East Meet West

Chapter 13: 13- Conspiracy

Chapter 13: 13- Conspiracy

13- Conspiracy

Seeing that something was wrong with Raj;

Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony looked at each other and decided to follow Raj.

As Raj was just an Evolver level and the three Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony were already Demi-Human level they easily caught up to Raj.

Raj ran to a nearby Mountain and stopped. Seeing Raj stop, Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony came closer to Raj asked

Whats wrong Raj?? Why are you running till here? asked Jack Ray.

Raj was in grief and answered what happened in the guest hall, to his friends about his marriage with Lily. Hearing the reason for the abnormality and grievance of Raj; Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony came to Raj to console him and hugged him to relieve him.

Hey Raj, it doesnt matter. Its her loss for breaking up with you

Yeah, cmon brother, its not like there are no other girls in this world that you wont get

Exactly you have such a good family and you look so handsome, I am sure that in future many girls will fight for you. Plus, it's only a matter of time for you to breakthrough then I am sure that you will surpass everyone around you

Yes, let's forget about it and drink. See I am carrying some drinks and food. Let us get drunk as the weather is good and the location is also good.

Seeing his friends trying to relieve him of his grief, Raj slowly calmed down and, he laughed and sat with his friends. Raj got drunk along with his friends and gradually sun was setting, and the group of friends slowly slept there without paying attention to their surroundings.





Raj gradually woke up and looked at his surroundings.

Haaa !!!!!!!

As soon as he woke up Raj felt extreme pain in his body and felt extremely weak. Raj tried to calm down and saw that his cultivation was lost which means he was weaker and equal to a mortal without cultivation. Raj didnt understand what was happening and how his cultivation got crippled.

He remembered that he was with his friends and they got dunk and slept there. And now as he wakes up, he finds himself near a river and his friends are missing. He remembered that there was not any river near their location plus he feels that he is not anywhere near the capital city.




Well Well looks like he woke up

Seeing someone walking toward him, Raj turned his face and looked in the direction of the speaker and was stunned, and asked weakly

Jack where are we and what happened to me? Why is my cultivation gone?

Hehehe Raj are seriously dumb or is there anything wrong with you?

Hearing Jack Rays remark, Raj was startled and a bad premonition was born in his mind. To confirm his guess, he asked

What do you mean?

Seeing that Rajs expression changed but still he asked a stupid question, Simon Taylor answered

Hehehe Raj, the thing is when we were drinking, we changed your drink and mixed a drug called Nine-times destroying herb in your drink specifically.

Well, let me tell you about the Nine-times destroying herb, it is a rare herb which when taken into the body will destroy that persons meridians and veins. It will destroy your organs so much that you will not be able to cultivate in this life and will always stay a mortal.

And dont think about trying to solve your problem because you will never be able to because let's say there is another kind of herb which is a cousin of Nine-times destroying herb that is devils breath which if combined then it is a sure method for making someones life miserable

Oh, by the way, you might have doubted why you have reached a bottleneck and got stuck there and are unable to breakthrough, let's say someone poisoned you with devils breath and your internal energy chi is poisoned with it and it is undetectable and unless a doctor with high skills checks you, then the probability of finding it is almost negligible

So basically no one can save you

After speaking all the three Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony started laughing evilly.

Hearing all this Raj was stunned and was unable to comprehend. He tried to calm his mind and asked

WHY??? WHY?? Why did you guys do that to me? I have always treated you as my brothers.

Cried Raj with all his energy. Seeing Rajs condition, all the three Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony again started laughing.

Well, its simple, because we never thought you were our friends

Yes, whenever we stayed with you, others looked at us as if we are your servants

And you had a good talent due to which everyone was talking about you. Every teacher, our classmates, juniors were your fans and nobody paid attention to us

It felt that we were living in your shadow would never grow up and be recognized by others

Until someone came to us and helped us. Thats how we poisoned you and reached Demi-Human level so fast

Said the three Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony angrily one after other.


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