Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 308: Initial Exploration of the New World

Chapter 308: Initial Exploration of the New World

When the Bymonds saw how valiant these guests were, everyone cheered. At this moment, Belmond quietly took the living man away, and Edward left. Only Wilick returned to the tower.

The next morning, Ellen and Wilick returned to the camp. Welik waved a cloth bag on his shoulder. There were many things he had gathered from the adventurers last night. Most of them were clothes, including the fire/gun and a bag of silver coins. That should be the common currency of this world. The silver coins had a pattern cast on both sides. It was a castle built on a high/high post, so one did not know what the symbolic meaning was.

The Baymonds don't use silver coins, much less adventurers' clothes and guns. As soon as Alan spoke, Caesar generously gave them all.

These things were meaningless to Caesar, but they were the best cover for Alan and the others to go to Sur City.

A hundred meters away from the camp, a soldier suddenly emerged from behind a tree. After seeing that it was Allen, he pointed at the muzzle of the gun and nodded, "Young Master, you're back."

The fact that the security perimeter was set up here meant that the security measures in the camp were doing well. Moreover, the soldiers chose a good location for the hidden sentry, and it was easy to be ignored. It could be seen that it was Roy's doing. Only his experience in the military had such thoughts. If it was Broy, he would never have done it. The Highlanders were powerful generals, but their military accomplishments were far inferior to Roy's.

Returning to camp, Wilick and Edward tidied up their clothes and other debris. Alan went to look for Belmond, who threw him into a tent after bringing him back to camp last night. With him on guard, the adventurer had no hope of escaping.

Alan flipped the bill in and Belmond smiled. "Here you are, boss."

"I'll leave him to you." Belmond retreated.

The adventurer was sitting on the ground with his hands tied behind his back. Of course, it was very difficult to tie a rope to an engraver, and it was Belmond who did not dare to act rashly. The man who always had a smile on his face was like a poisonous snake, staring at the adventurer uncomfortably. He was like a small beast that was exposed to the eyes of its natural enemies. He didn't dare to make any unnecessary movements.

But Ellen was different. He did not have the same kind of vibrant shadow that Belmond did all year round. Moreover, the adventurer clearly heard that the terrifying man called the handsome youth in front of him "boss", which meant that this youth was the leader.

A bold idea blossomed in his heart.

The adventurer's body suddenly lit up, and the rope around him immediately burned. He shouted, jumped up, and pounced on Alan. As long as he could restrain this youth, he would be able to kidnap him and leave.

Belmond couldn't help but laugh when he heard the adventurer's cry in the tent. He could already imagine the fate of that unlucky fellow. With his skill, he was still unable to approach Allen unscathed, let alone the fellow whose Origin Energy was extremely loose.

Sure enough, a miserable scream rang out from within the tent.

Alan raised Qianjun. When this fellow rushed over, he instinctively drew his saber and chopped it down. However, he thought that he still needed to extract information from this fellow's mouth, so he switched to slapping. Qian Jun patted the man on the shoulder, and the heavy knife immediately smashed his shoulder to pieces. Only then did the adventurer realize that this youth was even more terrifying than that man.

Picking him up from the ground, Ellen asked, "What's your name?"

"Jim, my name is Jim, sir." The adventurer said.

Alan nodded. "Alright, Mr. Jim. Now I want to ask you some questions, and I hope you'll cooperate. You have to understand that it's good for all of us."

"Sir, where did you come from? What is that big metal outside? Is it a new type of war chariot?" The adventurer couldn't help but ask.

'"You're mistaken, Jim," smiled Ellen. "I made it very clear that I was the one who asked the question. And I just thought of one thing. From now on, you're my servant. You can't betray me, and you can't let anyone know what you saw here. Otherwise, I don't think you'd like to see the consequences."

Jim shivered.

"Alright, now tell me, where did you come from?"

"Sur City, sir."

"Why did you come to the Ash Mountain Range?"

"This "

Jim hesitated for a moment. Suddenly, a black light flowed in front of him, and Qianjun smashed down again, breaking the tail finger of his other hand. Ellen squatted down and said, "Answer my question quickly and slowly. Next time it will be two fingers."

"Yes, yes, sir. It's a treasure. Baron York said there were treasures in the Ash Mountains, but they were taken by the dirty Bymonds." Jim almost cried.

