East Meet West

Chapter 302: Preparations For Breakthrough

Chapter 302: Preparations For Breakthrough

302- Preparations for Breakthrough

Due to the fact that the quality of his Spiritual Qi reached a huge level, the Spiritual Qi storage capacity of Low grade energy cores also decreased correspondingly.

So, in the 3 Low grade energy cores, he could only store about 2000-3000 units of Spiritual Qi in each. It should be noted that previously each Low grade energy core had a capacity above 100,000 units.

So, it can only be said that Orochis spiritual Qi has become quite thick.

But of course, its power has not lessened in any way, instead, it has only increased by a large degree.

There is a Magic Circle in the system shop called the Explosive Magic Circle. As its name implies, it is related to the explosion. So, if it is engraved on a Low Grade energy core, it will be transformed into an explosive weapon. And Orochi just needs to trigger the magic circle and it will explode like a grenade.

As for how strong the explosive power is, that still needs to be tested. But of course, now is not the time to do that.

Because he still needs the assistance of these 3 low grade energy cores.

So, after establishing a connection with all these items, Orochi could now supply his excess MP and stop converting MP to Free stat points, even though they lost their usefulness temporarily.

Then Orochi took out a few sets of wooden boxes that contained a few medicinal plants that will be used during his breakthrough.

After making a few more preparations, Orochi stretched his body and got back to the place where Armelia and June were. But because of the earlier episode, there was some stiff atmosphere and Orochi was not in the mood to solve it, so he went to an empty area and took a nap.


After a few hours, Orochi woke up and prepared for his breakthrough.

But first, he needed to check the situation of the bandit group and Alex Xavier. But of course, he will not implicate his eyes or any other senses from witnessing such a scene. So, he had already prepared a countermeasure.

When Orochi got close to the place where the deed was being done and Alex Xavier was showered with passion by the group of bandits, Orochi could hear the painful screams of Alex Xavier.

So, he stopped immediately and called over the bandit standing outside.

He never wanted to see what was happening in the room, so he had already ordered the bandits to send someone outside to act as a guard and it will also be like a break for them.

So, the bandit, whose chance came was sent out to guard and take a break, hurried to Orochi.

Then Orochi asked him what happened inside and whats the current situation of Alex Xavier and his family.

The guard answered honestly, but Orochi still wanted to make sure that the guard was not lying, so he hypnotized the guard and then once again asked a series of questions.

So, only after that Orochi got away from that place.

From the guards mouth, Orochi learned that Alex Xaviers condition is very bad. His mentality is seriously hit and will collapse within a few days.

As for the situation of Alex Xaviers family, it can only be said that their condition is nothing short of hells environment. There is nothing more painful than seeing loved ones like sons, daughters, etc, being tortured in front of their own eyes and they are unable to do anything except watch.

If anything, Jack Xavier and his wife, Eliza Rook; both of them must be suffering from heartcutting pain.

But in Orochis opinion, thats what they and their son deserved.

Loving and spoiling their children is common, but there is a limit. And when the parents fail to realize that, some serious consequences will form. And those consequences will bite them back and lead to such situations.


Then Orochi walked back to the place where he laid the Spiritual Qi gathering Array.

He saw that a large among of mist had gathered inside the enclosed space of the array, and it was about 60% filled.

Seeing this, Orochi estimated that it will take at least another 10 to 12 hours, for the Spiritual Qi gathering array to reach its full storage capacity.

So, Orochi ignored the Spiritual Qi gathering array and sat down to cultivate.

Although his cultivation has reached the peak Demi-Human stage, there is still some distance from his breakthrough to the Transformation realm. So, he plans to close this distance.

According to the brown book, if one wants to breakthrough into the Transformation realm, then there are certain conditions that need to be fulfilled.

And the major condition is to establish a connection between the 7 Chakras and the Dantian.

And this is also the step, where many cultivators face problems and are stuck for long periods of time.

If activating the Dantian is one hurdle, then establishing a connection between the Dantian and the Chakras is another hurdle. Because cultivation from the Low Level Demi-Human stage to Peak Demi-Human stage is a period that just needs resources for cultivation. So, this can be piled up with resources.

But establishing a connection between the Dantian and 7 Chakras is very difficult... at least for average cultivators.

Because according to the information obtained from the Brown Book, cultivators with high Dantian Potential, have less difficulty while establishing a connection.

So, the higher the Dantian potential; the easier it gets for cultivators to establish the connection.

And with Orochis Dantian Potential of Rank 108, the degree of easy should increase drastically.

So, after assuming a comfortable position, Orochi closed his eyes and let his consciousness travel towards his Dantian.

Then Orochi followed the steps mentioned in the brown book.

He urged his dantian and a large stream of Spiritual Qi flowed out. Then Orochi controlled this stream of Spiritual Qi and guided it towards the 1st Chakra Muladhara Chakra or The Root Chakra, which is related to the Earth element.

When the Steam of Spiritual Qi approached the Root Chakra, an invisible repulsive barrier appeared automatically around it and that stopped the approaching stream of Spiritual Qi.

Seeing this, Orochi guided the Spiritual Qi and completely covered the invisible repulsive barrier generated by the Root Chakra.



Then Orochi tried to squeeze the barrier, such that the barrier shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eyes.

This is where the quality of Orochis spiritual qi showed its true strength.

Due to the fact that his Dantian evolved so many times, the purity and thickness of Spiritual Qi also increased by a large degree.

Such that, it has reached a stage where 108 units of Spiritual Qi available in the world, is equivalent to just 1 unit of Spiritual Qi, after his Dantian processes and compresses it.

Not to forget that the amount of Spiritual Qi in a single Low grade energy stone ranges from 80-100 units only.

Then this means that, with the current storage capacity of his Dantian, it will take more than 1 million Low grade energy stones, just to fill his dantian.

And 1 million low grade energy stones are a very huge amount. So huge that, even Royalty realm powerhouses like Sheela, Albert [Orochis grandfather], and Armelias grandmother, will show desire.. Not to mention June.


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