East Meet West

Chapter 290: New Abilities And Upgrades

Chapter 290: New Abilities And Upgrades

290- New Abilities and Upgrades

It took Orochi a few minutes to calm his emotions because of getting the Mind Network ability.

The only thing that made him feel some distress is how to upgrade this ability.

According to the systems note:

This ability is an upgradeable ability. For each time there is an increase in the number of digits of Intelligence and Charm Stat, a new Child Mind will be added.


This means that every time Intelligence and Charm Stats increase by a digit, a new Child Mind will be added to the Mind Network Ability.

In simple words, right now his Intelligence Stat is at 100,000 points, which is 6 digits. And the Charm Stat is at 10,000, which is 5 digits.

So, only when Intelligence Stat reaches 7 digits, i.e 1,000,000 points, a new Child Mind will be added.

And the same goes for the Charm Stat, if it reaches 6 digits, i.e 100,000 points, a new Child Mind will be added.

And each time the number of digits increases, he will gain more Child Minds.

All this sounds good and reasonable but, right now due to Rank limitations, his stats have reached their limit. So, now he can only wait for the time when he Ranks up.

But one thing is for sure, that after Ranking Up to Rank F, once again he will have to start collecting Free Stat Points.

As for the second note given by the system:

Once the Child Mind is injected into an enemy and if the Child Mind gets destroyed, the host can regenerate the destroyed Child Mind with Free Stat points.


This further motivates him to earn Free Stat points.

But this is also good, at the cost of Free Stat Points, if one of his Child Mind gets destroyed, he can regenerate it with some Free Stat Points.

Now the only thing that is left, is to find how many Free Stat Points are required to Regenerate a Child Mind.

Shaking his head and leaving these things aside, he looked at the next notification,



Congratulations to the host. The Physical Modification and Enhancement skill has leveled up.



Seeing this, Orochi shouted the word good directly.

Because this has further strengthened Orochis hidden card.

Previously the Physical Modification and Enhancement skill was only at Level 5, but it had the capability to increase all the stats by 25%.

But now as the Physical Modification and Enhancement skill has reached Level 6, it can increase his stats by 30% temporarily.

The increase of 5% might not look so good, but it should be noted that in cases like when the Stats are at 100,000 and the skill can increase it temporarily to 130,000; can make a huge difference during combats.

So, Orochi is very satisfied with this.

Then he looked at the next system message,



Charm Stat has reached 10,000 points.

Congratulations to the host for unlocking a new ability- Killing Intent

Killing Intent:

This ability is a debuff effect that can be used on enemies to frighten them and lower their morale, courage, etc.

When the ability is used on an enemy, it will lower their fighting stats and they become weaker.

There are 2 modes in this ability- Field Mode and Direct Mode.

Field Mode- Taking the host as a center, the surrounding area forms a field and any enemy inside the field will get affected by the hosts Killing intent. Note- due to such a large area effect, the effectiveness of this ability is reduced. Can be used on multiple enemies. [Current Range- 10 meters radius.]

Direct Mode- The Host can target his enemies and seriously weaken them and their fighting stats. Note: Can only be used on one enemy at a time. Since the target is only one, the effect is strong. [Current Range- 100 meters distance]


This ability is an upgradeable ability. The ability further strengthens as the number of living beings killed by the host increases.


As the ability upgrades, it is important for the host to simultaneously increase the Charm Stat, or else, the ability might backlash and harm the host.



When Orochi saw this, he frowned slightly, and then his face returned to normal.

The Killing Intent is similar to the invisible aura that every human has.

But the Killing Intent is like a feeling that when the opposite person perceives it, their senses send a danger signal to the brain and in return, the brain transfers it as Fear to the whole body.

And this makes the person still in fear and their bodies get cold.

This is an interesting ability and can be used to frighten the enemy and kill them in one sweep.

So, wanting to give it a try, Orochi used the Killing Intent ability in Direct Mode and the target of his trial was an eagle sitting on a branch of a tree and was dozens of meters away from him.

And the next second, the Eagle which was looking for its prey became stiff like a statue and its body fell, without any reflex to prevent itself from falling.

Orochi deactivated the Killing Intent and the falling eagle returned to normal and immediately flapped its wings and flew away. It escaped as if a big threat was behind it and wanted to take its life.

Orochi was impressed with the Killing Intent and felt that it had great potential.

But the only issue is that the ability is quite weak if he wants to use it on strong people.

But thats not a problem, because it can be strengthened by killing his enemies that number in like.... god knows how many.

System is trying to make me a killer.

Orochi sighed but deep in his heart, he knew that even if he did not get this ability, he would kill his enemies. Not to mention, he also needs EXP to level up, so he has to kill.

So, with the hunt for Exp, he can simultaneously strengthen this ability.

One stone, two birds.

Or is it 3 or... 4?

Putting this matter behind, Orochi looked at the next notification,



Sense Stat has reached 100,000 points

Congratulations to the host, hidden ability of Sense Stat has been upgraded- MP recovery.

MP recovery rate has been increased from 100 MP per second to 200 MP per second.

Due to the Sorcerer Jobs auxiliary effect of increasing the MP recovery rate by 1500%, the host can now recover 3000 MP per second


If Orochi had received such a message a few weeks ago, he would have been very happy.

But after achieving his goal... he did not give that much of a reaction.

But of course, it's not like he is unhappy or indifferent to such a message.

Actually, he feels happy because after ranking up to Rank F, he will once again need many Free Stat Points and for that, he needs lots of MP.

It's just that compared to things he needs now; this message has been put into the middle of the list.



Resistance Stat has reached 100,000 points

Congratulations to the host, hidden ability of Resistance Stat has been upgraded- HP recovery.

HP recovery rate has been increased from 80 HP per second to 200 HP per second.


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