Dungeon Life

Chapter Fifty-Two: Recognition

Chapter Fifty-Two: Recognition

A couple days later, Elf Guy is back, and seems to be all business. He walks up to the front porch and speaks clearly to nothing. Dungeon Thedeim. The Dungeoneers Guild would like to officially declare your intention as we understand it, and treatise with your Dwellers. Please bring forth your Voice, so it may be heard.

Fine by me. Teemo, if you would? My rat scion just nods from the shortcut hes in, and soon scurries out from under the porch.

Ok, Im here. What do you need? he asks with his typical lack of decorum. The elf simply looks to him with enough solemnity to make up for it, and speaks.

The Dungeoneers Guild does hereby declare you to be a Cooperative Dungeon. We recognize the benefits you can grant, as do we recognize they are not simply free. Your mercy has been noted, and in appreciation, the Guild will attempt to inform delvers of the rules as we know them.

Teemo just grunts at the flowery language. Ok, whats that actually mean? Tarl smiles and squats down to be more on Teemos level, dropping the formal act, his declaration apparently finished.

It means that as long as you dont just kill delvers because you can, the Guild will do its best to make sure they behave and don't make a mess.

My rat nods at that. Good. Thats pretty much all the Boss wants. I nudge Teemo, reminding him of a question Ive had. Oh yeah, he also wants to know what would happen if he expanded into the town?

Elf Guy gives him a confused look. Is he planning to?

Not exactly, he says, shaking his head. Its just one of the options, apparently. Part of why he expanded down a while ago was he didnt know what would happen if he tried to expand out more.

Ah, says, the inspector as he takes a seat on one of the stairs. As Im sure Thedeim can guess, itd be complicated. Everyone would technically become Dwellers. Some would approve, some wouldnt, and some wouldnt care. The mayor would probably be upset, and itd cause political ripples through the kingdom. He shrugs. Id recommend against him expanding outward, at least on the surface. Hell be stepping on a lot of toes if he does.

Teemo just nods at that. Thats about what he figured, yeah. Anyway, you wanted to talk with the Ratkin, too?

Tarl nods and stands. Yeah. I have a formal treaty to normalize relations with them and the Guild, and by extension the kingdom and even the world. Theyre sovereign, technically. Dungeons are their own territory, which is why expanding outward would be complicated at best. The treaty basically just says theyre recognized as such and offers trade deals.

Teemo sticks out his ratty tongue in mock-disgust. That sounds like politics, bleh. Better them than me. You can head to the Enclave on your own. That Ratkin enchanter came by the other day and cleared the magical traps out. He pauses for a moment before speaking up again. Actually, Ill escort you. The Boss is also working on a new challenge.

The elfs eyes light up at that. Oh? After the labyrinth, that sounds intriguing. The two talk as they head into the house, and Teemo hops on Tarls shoulder to make it easier on the both of them. He explains the concept as he guides the inspector, who seems confused at my sudden embracing of traps. I notice Tarl looking around the rat nest in the basement, trying to be subtle as he walks. I should see if I cant leverage that desire to get something out of the ODA though I have no idea what Id want.

Before I can get too deep into thinking of what Id want, though, I feel new feet at the manor gate. Why are most groups trios? Maybe it gives the best balance of versatility versus splitting loot too many ways. They look a bit off, though. I think Ive seen most of the local delvers before, and these three dont look local. Their armor and clothes look like theyve seen a lot of miles, and are expected to see a lot more.

The leader seems to be a troll of some kind: kinda tall and lanky, purplish rough skin, beady eyes. He has a pair of shortswords crossed over his back, with chainmail underneath. Im thinking another melee damage class like that one elf a while ago, but with swords instead of a spear.

It looks like their designated mage is a druid? And a halfling, too. Im pretty sure shes a druid, at least. Shes riding a wolf and doesnt have weapons like Id expect a ranger or something to have. She has a gnarled staff with bones, teeth, scales, and feathers hanging off it. I would say it looks hand-made, but I get a good sense of power from it. And, come to think of it, probably everything is technically hand made. I dont think there are magical factories around.

The last member is an olive-skinned elf, which is interesting. Is that a wood elf? Or is that a regular elf and the other elves have been eladrin? Maybe he just has a good tan? Eh, Im going with wood elf until told different. Hes dressed in hide armor and seems to have a bunch of boomerangs, of all things. Taking a closer look, though, theyre metal and look to be really sharp. He wears thick gloves to protect himself. I would think thatd mess with his aim, but with how his eyes move, I get the feeling thats not going to be a problem.

The wood elf speaks up first. So this is the new toybox?

The halfling shrugs. Looks like. Unless you think big creepy mansions have infestations of adventurers to go with the spiders and mice?

The elf glares at her, but the troll speaks up before they can get a proper bicker rolling. Cram it. I heard that gnome priest got one hell of a prize from beating one of the scions. That gets the other two to shut up, and also makes me squint at the small party as he continues. So we just gotta find a scion to beat up. Not the spider. I want a fresh chest. You spot anything, Hark?

The elf, apparently Hark, looks around before looking up. He grins as he spots Poe up on the chimney. Raven scion up there, Vnarl. The troll looks up, using a hand to cover his eyes, and grins.

Perfect! Mlynda, help him draw it down here. I dont want to fight it in its lair. The halfling and elf nod. Hark tosses one of his boomerangs, while Mlynda summons a thorny vine out of my nice lawn, and has it throw thorns at my Marshal.

Poe just looks at them with contempt as their attacks either fail to reach him, or are easy for him to duck without even getting out of his nest. As they continue to try to draw him out, I wonder if theyre very stubborn, or very stupid. Almost none of their attacks are actually on target, thanks to the distance and the height. Poe has the high ground, and theres not a whole lot they can do about it.

Except get frustrated. Which they do. I wonder if the ranged barrage is their main tactic. The boomerangs always come back, so their ranged fighter never really runs out of ammo, and the druid seems to be able to coax an infinite amount of thorns out of that vine. The troll, however, is getting bored and frustrated, but soon spots something to take it out on.

One of my ratlings has an armful of wood from the maze, and Yvonne is helping it. I guess she wanted to get up and do something, rather than just read books all day with her down time. Vnarl, however, seems to just see two walking sacks of experience. He darts forward and cuts down the poor ratling, much to the surprise of Yvonne. She gives him a glare before speaking up.

What do you think youre doing?!

He just grins and slowly steps forward. I heard you died, Yvonne. Let me help you with that

While the raven had been content to ignore the pests when they were just bothering him, he doesnt appreciate them hindering the ratlings in their duty. He especially doesnt appreciate the threatening tone and stance their leader has towards Yvonne, and neither do I. Stop them, Poe. And try not to kill them.

The caw Poe gives as he spreads his wings is otherworldly in its menace, and I can practically hear a certain evil red genie declare that youd be surprised what you can live through. It draws the attention of the other delvers around the manor, and the unwelcome party all grin as they finally get a rise out of my raven scion. Ravens and crows circle around and blot out the sun over them, and Yvonne takes the chance to slip away.

Poe is looking significantly more bad-ass than I expected. I check his status and see something I hadnt before.

Poe, Raven Scion

Lord of Unkindnesses

Marshal of Murders

when did he become a raid boss?


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