Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 266: Air Raid

Chapter 266: Air Raid

The enemy formation stopped in the wasteland five hundred meters away from the base. Kamu turned around and shouted to the soldiers behind him, "Do you all see that? Those damned humans have already built a stronghold here. Their purpose is obvious. Guardian warriors, protecting the sacred site is our mission. Can you tolerate the side of the human bed?"

"No!" The Saber Demon Warrior tapped on his weapon and roared like a wild beast.

"Very good, now I demand that you destroy the base and kill all humans!" Kamu forcefully slashed the saber forward, and the blade spat out a streak of bright red blood light that shot several meters straight.

The centurions gripped the wolf's abdomen tightly and charged forward with their weapons. Behind them, there were over a hundred warriors from each of the two teams in the autonomous formation, and they followed the centurion to launch their charge. The team left the main formation and immediately dispersed, forming a black line that pressed down like a tide.

The array changed, and the soldiers with beam guns snatched it out and launched an attack on the base to cover the advance of the vanguard.

"Open the shield!" Allen shouted when he saw the flickering halos of energy in the enemy formation.

The shield generators that Ann had thrown into the surroundings of the base started to work. Immediately, an azure energy shield rose up and wrapped around the entire base. In the blink of an eye, the enemy's beam of light scattered across the shield in front of the defensive wall, triggering waves of explosions that opened the start of the battle.

At this moment, the Blade Demon vanguard had already rushed over half a distance.

A faint blue light streaked across the battlefield, pointing at the ground with a clear trajectory, hitting a centurion of Saber Demons charging forward. The centurion continued to charge forward, but a fist-sized gap appeared on his chest, along with his flesh and blood. More than half of the internal organs had disappeared, and the surrounding wounds were emitting green smoke. The horned wolf was still sprinting, but the centurion fell to the ground and died with his eyes wide open.

The Federation cheered loudly.

On the sentry tower that served as the sniper position, Peter chatted about a cigarette. Xiaoxiao continued to activate the Origin Energy to inject into his subordinate's magical energy to re-snipe. Under the effect of the sequence, the Origin Energy condensed into a bullet that flickered with blue flames. Then, the muzzle of the gun was adjusted and another shot was fired.

Kamu snorted. The two centurions were sniped by the enemy one after another. This reminded him of last night's ambush by the enemy. What he couldn't let go of last night was the fact that he didn't leave Alan or the other sniper behind.

The saber pointed again.

The three squadrons left at the end of the line. As a result, the Saber Demon's troops would be equivalent to the number of defenders on the base.

The remaining four army demons also followed along in the second echelon.


Seeing that the enemy's front line was less than 300 meters away from the defensive line, Allen finally gave the order to attack. Immediately, hundreds of guns rang out from the base. All the soldiers in the trenches poked out and fired at the charging enemy with machine guns. Dense lines of fire flew across the battlefield, continuously knocking down the charging Saber Demons.

The two war chariots in front of the trenches were also engaged in battle. The missile silos behind the war chariots were opened and one missile after another shot into the sky. They dragged the flames and pulled out a parabola in mid-air, throwing it down according to the location of the attack.

Flames soared into the sky and the earth trembled. The shockwaves of the explosion formed a gust of wind that made the soldiers in the trenches almost unable to open their eyes. They had no choice but to retreat into the trenches and allow the sand on their heads to spill all over their bodies. Only after this violent explosion did he poke his head out to continue the battle.

They fired all their missiles and all weapons systems on the chariot were activated. The high-energy cannons fired at a rate of three seconds, sending streaks of azure lightning into the enemy's positions. Every time they bombarded, a large area of blank space was blasted out from the saber demon's scattered formation. The secondary weapon, the Rainstorm A.I. Gun, quickly dragged its chain of ammunition and sent the bullets into the battlefield like a storm of wind and rain. A flaming whip swept out from the muzzle and knocked down a large number of enemies.

For a time, the two main war chariots that had been seized by Luda were the most powerful.

The first echelon of Saber Demons had suffered a large number of casualties in the charge, and there were very few left. However, the enemy soldiers who had risked their lives to charge through the firepower net and were less than a hundred meters away from the trenches stopped charging forward. They fell to the ground and quickly pulled out pitch-black barrels from their backs. Three finger-thick arrows emerged from the barrel of the gun. Each arrow of the same size was fixed by a hinge wire and connected to the barn at the side of the gun. After making these preparations, the Saber Demon turned the spear and shook its shaft. The sound of gears spinning resounded in the barrel of the spear, followed by heavy arrows flying out, shooting towards the soldiers who had their heads popped out of the trench.

A soldier was shooting forgetfully when he heard the scream of the air. Shocked, a streak of black lightning shot towards him. This was the last scene he saw. The heavy arrow ploughed off half of his head and brought the corpse back to the ground.

Heavy arrows pierced through the air, causing casualties on the base. Large amounts of blood were spreading in the trenches.

