Earth's Alpha Prime

Chapter 267: XVII SIGIL Holder

Chapter 267: XVII SIGIL Holder

Jay made his way to his father's study with measured steps, aware that time was ticking down to the start of Day-11. The house was quiet, with only the muffled sounds of pages turning coming from the room where his father was.

As he entered, he found Ankith seated behind a mahogany desk, his glasses perched on the edge of his nose as he sifted through a stack of documents related to the next day's crucial collaboration with the F.U.T.U.R.E Conglomerate.

"Hey, Dad," Jay greeted, breaking the silence with a warm smile.

Ankith looked up, his stern features softening at the sight of his son. "Jay, good to see you. Come in. Did you get some rest?"

"Yeah, I did. More than enough, actually," Jay replied as he settled into one of the chairs facing the desk.

"Good, you'll need all the energy you can muster for what lies ahead," Ankith said, his voice tinged with concern. He leaned back in his chair, studying Jay for a moment. "You look deep in thought. Everything alright?"

Jay nodded, hesitating slightly before shifting the conversation. "Actually, there was something I was curious about. It's about Grandpa's family. I've never really heard much about them apart from the relatives on Grandma's side. I was wondering... Why don't we hear anything about them."

Ankith's expression flickered briefly with surprise. "You're right, it's not something we've really discussed. Your grandfather... well, he didn't have a family to speak of—or at least not one he knew. He was an orphan, raised in a small orphanage in the countryside. He had no siblings, no known extended family. Everything he became, he built on his own."

Jay blinked, caught off guard by the revelation. "An orphan? That's... I never knew. None of us did."

Ankith sighed, leaning back in his chair as if recalling distant memories. "Your grandfather was a proud man, but also a private one. He didn't like talking about his past, especially not about the struggles he faced early on. He believed in looking forward, in building a future rather than dwelling on what was lost."

Jay's mind raced with this new information. All those years, his grandfather had been a central figure in their lives, but that was a piece of him that had been hidden from view. It made him wonder—was it really as simple as what his father said? Or was there more to the story, something that his grandfather had been deliberately kept from them?

Ankith then narrowed his eyes slightly. "What brought this up? Why the sudden interest?"

Jay quickly masked his surprise and waved it off with a light chuckle. "Nothing in particular. I was just curious, that's all."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Jay reassured him with a confident smile. They chatted briefly about the upcoming announcement, and after exchanging a few more words with his father, Jay excused himself and left the study.

As Jay stepped out into the crisp night air, the darkness had fully settled in, with the clock nearing ten. The deep blue sky was speckled with stars, and the moon cast a soft glow over the expansive lawn, creating elongated shadows that swayed gently with the breeze.

The vast lawn stretched out before him, bathed in the dim light of garden lanterns. Shadows danced across the manicured grass as a gentle breeze rustled through the nearby trees. The villa loomed in the background, its wide balconies and ornate architecture softly lit by warm, golden lights that flickered like distant stars.

Jay's attention was drawn to a familiar sight. Kay and Lokesh were strolling with the dogs, their laughter faint but clear in the still night.

Denver, the eldest of the pack, led the group. All four dogs were siblings, resembling each other closely with golden-brown fur and expressive eyes, save for subtle differences in the patterns of their coats. They looked almost identical to the dog in the image: fluffy coats, gentle eyes, and a slightly droopy, endearing expression.

Despite his age, Denver's eyes still held that spark of loyalty and affection that had been there since he was a pup. Jay had raised him from the time he was a little boy until he turned seventeen, and they shared a bond that transcended words. As soon as Denver picked up Jay's scent, his ears perked up, and with surprising speed for his age, he trotted toward Jay with a determined, albeit wobbly, gait.

Jay knelt down, a warm smile spreading across his face as he opened his arms. "Hey, Denver, missed me?" he murmured, ruffling the old dog's fur. Denver leaned into Jay, his tail wagging slowly as he basked in the attention.

