During the Snowstorm

Chapter 17: Rolling Red Dust (3)

Chapter 17: Rolling Red Dust (3)

Lin Yiyang didn't stand up straight, in order to match her height.

He tilted his head and smelled the perfume on her chin and neck, light, sweet, fruity. People are very tired. The train takes nearly four hours, plus the time spent on the train, bus, and subway. It takes about six or seven hours for a one-way trip.

It takes 12 to 3 hours to go back and forth every week, which is almost enough time to fly back to China.

Close your eyes and your hearing will be more sensitive.

He heard people in the ball room still discussing the game between him and Meng Xiaodong. Some people even became interested and asked the temporary referee for the rules of snooker, trying to play a game.

The boss rummaged through the disc that Lin Yiyang had copied for him, and played a song called "Friendship Years".

The boys of Lin Yiyang's generation were the last ones to be influenced by Young and Dangerous Boys, and they were touching their tails, so when they were working part-time, out of selfishness, they got all the movie episodes for the boss.

He listened to the song and put the lighter in his right hand in his trouser pocket.

in the music,

Someone asked: Lin's private room is empty anyway, can it be used?

The boss replied: They said it first, no one will use it except his girlfriend.

Yin Guo felt that his chin was going to rest on his shoulders.

"Can you hug?" he asked in a low voice.

She was soft-hearted when asked, but she still said deliberately, "No."

The sound is very light.

He heard her tone, smiled, and tilted his head to look into her eyes.

If the eyes can burn people, then Lin Yiyang has done it.

There were two young people behind them, talking and laughing, walking from the corner to the room.

Because Lin Yiyang and Yin Guo were leaning against the door on the left, they deliberately took half a step to avoid them. It's a pity that the entrance is not wide, and the two young men are tall and big, so it is inevitable that they will meet. Yin Guo felt that the heel of her shoe was kicked by someone, so she politely took a small step forward. This time, it really depends on him.

Lin Yiyang smiled: "No, are you still leaning on me?"

Even so, the right hand is still doing nothing.

The wind was blowing on her face and hair, cool.

"It's too narrow here," Yin Guo quickly withdrew his hand.

She turned around to look at the dining car: "How about... eat hot dogs?" Staring at the boss for a century, she always had to take care of the business.

Sweaty palms. It's his, and it's his own.

Lin Yiyang saw that the little girl's face was about to hang on, she stood up straight, and called the boss's son, asking the child to take out his clothes. They were sent out immediately, as if they were hiding behind the door, waiting for this trip.

"Take you to Koreatown." He said to Yin Guo.

This time, instead of taking the subway, he made an appointment to pick him up.

The result was really unfortunate. When the car passed a road in Manhattan, it happened to catch up with Dayouxing, and the road was blocked.

The driver asked Lin Yiyang, do they choose to detour by car or walk over?

Lin Yiyang paid for the car and got out of the taxi with Yin Guo. On both sides of the road, there were quite a few policemen standing there, with a bundle of white ropes in their hands, and some with wooden sticks, guarding the place. Every time Yin Guo ran into a foreign country, it was during the day. At night, he ran into a crowded crowd, and walked past with various slogans. People were still a little confused.

"The last time I came here, I also met twice. It was to protest the police killing black people by mistake," Yin Guo whispered, "Why this time?"

Lin Yiyang didn't care too much: "Often, the purpose is different each time."

Some are good, such as the National Day, which is very ornamental. Some are very troublesome. When he first came here, he ran into San Francisco once. It was also winter. At night, it became a violent incident of fighting and smashing stores.

Although the safety factor in Manhattan was high, it was already night, and he didn't want Yin Guo to stay here for a long time.

There were people on the left and right, Lin Yiyang let her in front of him, put his hands on both sides of her arms, and walked forward slowly. In such a position, he can block the people on the left and right and behind, and he can see the road ahead clearly because he is tall.

This road is usually crowded, but now it's even more congested.

Yin Guo was walking on the zebra crossing, walking in the opposite direction of the crowd holding signs on the main road. The front started to become chaotic, and some people were retreating from the road. Lin Yiyang looked at the next intersection, and it was estimated that there was a physical conflict.

His voice appeared beside Yin Guo's right face: "Turn right and go the other way."

Before she had time to turn around, the crowds on the left and right began to become chaotic. Yin Guo felt a pain in her foot and was stepped on by a running person. She exclaimed, and her left shoulder was hit hard again.

Lin Yiyang hugged her and dragged her to the door of a restaurant.

He was smart, he didn't choose to run on the road at all, but found a corner that was not easy to break away, pushed Yin Guo to the wall, turned his back to the road, and used his body to separate the passers-by from her.

Yin Guo had his back against the dirty exterior wall and the tip of his nose against his shirt pocket.

Because of being too nervous, my throat hurts and my ears hurt too.

