Elemental Cats

Chapter 137 Doomed Thunder

The vortex swirled faster and faster, turning into a blurry red mass. The few pieces of rubble that had lasted through the destruction of the city and the vortex were finally disintegrated into pieces smaller than dust.

A sparkling light spread out from the center of the vortex. The vortex turned into a glittering red galaxy and stabilized, completing the creation of the portal with a sky-rending tremble and the spread of incredible amounts of demonic energy.

The imposing city walls that had stood steady for ages crumbled in front of the energy emanating from the portal. It was a portal created through the sacrifice of an entire city and a horde of beasts. All of them were at the minimum of the fourth level. There were even several high level humans and beasts in the mix.

All of the sacrifices were used to generate a single portal. The ritual and creation of the portal alone had been enough to demolish and eradicate the city. The reason that the portal was created was almost too terrifying to think about. Or it would have been if there had been anyone left aside from the demons to think about it.

The demon manipulating the marble of fog had already joined up with his compatriots and dived into the portal to escape from the incoming power and the devastation that would strike the place that had been Dormant Thunder, as well as Roaring Skies.

Shortly after, the demons disappeared into the portal, the glittering vortex rippled, and demonic energy cascaded outwards. A few moments later, fingertips protruded from the center of the portal.

The nails on the fingers shone with a crimson glint as the rest of the dust-red hand exited the portal. The arm came after the hand, but after that, nothing more came through.

The size of the demonic arm that came through the portal couldn't be judged without something to compare it to. But even the portal wasn't enough to fit the rest of the muscular demon's body as the upper arm and shoulder were already enough to fill the space occupied by the portal.

The portal that took up the entirety of Dormant Thunder was only enough to accommodate a single arm of the demon on the other side.

But just the power emanating from the arm showed that it would be enough. The rubble that was all that was left of the city walls trembled in the wake of the arm and turned into fine powder that blanketed the ground before being sucked in and swallowed by the portal.

The fingers on the arm wriggled after as much of the arm that could fit through the portal passed through. Although the fingers were only feeling around in the air, shockwaves enough to blast ravines into the ground struck the area around Dormant Thunder.

The shockwaves were even more powerful as the entire hand curled into a fist and back.

Eventually, the hand and entire arm completely straightened out, and the arm surged with power as the demonic energy welling from the portal gathered along the arm. The arm turned into a towering mass of surging demonic energy.

Without further fanfare, the arm slammed into the ground palm-first. The area of the arm closest to the portal made contact with the ground of Roaring Skies first, and the rest of the arm followed, like toppled building.

Continuous shockwaves and earthquakes stretched out along the arm's path of destruction as it fell down in the direction of Treblor Forest. The arm itself wasn't long enough to reach the forest all the way from Dormant Thunder, but the physical power and the demonic energy propelled the arm into the ground with enough force to shatter the earth between the previous city and the forest.

The shockwaves of the impact spread through the forest, and the blast uprooted all the trees in its path, turning them into smithereens.

The arm didn't stop after making contact with the ground as it tore through the earth of Roaring Skies, shattering the part of the plane that was holding onto Treblor Forest.

The damage spread through both the forest and the rest of Roaring Skies.

Although the damage was too concentrated to completely uproot the forest or immediately make the plane uninhabitable, it was a disaster for all living beings in the area, and as the cracks in the earth continued spreading, eventually, even the entire plane would fall apart.

But so far, the plane's disintegration had only spread to the area around Dormant Thunder and Treblor Forest. However, the Treblor Forest was struck hard by the aftereffects of the demonic arm's strike.

The ground that the trees of the forest were rooted to continued splitting apart, and the edge of the plane started falling into the Void and drifting away.

And when the edge and outer rim of the plane started collapsing, the part of Treblor Forest growing from it followed along.

The trees that hadn't already been blown away or disintegrated by the blast from the demonic arm got flung into the Void, bringing with them the parts and regions of the forest they were attached to. The entire part of Treblor Forest growing on Roaring Skies started coming undone like frayed cloth, one strip of the forest at a time.

The tearing of the forest stretched through the Roaring Skies part of the forest and into the Void Forest part, pulling it into pieces, sending chunks and groups of trees drifting through the Void.

The devastation didn't end there. The roots of the trees were old and had grown together tightly during the long years of Treblor Forest's existence. It wouldn't be weird to say that the roots have stretched between the two planes. When the trees in one part of the forest are affected, the trees in the other parts are as well. And when the first two parts of the forest are torn asunder, naturally, the damage will spread to the third part as well.

The part of Treblor Forest growing on the seventh level plane also started getting pulled off into the Void in groups. Although, it would be too soon to tell if the damage would spread to the rest of the plane as well.

Several similar attacks were launched at the same time all over the Human Realm, officially declaring the start of the war between humans and demons.


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