
Chapter 183: Oh Oh Oh!

Chapter 183: Oh Oh Oh!

Chapter 183 - Oh Oh Oh!

Why dont you close the door and sit? Reishi put down the package and massaged his scaly temples.

Huh I let myself get carried away.

Kai took a seat with a sliver of guilt. Thank you for the present. What did you get me? He picked the abandoned gift and carefully undid the golden wrapping. There werent many objects with sharp squared edges.

Its a book. He wished he could sound more enthusiastic. The tome looked old and expensive, worthy of his collection. The yellowing paper was protected by a carmine leather cover filigreed with floral motifs. He would gladly spend hours browsing the contents, if his mind wasnt occupied by his unborn sibling.

Not just any book. The merman scowled. Its the diary of master alchemist Lyliana Lyveli, and it contains some of her recipes.

The name didnt ring any bells, his education on important personages was quite poorsince his teachers didnt want to give away their origins. This Lyliana must have been notable, the title of master carried a certain weight on the mainland. Many would be outraged by how it was thrown around in the archipelago.

He leafed through the pages with a growing suspicion. Did you give me a recipe book so that I could brew them for you?

The merman gasped. Do you have such a low opinion of me? He shook his head ruefully. You dont have to do anything. Sure, itd be a waste to not brew some of those potions, and they would sell really well, but thats entirely up to you.

Kai gave him a flat look. Im surrounded by shameless people. And pray tell, did you also happen to get your hands on the ingredients required?

His pointy smile broadened. Isnt the world full of wonderful coincidences? Tell me that's not the perfect gift. No? Failing to elicit any reaction, Reishi pivoted to the previous topic. You wanted to talk about enhancing elixirs, right? He composed himself in his armchair, long fingers crossed on the desk. In a blink, he wore an impenetrable businesslike facade.

Yes, Kai let his thoughts flood freely with rising excitement. I read there are elixirs to increase the grade of an unborn baby, or at least improve the odds. There were also others for different benefits, but thats what Im most interested in. I dont care about the cost.

May I ask where you learned about them? Any trace of mirth was gone from his voice and demeanor.

I Kai took a second to recall. Yep, it was definitely at the estate. I read it in my masters library.

The merman nodded without surprise. And I assume this sudden interest isnt simply academic curiosity but necessity. A new family member perhaps?

My moms expecting. The baby is due in about seven months.

Spirits, I cant believe its really happening.

Mhmm Reishi tapped his nails on the mahogany table. Well, congratulations to your family. Its good you came here now. These types of elixirs need to be taken at a specific time to be effective.

Kai leaned forward in his chair with trepidation. So you can get them?

Its not that simple. Reshi's icy eyes fixed on him. You need to promise this conversation wont leave this room.

Again, he was taken aback by his seriousness. Yes, I swear. He must be missing a piece of vital information.

Reishi exhaled a slow breath. Any elixirs to improve the grade, affinities, attributes or other qualities of an unborn is a strategic resource and heavily regulated. The Merian Republic is no exception. Unless you can get official permission, wed need to skirt the gray line of the law, heavily.

Of course its the government meddling. Why did I even wonder?

He had underestimated his request. Grades determined peoples future and social status, naturally the Republic would keep both hands on the market. Uh I dont want to put you into a difficult position.

Its fine, Reishi reassured him. But it will be very expensive even for the red elixirs, and risky. Smuggling the most precious elixirs is a capital offense. We wont deal with anything that rare, but you need to understand they dont treat these kinds of things lightly.

Another way for the people in charge to cling to their power, I assume.

Something like that. The merman confirmed with a humorless chuckle. Let me be clear, Ill deny knowing anything if they find you out. Are you sure you want to do this?

Thats only fair. I He should probably spend long days thinking about this, shouldnt he? And definitely ask Alana and Moui. But Reishi also said the timing was crucial to use them.

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

Kai chewed his cheek. Higher attributes meant more Life Experience, faster skill leveling and a cascade of other benefits. The progression feats were a nice consolation prize, but between saving crucial years of effort and a few points of Favor, there wasnt a question at all.

It was a massive advantage for the children on the continent, Kai had envied them since the day Virya told him about it. He wouldnt be able to be present for the childhood of the baby, but if he could do this, he could give him or her a better start in life. Even Red meant being years ahead of his peers.

I am. I want to try this. Get the option ready if my family agrees. Kai held his gaze, determined. If youre sure it wont put you in danger.

I wouldnt have offered it if I wasnt comfortable with the danger. Reishi waved him off. Enhancing elixirs for red grade should be accessible to anyone with money and connection, but the governor has been keeping an iron grip on them. I imagine the mana situation of the archipelago makes them more precious.

How much is it going to cost?

