Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 26: fae invasion

Chapter 26: fae invasion

After the end of class bell rang, Leol walked into hall number 5 to help Yunan stand on his feet, he was surprised to get a hug from Leader and small pat on the back, he blushed furiously, fidgeted with his fingers not knowing where to put them, while keeping his eyes on the floor, he forgot about Yunan and just enjoyed the hug. "thanks for your hard work" said Leader when she let go of him, he got a nod from everyone else, when he finally remembered to pick up Yunan and leave he heard Dustan shout at him "get him to rest, well, no morning training tomorrow, you guys have a very big day so get as much rest as you can".

Although Yunan had told Leol how Debauchery worked, their seamless teamwork would give others the elusion there was no leader, or maybe that anyone can take the lead at anytime, they were surprisingly organized. Leol thought that their system is a bit chaotic, but it was not so, as each had a certain area they excel at, where if they choose not to make a move, the second best in line has that right, at this moment, the ones who would be kindest, Fae and Balin, were angry at yunan for dealing with the reward without including them, Leader had just hugged Leol so she passed turn and Dustan became the one in charge or kindness. complicated? not really, they know each other enough to know who would be next in the ranking in any given situation, for example Lucian was second in command, if Leader passed her turn by staying quiet, Lucian gets to order everyone around, then comes Bai, Fae, Balin then Dustan, the reason for Balin ranking so low, is that he wanted it so, he dislikes giving orders, but not as much as dustan hates taking the lead.

Bai is first in schemes and strategy, Balin is first in service, Dustan is first in protection and games, but Leader still reserves the right to the final word, up that point, anyone can argue anything, and till they are satisfied, curiously, Leader never used her final word card. most of her decisions go unchallenged, mainly because she takes the opinions of the most suited ones at all times, even allowing others to lead, while she stays in the background.

Yunan never thought he could stand up tomorrow on his own much less workout in the morning, thus both want to the bath and soaked in until their bones felt soft. "it worked you know" Yunan said in a relaxed voice, "really? how did you know", "a messenger came during afternoon class, with an invitation by academy director, there was a meeting with some holy island emperor or something like that, they are meeting tomorrow afternoon.", "never heard of a holy island emperor", "not sure really, i was under joint lock and did not get to focus much on the content of the letter, what kind of emperor has holy in the the name anyway?", "usually any holy ones belong to some church or the other, there is only one holy emperor i know of, it surely can't be the holy emperor of sun island right!?", " i think that was the title, sound more majestic the way you said it", " that is not even a possibility, sun emperors never leave sun island, ever, that is a law of the universe, like how all things fall down, you must have been under a weird move to hear that", "possibly, i was beaten enough to hallucinate a few times", " so what else happened, no matter who read our letter they would not follow it after a mere day, no one is that desperate". "well, Debauchery made an announcement the same day we sent our letter,it basically said that anyone who intervenes in their current mission can go die, it's the short version, even the messenger that brought the letter ran away without waiting for a reply"."that would have scared anyone in their right mind, especially if what you said about them not acting at all before is true, there will be many who are hiding under their beds right now", "they scare me too, even though they are super nice to me, i still feel like nothing but a twig in their hands", "good, i would think you were either stupid or insane if you are not scared by the strong".

After bathing, the boys went to the diner before dinner time and took some food with them to their room, ate and slept early, if a giant orc told you to rest well, you do it, especially if it was one that can haunt you if you do not listen.

Morning came, both boys stayed in bed arguing about the need to learn melee combat and unarmed combat, Leol said he had no plans to become an elite and only wanted to get rich and support the family from behind, while Yunan was trying to convince him, that there was always a good reason to learn any kind of non magical combat, they were interrupted by a knock on the door, once Leol opened he found Fae and Lucian, Fae barged in as soon as the door was open and went straight to the wardrobes and rummaged through them mumbling. Lucian said "good morning" as if his companion did not just barge in like she lived here. once she went through everything she turned to the boys. "get ready we need to go shopping, you two can not see the sun emperor in clothes like those" she did not even wait for them to respond and started pulling away the blankets and throwing clothes at the boys "quickly now, get ready, we only have two hours to get you ready for imperial presence".

before the boys knew what happened they were dressed and walking between Lucian and Fae on their way out of the academy, Leol was the first regain his thinking faculties, after all not every morning you get an elf beauty to dress you up and take you out for something. he looked towards Yunan and said "did she just use, sun emperor, us and imperial presence in the same sentence?", " i think so, why?", "i think we just told the most upright person ever how to act properly", "yeah, that is not what i am worried about though, i don't know any courtly manners" said Yunan in a sad voice "why would you need courtly manners?... oh god, i never paid attention when grandpa taught me, i am doomed grandpa is going to kill me for messing this up" while Leol was having his breakdown Lucian and Fae were giggling to each other like a couple of mischevious kids, Yunan already forgot about how sore he was mere minutes ago and was comforting his friend in his darkest moment, "at least you know some, i will stick out like a sore thumb, no one will notice you with me making a monkey out of myself", "you can be excused as an ignorant commoner, i will be flayed for being a useless aristocrat" the kids comforted each other in their own way, prompting laughs out of the giggling duo.


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