East Meet West

Chapter 25: Escape 1

Chapter 25: Escape 1

25- Escape 1

Well, is this the guy who killed Young master?

We did not see anyone entering so it must him

Damn bastard! Because of him, now we will be getting punished or hanged

Hey, look he is just a kid

Yeah, did this kid really kill the young master?

There is no need to doubt; look at his hand, he carrying young masters Practice sword and also wearing his Leather armor

I heard these peoples conversation and understood that they recognized me for murdering the guy and confirmed as they saw me holding the sword and wearing the Leather armor of the man killed.

I looked around and counted that 5 people have surrounded me. And they were watching me vigilantly.

As I was thinking about how to escape, I heard

quick call the leader, and other guys. We dont have more strength to stop someone who can kill the young master

Hey, what are you scared of? Although we might be weak, but look at this kid he is not he looks weak

Yeah, it looks like he is injured or something and I dont see any way he can run away from us

He is not injured, but it looks like his cultivation is crippled and he is suffering from internal damage. And I dont know how, but he somehow managed to kill the young master

When I heard the last sentence and I got startled, I immediately looked at the person who guessed my condition.

Seeing my reaction, that guy sneered and spoke

look at this kids reaction, look like I guessed right.

When I heard that, I immediately understood that this guy was just assuming but when I reacted to it, he confirmed it. Looks like I have done something stupid like showing my reactions.

Although, I have increased my stats by more than 50% but I dont think that I can handle this group. Let alone handle this group, I dont even think that I can handle a single guy.

According to my estimation, my strength is equal to someone who has entered the Beginning stage and it looks like the weakest in this group is at least Refinement stage, well I can only guess based on the fact that these guys came to forest as guards to the man I killed. Well, thats the minimum standard, I guess.

Although these guys have surrounded me, nobody came to catch and restrain me. I guess some think that I am crippled and I cannot escape, while some might be wary of any tricks I might show or they might be waiting for the leader or vigilant because of the weapon in my hand.

Whatever it might be, I have to think of a way to solve this issue and save my life. After racking my brain, I came up with few ways.

I cannot surely fight with these guys, so all I can do is run and for that I have to increase my Agility stat with all my Free stat Point. And I also remembered that I had a skill in the newly obtained Thief job and I immediately opened the description of Sprint skill.


Sprint Lvl 1: Increases the speed of the host.

(+10 Agility)

Proficiency = 0%

Requires = 3 MP for 1 Minute


Although I felt ecstatic when I read the skill description, but when I saw that I only had 22 MP; I felt frustrated as I only had MP usable for 7 minutes, which means that in 7 minutes I have to get rid of these guys or I am done.

Then I remembered that mostly in RPG games, weapon and armors or any other equipment also have Stats.

Immediately I asked the system to show me the stats of the Weapon and Leather armor.


To view the stats of an object or a person the host needs to have (Observation) skill

Observation Lvl 1, skill costs 2 million sikka

Does the host wish to buy

Yes or No

When I heard this, I wanted to curse the system but I held back my anger as I had more important thing to do. I immediately accepted the purchase.


Observation Lvl 1 skill, has been bought and equipped



Unnamed sword

+5 Strength, +4 Agility


Leather Armor

+8 Defense, +5 Agility


When I saw the stats of the Sword and the Leather Armor, although the stats are not much; but at least it increased my agility by 9. With the additional increase in Strength and Defense stat.

Then I suddenly remembered another use of the Observation Skill. I immediately used Observation skill on the guards' present.

Refinement stage

Refinement stage

Refinement stage

Evolver stage

Beginning stage

When I looked at these guard's data, although I was disappointed by only getting to know their cultivation level and not any other stats or anything. Maybe due to low level of the skill as the Observation skill was only Lvl 1, but it was enough for now.

I got to know that there are 3 Refinement stage, 1 Evolver and 1 Beginning stage.

Yes, there was also a Beginning stage level guard and that was the guy who being wary of me and paid attention to me. Maybe because he knows that he is the weakest or something. I dont understand how courageous he is to come to this forest?

And the guy who guessed that I was crippled and injured was at Evolver stage Level.

Maybe I had a little luck or maybe the Luck stat was good, there was a Beginning stage guard. I have 50% confidence to kill him and I can run from the gap. This was the only chance and choice I could get.

After I get out of this problem, I must think of increasing my Luck stat as recently my luck is very bad.

And I decided my plan of action:

1) Put all the remaining 20 free stat points in the Agility stat

2) With the combination of my stats and the boost from the Sword and Armor approach the Beginning Stage guard and Kill him.

3) Escape with my Sprint skill.



(Cultivation division)

1. Mortal realm

- >Awakening stage

- >beginning stage

- >Refinement stage

- >evolver

- >demi-human

2. Transformation Realm

(subdivisions will be added later)

3. Royalty Realm

(subdivisions will be added later)



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