East Meet West

Chapter 304: Breakthrough To The Transformation Realm 2

Chapter 304: Breakthrough To The Transformation Realm 2

304- Breakthrough to the Transformation realm 2

After establishing the connection between the 7 Chakras and the Dantian, one cannot immediately start to breakthrough to the Transformation realm.

There are still a few steps that need to be performed like creating a resonance between the 7 Chakras and the Dantian, Stabilizing and Strengthening the connection between them, etc.

But during his rest Orochi had already satisfied all these steps with the help of Child Minds.

And he was just one step away from the breakthrough.

So, after he was prepared and told the system that he wants to Rank Up, he immediately took that step and started his breakthrough to the Transformation realm.

And when he did that, the 7 Chakras shone like bright stars and started to frantically draw out a large amount of Spiritual Qi from his Dantian and absorb it like a sponge.

After the Spiritual Qi was absorbed, the 7 Chakras will process it and then release a stream of colorful light that will spread to every corner of his body and get absorbed automatically.

Every Chakra will release a colorful light correspondingly such as Brown, Green, Blue, Red, Purple, Indigo, Yellow, etc. All types of light could be seen flashing throughout his body. And this group of colorful light will completely transform Orochis body and break the shackles of the Mortal body.

The 7 Chakras continuously absorbed the Spiritual Qi from the Dantian and will continuously release a constant & steady stream of different lights.

But this did not stop there, Orochis body also produced a strong suction force and started to suck Spiritual Qi present in the surroundings.

The suction force generated was quite weak and acted in a limited range in the beginning, but as time passes, it will start to expand and get stronger.

As the 7 Chakras continued to extract the Spiritual Qi from his Dantian, the amount of Spiritual Qi present in it also decreased rapidly.

So, Orochi had to give a command to the System and let it continuously convert Mp into Spiritual Qi and supply it to the Dantian.

But suddenly the System dropped the bomb.


WARNING: To Rank Up, the System requires 100 million units of MP.

It is advised that the host quickly consumes MP potions or draws out MP from the linked items as soon as possible. Or else, the Rank Up might fail.


Seeing this, Orochi couldnt help and wanted to curse both his luck and the system.

Then he saw that every second 100 MP was being reduced by the system for Rank Up. And another 1000 MP was converted into Spiritual Qi every second. So, a total of 1100 units of MP was being used up every second.

And the 7 Chakras were absorbing up to 95-100 units of Spiritual Qi every second. So, the supply of Spiritual Qi from the system was barely maintained.

But still, that doesnt solve the current issue, because sooner or later, his MP will run out and even the MP stored in various items will be used up.

On top of that, MP recovery has come to a standstill. And the reason behind that is- Host is Ranking Up and cannot recover MP temporarily during this period. Thats what the System told Orochi after he asked it.

100 million units of MP? That's almost half of the MP that I have collected and stored in the Millennial Meteor Ruby and the two Pearls.

You should have mentioned that earlier. At least, I would have delayed my breakthrough and only after storing sufficient MP, I would have started to breakthrough and Rank Up.




Host can convert EXP into MP, at a rate of 1:100

Host can also convert Free Stat points to MP, at a rate of 1:10,000


Seeing this message, Orochi stopped for a moment but still cursed the system.

Because currently, he only has extra 10 Exp remaining, which when converted can only give him 1000 units of MP. And that is far from enough.

As for converting Free Stat Points, he doesnt want to choose this option unless it is the only remaining option.

So, taking a few deep breaths, Orochi returned to calm and without any delay, he assigned the task to both his Child minds to extract MP from the two pearls and recover the lost MP.

Like this, the situation continued for a few hours, and one-third portion of the Spiritual Qi present in the enclosed space of Spiritual Qi gathering array was absorbed by Orochis body.

Armelia and June, who were guarding and watching Orochis breakthrough took out a few thousand Low grade energy stones. Then June crushed them with her energy and the Spiritual Qi that was released from the stones, was guided towards the Spiritual Qi gathering array.

Actually, even if June did not actively guide it, the Spiritual Qi would automatically flow towards the Spiritual Qi gathering array. Just the process will be a bit slower.



Suddenly, the sounds of clothes being torn rang.

And the sound originated from Orochi's body.

Both the women looked at Orochi and found that his clothes were being torn and the skin under the clothes could be seen.

Seeing this, June commented,

The Transformation has begun.

Inside the Spiritual Qi gathering Array, Orochi also heard it.

So, when he looked at his body, he could see that his clothes were getting degraded into low quality and due to the effect of Spiritual Qi, they would soon turn into a state similar to dry leaves and then turn into dust.

And after an hour, all his clothes reached the dry leaves state and were slowly crumbling into small pieces and getting carried away by the wind.

At the same time, due to the joint effects of the colorful light released by the 7 Chakras and the system, Orochis body was slowly transforming and impurities were being eliminated from his body.

So, almost every part of his skin was covered with a thin layer of impurities that were excluded from his body. And this thin layer was getting thicker as time passed.

After 2 days, Orochis body was fully covered and a black-colored cocoon was formed.

And when the Black Cocoon was formed, a strong suction was generated from the cocoon which could be felt even if one stood 100 meters away from it.

And by this time, Orochis body was undergoing a miraculous transformation.

Orochi could feel his body evolving and transforming to a higher level. And inside the cocoon, he felt as if he was inside his mothers womb.

He just wanted to close his eyes and have a good rest.


Time passed.

And like this, almost a month passed.

Just as June predicted that it will take Orochi at least a week to complete his transformation and breakthrough to the Transformation realm, because of his talent and potential.

And that's what exactly happened.

But it's just the predicted time period was wrong. Instead of a week, it took almost a month.

And inside the cocoon, Orochis breakthrough was coming to an end.

Orochi also woke up from his sleep.

During this period, he had assigned all the tasks to the Child Minds and he closed his eyes to enjoy the cozy feeling provided by the cocoon.

A week ago, all the MP and Spiritual Qi that was stored inside the items like Millennial Meteor Ruby, pearls, and Low grade energy cores were used up.

So, he had to consume the extra MP potions stored inside the Inventory to replenish the lost MP.

Luckily, he had bought a huge number of potions and it was enough for his breakthrough and Rank Up.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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