Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 268: Present And Future

Chapter 268: Present And Future

"You white-haired mouse, invading the sacred site, tarnishing Chief Sodom's heroic spirit, and even possessing the same legendary projection as him!" Kamu's eyes gradually calmed down. However, under the calm, there was a boiling lava-like light. "Neither the Sacred Trace nor Chief Sodom's projection can fall into the hands of you humans. That's why you will die here today!" Kamu's eyes gradually calmed down, but under the calm, there was a boiling lava-like light flowing in the air. "Neither the Sacred Trace nor Chief Sodom's projection can fall into the hands of you humans."

'"The Sacred Trace The Elusa doesn't belong to you. How funny. You only took other people's possessions and took them as your own. I really don't understand where your confidence came from when you spoke so righteously." '"And Sodom, how do you know?" Alan said in standard Saber Demon language. "I didn't take his projection, but his soul chose me."

"Choose a human?" Kamu gritted his teeth and roared, "That's impossible."

A surge of energy came from beneath his feet, pushing Kamu towards Allen like a rocket. The saber slashed, pulling up a ray of dark red flames that fell straight down. Allen crossed his saber and held onto Kamu's blade, but his shoulder went cold and a blood arrow jumped out.

How could that be? I've already blocked his saber. Could it be saber qi? Alan glanced at the wound on his shoulder with the corner of his eye and pushed the heavy saber forward, pushing Kamu away. With another slash, the blade drew out an orange arc and flashed.

Kamu raised his saber and slashed down. Qi Hong's saber light and flames formed a cross. Flame breath twisted and unstable flames sprayed out, forming a series of explosions around Kamu. The Saber Demon General stood where he was. The flames naturally circled around him. He stared at Ellen and said, "No matter how you obtained Chief Sodom's strength, you can't leave this place today. Let me guess, you are waiting for reinforcements, right?"

"So what?"

"Don't count on it, no reinforcements will come" Kamu raised his head and a cruel smile gradually appeared on his face. "Because they are unable to break through the blockade of the High Priest!"

"High Priest? Wailing Polidon?" Alan's heart skipped a beat.

It had been almost two years since he had arrived on Planet Nether Domain, so Alan naturally knew who Polidon was. That was the Great Priest of the Saber Demon Ten Tribes, an expert on par with Great General Azik. Their strength was only inferior to Saber Demon King Ulyman. Even against a Commonwealth general like Ruthen or Melinda, Polidon's evaluation of personal strength was slightly lower than Azik's. However, the Great Priest of the Saber Demon was notoriously cunning.

On that day, during the winter march, the military operation that raided Shadow Stronghold came from Polidon's hands. That completely violated the habits of the Saber Demon. Even Russen's unexpected attack had once caused the spread of death to fall into a passive state. It wasn't that day that the Rose Empress arrived in time to force the Saber Demon to retreat from the army. Otherwise, the final outcome would be hard to say.

If Polidon had intercepted him, it would have been as Kamu had said. Even if Melinda came personally, she wouldn't be able to break through the blockade so quickly. As a result, the advance base here had truly become a lonely army.

"What? Do you think we won't notify the ten forces after we discover this stronghold?" Kamu snorted, "Although those fellows are not good things, at least we have the same ancestors." In fact, we've expected this to happen since you escaped. You humans, if you can't defeat the Inferno Earth Core, you will definitely turn around and try to attack our Sacred Remains. So from the very beginning, we've been ready "

"Prepare to capture all of you in one go!"

Allen instantly understood the crux of the matter, "So it was like this." You knew we were coming, but you didn't seal off the Barren Land. Otherwise, it won't be so easy for us to build a base for advancement. I suppose that's because we're afraid of attracting our attention in advance, right? And then intercept the reinforcements when we ask for reinforcements. Once our forces are dispersed on the Alex Plains, the ten troops will take advantage of this opportunity to attack. "Is that so?"

"I can't tell. Your brain is pretty good."

"Since that's the case, why wait for the base to be built before launching an attack? Isn't it better to attack before we finish building it?"

"That's because the blockade takes time to prepare," Kamu said. "And don't you find it interesting to destroy enemies when they are full of hope and to plunge them into deeper despair? Besides, attacking a stronghold that hasn't been built yet, even razing it won't accomplish anything."

What a bunch of lunatics! Alan thought.

"So now, you have no reinforcements and can only die in despair. Watch, I will destroy the base behind you and put all your heads on the wall as decoration!"

Alan raised Qianjun and pointed at him with his heavy saber. Even in this war-torn battlefield, the smile on the corner of his lips still carried the flavor of sunshine. "Contrary to what you think, this place will not fall today. General Melinda will break through your High Priest's blockade. Once the Queen of Roses attacks your sacred sites, your king will be the one who will have a headache at that time."

