DxD: Milking System

Chapter 123: Sword, Get

Chapter 123: Sword, Get

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"So, let me tell you straight. I will try to find Kokabiel, but I won't stop him. I would let him be and only monitor him unless Azazel asked me to stop that guy. It seems the old Fallen Angel has something in mind."

"I understood." Jin nodded.

He knew that Azazel actually had something, a plan, for Kokabiel. If not, then Jin was sure Azazel would stop the cadre himself.

Obviously, Jin was kept in the dark. But an agreement was still an agreement. At least Azazel sent Vali to keep him and the others safe, even if Kokabiel rampaged. He knew what Vali could do from their spar and from Ddraig.

In fact, Jin had accepted the deal while knowing about that. Still, as it happened to be aligned with his goal, he didn't mind it a bit. Azazel's promise still hadn't been fulfilled, and he knew what he would ask from the Fallen Angel.

"So we are going to work separately. I will use you as an excuse to hide one Excalibur fragment, though. I hope you don't mind." Jin smirked at Vali.

It would be best to tell the man his plan from the start instead of hiding it. Maybe Vali would help him, considering how the guy loved to fight against a strong opponent.

Getting an Excalibur fragment would boost his strength slightly, or even massive, depending on how good the sword was. About his compatibility Well, that was easy. Drinking some milk would solve that.

A certain thing Azazel mentioned in their conversation had gotten his attention, and he would like to get it.


As expected, Vali sounded interested.

"I can help you hide it with my friend's help if you want to. As long as you are confident you can use that Excalibur fragment, that is."

"Don't worry. I will be able to use it when we get our hands on it."

"Neat." The Hakuryuukou answered shortly. "Well, I guess that's fine. I will trust your words are real. Don't disappoint me."

"You know I won't," Jin replied. "Let's move tonight. I will stay with the girls from the church while I will leave Kokabiel's search to you."

"You don't need to tell me." Vali turned around and left. While the man was walking away, he shouted at him. "Right, I almost forgot something." He stopped and turned around. "Kuroka said she won't be able to meet you because of a mission."

"Got it!"

The owner of Divine Dividing then entered the bush and disappeared into the shadows. Standing alone in the clearing, Jin scratched the back of his head and muttered.

"Let's see"

He turned around toward a certain direction at the foot of the mountain where he was now. The truth was, he felt an unfamiliar energy but kept silent as Vali seemed to be ignorant about it.

That much was normal. Maybe it was one of a Stray Devil or something that he had heard. But, another energy took his attention than the person he felt. The energy belonged to something similar to Xenovia's blade.

An Excalibur fragment.

"Well, well Let's see who this is."

Jin walked toward the energy while hiding his presence with Senjutsu. It kept moving up, maybe thinking that the Devils wouldn't get close to the church or something. This place was also far from the Kuoh Academy, the base of the Devils.

That person was hiking while Jin was walking toward him from the top. If they kept at this pace, they would meet in the middle.

The sun had begun to set. The shadow of the forest thickened, but he could see the way just fine. Going through the animal trail he used to go up, he tried to ambush the person if that was an enemy.

He came to a halt at the right time.

There was no doubt it was a person, but the darkening sky hid its silhouette. A robe covered its body, and a mask covered his face. What caught Jin's attention was the sword in his hand.

'Jackpot. That's one of the Excalibur fragments, alright.'

If the gold luster around the sword wasn't Holy energy, he couldn't explain what it was. The sword shone a golden light that illuminated the area around the man.

Keeping low to the ground, Jin approached the man cautiously. At a distance of 20 meters, he finally stood on his two feet. The man noticed him and turned around.

"..." The robed individual kept silent when he saw Jin, but the way he raised his sword and pointed it toward Jin showed his hostile attention.

"Hey!" Jin called out loudly with a smile. "Mind giving me that sword? I will let you go if you give the sword quietly."

A sudden attack would be meaningless. Jin didn't need to do that to get the sword. He would like to show a bit of his power so the man could report back to Kokabiel about it. Just a bit so the Cadre would underestimate him.

The man kept silent.

"Do you understand? Give me the sword, and I'll let you go," Jin repeated calmly.

Without answering Jin, the man moved. The sword in his hand hummed, then he disappeared in a blur, surprising Jin a little. He watched the man move, and then he reached out and created a light sword in his hand.

The man was indeed fast, but that didn't mean Jin couldn't detect him. Senjutsu was really convenient at times like this. He didn't need to see the man to know where he would attack. And he felt the man circling him from behind.

"...!" Jin turned around and raised his sword.

Their swords clashed, creating a sound of metal clashing in the air. The force of the blow threw the man off balance, and he nearly fell backwards. But before he did, he quickly recovered and swung again.

Jin blocked the attack with his blade. The last time he fought against someone with a sword, his opponent was way too skilled for him to move a bit recklessly.

But this man he was holding a sword that shone like Holy magic. His skill was limited only by his own ability, which meant he was barely above average.

His swordsmanship was worse than Xenovia's.

"Well, you're fast. But that's it." Jin grinned.

A dozen of light weapons appeared in the air around them. Jin noticed the man's eyes widen from behind the mask as he jumped away.

"Too late!" He shouted, and the light weapons were shot toward the man. They were faster than a bullet, and they exploded upon contact as Jin added Fire Magic into them.

The blast sent the masked man flying backwards, but he managed to land on his feet.

However, the explosion was powerful enough to catch fire and ignite nearby trees and grass. The man must have been surprised or something. He looked around, seeing flames everywhere.

While he was focused on the burning grass and trees, Jin took advantage of the distraction and charged. He went for the man's head, using his sword to strike at the man's throat.

The man tried to block the attack with the sword in his hand, but it was too slow. Jin easily struck at the neck and thrust his sword into his chest.

When he pulled the sword out, black blood flowed from his wound and stained his robes. He collapsed onto the ground, and the sword fell from his hand with a clang as the glow around it disappeared.

Not bad.

That was the first Excalibur fragment he found. He picked up the sword and looked at it. As expected, he couldn't use it yet. The sword didn't respond, and the sword didn't glow. He used Water Magic to extinguish the flame around him. He couldn't burn the whole forest, right?

'I should leave now.'

Just as he thought he sensed another presence, he looked where he felt the presence and grinned. Maybe they were curious about the previous explosions.

"Well, look at them." He muttered. "Issei and Kiba, what a combination. I think I will let them have the man to be interrogated instead of letting him report back. But... I really need to leave. I guess I can leave the rest to them."

Saying so, a Magic Circle appeared under his feet, and he teleported away from the location in a blur.


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