
Chapter 194: Two Paths

Chapter 194: Two Paths

Chapter 194 Two Paths

Heart racing, panic twisted his guts. Kai suppressed the impulse to run. This was straight out of his worst nightmares, kidnapped by the Republic to be never seen again.

Its not the time for foolish ideas. I need to think about this rationally.

Improvisation wrote surprise and a hint of fear on his face, he needed to stall without alerting them.

From the way the two enforcers were eyeing him, there was no chance to convince them they had the wrong guy. The paper they checked must have his description.

Its the damn file they have about me. Dont worry my ass.

The guy in his thirties was in charge. He had a crooked nose, probably broken in a brawl and never healed properly. The other one in his mid-twenties stood a step back, trying to look stern, though the attempt was somewhat defeated by his ridiculous mustache.

The recruits stationed in the archipelago were all relatively young except for high officers and those sent here as punishment. The two enforcers had reached Orange in both race and profession. He might beat them, or at least get away if he took them by surprise.

Dont be rash. Think. If I attack an officer, the Republic will chase me to Elydes edge. And Ill have to reveal my grade and skills.

Ehm why do you need me? Am I in any trouble, sir? Kai looked up at the two men looming over him with wide eyes. From the way they postured, it was more than a courtesy visit. Still, they hadnt grabbed him, so they didnt see him as a threat. Its quite late. If you tell me what it is, Ill be happy to come to the precinct first thing in the morning.

Just a little kid with a reasonable request. Have a little decency!

The two men exchanged a look, broken-nose guy took the lead again. The order to bring you in for questioning was signed by the commander himself. Look kid, I dont think youre in any trouble, but you must come with us now. We have clear orders. He flashed an official-looking paper, an illegible signature over a hawk sigil at the bottom.

Kai only managed to read a few lines, not that it would have made a difference. This wasnt Earth: if the Republic wanted to take him for interrogation, they didnt need a reason. Resisting would just give them excuses to arrest him.

Huh he frowned, hoping to look naive and puzzled. Cant you tell me why I have to come, sir? He observed their reaction and carefully extended Mana Sense to read their energy flow. It was considered very rudebut only if he got caught.

When mustache-guy looked uncertain at his partner, and his flow stilted, that was all the answer he needed. Im not at liberty to say, the other enforcer replied, impassive.

They wouldnt make it a mystery if I was some kind of suspect. They dont know. Is this about Valela? No, that doesnt make sense either. She would have come herself or sent a message if she wanted to collect her favor. It must be some other shady bullshit

He didnt have the time or information to figure it out. The enforcers were getting impatient. Can I go put on some proper clothes? Kai gestured to his loose shirt and bare feet. I imagine soon didnt mean naked.

Broken-nose gave him a once-over and grunted. Be quick, kid.

Itll take just a minute. Kai closed the door before they could think of coming inside and raced up the stairs.

Flynn was standing in the doorway of his room. He rubbed his temples, still weakened from the backlash of the discard. Everythings okay? Who was it?

Two enforcers asked me to go with them.

His gaze focused, suddenly alert. I'll keep them busy. He nodded with a determined look. You run from the window and dont stop till you reach the western beach. Therell still be a crowd around, and the guards at the gate never stop anyone.

Did he already have an escape plan?

Wait. Kai raked a hand through his hair. If I was in trouble, they wouldnt have left me out of their sight. It might be just some bureaucratic nitpick.

But if its nothing, why the urgency and secrecy? Higharbor is a city of tens of thousands, the captain wont deal with minor cases. What do I do? Dammit!

Are you sure? Flynns eyes kept darting to the door, his hand fiddled with a throwing knife. If you go with them, we dont know where theyll bring you. You might not get another chance to leave.

If I run away, theyll know I have something to hide, Kai reasoned out loud. He headed to his bedroom to get dressedthat would be useful either way. Id have to leave the city and hide or find a way off the archipelago. But all the ships that sail for the mainland leave from here. And if they have a file about me, theyll know to keep an eye on Reishi too.