Through a layer of fabric, he could feel that the part of his heart was hotter than the one next to him, it was the hot air she exhaled.

Behind him was someone who kept hitting him, rushing fast and hitting hard, Lin Yiyang felt a dull pain in his calf, either being kicked or being hit by something. He didn't frown, but just looked sideways at the main road, judging whether the situation would get worse. If it's serious, you can't stay here for long.

Fortunately, it was only a small-scale farce.

The frightened passers-by all ran away, and the new passers-by didn't know anything and continued to walk as if nothing had happened. "It's okay," he said to the person in his arms, "there's a fight ahead, it's not a big deal, those who run are frightening themselves."

He released her.

Yin Guo's vision widened, she turned her head with lingering fear, and the team was still moving forward.

"Let's... just go to this one?" She pointed to a modest restaurant across the path. "Just eat this."

Lin Yiyang nodded and wanted to hug her, but felt it was inappropriate, so he held her right arm, keeping her close to him, and led her diagonally across the path, pushing open the glass door.

A local cheap restaurant filled with locals.

Behind the cashier, the boss saw Lin Yiyang holding up two fingers, saying it was two people, and took them to a four-person seat by the wall with two menus.

The menu was put on the table, and the order was changed.

Yin Guo's heart was still beating unsteadily, and he was not in a state. Lin Yiyang casually pointed at two things: "Chicken wings? French fries?"


"Spaghetti?" He remembered that she specially invited him to eat it once, so he shouldn't hate it.


"What shape? The shape of the face?"

Yin Guo looked at him blankly, her consciousness still drifting. Under such a bright yellow light, in a noisy small restaurant, in this second, after experiencing the incident of being pushed against the wall, with his face on his heart and being protected, he was holding his right upper arm and pulling him close to him. After crossing a path with garbage on the side of the road...

When she saw his face, and those eyes, she began to wander, blushed, and she was completely attracted to his trick in her heart.

"There are not many varieties here, there are slender ones, flat ones, and macaroni, spirals, and melaleuca."

"Macaroni." She picked a good one.

After Lin Yiyang told the orderer it was macaroni, Yin Guo reacted: Huh? No, I hate macaroni the most.

This meal was the worst meal she had ever eaten since coming to the competition.

But it was her and Lin Yiyang's first official date. The pasta was served. The food was not good at all, but it had three times the amount of the usual restaurant. The same is true for chicken wings and french fries. The amount is enough.

No wonder Lin Yiyang only ordered these three items and asked for drinks.

Yin Guo tried his best to eat a third of it, and finally put down his fork and took a gulp of his drink. Too bad to eat.

Lin Yiyang watched the whole process, until she put down the cup and said, "Do you like eating so much?"

He eliminated all the chicken wings, not for the taste, but because he didn't want to waste them. So it is natural to judge the rating level of this restaurant.

"Well," she couldn't boast, sorry for her conscience, and pretended to point to the cup, "this lemon tea is delicious."

The only passable thing at the full meal.

His eyes are so beautiful, so is the bridge of his nose, so is his mouth, his chin and face are just perfect...

He is tall and looks good with messy hair, not to mention his clean shaved and groomed hair. Why didn't you think people looked so good before? No wonder, Meng Xiaotian always wanted to call him "Big Handsome Ratio".

Yin Guo bit the straw, met his gaze and turned, staring at the broken wall next to him, staring at it.

"I think it's just average, not to my taste," he said. "Go back and get something to eat."

"You can cook?" She looked back.

"Not very good, it's ok if it's not complicated." He replied, picked up the checkout bill, and went to pay for it.

As a result, when he got home, Wu Wei had already set up a table for a late-night snack. By the way, he gave Lin Yiyang a stern look and shoved the bill to him. After Lin Yiyang found out that the chicken wings in that restaurant tasted average, he gave Wu Wei a message and asked him to prepare a second meal.

However, Yin Guo was so stuffed with the macaroni for dinner that he didn't eat too much, so his cousin and Wu Wei swept them all away.

When they got home, they didn't have much contact with the extra pair of eyes. Halfway through the meal, Coach Yin Guo called. She went back to the room to report the training situation. When she came out, Wu Wei was already packing up, while Lin Yiyang happened to be on the phone with the professor and missed it again. Before going to bed, they exchanged two words vaguely, and each took a shower and went back to their room.

It was only in the room alone that they had the opportunity to exchange two sentences.

Xiaoguo: Are you going back tomorrow?

Lin: Yes.

Xiaoguo: Morning? afternoon?

Lin: Same as last week.

That's good, if you don't wake up, you won't see anyone.

Xiaoguo: Good night, see you tomorrow.

Lin: Night.

They said good night to each other and turned off their mobile phones, but they couldn't sleep.

At three o'clock in the morning, Yin Guo gave up completely after trying hard to summon Duke Zhou. She sat up and looked at the large group of clubs and the small group of nine **** on the phone.

