Dungeon Maker

Chapter 84

Translator: JenEditor: Zeroth Deuce

There were several reason why Yong-Hopushed Ophelia’s registration back, but the main reason was simple.Yong-Ho didn’t have any reserved power.

Registered spirits were very specialbeings.Ordinary spirits worked throughcontracts. Based on the type of spirit, the magical binding power may bedifferent, but other than that, it wasn’t any different from the contracts thathumans used in the human world.Registered spirits had a relationshipwith the user. Since the soul of both sides were being connected, they werecloser than those that were related by blood.When the owner became stronger, thespirit became stronger and vice versa.That meant that the owner could becomestronger just by increasing the number of registered spirits.However, there was a limit to the numberof registered spirits that an owner could have. It wasn’t because there was alimit to the expected growth rate of the owner as the number of spiritsincreased.It was because there was a limit to howmany spirits the owner was able to control.The total amount of mana, control andthe size of the spirit were all important factors.There were a lot of factors, but in theend, it was more about the owner’s reserved power.The stronger the owner’s mana andspirit was, the more spirits they were able to register.The reason why ordinary owners limitedthe number of spirits to three, sometimes up to five, was because they had nochoice.It was as if Yong-Ho’s reserved powerwas divided into 10 boxes.Among them, Eligor took two and Catalinaand Skull took three. He had already used up eight boxes because of those threespirits.He had two boxes left, but Opheliademanded four, so to Yong-Ho she was a spirit that demanded a lot more than hewas able to offer.The same reason applied to Aamon.Even though Aamon suppressed most ofhis powers for Yong-Ho, he was a supreme being. Even if Yong-Ho gave up Eligor,Catalina and Skull’s registration, he still wouldn’t have enough to registerAamon as a spirit.Mammon, the King of Greed, was anextremely strong being, because he was able to register 12 spirits and thosespirits were on the same level as Aamon.Yong-Ho had continuously grown strongerever since he had become the owner. And thanks to Yong-Ho, Catalina and theother spirits were able to grow just as much.Thanks to the four horns that he hadobtained, his total amount of mana had increased a lot, but his ability tocontrol hadn’t grow as much as his mana. Yong-Ho still needed time to train sothat he could have complete control over his mana.For a few days,Yong-Ho continuouslycompeted in the Arena and just like the time he had consumed the distortion,his maximum mana amount increased. He now had enough reserved power.“This isn’t the official registration.You’ll have to visit the dungeon soon and register with Lucia.”Registered spirits belonged to theowner as well as the dungeon. It seemed like she already knew that informationbecause she continued to urge Yong-Ho with her eyes.

Ophelia wanted to get stronger.It wasn’t because she grew up watchingher father long for power.While working as the pub owner, Opheliahad seen many spirits.The law of the jungle was the governingprinciple of the demon world.The strength of one’s mana even decidedtheir lifespan and age in this world.Everyone desired growth.Everyone desired greater and strongermana.But there were limitations.There were those that overcame thoselimits through constant training, but it was rare. The process was long andtough. There were a lot more that gave up because they weren’t able to overcometheir limitations despite working really hard.

Ophelia was the same. Even though shewas carrying out her father’s teachings and improving her skills, her manalevel had remained the same for a while.

That was why she was so desperate.Ophelia suppressed her anxiety andclosed her eyes. She kneeled in front of Yong-Ho.Yong-Ho did the same and placed hishands on Ophelia’s shoulders. He leaned in slowly and placed his forehead onher’s. The mark of the spirit, that was already engraved on her forehead,started to shine.“It’s done.”Yong-Ho spoke a minute or two after hehad placed his forehead on Ophelia’s.Yong-Ho released a deep sigh and stoodup. Ophelia had a blank expression and just blinked.That’s it?Was that really it?Her expression displayed her truefeelings and Yong-Ho displayed a slightly embarrassed smile. He did as Luciainstructed him, but did it fail?However they were both being too hasty.Both Yong-Ho and Ophelia’s spirit felt a shock. Catalina and Skull, who werewatching, however didn’t really feel anything.Yong-Ho roared. All four of his hornswere completely exposed and the mana that was hidden was suddenly released.Ophelia trembled and she let out a crythat sounded like a scream. Her small horns were exposed as well. In betweenthe two horns that were on her forehead, a third horn came out.

Ophelia originally had three horns. Butthere was a stronger power that prevented her horn from growing out. Now thatshe was Yong-Ho’s spirit, she felt pleasure in her growth. It was a feelingthat she had forgotten and had been desperately wanting to experience again fora long time.Now that Ophelia was his, Yong-Hobecame stronger and both Catalina and Skull were affected by it too. It wasn’tas much as Yong-Ho and Ophelia, but they both felt a growth within themselves.A strong mana shook the bar. The manabelonged to the owner and his spirits and even though the colors and theelements were different, the mana looked beautiful.Yong-Ho looked down at Ophelia as hebreathed heavily. Ophelia, who was also crying out, while having her armswrapped around herself, looked up at Yong-Ho.They felt a bond that was differentfrom before. Just like how Yong-Ho was able to communicate with Catalina withjust his eyes, Yong-Ho and Ophelia were able to feel each other’s thoughts andfeelings.‘This place is soundproof, right?’Ophelia smiled brightly despite beingexhausted. Yong-Ho extended his hand towards her. They communicated using theirvoices.“Congratulations on being the House ofMammon’s spirit. You’re under a slave contract now and won’t be able to get outof it. Make sure you’re prepared for it.”“Will it be any different from before?”