He had less backbone than Allen had imagined, perhaps as Edward had said. The bigger the person, the more afraid he was of death.

Now that he had begun, the interrogation became much easier, especially since Jim wasn't someone who wasn't afraid of death, so not only was his confession exhaustive, it was even a bit verbose. There were some questions that Mr. Jim might not have kept quiet for a long time if Ellen hadn't stopped him. From Jim's mouth, Alan had a rough idea of the world.

There was no concept of origin power system in this world, so there was no division between sealers or Awakened ones. They divided the Origin Energy engraving abilities into two broad categories. Their abilities were biased towards elemental forms. For example, people who could release ice, wind, electricity, and fire were called magicians. Those who were skilled in using cold weapons and fighting with Origin Energy were all divided into knights.

This was a very general classification. In terms of the Origin Energy system, it was clear that this planet was not as detailed as Earth or Adahua Planet.

They also didn't have the so-called concept of hierarchy. They only knew that the more profound a person's control over Origin Energy was, the more titles and territories they could obtain from the kingdom. However, Jim wasn't very knowledgeable. From his description, Ellen knew that the city lord of Sur City, Baron York, had a strength of around Level 15. Of course, this was the conclusion drawn by comparing it with the federal hierarchy.

Above the baron, there were viscounts, marquises, earls, archdukes, and other titles. As for their level of strength, they had yet to be discovered. However, with Baron's level 15 strength, the Grand Duke of this world would be at least at the level of a Commonwealth general. However, Jim also mentioned that many dukes' titles were hereditary, so strength could be linked to titles, but vice versa.

Besides, Sur City was a city close to the Az Mountains. The City Lord was Baron York. About two years ago, Baron York learned from an adventurer that there was a huge amount of wealth hidden in the Ash Mountains. The adventurer brought back a small collection of gold bricks. According to his description, there were thousands of such bricks.

Very quickly, the adventurer disappeared from the world forever, and the golden brick became one of Baron York's collections. Baron York naturally didn't only have his eyes on a golden brick. He saw the Ash Mountains. The baron believed that the Ash Mountain Range was also in his territory, so the wealth in the mountain range naturally belonged to him as well. In the beginning, Sur City had secretly sent out a hundred troops into the mountains, trying to find the treasure, but they were repelled by the Bymonds.

Afterwards, Baron York tried his best to obtain this fortune. He offered a bounty to the Adventurers Guild in the city, asking them to help him find the treasure. As long as he found the treasure, Baron York would organize an army into the mountain. At that time, the proceeds would be distributed to those who provided accurate information according to a certain percentage.

As a result, during these two years, almost every month, adventurers would enter the Ash Mountain Range. This news even spread to the nearby prefectures, attracting more adventurers.

That's all Jim knows.

Ellen left the tent and Belmore greeted him outside. "How was the trial?"

"I know a lot of things. It seems like we need to work out our next plan. Give that guy some medicine first. We still need him as our guide." Alan said.

Belmond nodded and went in.

At noon, Alan had everyone gather, including twenty soldiers and logistics.

Alan stood there, making sure everyone could see him, and then he said, "Everyone, just like you saw." Because we were ambushed, we had to risk entering warp space. Even though he had escaped from the enemy, he had fallen into another predicament. Yeah, we're lost. This is an unknown star field, and beneath our feet is a planet that is not numbered. "

"Like you, I am confused and even scared of the future. But confusion and fear don't change the truth, so we have to do something. Now, I have had some initial contact with the natives of this planet, and I know some things about this planet. The only difference is that the natives of this planet are humans just like us. "

A lot of people saw it when Belmond brought Jim back. Hence, not many people were surprised to hear Alan's words. "This means that we don't have to fight the planet's natives as fiercely as we did in the early days of colonial expansion," Allen continued.

"I have a preliminary plan. In a city not far from this mountain range, we will use this as a starting point to take down that city by a more gentle means as our starting point on this planet. After that, we will expand our territory. Once we have territory, we will have labor. With labor, we can do more. For example, using our technology to build a radio tower that can connect to the earth, our journey home is not far off. "

Alan paused for a moment and shouted, "I only ask you to trust me and obey me regardless of conditions. And I will bring you back!"

"This is my promise."


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