Dungeon Life

Chapter Seventy-Two: To New Friends

Chapter Seventy-Two: To New Friends

Teemo and Aranya get ready to head to Violet, and I tell him they can loot a couple potions, just in case. Aranya also needs to go get the sword, so itll be a little bit before they head out. In the meanwhile, I look in on what Jellos up to.

Shes been hanging out with Leo ever since they got that mole together, and shed had to get a couple more since then. The moles act kinda rabid, or at least what movies say is rabies, just minus the foaming. They lunge at the bars whenever they notice my scions, and theyll lunge at the walls when they sense the trio resting in their own cell. And just like a bird diving into a window, it doesnt end well for the little fuzzy missiles.

Leo growls as he disposes of the latest mole, and thinks aloud. A lot of my scions do that when frustrated or confused, so I try to give them what advice I can through the bond, or have Teemo come say something. Hes a bit busy, though, so Leo just vents to the air.

I dont get it I knew theyd be more difficult than I was, but this is getting ridiculous! Ive made no progress with them at all! He growls and paces as he waits for Jello to return with a fresh mole, and I dont have much advice to give, unfortunately. The only thing I can think of is to try some of the more unsavory build options in the jail, but I want to avoid that. I dont want my new mole scion to be traumatized into joining me.

He paces and I think, and before long, Jello returns with another mole. Leo sighs and nods at the cell. Just put it in wait He pauses and looks closer at Jello, and I do the same, wondering what he spotted. Even Jello seems confused and is trying to look at herself, which mostly has her bending her cube in weird ways.

What is it? Did Jello accidentally get a mouse again? she asks, hoping she didnt mess up, but Leo shakes his head.

No, its a mole. Its just a lot more calm than when theyre in the cell. Did you knock it out or something? Jello wobbles a negative.

No, Jello just grabbed it. Oh, she is quietly singing to it, though. Otherwise, they try to escape, or screech about noise.

Noise? repeats Leo, tilting his head once more. The moles in the cell never make any sense, just bellowing in mad rage.

Jello just wiggles in affirmation. Jello cant hear the noise, but the moles all shout about it when she grabs them, and start working themselves into a fit as she carries them. So she started singing to them, which calms them some. She doesnt think they really like her song, but it seems better than whatever noise theyre hearing.

Thats interesting and strange all at once. I even listen in close to her, and I hear no music, but Im certain shes doing something. Jello can be really bad at explaining things, though. So shes doing something to calm the moles but what? Maybe shes gained some strange ability?

I take a moment and focus on her status, which I rarely do anymore. Its partially because I dont want to go sticking my nose in other peoples business, but also because it takes a bit of effort to do, and details can kinda fuzz out if Im not paying attention. I wonder if Im not actually supposed to be able to peek? Or maybe its something about my Fate affinity? Either way, I should focus on her status.

Shes level 12 now, which puts her just above the average for my scions. Come to think of it, shes about the middle kid right now, as far as scion age goes I think. Slime, gelatinous cube, yes, thank you for the obvious. Jello the Purifier for name and title.


Does Purifier not just mean shes good at dealing with undead? I guess its time to try an experiment. I do my best to impress the idea upon Leo, and he seems to nod in understanding.

The Alpha and I both think you should try keeping the mole for a little bit instead, Jello. Just keep singing to it and try to get it to like the Alpha? Sometimes a playful bark will get you further than a growl.

OK! Jello will do her best!


Teemo fetches a few useful potions for Aranya while she prepares for her sojourn to Violet. The rat scion isnt too concerned about her getting hurt, but its hardly a bad idea to bring a few things for an emergency.

He has to ferry the potions one at a time, but with the shortcuts, it doesnt take him long at all. He gets to see the little kobold prepare like watching a slideshow. With the first potion, he sees her putting on the studded leather armor the ratlings have made. Its not the best, but theyre getting better with time. With the second potion, shes putting on the sword, and with the third, shes putting the sword on again, after having put on her white robe. Three should be more than enough, so he speaks up.

Ready to head out? he asks, and though she looks nervous, she nods. Hes not too convinced. You sure? I think the last time you looked this skittish was when you helped move the core.

She sighs and slumps a bit, and nods. Ok yeah, I am really nervous, but thats not going to change, so we should probably get going.

Whatre you nervous about? he asks as he hops onto her shoulder, letting her lead the way as they chat.

Its just Sanctuary Thedeim asks so little of me. So when he does request something, I want to do a good job!

The rat laughs at that. So thats what the Boss means when he says something is like seeing his life from the outside. Aranya gives him a confused look, so he continues. Thats just how he works. Tiny and I have been here from the start, and we could probably count the actual orders for the both of us on his legs.

Aranya just looks frustrated at that revelation, rather than relieved. But youre his scions! And Im not just his first Resident, Im his High Priestess now, too! Shouldnt he be guiding us all more than that?

Teemo calms a little and shrugs. Should he? The Boss isnt above giving advice on stuff, but he doesnt like forcing anything. And I think its been working wonders so far. Even Leo and Slash are adjusting quickly. Slash is a bit lost at the moment, kinda like Coda was for a while, but I know the Boss has a plan for him. And he doesnt make Slash do nothing until the plan is ready. He lets him help as he can.

"So how can *I* help? asks Aranya, slumping a bit.

Teemo considers that for a few moments, then shrugs. I dunno. Aranya looks like she wants to throw him against a wall, so he just chuckles and continues. I dont know what a High Priestess does. Do High Priestess stuff, I guess?

But *how*?! she insists, and Teemo can only shrug once more.

Talk to delvers? I dont know, and I dont think the Boss knows anything else to try, either. You talk to the Crystal Shield guys a lot, right?

She nods. Yeah, but theyre interested in this kind of stuff, and some of them just want to make sure theyre not allowing a dark cult or something to take root under their noses. But theyre not going to convert. Theyre kinda all spoken for already.

Then try the other delvers. Maybe even get the ratkin to help. Larx would probably be happy to spread the word a bit, hes definitely an adherent already.

But she shifts uncomfortably and Teemo just smiles.

You still feel awkward around the delvers, hmm? Well, you won't get better by hiding from them, and you won't be able to do your High Priestess stuff if you hide from them, either.

She deflates and nods at that, and Teemo gives an encouraging squeak. You'll get the hang of it eventually. Just keep it as casual as possible. Its been working for me.


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