Ophelia replied as she grabbedYong-Ho’s hand, with both the owner and spirit exchanging satisfied smiles. ***

Half a day had passed since Yong-Hoarrived and night had now fallen.The three rulers were gathered in asecret room that was located under the central plaza. Just like their ordinarymeetings, they sat around the round table with no one behind them. The rule ofthis meeting was that only the rulers could stay in the room.“So, did it have any effect?”

Dargon’s question sounded urgent, butOphelia just shrugged her shoulders.

“It had no effect. He must havebanquets every day. I even called in a few girls, but he didn’t budge. You sawthe guard that follows him around, right? I haven’t checked all of them, butI’m sure his registered spirits are all beautiful women.”The smile she displayed after finishingher sentence was odd, but they didn’t notice.Oros mumbled to himself.“Is he a lady-killer?”It wasn’t bad. Right now, the FreeCity’s rulers needed a warrior to fight along with them, not a master they weregoing to start serving.Being a lady-killer was just apersonality trait, not a flaw.Even if he was used to women likeOphelia had mentioned, it meant that he liked women and they would be able touse that to their advantage.“The most important thing is howpowerful the owner of the House of Mammon is. If he’s the same as Foras, thenthings will become complicated for us.”

When Oros spoke, Dargon nodded hishead. Ophelia placed her right hand on her chin and replied.“But the House of Mammon was the onlyone that answered to our call, right? Having another ally means a lot for us,don’t you think? Even if we exclude the House of Mammon’s spirits.”“Our enemy is Agares. It won’t be easy.All three of us will have to fight. We’ll have to use all of our powers. Sincewe’re going to fight against a strong opponent, it’s important for us to knowhow powerful the House of Mammon’s owner is.”Oros made a reasonable argument. BeforeOphelia could reply, Dargon spoke.“Should I try fighting him?”It sounded like he didn’t want tofigure things out. Oros frowned.“And if you lose?”“Huh?”“If it ends in a draw or youlose...fighting against Agares is a different issue, so the real issue is whenyou lose to the owner of the House of Mammon. Are you going to give up yourpower after the fight?”The reason why these three became theleaders of the Free City was simple.It was because they were the mostpowerful figures within their groups.

A ruler couldn’t act on their own. Ifthey were to lose to the House of Mammon’s owner in front of everyone, theconsequences would be severe. And Dargon was known to have the best militaryforce.The days of washing blood away withblood was gone. The three rulers had balanced their power and through that,they were able to maintain peace for about 10 years, so now, they had an oddbrotherly love for each other.Dargon was able to figure out fightingstrategies and since Oros had a good relationship with him, it wouldn’t do himany good if Dargon was overthrown.“Hm...should I send my right-hand man,Jacoby? Or ask to spar in secret.”“If he was an idiot, I’m sure he’llagree without any hesitation.”Oros let out a sigh because Dargon wasbeing pathetic and then he looked over at Ophelia.Ophelia waved her hands.“I’ve met him several times and evendrank with him, so I can tell you that he’s not an idiot. If you want to testout his power...then I’m sure he’ll ask the same thing from us. Let’s not behasty.”The House of Mammon’s owner may lose aswell.On top of that, he came to the FreeCity to help. It was best to avoid unnecessary conflict.

“But, there is a need to test himthough. I agree with Dargon on that.”Oros spoke again and Dargon nodded hishead.Ophelia shrugged her shoulders again.

“Well, we still have time. Let’s thinkcarefully.”The official meeting was tomorrow andthey didn’t have anything else to talk about. Like always, Ophelia was thefirst one to leave even though they hadn’t officially ended the meeting.Ophelia lightly waved her hand andDargon asked a question while looking at her back.“Ophelia.”“What?”When she answered without looking back,Dargon didn’t say anything. He spoke as if he was suspicious of her.“Something has changed. Is it youraura?”Dargon easily controlled the outlawsthat were in the Free City. Even though he was simple-minded, he wasn’t dumb.When it came to his fighting senses, he was a lot stronger than Oros.Ophelia calmly replied.“Oh, it’s that day.”Dargon closed his mouth and Orosfrowned. Ophelia calmed her surprised heart and continued walking. She exitedwhile swinging her tail.***The official meeting took place duringlunch time.Yong-Ho arrived at the secret room withCatalina and Skull and saw Dargon, who was prepared to fight him.

The round table was located behindDargon and both Oros and Ophelia were sitting in front of it.Oros had a frown on his face andOphelia looked at Yong-Ho indicating that she didn’t have a choice.The meeting room was made out of stoneand since the building was also used as an arena, it was quite big.Dargon spoke while holding up his mace.“I’m pretty simple-minded. It can’t behelped because I’m curious about your skills. Let’s spar.”Dargon wasn’t dumb. He wasn’t going toput his life on the line. That’s why he even displayed a friendly smile.Skull glared at Dargon and tightenedhis grip on his hammer and Catalina released her black mana. They both glaredangrily at Ophelia and Oros.Yong-Ho sighed. Based on theconversation he had with Ophelia, he expected this to happen, but he didn’t thinkit would happen like this.‘Anyways.’One of their assumptions was correct.Instead of being surprised, Yong-Ho spoke to both Dargon and Oros.

“I’ll start.”

There was really no reason to fight.Yong-Ho took a step forward. The manathat he had hidden while within the Free City was released.

As it showed how strong he really was.


I hope you’ve enjoyed the chapter, hopefully this answers any questions some of you may of been having concerning the status of Ophelia as a registered spirit.

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