Despite the stiffness in Denver's joints and the gray hairs that now speckled his muzzle, the joy in his eyes was unmistakable. It was clear that, to Denver, nothing else mattered at that moment.

Not far behind, the other dogs—Nova, Bruno, and Zara—ambled over. They, too, showed signs of age in the silver strands along their faces, their movements slower and more measured than they once were.

Yet as they gathered around Jay, tails wagging in unison, it seemed as though they had regained a bit of their youthful energy. Each of them wore the same golden-brown coat and soft, rounded features that made it clear they were all cut from the same cloth.

Kay and Lokesh finally caught up, amused by the sight of Jay surrounded by the pack of eager dogs. "Looks like the pack still knows who their favorite human is," Kay teased, his voice laced with humor as he watched the affectionate reunion.

Jay chuckled, petting each dog affectionately. As Kay opened his mouth to speak again, Jay raised a hand, cutting him off with a knowing grin. "I know, I know… Even if you don't ask, I'll still do it."

With a casual flick of his hand, Jay summoned his Storage Ring's inventory. Four shimmering Grade-1 Vitality Fruits and four Grade-2 ones materialized in his palm, glowing faintly under the moonlight.

The fruits were vibrant in golden color, their surfaces pulsing with faint energy that hinted at the life-enhancing properties they contained. Jay's movements were smooth and practiced as he began feeding the fruits to the dogs one by one.

Lokesh's eyes widened as the dogs, previously calm and almost sluggish in their old age, devoured the fruits with an eagerness as if they were tasting their favorite treats. As soon as they began to eat the fruits, visible changes began rippling across their bodies.

Their once-graying fur regained its former luster, deepening into a rich, golden-brown hue that gleamed in the faint light. Their coats grew thicker, their muscles more defined, and their eyes, which had dulled slightly with age, now sparkled with renewed vitality.

Denver, who had been moving with a noticeable stiffness, suddenly straightened up, his joints no longer creaking as he walked. His tail, which had once wagged slowly, now whipped back and forth with renewed vigor.

Nova's playful energy returned, the terrier mix bouncing lightly on her paws, her previously weathered face looking youthful and alert. Bruno's once slightly droopy frame stood firm and solid again, his grumpy expression melting into one of content satisfaction as he tested his newfound strength.

Even Zara, who had always been the calmest of the bunch, perked up, her sharp eyes now gleaming with youthful sharpness and intelligence.

But Jay wasn't finished. Reaching into his Storage Ring again, he pulled out a different set of fruits—Stamina Fruits and Spirit Fruits, each glowing in a deep red and soft blue, respectively.

The dogs, already rejuvenated, seemed to sense what was coming and eagerly nudged Jay, waiting for their next treat. Without hesitation, Jay distributed the fruits, laughing as the dogs devoured them with just as much excitement as before.

This time, the changes were even more pronounced. The dogs' movements became lightning-quick, their bodies rippling with energy as if they had reverted to their prime puppy days.

Denver, who had been content to simply stand near Jay moments before, now bounded across the lawn with a speed and agility that seemed impossible for his age.

Nova darted around in circles, chasing her tail with the energy of a hyperactive pup, while Bruno, brimming with power, began tugging on a loose branch with enough force to rip it from the ground.

Zara's eyes sharpened, and she dashed after a small rustling in the bushes, her reflexes quicker than they had been in years.

Lokesh could hardly believe his eyes. "This is insane! It's like they've turned back time. I thought they were too old for this kind of energy," he exclaimed, watching in amazement as the dogs ran and played as if they were pups all over again.

Kay folded his arms, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. "I had a feeling you'd come through with something like this."

Jay simply shrugged, a satisfied smile on his face as he watched the now-energized dogs frolic around the lawn. "They've been with us for so long. They deserve to live out their best years, no matter how many times I have to make sure of it."

The once-quiet night was now filled with the sounds of playful barking and the pounding of paws against the earth. The dogs raced around, chasing each other and engaging in mock battles, their youthful energy completely restored. Even the moon seemed brighter as it illuminated the scene, the stars above twinkling as if sharing in the dogs' excitement.

