Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 305: Lost

Chapter 305: Lost

In a quiet universe, after a burst of distortion, the Dawn appeared from nothingness. It left warp space and entered the normal universe. Although it had dodged the attack of the battleship's quantum cannon, Dawn was not at all damaged. Its stern was occasionally jumping with electric fires, and its hull was also shaking, unable to maintain stability.

In the cockpit, the fault alarm was buzzing regularly. After the pilot activated the intelligent test, he reported to Allen, "No.2 engine is out of order. We can't continue flying. We need to make an emergency landing and repair."

"Scan the nearby interstellar environment for suitable planets to land." Alan said.

Dawn immediately launched a probe wave. The invisible wave energy in the circle instantly swept across the vast cosmic space, and the environmental data of the nearby planets were constantly appearing on the display screen.

"Yes, not far from us, there is a planet whose environment suggests it is suitable for us to live on. It is a habitable planet." The pilot said happily.

Alan glanced out of the window. The vitality of the universe was dim, and eight out of nine planets looked lifeless. It was strange that there were habitable planets in such a place. Although it was strange, Alan didn't have much time to hesitate.

"Full speed forward."

The remaining Dawn engines continued to operate, propelling the starship towards the target planet. Not long after, after crossing two asteroids, an azure planet appeared in the window. If it weren't for the fact that this wasn't the galaxy, everyone would have thought that they had returned to Earth. According to Wisdom Brain's initial calculations, this planet was three times the size of Earth. Without a doubt, it was a huge planet.

On the other side of the planet, a fireball that emitted light and heat appeared in place. Without a doubt, it was the sun, and it was at a moderate distance from the planet. Otherwise, no habitable planet would have appeared. Dawn began to enter the planet's atmosphere. The intense friction caused the two sides of the starship to form a winged flame. After entering the atmosphere, brilliant sunlight came from the east, and some unknown birds even flew past the hull of the ship.

Their altitude was astonishing.

As they descended, they could see the continual land covered with dense forests. The vegetation on this planet was very good. Looking around, large patches of green seemed to have covered the earth with emerald green. The mountains in the distance were towering and undulating, and the towering peaks were covered in snow, forming intense reflections under the sunlight.

After crossing the mountain range, there was a jade-green ocean. It was so clear that it was like a piece of fine jade embedded on the planet.

This is a planet full of life.

"We found the treasure." Said Adele.

Only the Federation had the qualifications to develop such a vast planet that was rich in vitality and resources. Even wealthy families could not obtain such a colony with great development potential, let alone a pack of wolves belonging to a family hunting group under the name of Beth Cod.

"Even if it's a treasure, we'll talk about it after we survive." Alan said.

The pilot shouted, "Prepare for a forced landing. Everyone, please prepare for a violent impact."

The starship's height continued to drop, and a large stretch of green primeval forest continued to expand through the windows. Everyone fixed themselves in their seats. Father Miro drew a cross on his chest and murmured, "Father in heaven, may your kingdom come and save me from disaster. Benevolent Father, lead me to the Kingdom of Gold. I have a premonition that there is great wealth waiting for me. So I will not die until then, Amen!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the starship violently shook and crashed into the trees in the forest below. The Dawn had knocked down countless trees along the way. From the sky, one could see that the forest beneath had been torn open. Dawn glided for nearly a thousand meters before finally stopping. Countless birds and beasts had already appeared in the forest. They had left the "wounds" of the forest far away.

After the tremor ended, Alan exhaled and loudly asked, "Are you alright?"

"My bones are about to scatter." Father Miro complained.

"But you're still alive." Ellen unbuckled his seat belt and said, "Check the starship, troubleshoot it, and try to contact the family communications center. Follow me."

After leaving behind professional maintenance personnel to conduct a preliminary investigation into the starship's malfunction, Allen brought the others to the ground. The starship descended onto the deck. A group of family guards equipped with Blazing Battle Soldier sets dispersed in a defensive formation. They quickly set up temporary defensive lines and sentries around the starship. After confirming that the surroundings weren't dangerous, Allen and the others arrived on the ground.

The planet was full of oxygen. Alan took a deep breath of fresh air and felt much more energetic. Looking around, there were sparks of Origin Energy fluorescence floating in the surrounding trees. A few fluffy little beasts poked their heads out from the bushes and curiously sized up these uninvited guests.

"Belmond." Shouted Alan.

"What is it, boss?" Belmond walked over and poked his head to ask.

