Dungeon Maker

Chapter 88

Translator: Jen

Editor: Zeroth Deuce

Mana wasboiling within him while he was waiting.

The flashyand extravagant demon world sky was responding positively to two manas.

Everyone onthe battlefield was looking at one area. Everyone was looking at Yong-Ho andAgares.

Agares wasthe first to move.

Mana wasfocused on his destroyed back and on the area where his wing was ripped off. Itwasn’t like time was moving backwards. It was more like change. As Agareskicked off the ground, the injured area disappeared. In the area where thewings were, arms with blades at the end shot out. And several layers of newshells formed on his melted back.

Fire andwater.

Agares changedhis body so that it was more aggressive. As he got closer to Yong-Ho, all sixof his eyes were looking in different directions. He commanded while releasingan intimidating roar!

Everyone onthe battlefield cheered. Agares’s real spirits, the insect-type monsters criedout at the same time. And the monsters that ripped the Land Worms apart lookedup. They listened to their owner and started moving.

Hundreds ofthem cried towards the sky. The ground shook when they all jumped off theground at the same time.

Theinsect-type monsters charged towards Yong-Ho from different directions. Thebattlefield was right outside the gate and Agares had the advantage when itcame to numbers.

Yong-Ho heardtheir cries as well. He also felt the ground shaking. But he didn’t look away.He glared at the monsters that were charging at him.

It was reallyintimidating. They were so violent that it felt like just looking at them couldkill you.

But, he couldgo against them. Yong-Ho thought about Aamon. He recalled the way Gusion lookeddown on him.

He took astep forward and gave his command!


A black stormbroke through the monsters’ roar. Skull and the soldiers that followed werebetween Yong-Ho and the monsters. Even though there were only about 10 of them,it was almost like an iron barrier.

Catalina andOphelia also moved. They were behind Yong-Ho and they became Yong-Ho’s blades.They charged towards Agares.

Agares swunghis four blades. His attacks were extremely violent. Catalina saw his attack.She naturally read his attacks. She moved to the right and dodged his blades.

Ophelia didthe same as Catalina. She moved her body to the left to dodge his attacks andthen after kicking off the ground, she attacked his side.

Agares didn’thave a choice but to slow down. He attacked his sides with his blades.

He wasn’ttrying to dodge their attacks. He was trying to attack. Even though he was onlyusing two blades, it was even more dangerous.

Opehliastopped breathing. It was different from the attacks that Catalina read. Shefelt his attacks. Ophelia used her Red Demon’s physical ability and focusedthem on her legs. Then, she threw herself between his blades. Right after, shekicked off of Agares’s body. Opehlia focused and attacked Agares’s head.

It was astrong attack. But his shell was too thick. Even though Agares’s head was immediatelybent down, he wasn’t shocked by the attack.

Opheliawasn’t disappointed. The moment she landed, she jumped back. She kept her guardup and looked at Agares’s back.

Catalinafocused on her black mana. She found a weak spot on Agares’s new shell. Sincethe new shell formed in areas where the old shell was destroyed, it wasunbalanced, so Catalina used her dagger to pierce into his back.

Catalinawasn’t experienced in controlling her mana. That’s why she performed theeasiest attack. Her mana exploded!

Agares feltthe pain. But it was still weak. Catalina jumped off of Agares’s back withoutany hesitation. Catalina looked ahead of Agares and looked at Yong-Ho.

And that madehim made.

The momentCatalina and Ophelia turned their attention elsewhere, Agares attacked. Eventhough he had the body of a monster, he was a demon king.

Lightning andthunder was released from Agares’s body. They all exploded at the same time andthey enveloped both Catalina and Ophelia.

There was ashort scream. Catalina fell and Ophelia endured it by gritting her teeth.Agares moved all six of his eyes. He was getting ready to swing his blades indifferent directions.

And thenthere was fire.

Agares sawthe fire that was in front of him, so he started swinging his arms. Instead ofgoing against the one that started the fire, he jumped off the ground. Agaresthrew himself in the direction that Yong-Ho didn’t expect.

Catalinalanded on her back. Ophelia gritted her teeth once more and turned her head.

Agares wastargeting the soldiers in the Free City. They came out of the city in order toprotect Yong-Ho and his spirits from the insect-type monsters, but now, theyhad to face Agares himself.

The tall andlarge Gigantes were the first ones to sacrifice. The soldiers weren’t able tododge Agares’s blades like Catalina and Ophelia did. The moment he swung hisarms, their upper or lower body went flying. Agares destroyed three Gigantes,but he didn’t stop there. The slaughter that Oros was worried about washappening.

Blood andcorpses were flying in the air. Agares was covered in those and the lightningthat he released exploded, slaughtering more soldiers.

Agares lookedall around him at the same time. The insect-type monsters were starting tooverpower the soldiers. And some of Agares’s soldiers that came from otherplaces were about to the fight the soldiers that were in the Free City.

It wasn’t afight against two small groups.

It was afight against two big groups.

What theywanted was for Agares to lead the war.

One ofAgares’s eyes found a threat. Oros, the leader that Agares took down first, wason top of the gate and was charging at him through the blood and corpses thatwere in the air.

Agares swunghis sword. Oros swung his scimitar and it clashed with the blade. But, it was abad move. Even though Oros drank a potion that helped him increase hisstrength, it wasn’t enough to go up against Agares. His scimitar broke. Oros’sright arm was cut off.


