Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 3: Roommate and dummies

Chapter 3: Roommate and dummies

Once Yunan entered his room, he found his roommate already laying on his bed, tucked under the blanket and reading what seemed like a dictionary, a very thick and heavy book, he looked well mannered and had a certain calm and carefree temperament. He seemed the type that keeps quiet and to himself most of the time.

As Yunan stepped into the room they exchanged looks and nodded at each other, whilst Yunan got busy placing his clothes in his own closet the other guy looked back to his book and said with a friendly tone " the name is Leol, I like reading and sleeping, I study mostly in the mornings, my assigned role is mage". After a moment he heard a reply " the name is Yunan, I like training and reading, I have classes most of the day, and will be gone from dawn till dusk most of the time". Yunan then busied himself with his items then went to sleep almost immediately after, while Leol stayed up reading under candlelight late in the night.

What an odd exchange between two who will be roommates for 5 years, well the simpler their relationship, the easier it will be for them to get along later on. The simple folk have no need for fancy words to convey their thoughts. And so the first meeting went without a hitch. Well, they had enough time to get to know each other further down the line.

When Yunan woke up, dawn had come chasing away the darkness and ushering in a new day. Yunan has gotten used to an early routine while training with the church knights and so he quietly put on his training leather armour and went to the field in the centre of the academy, and started his physical enhancement training routine: jogging at a brisk pace, interlaced with sprints of 100 meters after every kilometre of brisk pace, then he performed some squats, sit ups and push ups, 30 in each set, once every 5 kilometres. Yunan would do this for four cycles and then heads to the baths to clean up, then head off to the diner for breakfast.

In the diner, Leol found him and sat beside him. "Yunan my friend! you woke up early! I thought you were kidding when you said you would leave the room at dawn", he had an admiring look on as he munched on his breakfast, Yunan looked at him and said with a smile "I have so much to learn and work on, waking up early is the only way to stay fit" Yunan gave a chuckle and mumbled "I don't feel like getting fat until I reach 50".

Leol laughed out loud at Yunan's joke and almost choked on his food. there was a contrast between the two boys as they sat there chatting about this and that, on one hand, Leol, was the very model of an aristocrat, golden locks on his head, sky blue eyes, wheat coloured skin and a supple body that almost never saw hardship, on the other hand, Yunan, had coal black hair and brown eyes, bronze skin, slightly tanned and a lean body, a proof that Yunan did not slack on his training. The contrast between the two seemed to enhance the friendly atmosphere between Yunan and Leol, as the two chatted about nothing in particular, just a casual conversation.

After breakfast, they parted ways, while Leol went to his assigned classroom Yunan went to the teachers' lounge to find his instructor. Bai was lazing about in a half sleep state, eyes half closed and unfocused, leaning back on his chair and sporting black halos under his eyes. Yunan approached Bai, slapped the schedule he came up with on the desk, a 'thud' that startled the other instructors resounded in the room, before they started reprimanding Yunan, they saw Bai waking up from his dazed state so they held back, pity was the look they gave Yunan when they returned to their business. It was as if they were expressing condolences to Yunan for having such an instructor.

Bai just ignored the atmosphere in the room and picked the schedule and glossed over it, put it down and nodded at nothing, then as if he just remembered Yunan was still there he said with a tired thick voice. "go to the library and read the book titled 'magic for dummies' we can discuss what you learned during the afternoon", he then simply went back to his previous posture of idling about. Yunan turned back and walked to the library without so much as a word, he was upset about this absurd teacher of his, that barely cared about his progress. He decided to take matters into his own hands, he definitely would not need such a useless teacher, or so he thought.

When Yunan made it to the library, he found a line of students waiting at the reception desk to borrow what books they needed. It took sometime before he got his turn and when he told the librarian he wished to borrow the book titled 'magic for dummies' a wave of laughter spread throughout the library, even the librarian could not help but shake his head and smile, he simply asked: "Are you certain, son?" Yunan just nodded and said nothing, once the librarian brought the book out, Yunan walked to the back of the library, while those who did not see Yunans face extended their necks to take a better look, just to confirm there is someone reading the 'magic for dummies', a book so low grade almost everyone had read it once, even the muscle brains.

Yunan didn't even glance at his audience, merely passed by as if he did not see them or hear their ruckus at all, he then suddenly stopped at a table were a guy tried his best to hide his face in his book, Yunan smiled and sat on that table not even bothering to ask for permission, and just pulled a chair and sat himself opposite the guy trying his best to hide.

Leol was almost panicking, the amount of ridicule he would get; if he was known to be the friend of the guy that needed to study magic for dummies, when Yunan sat with him, he just gave up and smiled back at Yunan, trying to poke fun of him by saying "I did not know you were that dumb, that book should be a higher level than your ability to comprehend", Yunan did not think before saying "my lazy instructor choose the simplest book so he would not need to explain much at all, sigh, hey how is your instructor? if he is not bad switch with me!".

both Loel and Yunan laughed at the last quip and got scolded by the librarian for making noise, when the commotion faded away and the other students focused on their own books, Leol and Yunan took turns peaking at what the other was reading, and soon an epiphany hit both boys and they started trading books from other students to confirm what they found.

the duo took the pile of books, went to the back and started whispering at each other, Leol was first to commend instructor Bai "your instructor sure is on a whole other level, he is too far from my own instructor". Yunan could only scoff at his new friend, he still did not believe his lazy teacher had such a goal in mind. he replied "that lazy bum cannot be that good, it must be a coincidence we even found this, that guy should not be capable of planning this" it was fascinating to them that the lowest level book on magic had such a function, that it should be read alongside other magic books, its simplicity would mean it could help one comprehend higher level magic formulae, based on the corresponding simplified magic formulae that can be found in the magic for dummies.

those who do not know the history of magic books would not know, the author of magic for dummies was once one of the highest level magicians, and it was his magnum opus from years of research and teaching magic throughout the years, and so it was a simplification of all magic formulae that was recorded in the history of Tartarus.


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