Reishi made a noncommittal grumble, rummaging through his drawers. I dont usually deal with these types of commodities. Ill make some inquiries and we can discuss the details when I know more. If my contacts dont fail me, I should get back to you by the week.

Since the merman was pensive and focused on his documents, Kai took it as a silent dismissal and left. Thank you for the book. The butler briskly saw him out, slamming the gate after him. Kai hardly paid attention to the cranky Alfred, mulling over the conversation. Perhaps it wasnt fair to ask for such a favor. Not that he could do anything now.

Why cant I ever think first?

True, he hadnt known what his request entailed, though he could have guessed a lot of it, and asked in a more tactful way instead of a rash demand.

Guess Ill have to brew whatevers in this book, and then some, to make it up to him.

Reaching home saved him from further speculation. His birthday wasnt over yet, and six people were waiting for him inside.

Time to smile.

The white door opened and Kai dove into a flurry of voices. He got a brief respite to deposit his new book in his room before he was dragged to his birthday party downstairs.

Two tables had been pushed together to make room for Sabe and Flynn, plates with steaming food at the ready. Alana had ensured everything was delicious and abundant. Between each bite, Kai fended off an unending stream of questions about Higharbor. He had been telling them about the mysterious capital since he came back, but their curiosity was insatiable.

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When they cleared the table, his family and Flynn shared embarrassing stories about him. Kai couldnt really be mad at him since his mom and Ele were the instigators.

He was such a cute baby, always glowering at people. They laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world.

It was not.

Why did I expect anything different? And why does Sabe need to be here?

It was one thing being teased by his friends and family, another to have Eles new boyfriend hear and chuckle at his less stellar moments. Worse yet, the tall guy didnt even have the decency to offer a good reason to hate him. Never showing the perverse colors he was sure to be hiding.

Im onto you.

Kai, this is for you. Ele pulled him aside and offered him a tiny velvet pouch.

I told you I didnt need anything. Kai kindly reproached. A dark sapphire pearl tied with a silver thread fell out of the pouch. His palm tingled with the telltale signs of mana.

Happy birthday, little brother. I know its not much, but I immediately thought of you when I found it. Do you want me to add this one to the other?

Ele gestured to the green bead at his wrist. The first mana treasure she had found while diving in Greenside and the gift for his seventh birthday.

Thank you, sis, I love it. Kai hugged her and let her tie it to his bracelet.

From the deep blue glow, the pearl was well into orange grade, made more precious by its water affinity. Elemental treasures were rare and harder to use since they required the crafter to have the same affinity. With the latest upgrade to Alchemy, he had a few ideas on how it could be done.

No, Im not going to grind my sisters gift with a mortar. Shut up brain!

It was worth a small pile of silver, but it was what it represented that moved him. Ele must have dove into one of the deepest pools off the coast to find it, and instead of selling it, she kept it for him.

Do you like it? She smiled brightly. Sabe helped me find it.

Of course he did.

Its perfect. Kai grinned. I also have something for you, wait here. He hurried up the stairs to pick up a large bundle he had left in his bedroom.

What've you got there, sweetie? Alana noticed him coming back down and attracted every other pair of eyes.

I come bearing gifts. He grinned, short of laughing oh oh oh and giving his best Santa Claus impression. They already had enough ammo to make fun of him.

You didnt need to buy us anything, its your birthday, Ele said, though her eyes studied the bundle with thinly concealed curiosity.

What is it? Kea perked up from the couch to get a better look.

Something I made while experimenting with my skills. He put down the bundle on the table, untying the latches with cruel slowness. I had a few spares, and I thought, why not give them to you?

Are you bringing us your magical scraps? Kea pursed her lips.

Well, you dont have to take them if you dont want to.

Kea was about to respond when Flynn whispered something in her ear. Her eyes narrowed on the bundle. Ill take whatever you give me since its your birthday.

How magnanimous of you. Why did he have to ruin my fun?

Moui silently observed, barely shifting in his seat beside Alana, but Kai could feel multiple people brushing him with Mana Sense. His heart swelled with pride. Not that they would see anything, Edgar had told him how to enchant portable cloaking amulets. Better not to let strangers peek in his luggage.

Sensing the curiosity in the room had reached its peak and was about to turn into annoyance, Kai opened the last latch. He put his arm inside and extracted the prizes one at a time.

For you, Mom. He offered her two crystal kitchen knives. They were definitely overkill, but his mother had never been interested in weapons. If only the sea serpent could see its fangs being used to chop vegetables or filet a fish. The thought put a smile on his face. Theyre enchanted to never lose their edge.

The room filled with ohs and ahs. They had minor variations in the rune schematics with his first dagger to still make them a challenge.

Thank you, Kai. These are beautiful. She kissed him on the cheek. But you really didnt have to.