"If you let the Sacred Trace go, you will lose the future of Nether Domain Star. But if you send troops to support the Sacred Trace, the legion of Death Spreading will definitely go all out to attack the center of the flames. At that time, you will lose now. No matter what choice you make, you will always lose one of your present and future. If it were you, what would you choose?"

Kamu was stunned by his question and could not help but think about the gains and losses as Alan had said. Alan took advantage of the moment he was distracted to slash out with his saber. Only then did Kamu know that he had been tricked and snorted as he raised his saber to seal the box. The two long blades collided with each other and gave a loud thud. Kamu blocked Alan's saber and said, "I really don't know where your confidence came from."

"Very simple. Never give up hope!"

A convoy was traveling on an empty and desolate wasteland. Behind the convoy on the left, the Winter Sunset Mountain Range was constantly moving away.

In this convoy, there were two long trailers in addition to the common troop trucks and main war chariots. The trailer's carriage was filled with a Storm Soldier Chariot. It was a small unit on the ground. The magic-powered Storm Chariot had both maneuverability and firepower output. It was an indispensable combat unit in land warfare. In front of the convoy was a special command vehicle. The command vehicle called the "leader" was much larger than other conventional vehicles of the same type.

When needed, the leader could form a temporary battle fortress on the battlefield with certain offensive capabilities. It was also the command center of the Storm Chariot. Through the leader's on-board system, the commander could allow the Storm Chariot to carry out precise strategic strikes.

Whether it was the leader's command vehicle or other vehicles, their bodies were painted with the embroidery of the Rose Empress, and their bodies were stained, especially those main war chariots, which were marked with traces of war. In the leader's command car, Melinda sat with her hands crossed and her eyes closed. In front of her, Major Sawyer and a few other members of the Black Rose Guards were driving towards the Ice Demon Valley.

After receiving the news that the base had been built, Melinda abandoned the flying ship and marched on land in order not to alert the Saber Demon. This time, she took a marine regiment with her and set off with a total of more than a thousand people. However, he accidentally encountered the Saber Demon's interception on the way, and a series of battles broke out. Even though he had finally broken through the three blockades set up by the Saber Demon on the path he had to pass through, it took him two days longer than he had originally planned.

Otherwise, the Rose Empress' Marine Corps would have arrived at the base of the Death Star Abyss long ago.

Just last night, the convoy received an emergency notification from Lightning Fire Base. Traces of Saber Demon activity had already been found near the base. Compared to the previous blockade, Melinda had already vaguely guessed that this was a targeted plan of action for Saber Demon. The goal was to put him in a dilemma. The Rose Empress rose overnight, determined to go north. Melinda used her actions to convey her determination to the Saber Demon.

This was the only way to turn passivity into initiative, once the Rose Empress successfully arrived at the Death Star Abyss. In that case, it would be the Saber Demons and the others who were in a dilemma.

The key was time. Whether the base could last until the arrival of the Rose Empress was a question. Whether the Rose Empress would be intercepted was another matter. Melinda was sure that the saber demon's arrangement would not be as simple as the three blockades.

What's behind them?

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat.

"Stop!" Melinda said as she opened her eyes.

Major Sawyer immediately informed the convoy to stop and turned to look at Melinda. The red-haired general stood up and said, "Here he comes. Wailing Polidon "

"Saber Devil Priest?" With Sonya's calmness, her expression changed. After all, Boridon was one of the most powerful Saber Demons. The major grabbed the communicator and ordered everyone to prepare for battle.

"Wait, Sonya." Melinda stopped her and said, "Boridon, leave it to me. Take a detour and continue to support Ellen and the others."

"But General "

"This is an order, Major!" After Melinda finished speaking, she pulled up the giant Prison Severing Sword and left.

The leader commanded the automatic door to open and Melinda jumped out of the car. The magic energy armor on her body flowed with a cold glow under the sunlight. She raised her head and looked at it. The light in the sky was gradually disappearing. The sky in the north was dim, and the clouds were spinning like vortexes, faintly suppressing it. At this moment, a dark purple pillar of Origin Energy shot up from the mountains and crashed into the clouds, causing the clouds to stir.

Melinda smiled faintly and took a step forward. She had already dozens of meters away. The general's body began to shine with orange-red flames that jumped like flames. As her speed continued to increase, she flew like a meteor against the ground, heading towards the dark purple pillar of light.

Seeing Melinda leave, Sonya could only sigh and lead the convoy around the mountain area where the two great experts were about to fight.

Just as the convoy set off, a flash of light appeared in the distance. The pillar of Origin Energy that connected the heavens and the earth rapidly distorted and scattered, transforming into a rain of light that shot out, causing the mountain region to explode one after another. Occasionally, the explosions would be accompanied by orange flames. The flames were like the sharp blades of a heavenly deity. Every time they passed through the mountains, they would see the mountains sliding down and trees falling down.

In the blink of an eye, Melinda had already fought against the Great Priest of the Saber Demon!


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