Calm down. Flynn stopped him from pacing, a deep frown on his face. I know a way to get into contact with the right people if you need to hide.

His brain caught up with him and he stared in disbelief. You mean the Voice? He whispered even though the soundproofing muffled his voice. Did you keep in touch with them after what happened!

I dont have anything to do with them, I just know theyre out there. Flynn crossed his arms. Im not talking about Maela. There are many groups of the Voice that cut contact with her, and now I suspect I know the reason.

His eyes wandered lost for a moment before they snapped back to the present. Anyway, whats important is that a group is in Higharbor. Its not hard to find them in the lower city if you know what signs to look out for. From what I gathered, they deal in contraband and steal from the governors warehouses. Theyll know how to make people disappear.

Kai bit his cheek. His choices were too limited to discard the possibility. Do you trust them?

Not really, but more than the Republic. I didn't have any dealings with them, so I cant say for sure. I just put together the hints and rumors. They wont mind helping you if it hinders the Republic, and with your abilities, you can make it worth their while. They might also offer a way out of the archipelago.

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A way out

Loud knocks came from the door, the enforcers were getting impatient. The capital only employed the best for themselves. It was possible they were monitoring the windows. Kai checked his reserves, his mana was almost full.

I can lose them if I use Empower and Shadow spells.

Running would give him time to figure out what the Republic was after. There would be ways to patch up the situation later if he didnt commit any grave crime, though it would wreck every plan he made for his future.

I guess thats out the window either way.

If he went with them, it might be nothing or it might get him forever entangled in the governors schemes. They might not give him another chance to escape.

Spirits, why couldnt they mind their own business for one more year?

The knocks got more insistent. He needed to make a choice now.

Fuck it.

Kai headed down the stairs toward his doom. He couldnt predict the response of the Republic if he ran. His family, Reishi and Flynn might get involved. With a baby on the way, he couldnt do that to his mom.

Are you sure? Flynn stopped him.

I am. It was a gamble he needed to take. Here, keep this safe for me. Kai took off his silver ring. He couldnt risk getting caught with it and all it contained if he got searched. One thing was hiding his grade and profession, another was carrying two priceless artifacts.

His hand felt wrong without it. Kai didnt linger and opened the door with an embarrassed smile. Sorry, I needed to use the bathroom.

The senior enforcer eyed him, lowering the hand used to knock. Uh, its fine. Lets go.

Mustache-guy came back from the nearby alley overlooked by the windows of his house. They made him walk between them, deflecting any other question with monosyllabic answers.

Not like Im going to run now.

Tipsy people filled the streets, the nightlife of the capital was in full swing. Crossing the Ring Road, they got looks, loud whispers, and even some giggles. A kid sided by two burly enforcers: it might have looked funny if he wasnt the one getting escorted.

They continued into the upper city to the garrison headquarters. Kai reckoned the architects must have used up their creative energy designing the town hall and the council assembly. The large squat building was made of a familiar ivory stone, looming over the road like a boulder. It was imposing for sure, though quite plain compared to its gilded neighbors.

Since were here, I can scratch the secret murder possibility

This way. The enforcers led him through a side entrance.

Kai was firmly guided through the corridors with a hand on his shoulders, uncaring of his curiosity. Mana Sense grinded against the invisible bonds of warding the building. It was like watching through mud, his vision and range were restricted to a skill of half its level.

Shit! I truly walked into the dragons den.

A shiver ran down his spine. The reality of the situation started to sink in. He almost regretted his choice. Hallowed Intuitions silence was only partially reassuring. There were plenty of awful things they could do without technically harming him.

Bless Yatei, I didnt discard Improvisation.

Most of the personnel in the building were high Orange, Yellows werent rare either, many with a fighting profession. His fate hung on his acting skill.