Its not a big deal, Mom. I bought a large set of materials to train, and I found an enchanter who was eager to help me. They really didnt cost me much at all. He thought it wise to skip the part when he was swallowed by a hungry yellow beast.

And these are for you, Kai gave the next pair to Ele and explained their peculiarities. Besides the set of sharpness and toughness runes, one was enchanted to reduce water drag and the other to light dark caves.

Moui got the largest knives. His eyes lit up with a childlike glee when he gripped the handle of one long jagged blade. He looked about ready to swing them around, but he steeled his face into a stoic mask and spoke with his low gruff voice. Thank you, Kai. These must be worth a fortune.

Probably. I got the deal of a lifetime with Edgar. Hes truly a generous gnome.

Whats the point of making money if I cant spoil my family? Ill let you figure out how they work.

The hunter was using Mana Sense to examine them, though he would probably not be able to tell the true value of Edgar's engraving method. Let alone what the runes did.

Mhmm guess were done. Kai made a show to close the bag.

Kea cleared her throat, arms crossed before her chest.

Yes, dear sister? He smirked in the most infuriating way possible. If she wanted her present, she could at least get over her pride and ask him nicely. Is there anything you want?

Her lips pressed till they became bloodless. Flynn whispered in her ear, again, making her face contorted into a grimace. Dont you have anything for me? More whispering. Please. The word seemed to cause her unspeakable pain.

Of course, sis. How can I deny you when you ask so nicely? Kai pulled a final pair of glass-like daggers and retreated before she tested them on him.

He watched satisfied as his family marveled at his gifts. Indeed, what was the point of being wealthy if he didnt share? He didnt dare hope this would help the talk about the elixirs for the baby, but that could wait till tomorrow. He needed a battle plan to go into that conversation.

Huh Why is that guy still here?

I designed these specifically for you. Kai walked up to Ele as she was offering one of her knives to her boyfriend.

His sister cocked her head with a smile that made him certain he had just committed a huge mistake. I was just showing him, though maybe he should just take one. It will be difficult to use both at the same time underwater.

Sabe watched uncomfortably between the two siblings. I dont think your brother wants

Theyre a gift. I should be able to do what I want with them, right Kai?

Okay, maybe I deserve this.

Yes. Ele, I

Unless Sabe had his own knife. His sister reasoned aloud. In that case, I would have no reason to give him one of mine. That bag still looks quite full. She smiled sweetly, looking at the blade poking out of the bundle.

Kai cursed himself under his breath. Wasnt this supposed to be his birthday? He marched taking inventory of what was left, quite a lot really, but what was he willing to part with?

This one will do.

There is really no need, Sabe tried to refuse the blade, or maybe just get out of swinging range.

Take it. Ele and Kai said at the same time and shared an amiable glance.

You can push mana into the rune on the hilt to activate the fire enchantment. He helpfully explained. It had terrible compatibility with the sea serpents fang, but he had wanted a challenge. Its better if you dont use it inside a house.

It has a fire enchantment? Ele pursed her lips, quickly catching on.

Kai played innocent. Yes, why? I thought itd be cool.

And extremely fun to use underwater.

Its perfect. I always wanted a flaming blade. Sabe interrupted their stare contest with his perfect smile. Thank you, Kai. Your sister said you were brilliant, but she still undersold you. I cant believe you made this yourself.

I His ears burn fiercely. Worse yet, Sabe sounded sincere.

He must have a very high Acting skill.

Fine, he would give this guy a chance. Its nothing. Im glad you like it, he mumbled before excusing himself. He recovered his bundle and bid everyone goodnight, sleepiness was making him sloppy.

But dont think Ill let my guard down. Ill be watching him.

Flynn reached him on the stairs, throwing a friendly arm over his shoulders. Going to bed already? The party cant go on without the guest of honor.

Im sure theyll manage. You seem to be getting on well with my family, bonding over my misfortunes.

Theyre very nice, though your uncle always watches me when he thinks I dont notice Anyway, you should take it as a compliment that we talk about you and that youre so entertaining.

Kai glanced at the arm still around his shoulders. Flynn. What do you want?

Well, you see Everyone seems to be getting a knife tonight. Even that guy you dont like. So, I thought that maybe

Kai rolled his eyes. You can play with any blade I have apart from my sword, just put them back when youre done.

Really? he said with a toothy smile.

Well see if you still like knives after Im done with you.

Remember training starts tomorrow at dawn. I need to see what skills you have to help you.

As you wish, boss. Flynn followed him to their shared bedroom and produced a wooden box. This is for you.

For me?

Its your birthday. Did you think Id forget to buy you a gift? he raised a question eyebrow. The answer is no. Come on, open it.

I did tell him I didnt want anything

Kai casually flipped open the lid and froze. Is this really?


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