It is the afternoon in China, everyone is discussing various competitions between training sessions, and the chat is in full swing.

The biggest game of Nine Balls recently is this Open. In the group, everyone is checking the time of everyone's arrival in New York.

In the next three days, everyone will arrive here. The kids are playing next week, and she's playing next week for a week in early April before returning home.

Everyone knew that Yin Guo was at bedtime, and no one spoke to her directly. Only Coach Chen left her WeChat two hours ago.

Coach Chen: I will arrive at the airport tomorrow afternoon, if there is no delay.

Coach Chen: When I arrive, you will move to the hotel and the room has been arranged. You need to adjust your training plan to prepare for battle. Meet and chat.

Move over?

Yes, it is to move there.

I had this plan in mind when I rented this apartment. Although this room was rented until the end of April, it was so that Wu Wei could explain to the landlord.

So, after this weekend at most, I will move out next week.

She raised her eyes and looked at the door of her room, silently fascinated.

There is light under the door, who is in the living room? She tried to use WeChat to probe.

Xiaoguo: Are you asleep?

If there is no reply, it is probably not him.

She turned off the lamp and just touched her head on the pillow when her phone vibrated on the bedside table for a second. She immediately sat up again and looked at her phone.

Lin: Just saw it.

Xiaoguo: So you're outside the door?

Lin: Yes.

Lin: In the living room, come out?

Yin Guo put down his phone, put on a sports jacket, and walked to the door lightly, holding the brass-colored doorknob with his right hand and pressing down. As soon as there was a gap in the door, I suddenly felt someone pushed open.

The tall shadow stepped forward and closed the door with his backhand. There is no closure for fear of the movement of the lock.

"Your brother." He lowered his voice.

Soon, the sound of pulling slippers passed by Yin Guo's door, from far to near, and then to a little further away.

"Why didn't you turn off the lights?" Meng Xiaotian muttered half-awake and closed the door with his backhand.

Lin Yiyang also quietly closed the door behind him.

She didn't turn on the lamp, the curtains in the room were drawn, and there was no natural light.

In the pitch-dark environment, Yin Guo was standing in front of him, and he even had the illusion that he could also hear his own heartbeat. Probably not, theoretically not... Lin Yiyang in front of him was wearing a full set of white sportswear, which should have been changed when he was sleeping, and he hadn't seen it before going to bed.

The two of them were waiting, waiting for Meng Xiaotian to return to the room, so that his words would not be heard.

After three or five minutes of grumbling, the sound of footsteps came back and disappeared again.

Yin Guo breathed a sigh of relief and asked softly, "You haven't slept yet?"

"Looking for medicine." He didn't pay attention to the bath, and he always felt uncomfortable until he slept halfway. He got up and looked at it. It was the place where he was hit by something when he was avoiding the crowd running around by the side of the road, and a piece of skin fell off.

"Are you sick?" she thought.

Lin Yiyang raised his right hand to show her, he was holding ointment, gauze, and a stack of bandages: "Small wound."

Lin Yiyang pointed to the small sofa by the window: "Is it convenient? Where should I sit?"

"Come in." She wanted to turn on the headlights.

Lin Yiyang took her hand and pointed to the bedside lamp.

She turned on the small light as he wanted.

Lin Yiyang had already sat down on the small soft sofa and put the things in his hands on the floor. His trouser legs were rolled up, exposing that spot. This is the first time he has entered this room, although Wu Wei has rented it for a long time.

The small sofa was bought by Yin Guo when he moved in. It was so cheap that it couldn't even be called a "sofa", it was just a big cushion. She usually has no problem sitting, but Lin Yiyang is a man after all, sitting on the dark red soft cushion is a little funny.

Yin Guo squatted beside him, looking at the wound by light, it was not deep, but it was a long one, like a sharp object cut through the cloth. She frowned and asked softly, "How did you do it?"

"On the train." He made up a location casually.

"I didn't know until now?" This is too heartfelt, from the afternoon to the present.

"It doesn't hurt, I didn't pay attention."

Yin Guo looked painful.

He had already applied the medicine, and it was handled in the bathroom before Yin Guo looked for him.

Lin Yiyang thought that the wound was not deep, so the gauze was no longer needed, and it was troublesome to wear pants. He wanted to put on a few band-aids, mainly because he was on the road tomorrow, and he didn't want to touch the wound. He would tear it off when he got back to Washington, and it would be healed in a day or two. So he tore off a few of the band-aids, and with the light, he wanted to stick a few sideways.

"I'll help you." Yin Guo squatted there and said softly.

Not hearing him speak, she raised her head strangely, and looked at his face by the light over the bedside.

Lin Yiyang was looking back at her because of those words.

I'll help you.

He hadn't heard this sentence since he was growing up.

No one had a chance to tell him, and neither did he.


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