today. I’ll meet up with all of you later!”

Ethel’s mother waved over her shoulder and disappeared through the crowd.

Motioning for some of the younger warriors to take the barrels of goods, Elder Bren waved at Riven to come forward. “Come, lad! Let me have a look at you!”

People quickly started making room for Riven and the elder to speak with one another, and a large space where the elder stood became devoid of anyone else except for Riven, Azmoth, and the old man.

“Come on, don’t be shy!” Elder Bren laughed while urging Riven to step up to him - opening up his arms in an embrace. He then gave Riven a confused scowl when the vampire continued to look around, shaking his head back and forth, before Elder Bren lowered his arms again. “Are you alright?”

Riven stared at the ground in front of him, right next to where Azmoth and the elder now stood. “Uhm… No. Not really.”

There was a sudden silence, and an awkward pause between Riven and the group of elves.

“Do you wish to speak to me about something?” Elder Bren asked curiously, hunching even more than usual and grasping an amulet around his neck with furrowed brows. “Speak boy! This is your victory celebration! Look there, Ethel is just waiting for you!”

The pretty elf waved nervously from the sidelines and head bobbed for Riven to continue towards the village leader. Riven stared back, then looked to the ground in front of Elder Bren’s feet again while blinking rapidly.

Eventually Riven stepped forward, one foot in front of the other, until he came within just a few feet of the old man. Azmoth was to his left, and the old man’s smile widened.

“Good… Good man.” Elder Bren kept a hand on the amulet around his neck, and he pat Riven on the shoulder reassuringly while the vampire continued to get glares from Elder Preen not far off. “What’s wrong? You seem… off. You should be happy! I mean, just look at all the goods you’ve brought us! This is a day for celebration and nothing less.”

Riven noted the barrels in the crowd of elves behind where they stood, then slowly nodded just once. He cleared his throat and pulled the hood down slightly over his red eyes. When he spoke, his voice shook slightly. “Please. Please don’t do this.”

There was a dead silence. Everyone immediately shut up, and Elder Bren’s eyes widened.

In a flash of light the old man ripped off his amulet and flung it on the ground, causing the earth around them to explode into hundreds of thick vines that whipped out of the ground. Thorns dug into Azmoth and Riven alike, pulling them tightly down as Azmoth roared, and pre-drawn runes of finely ground powder lit up a vibrant green or white for over a dozen yards around them; with Riven at its center.

But Riven remained stoic.



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