And they might also recognize Im using one if Im not careful. Great.

Wait here.

Kai was shoved inside a plain gray room with no features except a table and two chairs. The door clicked shut behind him. He was trapped. His hands moved to fiddle with his ring, only it wasnt there.

And I thought things couldnt get better.

He paced the three meters of the room before sitting down. Was someone watching him? The walls were enchanted, blocking his senses from piercing. The runes were meticulously drawn but uninspired, there was no art in them, as if the enchanter had followed a textbook line for line. He could probably unravel the design in an hour.

A nice way to kill time.

Kai was halfway through the process when the door opened and two people in uniform walked in. A man with graying hair hunched by age, and a woman with a stone facade.

You didnt tell me it was a mutt child, the man sneered in distaste, showing his yellowing teeth. Kai didnt need to read the shiny badges on his chest to know the geezer must be the commander. Despite his average stature and physique, the aura of power was unmistakable.

About at Yeikos level

You said to follow all possible leads, sir. The woman browsed through a folder. From our record, hes quite accomplished for his age. Given our situation and his proximity, I thought it would be worthwhile to check. She gestured casually with her papers.

The geezer stared down to read. He scratched his beard, taking a second look at him. Fine. Find out what the mutt knows. Ive already wasted enough time on this. He strode out of the room grumbling.

Well, thats somehow relieving, he doesnt look too sharp. Hmm I might sleep in my bed tonight.

The woman closed the door and took the seat in front of him. Forgive his manners, being in charge can be very stressful. Youre Kai Tylenn, correct? The son of Rellan and Alana Tylenn. Her smile looked so genuine Kai trusted it less than Flynns description of Shifting Shadow.


I must thank you for coming so readily, Kai. You can call me Inspector Seryne. She seemed everything the captain wasnt, professional and in possession of a functioning brain.

Kai was pretty sure the badges on her uniform werent those of an inspector, but he managed to clump his mouth shut before it could blabber. He bobbed his head. Can you tell me why Im here?

Yes, you must excuse the sudden summon. Were investigating a difficult case and could use all the help you can give us. There is no need to be nervous. Ill ask you a few questions and send you on your way.

That answered exactly nothing. What are they hiding?

Yes, maam. Ill do what I can.

Excellent. There might even be a little reward for you if you know something important. She winked with a conspiratorial look. So dont hold back on any details, no matter how minor they are. You were born in Whiteshore, correct?

Kai answered a series of random questions about his life, his parents occupation and personal interests. He couldnt tell what she was after apart from muddying the waters. She focused on mundane details and then flew over the estate.

This cant be about me if the commander didnt think I was worth his time. Was it all a ruse to lower my guard?

Despite his ego, he wasnt important enough to require such measures. He left Improvisation in charge of his body while sticking mostly to the truthnot counting his feelings on the Republic. Flynn told him being entirely honest was as suspicious as lying when talking to someone with a truth detection skill. Enforcers loved taking those abilities.

Seryne noted down his interest in history and turned the page. You were involved in an accident with a sea serpent about a year ago? It was in the Vastaire ruins on the western coast.

It wasnt surprising they knew since they had harvested the remains. Yes, I was there with my friends to visit the ruins.

Did you notice anything peculiar before the beast attacked?

I dont know Kai scrunched his forehead. It all happened so quickly. The serpent came out of nowhere, and I I thought it would eat me. Thankfully it was already injured.

Seryne nodded sympathetic. You were lucky indeed. Do you have any idea where the sea serpent could have come from?

It came out of the sand near the ruins.

I see. Then one final question, youve been very helpful, Kai. She pulled out a sheet from her folder placing it before him. Do you recognize any of these symbols?

He observed them intently. I think they are Vastaire glyphs. My dad had a few of them.

And do you know what they say?


Seryne smiled again, a wide grin. Why dont you take a second look, Kai? I think you might remember something.


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