"Heavy artillery, adjust position, target, opponent's heavy crossbow. Ten overlapping shots!" Lucy hurriedly reported the coordinates of the various turrets, and immediately adjusted the angle of the turrets on the defensive wall, followed by a burst of cannon fire, blasting the enemy heavy crossbows lying a hundred meters away into ashes.

The crisis is not over yet.

The second echelon of Saber Demons had already arrived. Apart from the heavy ballistae, the four trolls in the echelon split into two and rushed towards the chariot.

Their purpose could not be clearer.

The chariot adjusted its muzzle and fired at the troll. The cannon fired out an azure lightning flame, and a troll's arms evenly blocked it, causing an earth-shattering explosion. After the explosion, a troll rushed out of the curtain of fire unharmed, launching an attack under the cover of its peers. Although the torrential rain machine gun of the war chariot was wildly shooting at it, the troll did not retreat a single step even though its scales flew everywhere.

Before the cannon could be fully charged, the troll had already crashed into it. After colliding with the chariot, the driver of the chariot was shaking his seat, so how could he adjust the muzzle of the gun? The troll simply lifted the chariot and knocked the entire chariot down. Then, it raised its fist and continuously smashed into the armor of the chariot. Even the composite armor plate caused the troll to distort after a hammer.

"Big man, let's go!"

In the trench, seeing the two chariots fall, Wilick shouted and jumped out of the trench, charging towards the troll who was hammering the chariot in front of him.

Broy also rushed out of the trench.

Wilick jumped onto the chariot and leapt up again. He raised his fist high, and the patterns on the Angry Beast Armor lit up, activating the sequence. A powerful heavy artillery fist landed on the giant's chest. The crystal stone smashed into pieces, causing the giant to immediately stop moving.

On the other side, Bloy's hammer also shattered the troll's power crystal.

After dealing with the trolls, the pressure on the defensive line decreased. However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a strange buzzing sound rang out in the sky above the battlefield.

Alan also heard this buzzing sound. He seemed to have heard this roar somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a moment. Alan raised his head and searched the sky. The skies above the battlefield were already covered with lead clouds, and the original sky could not be seen. Right at this moment, something flashed in the lead cloud in the northwest, as if it was a reflection of metal.

Alan suddenly remembered that it was the roar of an aircraft engine.

"Not good, it's an enemy airship!" Alan shouted.

Five Blade Demon flying ships flew out of the lead clouds in an array of arrows. They flew towards the direction of the base. At the front of the flying ship, high-energy beam cannons began to charge. As the energy reached the standard unit, dark red energy beams pierced through the air and landed on the shield of the base.

In the continuous explosion, a large amount of fire clouds covered the sky of the base. Alan's face was illuminated by the fire, but fortunately, the shield persisted. However, Huoyun Mo retreated and the second round of bombardment arrived. This time, the shield could no longer withstand it, and several generators exploded under overload. As a result, the azure barrier above the base gradually disappeared into the air.

As a result, the Blade Demon's firepower and the light beam cannons of the flying ship landed directly on the three defensive walls and the base.


Kamu finally couldn't help but laugh.

After being ambushed by Alan last night, he applied to the Sacred Monument for air support. Sure enough, the small airship sent by Old Yedu carried out a surprise attack and shattered the shield of the enemy base in one fell swoop. Raising his saber high, Kamu roared, "The time has come, warriors, kill all of them with me!"

The next battle beast, Kamu launched a charge towards the base. As soon as he moved, the Saber Demon army followed suit. The soldiers ran wildly, the wolves charged forward, and the Saber Demon launched a general attack.

Seeing this scene, Allen's mood was heavy. He shouted, "Find a way to bring down the enemy airship."

However, the base didn't have a surface-to-air defense system. Even if it was a heavy artillery, regardless of angle or range, it would be difficult for it to hit the flying Blade Demon flying ship. However, at this moment, a stream of blue flames flew up obliquely and instantly collided into one of the airships flying over the base. There were so many balls of fire in the sky. Alan followed the trajectory of Blue Fire and saw that it was Peter's sentry tower.

The lieutenant jumped out of the sentry tower and landed on the east side of the guard wall. He shouted, "Leave those things to me. Go deal with the fellows on the ground!"

Allen nodded, lifting Qianjun down the defensive wall and heading towards the defensive line on the ground.

Peter raised his head and spat out the cigarette butt from his mouth to the ground. He quickly ran on the wall. An airship circled in mid-air and dived towards him. The main cannon on the ship flashed, and a dark red light beam landed on the wall. The defensive wall exploded, and flames flew out, pushing down the defensive wall that was more than ten meters long. Inside the fireball, Peter rushed out. Turn around in midair, Colonel.

"This is the crystallization of our efforts. How can you be so presumptuous!"

With a loud roar, the trigger was completely suppressed, and the magic energy restrikes lit up. Amidst the rough gunshots, the high-altitude flying ship suddenly shook, and the engine at the stern of the ship suddenly exploded. The flying ship immediately lost control and flew out at an oblique angle, colliding with another flying ship from the side, causing a sympathetic explosion.

Peter landed on the ground and connected a few rolls to unload the falling force. Looking up at the fourth flying ship, the lieutenant began the next round of running.


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