Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 19: we choose life

Chapter 19: we choose life

Although Yunan was still groggy, he still made his way home and fell to sleep almost immediately, he only woke up later when Leol shook him awake for dinner time. On the way there they discussed the Debauchery party, and how the training went in the afternoon, Leol was visibly shook as he had his world views crumble, he would have never thought there was people that can actually fit the word Debauchery and still be successful.

As they ate dinner Leol shared started talking about some new friends he made in the entertainment center this afternoon they were interested in the chess rules bai had taught Yunan, and thus the group played with Leol almost to dinner time, and when they were chatting about how Leol and Yunan worked out in the morning every day they expressed their willingness to join the duo.

They were all from different classes and all with high wisdom, they had at least high stats in 2 other stats and there was even an all rounder, they wanted to meet Yunan to ask about the types of unorthodox training and teaching methods, that he was in contact with, of course no one would believe that working on geometry and magic constructs can help develop both skills, and also help the student grow both in mentality and his stats, Yunan wondered how would they feel about singing arithmetics while fighting an orc who barely can control his strength.

Meanwhile, the Debauchery party went out of the city for the moon feast, while master dwarf Balin had to go register the name of their party in the guild and got a very good headache as he found enough provisional names for the party to name half the platoons in an army, removing those names from the records and making sure it is the right members in the party put him in a very bad mood, the only good point was that the name was well received by the guild and although the paperwork took some time, there will be no more mistakes.

In the plains outside the city, Lucian and some other lykans around the area were making a giant pyre and there was enough meat to feed a few dozen people, bai was in charge of barbeque while Lucian let his animal side take over and howled and played around with the other lykans, meanwhile master Balin was arm wrestling with Dustan while the two ladies gossiped about god knows what.

The feast lasted until dawn, by the time the Debauchery party made their way to the academy they saw Yunan and Leol jogging around the central field, although Leol was complaining he still kept pace with Yunan, thus the party decided to stay and watch. After a few laps Yunan and Leol stopped jogging and took a moment to rest before doing the basic exercises, push ups, squats and sit ups, then they sat facing each other while reciting the addition sequence they told Yunan to do in the afternoon lesson.

Leader was very impressed. This little guy had the foresight to recognize that even resting can be used to train in another aspect. While alternating the sequence, they would mess up and instead of starting over, one would correct the other as they kept going to higher and higher numbers once they reach 50 they started again, for a total of three times, then they stood up and did the one step dance leader practiced with Yunan, they did three sets, first was opposite, second was mirror, third was counter.

Once they finished their training the boys headed for the baths while the party headed for the instructors dorms to clean up and get ready for the morning lessons while deciding if they would send someone each morning to guide the youngsters in their efforts.

The tuesday class was held in the training hall instead of the library to make use of the sound isolation, Yunan was confused at first but when he heard leaders explanation he felt more at ease. Leader had her arm on Yunans shoulder as she took him to the center of the hall were all the Debauchery party was armed with metal poles, " since you chose this lesson to be about chanting, we are not going to fight or the like, these are for replacing the drum beats, here is how it will work. We will all sing a song, and you will use the rods in your hand to create a beat that matches the song, however you must knock your rods against ours in time with the drums, you fail and we start over, if you finish a song without any mistakes, we can do something else for the rest of the morning"

While Leader was explaining Balin poked Dustan as he snickered "knocking rods, heh heh heh, the pure Leader if finally getting as vulgar as the rest of us" that earned him a rod to the head by Fae, but before he thought he got away with it Leader threw a metal bucket at Balin saying " no rods for you, use your head to repent".

As to be expected, with a metal head dwarf in the group, every now and then a rod would descend on his head out of beat and before his turn came, ruining the drum beat Yunan was working so hard to achieve, which prompted him to go for the arms or legs of those who ruined the beat while they were trying to sneak a hit on master Balin, by the end of the class Balin was sitting on Dustan's shoulders drumming on his own head to pirate chanty while the others were singing along.

Yunan was sitting beside Leader looking at these guys who claimed to be elites of the dungeon act without restraint, something troubled him more than anything else now, he feared he would catch whatever they had. He looked at Leader beside him who had a mother's gaze on her when looking at the happy bunch. "How come they can be so unscrupulous, i have never seen any adventurers who are like them, it feels like they are more like the orphans in the orphanage than elites"

Leader looked at Yunan with a smile. " it's death, it has this wonderful effect on human, the majority turn so serious and focused they lose sight of everything else while others would embrace everything and lose what they focused on before, that is us the minority who choose to live when we face death, we have seen each other both at our best and at our worst, we licked each others wounds and propped each other up, during more than 5 years of death and struggle, and that just made us closer, family is not the term i would use but it is the closest thing to it, all of us in the Debauchery party just seek warmth and life, the rest is just to keep up appearances."


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