Eat The World Tree

Chapter 202: Let's Pick Stars (2)

Chapter 202: Let's Pick Stars (2)

Seoul, Gangnam District.

A well-known specialty beer pub that everyone would recognize by name.

A little later than promised, graduates who had gathered earlier were relieving their fatigue by clinking glasses and drinking.

Private Yeonhwa High School.

It was from around the time Byeol started to experience changes, her alma mater from which she graduated.

Byeol was the hottest topic among the graduates.

“I heard Byeol resolved another issue recently?”

“Wow, really?”

“I still find it amazing whenever I hear news about her. Who would have thought the girl who always read novels in the back would turn out like that?”

A gloomy girl who used to sleep at the back. To the students at the time, Byeol had that image.

She didn’t know how to dress up, so even the boys didn’t take an interest in her.

She had a habit of getting excited when topics like games or comics came up, so some students even avoided her because of that.

Of course, most people weren’t interested in Byeol.

Neither liking nor disliking her. “Oh, that girl who always sat at the back?”

A gentle and kind girl.

A reaction that would be typical for any ordinary girl.

“Vice President of the Korean Hunter Association… She appears on TV not just once or twice, you know?”

“Seeing someone like that come from our class, the world really is small.”

The newly minted young adults, just shedding their youthful image, laughed and talked about her.

Each at the stage of just beginning to find their place in the world.

They still carried the image of being fresh beginners rather than success stories.

Amidst these students, someone who had truly become a star had appeared. Naturally, the interest didn’t fade.

“So, is she coming?”

“Yeah, she’s supposed to be coming.”

“I heard she got really pretty… Should I ask for her number?”

Among them, there were those who showed romantic interest.

“Didn’t she say she doesn’t have a boyfriend?”

“Probably. But why would she want to meet you? As the vice president, she can just pick anyone she wants.”

“Hey, take it easy with the harsh truths.”

A reunion in their twenties. A gathering that came about because one graduate whimsically called everyone around them.

Reestablishing human relationships in this process was not uncommon.

“Was she always this pretty?”

“Wow, she’s completely changed.”

People who were once chubby had slimmed down, and those who were skinny had gained weight.

Sadly, some had also faced the hardships of time.

Not a few felt a renewed attraction or rekindled old feelings.

Subtle romantic vibes were forming.

“By the way, Byeol is surprisingly a hopeless romantic. Is she still like that?”

A woman who had briefly maintained a friendship with Byeol in the past spoke.

Instant attention. The men responded eagerly.

“What do you mean?”

“Tell us.”

“You guys are persistent. You know, those people who believe in destiny or something like that?”

First loves must lead to marriage.

She wouldn’t date unless it was a serious relationship.

“Should I call it pure, a naive delusion? Or should I say it was gloomy? Anyway, Byeol had that kind of belief. But I don’t know about now.”

“Hey, don’t badmouth our Byeol.”

“Our Byeol? Come on, she was like that back then.”

Who knew if she’s now a temptress going around with young men.

Even if it wasn’t said aloud, it wouldn’t be surprising for Byeol, given her status, to have such power.

“Now, it wouldn’t be strange if she had many men around her, right?”

“That’s true. But they said she doesn’t have a boyfriend?”

Come on, was it really possible that she hasn’t had a single boyfriend till now?

It’s too high a reach to even think about trying to hit on her.

Even so, sometimes there were those who tried.

Just a touch to see, even though they knew it was unreachable.

“The last time I saw her, she still seemed naive. Like she can’t talk to men properly?”

“Oh really?”

A pure woman unfamiliar with men.

The thought flashed through the minds of some of the men present.

If they wooed her well, they might just hit a home run.


At that moment, the door opened, and Byeol peeked in.

“Is this the place?”

She wore a light pink cardigan and a shortened skirt for summer.

Her clothes were a bit loose, so only four slender fingers poked out from the cardigan’s cuffs where her hands should have been.

Despite being in her mid-twenties, her fashion made her look like a college freshman.

“Hey Byeol! Come in.”

A woman waved cheerfully.

Byeol, blushing slightly from the attention, clutched her handbag tightly and entered.

Because it was summer, her body lines were visible, fixing the men’s gaze.

Though light and slender, her body had curves where it needed, as evidenced by the soft flesh of her thighs peeking from beneath her skirt.

“Am I too late? Sorry.”

“No, you’re fine. Come sit here!”

“Huh? Oh… okay.”

Byeol sat down, glancing around nervously.

She stuttered slightly and blinked rapidly, holding her phone in both hands as if it were her lifeline.

Her appearance had changed, but she was still the same Byeol from her school days.

“But Byeol.”


“I saw you on TV again. Is it tough being the vice president?”

“Oh, that… It’s okay. It’s manageable.”

“What kind of work do you do? Tell us.”

“Really? I was curious too.”

With Byeol’s arrival, people started gathering around her.

Even those who weren’t particularly interested in her took a moment to glance her way and bring her up in conversation.

‘…This is bad!’

The focus had shifted to her. All the nearby tables were concentrating on Byeol.

If this continued, the questions would inevitably move from her work as vice president to her personal life.

A barrage of questions!

Byeol took a sip of her beer and cried inwardly.

“Being the vice president… It’s not as big a deal as you think!”

Byeol began to answer the questions slowly.

“Adjusting guilds, knowing the Flower’s location… Fighting? And making plans on how to export and import resources from dungeons… hmm.”

