Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 22: desires

Chapter 22: desires

Luckily for Yunan and Leol they were not bothered by the group of investigators, they had a relatively quiet lunch where they discussed about the plan Bai come up. "So you have to come over and carry me from the hall, after every class? That is a bit of a chore", " i hope it is worth it, bai said i would get a few benefits if i perform well". "You know Bai does not care about whatever scheme is at hand and only using you to give me harsher training, even the morning classes who were all theoretical, will now become physical, thanks to whatever bastard is making useless plans that won't even work" Yunan mumbled a few more swear words.

"I know, he told me very honestly, he said that with our morning workout you can handle it sooner or later, and i get some pointers on weekends, i get to choose what they teach me" Leol was kind of proud that he got something for nothing, well his friend will get hurt by this but who cares, it is just making Yunan stronger in the long term, so win-win

"So you sold me for pointers eh, you should have negotiated the ability to join classes with me, that way you get better revenue for your meagre sacrifice"," and suffer with you? Heh very funny, i would prefer to get pointers than full blown lessons, i don't think i can take it".

The lunch time flew by as the boys joked and jested with each other before separating for the afternoon, in hall 5 the lesson this afternoon was dodging and dancing, under the orders of Leader, Bai and Lucian would poke at Yunan with their fingers and Yunan had to keep up with conversation while dodging as best he can, after that there was an actual dancing lesson, Yunan had to dance with Leader and keep up with her.

Uring the dancing part of the class, Yunan got time to ask the question he wanted to ask since this morning. "Leader, what do you think all this investigation and shady intrigue is about?". "Its not very complicated, it's kind of normal for us to have people ask around us or trying to talk us without going through the proper channels", " what is it like usually?" Yunan felt like he should know something like this for future reference.

"Usually they try to recruit us to take them down the dungeon, there is the odd one who actually has a quest to clean up, and just don't want the guild all over the nest they found and would rather keep the profits, there are others who would like to own us, those ones never learn, no matter how many men they send, no one returns, they think there is enough money for us to put on a leash, or maybe threats, bans and whatever they can think of to pressure us, entice us or even charm us. They just never think that we genuinely do not care about them nor what they have to offer."

"They sure are very insistent if they tried so hard, if they even tried to put you under threat they must be desperate" Yunan said " that was already too far no matter how you think about it, you six can literally burn down kingdoms, but there was someone dumb enough to send men after you!"

Leader in front of him had a bitter smile on her face "there is always worse, there was once a king who offered us half the treasury to kill all those who tried to take his throne, there was another who promised half the profits of his merchant empire to take him and his new concubine into a dungeon honeymoon. It is not like there was no precedent but all those who entered regretted it, since they could not get batter at anything after entering the dungeon, even simple handicraft was impossible to learn, can you imagine having to enter the dungeon to learn anything no matter how easy it is? It is not worth it for those who do not want to live their lives centered around the dungeon".

"What else, what kind of crazy requests did you get?" Leader laughed in her alluring way, bemused by the curious little kid after a moment of thought the others started chiming in on the conversation in a cacophony of laughter and ridicule, somethings were very ridiculous. " there was the guy who wanted his baby born in the twentieth floor", "remember the guy who wanted us to kill him and frame his own son","there was the guy who wanted monster milk for his newborn","oh i never forget the guy who wanted us to catch humanoid monsters for him to lay with"," don't forget about the one who wanted to live inside the 20th floor, he had builders and workers ready and all"

All kinds of stupid, careless, even horribly terrifying proposals made Yunan think rich men are crazy, or maybe money has a thing to do with making men act silly and stupid, but once he thought it through, he understood that power, fame, greed and ambition are the true culprits, money only is an enabler for the desires of men.

After the noise died down a bit and the debauchery were discussing more of the adult themed proposals and which ones they should have accepted, Yunan finally got a window to keep asking Leader more about the situation, "Leader what do you think it will be this time?" Yunan knew not to ask about what if he was kidnapped for pressure, because he knew very well that Debauchery would leave the matter into the guild's hands which spells his doom.

" I think it has something to do with you, maybe about us taking the teaching job, that is the best case scenario" leader kissed Yunan on the forehead as if an early apology, she stopped the dance and told Yunan to rest, she then assembled the party "so, what do we do?" she asked. Balin was first to answer, " protect, if they go too far, i think it is time to step on some heads and sow terror to those who keep underestimating us".

Fae chimed in " we have stayed polite and quiet for long enough, the world of nobles need to be reminded what it is like to go against the elites of the dungeon, although we only can go for the 20th floor, they seemed to forget the last time the guild could not keep the adventurers under control", Lucian was a bit more harsh " I like the boy and i like the fun we are having in this long vacation, if anyone tries anything, i don't mind wiping out a few families even if i have to live the rest of my life in the dungeon, i don't want my vacation spoiled, like every single one we had so far."

Dustan was more at ease " my axes are ready for whatever you need them for" while Bai stayed silent for a few moments until all the party was looking at him " i think we can put on a show without getting out of line with the guild" the smile bai had on made Yunan shiver, whatever was in that brain of his, Yunan did not want to know.


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