"I need you to scout the surroundings."

"This is simple." Belmond said with a smile. He pointed his toes and a black figure flashed into the forest. The little beast was shocked and disappeared from Ellen's senses in a moment.

The others rested where they were, while the pilot called Ellen back. Back in the cockpit, the pilot gave a brief report. The malfunction of the starship was concentrated at the stern engine, and the damage caused by the forced landing was relatively close. However, during the impact, the communication antenna of the starship had malfunctioned and was currently undergoing emergency maintenance. Finally, the pilot smiled bitterly and said, "Young Master Allen, even if the antenna is repaired, we don't know where we are and the chances of contacting the clan "

Alan knew that without the Rainbow Bridge to locate the destination coordinates. The hunting squad, which had hurriedly used warp-speed engines to escape from the attack site, was now lost in the vast universe. Although they were fortunate enough to land on a habitable planet, their lives were temporarily protected. However, he didn't know how long it would take for him to return safely to Earth.

"We will go back." Alan patted him on the shoulder and said, "I don't know your name yet?"

"Bender, my name is Bender, Young Master."

"Alright, Bander, I'll leave the starship to you. Can you do it? As for the rest, we'll handle it."

Alan returned to the ground again. Belmore returned. He pointed at the starship and drew a circle. "I just circled around. There's nothing to be vigilant about in our vicinity. At the very least, no dangerous beasts were found nearby. We found a river. I tried and the water was safe to drink."

Alan nodded, which solved the smell of drinking water. He looked up at the sky and said, "I don't know how civilized this planet is. No, we don't even know if intelligent life has appeared. Our intelligence here is zero. It seems like everything has to start from scratch."

Belmond shrugged, "We can walk down the river. If there is intelligent life, we usually live along the river."

"Looks like we need to explore the road first." Alan called Roy and the Highlanders over. "I need you two to stay and let the soldiers set up a temporary camp here. Belmore and I will go scout."

"Bring me along, boss. If I were to stay here, I would definitely suffocate to death." William walked up and said.

"And me." Edward was the one who spoke this time.

Ellen looked at him and the Malitan youth spread out his hands. "I've been to many planets and know how to deal with strange intelligent beings."

"Then let's set off."

With enough food, the four of them left the landing site. Belmond walked ahead and led the group in the direction of the river. Along the way, tall trees and lush ferns could be seen everywhere. Small beasts of various shapes would occasionally appear behind trees or bushes and look at Allen and the others from afar. Alan discovered that the creatures on this planet were very sensitive to Origin Energy. Some strange little beasts with tentacles on their heads would even feed on Origin Energy that was everywhere in the forest.

Alan was dazzled by all kinds of strange flowers and plants, and what impressed him the most was a plant that looked like a sunflower. It folds its petals when there are creatures nearby, and when passing people or beasts are far away, the petals stretch out, its core buds bloom, and dots of green fluorescence float out of it in the wind. All of those fluorescent lights were natural origin power.

A moment later, Alan heard the sound of water, and the humidity in the air increased significantly. When they emerged from a group of tall ferns, a two-meter-wide river appeared in everyone's eyes. The river flowed from high to low, winding into the depths of the forest. Alan squatted down by the river and drank a mouthful of water. The river is sweet, and the fruit is safe to drink, as Belmond said.

There were some fiery red four-legged strange fish swimming in the river. They were as slender as human fingers. It looks like a lizard on Earth, but its head is like a fish with fins on both sides. These strange fish roamed the riverbed between rocks, occasionally climbing up the riverbank without suffocating, presumably amphibian creatures.

After a short rest by the river, the team walked along the river and encountered many strange creatures along the way. Its variety is so abundant that it makes people dazzle. As he walked, Belmond suddenly stopped and made a silent gesture to the crowd. He picked up the grass by the river, and the few of them immediately went behind the grass. Just as he hid his body, a wild beast came out from the other side of the river.

It was an elegant and mysterious beast, somewhat similar to the black panther. Its body was slender, and its short and shiny fur shone like fine silk in the sunlight. Behind its cat-like head floated a few dark blue tentacles that floated around like seaweed, occasionally trembling slightly. Allen could see that the blue tentacles would occasionally emit a bit of Origin Energy fluorescence into the air.

After a small amount of fluorescent light flew out, it would explode, giving rise to an undetectable ripple. This weak fluctuation was enough to resonate with the nearby Origin Energy. Alan thought to himself, that should be some sort of detection method for this wild beast.


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