After a while, with the dogs still bounding around energetically, Jay turned to Kay and Lokesh. "Alright, let's let them enjoy themselves. Come, walk with me."

As they walked under the starlit sky, with the now-rejuvenated dogs frolicking not far from them.

"You know, back at the meeting, the reason I didn't agree was because Aunt would've stepped in if I did. You know how protective she can be," Jay said without looking at Lokesh, his voice quiet but carrying the weight of careful thought.

Lokesh smirked, fully aware of his mother's fierce protectiveness. "Yeah, she's never too happy when I even get close to trouble."

Jay nodded, a brief chuckle escaping him. "Exactly. But there's something else I didn't bring up. I didn't want to worry our parents, but I made a powerful enemy in the Trial World—someone whose abilities allow him to stir up trouble for me from a distance. Not dealing with him by the end of the Alpha Program could put Kay and Qew at serious risk. If you join, you'll be exposed to that danger too. So, give it some considera—"

Before Jay could finish, Lokesh cut him off with a resolute tone, "That's even more reason for me to join them. How could I stay behind when they could be in danger? I'm not about to sit back and watch."

Jay paused mid-stride and turned to face Lokesh, a small, proud smile tugging at his lips. He had expected that response, but it still warmed him to see how unwavering his cousin's loyalty was.

Lokesh didn't even hesitate to put himself in harm's way for his family, something that struck a deep chord in Jay. "Alright," Jay said, nodding, "but keep it on the down low. Don't let Aunt find out, unless you want to be the one getting an earful from her. Got it?"

Lokesh's eyes gleamed with excitement, a wide grin stretching across his face. "Got it."

Jay let out a short laugh, then his expression grew a bit serious. "Before we move forward, there's something you need to know. My ORIGIN SIGILS... they allow me to borrow the abilities of those who hold the sigils. But it's more than that—I can also strip those abilities away whenever I need to. Just like with Kay and Qew, you'd be giving me that level of control over your talent. You sure you're up for that?"

Lokesh didn't even flinch. There wasn't even a trace of hesitation as he made his decision. The idea of Jay misusing such power didn't cross his mind for a moment. Even if it meant handing over control of his life or death, Lokesh would still agree without a second thought.

With a faint nudge of Jay's finger to Lokesh's glabella, a silver pattern flashed at the spot, followed by the formation of Roman numerals "XVII" that briefly appeared, indicating Lokesh had become the 17th Minor Origin Sigil holder.

Lokesh's body tensed momentarily as a surge of energy coursed through him. His Grade-6 Variant Category Innate Talent began undergoing a dramatic transformation, upgrading to Grade-9.

Lokesh's eyes widened in shock as he suddenly became aware of the full potential of his upgraded talent, leaving him speechless.

Kay, who had been watching closely, noticed the astonishment on Lokesh's face and couldn't hold back his curiosity. "What kind of Innate Talent does he have to be this surprised?" he asked, stepping closer.

Jay smirked, clearly enjoying the moment. "MJ, project the details for us," he instructed.

In response, a holographic projection materialized in the air, displaying the full details of Lokesh's newly enhanced Innate Talent. Kay's eyes scanned the data, and as he read through it, his expression slowly mirrored Lokesh's amazement. "This... there really exists such an Innate Talent?"

Jay and Kay exchanged a knowing look, both of them having the same thought in unison: It suits Lokesh perfectly.


Author Note: 

Exclusive artwork for every free chapter is now available on my PATRE0N page! You can find the link in my Discord server.

I'm thrilled to share that I'm taking a big leap forward! Alongside Earth's Alpha Prime, I've launched the first sub-book for EAP.



The first ten to comment for new chapter releases will get '1 ADVANCED CHAPTER' for free on Earth Alpha Prime's Discord server.

In the discord server, I opened a private channel for those Top 10 candidates, where I posted the respective Advanced Chapter.

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