Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 36: Assassination & Ass-kicking

Chapter 36: Assassination & Ass-kicking

Lee came out of the Guild building and stood there. He took a moment to look around him, and slowly walked to where the Hidwig family was situated. Those passing Lee can see him trying his hard to not burst into laughter, as he pondered on the name 'Hidwig'. He wondered as to what circumstances might have happened to have them name the family so.

[Lee, there are 4 people tailing you. Seems to be assassins. Killing-intent  Well-trained and good disguise. Take a turn to the next alley at right.]

Lee was accustomed with such sudden warnings. His resolve and intelligence agreed with what D said and he took a turn to the next alley. He entered the dark narrow area, barely lightened by the twin stars.

"Either you come out or I come for you. I'm getting tired!"

Lee stood before a dead end wall and looked over his shoulder as he spoke. 4 people emerged from the shadows, two of them were ninjas and the other two were dark-cloth wearing assassins. They blocked Lee's way out of the alley.

"Our disguises were perfect, but you figured it out. Seems like we cannot leave you alive either way!"

Lee looked dead at the ninja who spoke just now. They slowly took out their daggers. Lee can see poison dripping from them.

"Before you kill me, tell this, who sent you after me?!"

The ninja hesitated for a second, and he glanced at his companions over his shoulders. They nodded as they muttered-

"He's dead meat anyway. Just tell him."

Hearing this, the one in the front said to Lee.

"The order came from the Hidwig family. It's handsome pay. Looks like you messed with the wrong person!"

Lee could only simper at those unfortunate souls. He shook his head with a wide smile on his face.

"Looks like he has lost all hopes of life. Better make it fast for him!"

One of the assassins took a step and spoke. They stepped forward in agreement. Lee saw their advancement and took out the nunchunk from his Inventory. The assassins saw a weird weapon appearing in Lee's hand and they were excited to know that they'll get a spatial ring as a bonus. But what they did not see, is a faint coating of poison on either handle of the nunchuck. Lee's ability to create poison indirectly, with only the help of a weapon or instrument took effect. The contact with poison increased his immunity by each passing second.

The 4 assassins charged at Lee with vigilance and silence. Their daggers were aiming at Lee's neck, chest and stomach accurately. Lee figured out their trajectories using 'Foresight'.

They advanced about halfway and Lee flashed forward. His silent figure moved as he passed each assassin.

*pak pak pak pak*

4 barely-audible short and blunt noises arose as Lee appeared behind them. The assassins immediately tried to turn at him, but found themselves falling on the floor. Astounded, they thought where might have their plan had a fault.

An intense pain scorched their skin as one among them began spasm and foam from his mouth. His breath came to a halt after writhing some time in pain. The other three raised their voice, but no sound came out. They can tell that they are clearly poisoned.

"Poison. It won't kill you immediately unless you are hit at vital parts."

Lee slowly explained what had hit them. They began to tremble, as they found that they will surely die. Lee admires their courage to take their own lives with a poison tablet kept hidden in their teeth. Lee silently moved away from the scene as his nunchuck went back into his Inventory. Not too late after, he heard someone screaming aloud from where he came. Lee didn't mind it as he paced towards the Hidwig family.


Inside the Hidwig family mansion.

"I'm telling you, grandpa, if you don't kill that man, I will not eat anything! I'll lock myself in my room till I die!"

A girl of about 18 years old with full-grown stature was threatening an old man inside his room. The old man was in his late 60's and can be seen as strong and powerful in a glance. He smiled at her and tried to calm her down with sweet words.

"My dear sweetie, I give you my word that he'll die like all others who offended you. The assassins are already after him. It's only a matter of time to bring his dead body back."

The girl roared back.

"I don't want to see that bastard's body. Throw it to feed the dogs!"

The old man smiled and nodded at her as she stormed out of the room. The old man's expression changed seriously. He stood straight and glanced at a dark corner of his room.

"Is he dead?!"

A figure emerged from the shadow and spoke.

"He should be. Those gone after him haven't come back. But, I promise, it won't take too much of the time."

"It better not be!"

The old man raised his voice with a penetrative stare. The figure immediately went back into the shadows. The old man went and sat at his favorite chair to take a nap.



Lee stood in front of the mansion as he scanned it from top to bottom. He nodded in appreciation as to how big and wide the mansion was.

"Hey, who are you?! What are you doing here?!"

An annoying voice distracted his observations. He looked over his head and saw a young man with a sword in his hand. Lee can tell that this man is proficient in the way of sword by that way he held it.

"Is this the 'Hidden Wig' family?!"

Lee asked with a confused expression as he scratched his head. But inside, he was laughing wildly.

"It's Hidwig family, you peasant. Learn how to pronounce in hell!"

The youngman was enraged. He charged and swung his sword horizontally, at Lee's neck. Lee took a step back and raised his right hand and caught the sword blade with only his index finger and thumb. The sword became immobile.

The youngman tried to pull out the sword from Lee's fingers, but in vain. After losing hope in his attempt, the young man charged at Lee barehanded. Lee flipped the sword, caught it with its hilt and slapped the youngman's face with its flat surface. The slap was powerful enough to make a 'pak' voice.


9 A.M

450 Essence harvested.


The youngman fell on the ground, disoriented from the hit. He couldn't even defend against Lee, because it all happened in a second.

Lee looked at the man lying on the ground. He threw the sword on the ground, right next to him. It was a signal of non-hostility towards that man. The youngman watched Lee as Lee went near the mansion's large wooden door and kicked it.


The entire mansion and everyone in it was startled to hear a deafening sound. Everyone rushed at the front door and saw it shattered to pieces. As they observed what had happened, Lee entered inside through the rubble.

Guards surrounded Lee as he stepped forward. Lee casually glanced at everyone around him and asked-

"I heard that someone here wants something from me. Can they come forward so that we can have a little chat?!?!"

The atmosphere went silent as they discussed on how a peasant can come into a mansion like this and who in the right mind want something from a scum!

A voice shattered the silence and headed towards Lee.

"I see that the assassins have failed. So allow me to take your life. No offense, but anyone who offends my little girl must die!"

Lee raised his head and saw an old man walking down the stairs. Lee can tell that he's an experienced swordsman from his movements.

"Then be a man and come at me. Or are you all talk and only show?!?!"

The old man was angry, but kept his composure. He sneered at Lee and spoke-

"If you're that interested to die, I'll make your wish come true!!"

The old man reached ground in a second and a sword appeared in his hand.

[Lee, I can sense elemental fluctuations from this man. It seems his attribute is wind.]

Lee sneered as he raised his voice-

"It's too crowded here. Let's go play outside!"

Lee walked outside and towards the big courtyard in front of the mansion. Hidwig family members came out to watch their fight. Among them were swordsmen, swordswomen, archers and many who were warriors by profession. Lee saw a girl with luxurious dressings standing on the balcony, with disgust and hatred in her eyes.

Soon the old man introduced himself.

"I'm Eran Hidwig, an elite swordsman. Current family head of Hidwig family."

Lee nodded in amusement.

"I'm Lee. That's all you need to know before death!"

The old man frowned as a blade appeared and Lee spoke.

"Age before skill."


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