“Wow… that’s impressive. So you fight the Flowers too?”

“Yeah, right?”

She hurriedly explained, trying not to come off as boastful.

Most were impressed by Byeol’s success and growth.

No matter how many times they saw it, it was amazing.

The Byeol who had been stuck in their class was now becoming a true star of Korea.

Even though she was the vice president of the Korean Hunter Association now.

Following in the footsteps of the global powerhouse Mugung… she would hold a position akin to the president.

Because of her appearance, she was often a popular meme on the internet and even had a fan cafe.

Seeing her in daily life was a novelty in itself.


Glasses clinked, and the conversation flowed.

As the focus on Byeol gradually faded, she started to adapt to the atmosphere.

Someone else showed interest in Byeol.

“But it must be really busy. I don’t think I could live like that.”

When someone’s name rose to prominence, there were inevitably those who became jealous.

Especially if the person was here to boast about themselves, Byeol’s presence would be irksome.

A manager-level woman from a certain company, who had sufficiently succeeded among the graduates, asked Byeol with a hint of jealousy.

“Do you have time to meet friends?”

In an everyday tone, subtly dismissive.

Others did not notice it.

Only those involved barely perceive the level of aggression.

However, Byeol, who had lived defensively, was very accustomed to such condescending gazes.

…It was somewhat unpleasant.

“Friends? Yeah… I still meet the friends I made during the academy.”

“Oh, really? That’s great~ It must be so tough. Right, right. So, did you see the movie that came out this time?”

“…Huh? Oh, not yet.”

The other person’s eye smile.

A nauseating smile.

Just reminiscing about the old school days, thinking she could walk with her shoulders a bit straighter now, she had come to the reunion.

Hoping that precious connections might blossom among the occasional meet-ups.

She didn’t dislike her peers, but it was somewhat uncomfortable.

Byeol unconsciously gripped her phone tightly.

“I’ll watch it later. I heard it’s really fun.”

“With whom?”

In response to the woman’s question, Byeol answered reflexively.

“…My boyfriend.”


The words that came out of Byeol’s mouth made all the women around clap and laugh.

Someone else’s love story was indispensable at a drinking party.

“Wow, really? Byeol, you got a boyfriend?”

“…Huh? Uh, yeah.”

“How did you meet?”

“Just… through a blind date arranged by my friend.”

She fumbled with her phone, speaking timidly.

Despite her hesitant response, the atmosphere heated up.

The woman who had bombarded her with thorny questions, not expecting such a reaction from Byeol, drank with a slightly displeased face.

“What does he look like? Show us a photo. Right, isn’t Jisoo also celebrating a hundred days with her boyfriend?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah.”

Jisoo nonchalantly took out her phone and showed a photo.

Two logistics and office workers from the guild.

“Is it an office romance? Wow… It’s fascinating to see. How is it?”

“Hey, it’s nothing fascinating, we just happened to hit it off. We started dating after cursing out our team leader together.”


Byeol, gripping her phone tightly, suddenly realized one major mistake.


On reflection, she didn’t have many photos taken.

She thought of showing her profile picture, but Lee Shiheon had no hobby of posting selfies. In the end, Byeol could only wait for the topic to shift while hesitating.

“What about Byeol?”

But no such luck.

Immediately returning to the question, Byeol’s face stiffened.

“Uh, photos… I don’t have any right now. I recently changed my phone.”

“There’s your profile picture. Show that.”

“…But he doesn’t upload selfies as profile pictures. And he doesn’t have an Instagram account…”


Wasn’t it normal for couples to have at least one selfie that showed their affection?

The women’s bewildered reactions left Byeol speechless.

Actually… they weren’t wrong.

Other people’s phones had sweet, affectionate couple photos.

Whether it was an office romance or a meeting through a matchmaking event, they all had one or two cherished photos in frames, drawing hearts with their hands.

For some reason, Byeol felt deflated.

Even among the other women, there was a suspicion that Byeol might be lying.

“But… he’s really handsome.”

“Really? I’m jealous.”

The response was much less enthusiastic.

Byeol was sweating profusely.

How could she turn this around with wit?

Strangely, her usually sharp mind would freeze up when meeting her peers who shared her past.

“What kind of person is he?”

“…An academy cadet.”

“Oh… Which academy?”

“El Academy.”

“Wow, really? Isn’t that a prestigious school? If it’s El Academy… you can find it if you search.”

Was that so?

One woman belatedly lifted her phone to search, but Byeol was already somewhat deflated.

Her tired expression was evident.

Jisoo, watching her, smirked slightly.


At that moment.

The door opened.

“Hello. Is Byeol here?”

A man’s voice resonated as soon as the door opened.

A voice that was low and calming, bringing peace to those who heard it.

Byeol, startled, turned her head.

Not overly dressed, just his everyday look as her boyfriend.

Dressed lightly, in well-known brands but without being too flashy.

Even the design was in monochrome. But the warm colors differed from his usual look.

His slight smile caught everyone’s attention.

“Oh, there she is.”


Just as Byeol’s drooping shoulders lifted, Siheon approached, smiling at everyone.

“Did you drink a lot? I brought the car. Let’s go.”

A light possessiveness.

Why was he acting like this?

She felt that way, but it didn’t feel bad.

Byeol’s eyelids fluttered up and down repeatedly.

Instead, the woman at the front spoke.

“Uh… are you Byeol’s boyfriend?”

The answer was obvious.



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