Dungeon Life

Chapter Sixty-Two: Idle Planning

Chapter Sixty-Two: Idle Planning

The terrible trio have finally managed to get past the rocking stones. The diminishing returns for a trap also reset at dawn I think. They reset at some point, at least. It might be midnight, it might be dawn, it might just be from them not triggering the trap for a while because theyre sleeping and I have the wall up. Whatever the actual reason, my new mana source is stable, if not especially large.

The public gauntlet will probably be a great hit, though. Even the trio seems to be well, not exactly enjoying the challenge, but also not exactly hating it either. Theyre getting stuck on the wave log right now, though.

I have a log roll thing set up, with the ends stuck into the wall for a track, and it follows a bit of a wave shape, going up and down a few times before getting to the next platform. The log is also fairly rough, which the trio seems to think it just to give their feet grip while they try to walk on it, while also making them be careful about tripping

None of them have realized they need to just hug the thing and not drop off yet. Its pretty funny watching them get stuck in the first dip, though. Fluffles is keeping an eye on them down there at the moment and is using his telekinesis to reset the log once they fall off. None of them are actually all that adept at log rolling, so I think they might be stuck on this one until someone thinks outside the box.

Speaking of outside: Leos expeditions are coming back with all kinds of actually interesting details! The bats that Poe would send underground have the same kind of intel issues the birds do, except bats dont even care about shinies. I know a lot about how the ceilings are, but thats not exactly useful.

With the lesser wolves, though, I get great info! This cavern has some glowing mushrooms instead of the moss stuff, that cavern has some old claw marks probably from a scythemaw, this other cavern has a little stream and pool, and so on. Nothing is especially concerning just yet. Even the scythemaw marks have moss and such growing over them, so if they were marking territory, that maw is long gone. It might have even been the one that chased Aranya!

The lesser wolves have also started noticing the weird something the ratkin have been noticing, too, but havent been able to quite put their paw pads on what it is just yet. With both the lesser wolves and the ratkin feeling something weird, Ive decided to slow down on the public gauntlet for a moment at least, and upgrade the wolf spawner a few times to get it to start making actual wolves.

I also get access to specializations, but I dont specialize it just yet. I think I might actually go for something offensive with the wolves, but Im not sure what. Dire wolves arent a specialization, which isnt surprising. I figure that will probably be one of the late things the spawner will make, maybe even the last. Some of the specialization options might make cerberusses instead, but I still havent decided on what to take.

I almost took timberwolves, just because I can taste the pun, but I have enough plant-related things right now. Im leaning towards either orthruses or tundra wolves, which seem to be physical and magical specializations, respectively. An orthrus is just a two-headed doggo, which is why I expect theyll probably end up with cerberusses at the end unless I can get some kind of wolf hydra.

The tundra wolves are ice aspected, which could be cool, pun only kinda intended. Im just not sure which to take. Orthruses would lead to very cool denizens, and with cerberusses, Id have some great guards. On the other hand, I dont really have much in the way of denizens that cast spells and such. I dunno.

Although I could take the multi-puppers and just get a new spawner and set that towards magic. Ive been thinking of the other invaders and catching some to make my own, but most of them arent really tempting. The roaches are just no. Even if theyre a viable option, I dont want giant roaches wandering around.

Mice are also a no, because theyre basically just weaker rats. I wouldnt be surprised at all if they just become rats if they join me, too. Theres still some wasps around, but I dont need them. I already know theyre the same thing as the bees, even if I also know theyre about as unrelated biologically as flying striped stinging insects can be.

The seagulls are also a no. Im pretty sure theyre just a different specialization for birds, and I already have my ravens. It might be interesting to see a gull turn into a raven, but I dont want to convert one just to have a show.

There are two invaders that might have some potential, though. The first are the moles. I know they cant dig through stone, at least not as normal moles, but I'd be shocked if I cant at least specialize them into something that could. Thatd make expanding deeper go so much more smoothly. The ratlings are doing a good job, especially with Codas help, but I think theyre better at doing basic crafting than with mining.

The other invader that could be an interesting denizen are the gremlins that are always after my mining nodes. Theyre quick, sneaky, and at least strong enough to dislodge a bit of ore or a gemstone from a node. They might make good miners, too, as well as potentially being good to send on expeditions.

Either way, I think Im going to wait before trying to get a new spawner. I could probably fit a spawner or two around, but I want to get more space before trying. I was originally going to start expanding down the tunnel Aranya came from, but recent stuff has made a few other options interesting.

I could expand past the cemetery walls and get a taste of the wilderness. Im sure theres all kinds of interesting things I could get for my new spawner, and tons of room for more herbalism or lumber nodes. I wonder if animal nodes are a thing. Itd also give me a better foothold to try looking into the Green Sea. Thats a pretty long-term project, though, so no real rush on it.

The other option is to expand down the ratkins hunting tunnel. Itll help secure their hunting grounds, and maybe I can even get a spawner for whatever is giving everyone that weird feeling. Im kinda in the business of weird, after all.


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