The momentAgares was going to cut Oros’s waist, a spell had been activated. The spellthat Dargon casted made the ground beneath Agares slippery and as Agares losthis balance, he swung his blade in the air.

But it wasonly for a moment. Agares used his other feet to jump off the ground thatwasn’t slippery. He ignored Oros, who was in pain, and charged towards Dargon.

Since Agareswas moving too fast, Dargon gave up on casting another spell. He tightened hisgrip on his mace as he watched Agares kill the soldiers in front of him.

Oros wasn’tdumb. Catalina and Ophelia were the only ones that were able to dodge hisattacks. It would be different if he wasn’t fighting at all, but the moment hesaw Agares, he knew that the only thing him and Dargon could do was block hisattacks.

Dargonconcentrated. Agares broke through bloody wall and Dargon blocked his bladeswith his mace. The moment they clashed, his knee went out. He activated hisOgre strength and the moment he tried to push the blade, another blade cut hisstomach.

The fear hefelt only lasted for a moment. Blood and internal organs were flowing out ofhis stomach. The blade that stabbed his side broke his bones. Dargon couldn’tdo anything and the blade that was in his body cut Dargon’s body vertically.

Screams andcries filled the battlefield. Some expressed their fear and that was affectingthe others. And the insect-type monsters started killing off the Free Citysoldiers. Death was everywhere.

Oros startedthinking. Should he not have left the gate? Should he have watched Agares andhis troops get murdered by the House of Mammon’s owner?

They wereuseless questions. If they can’t stop him here, then it’ll be over.

Oros grew hissevered arm. He was breathing heavily because he used too much of his energy,but he managed to lift his head and look at Agares.

Agares waseating Dargon. His large teeth was painted with blood and his eyes were movingin different directions. Oros knew that Agares was enjoying himself.

He yelled.Catalina and Ophelia ran past Oros. The two charged towards Agares once againand Agares, who was chewing Dargon’s upper body, spat it out and turned hisbody. Out of the six eyes, four of them were on Catalina and Ophelia. The othertwo was searching the sky.

Catalina andOphelia had to take a bigger risk. Even though the number of blades and speedwas the same as before, the situation on the battlefield changed. The largepool of blood and corpses disrupted their movements.

Agaresreleased more lighting. Instead of swinging his blades at them, he decided torelease the lightning and make them explode.

The shockstarted spreading. The ground was slippery and sticky.

But Catalinaand Ophelia didn’t stop. They couldn’t stop.

They threwtheir bodies between the blades. They barely managed to dodge his attacks, butgot closer to Agares. They attacked Agares with everything they had.

Catalina madethe black mana explode. Ophelia kicked one of Agares’s legs and broke it.

Agaresendured the pain. Out of the six eyes, two of them were looking at Catalina andOphelia. The other four were looking around to find the one that will soonarrive.

A fiery towershot down from the sky.

Agares, whohad been looking at the sky, swung both of his arms. He was trying tointimidate Catalina and Ophelia and at the same time, he jumped back to dodgethe fiery tower.

The fierytower crashed into the ground. Agares saw Salami flying in the air with two ofhis eyes.

Agaresblinked. He noticed that the color of the fire was different from before and noone was riding on Salami’s back. All six of his eyes were looking towards onedirection.


A green firebroke through the fiery tower.

Yong-Ho wasenveloped in Greed’s fire and broke through Salami’s fiery tower. Withinseconds, he was near Agares.

Agares swunghis blades, but it was late. Yong-Ho was already close to him. Agares openedhis mouth and shot out acid.

It was badfor Yong-Ho too. He was too close. While charging, he couldn’t dodge the acid.

That’s whyYong-Ho didn’t back out. He took a step forward and raised his left arm.


He yelled.The Power of Distortion that was released from his left hand protected Yong-Ho.The acid bounced against the wall of space and a part of it landed on Agares’sbody.


Agaresexpressed his pain and and anger. Yong-Ho ignored it. He jumped up and steppedon Agare’s leg. He pulled Aamon back and looked at Agares’s eye.

It pierced.

Aamon’s tipbroke Agares’s glass-like eye. At the same time, the tentacle that quickly grewfrom Agares’s body pierced through Yong-Ho’s abdomen.

Agaresscreeched. Yong-Ho gritted his teeth and used his power.

The greenflame burned his eye. From there, the fire burned into Agares’s head. This paincouldn’t be compared to the first time his eye was attacked.

He wasjumping around crazily, and it was fine. He screamed like waving all fourblades in different directions. The green flame escaped his eye and mouth.

Yong-Hodidn’t attack him again. Aamon transformed into a bracelet and fell on Agares.As soon as Yong-Ho landed on the ground, he looked up and read the mana’s flow.

Agares’s manawas raging. His will to live activated the regenerative power and he focusedhis body’s mana into one area.

That’s whyYong-Ho was able to clearly see it. The area where Agares was focusing hismana. The area where Agares’s spirit was located!

Yong-Hotightened his grip on Aamon again. Agares couldn’t move because of theregenerative power, so Yong-Ho looked at his abdomen. He pulled Aamon back and produceda very hot fire.

The singleattack that broke through the Steel Ox that was on the first floor of theArena.

Yong-Horemembered the things he learned from Aamon. He was going to use them now.

The lancepierced into his body. The hot fire broke Agares’s shell. Aamon broke throughAgares’s abdomen and destroyed the concentrated mana that was helping Agaresregenerate.

There wasonly one thing left.

A radiantfire was released from Aamon. He consumed Agares’s spirit.


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