Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 37 37-The Two Altars

Ethan, along with Allie, arrived in the airspace of the Orc Dark Lord.

During their flight, he noticed that the Orc Dark Lord was still standing on the city walls, commanding his orc warriors to retaliate.

Aware of the urgency of time, Ethan flapped his wings harder to increase their speed.

In a short while, they landed inside the orc camp.

There were mounds of earth protruding all over the camp, covered with red tiles and sharp spikes at the edges.

These must be the basic buildings in the camp.

Ethan was not in a rush to destroy these structures; instead, he focused on finding the altars.

While they began their search, orc laborers hidden in the bunkers spotted Ethan and immediately picked up their weapons to charge at him.

Ethan furrowed his brows, ready to fight back, when Allie stepped forward.

The succubus pattern in her eyes flashed, and the orc laborers around her fell into an "illusion", starting to attack each other.

Taking advantage of the chaos among the orc laborers, the two moved forward with little resistance, easily reaching the altars.

Ethan felt something strange.

In theory, these orc laborers were the foundation for the development of this camp.

A significant loss of orc laborers would severely impede the development of this camp, slowing down any progress due to lack of manpower.

Even if the Orc Dark Lord won this battle, his situation would hardly improve.

In the worst-case scenario, the camp's development would regress to the state it was three days ago.

This would be a lethal blow to any Dark Lord.

Falling behind other dark lords meant that without significant progress, they would be powerless to resist any dark lord, becoming easy prey to be slaughtered.

However, it seemed that the Orc Dark Lord did not care about the life and death of these orc laborers.

Even the newly summoned orc warriors, upon seeing Ethan and Allie, simply bypassed them and rushed to the central battlefield.

Ethan felt something was off about the Orc Dark Lord's attitude towards the orc laborers.

But he didn't have time to figure out why the Orc Dark Lord was behaving this way.

His priority was to relieve the pressure on the front lines.

He nodded at Allie, who then stood beside the altar.

The succubus pattern in her eyes flashed again, its "Enslave" effect only covering the altar, which significantly reduced Allie's energy consumption.

The newly summoned orc warriors would also be affected by Allie.

They naturally took control of the area around the altar.

Ethan transformed into his divine dragon form and kept a vigilant eye on their surroundings to prevent any surprise attacks.

After killing all orcs within a 10-meter radius, he returned to Allie's side to continue guarding her.

Looking at the altar, the newly summoned orc warriors were killing each other just as Ethan had anticipated.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

This meant that the Orc Dark Lord would not receive any new orc warriors and thus had no continuous troop reinforcements.

Up to this point, Ethan was fairly confident that they would win the battle.

Although some of the Orc Dark Lord's actions were puzzling, it was not a big issue.

They had occupied the altars, what else could happen?

Ethan opened his system and saw on the mini map that the Orc Dark Lord's troops were still blocking the city gate, with the Divine Dragon Warriors unable to break in.

His eyebrows knitted together as things were not going as he had expected.

He shouted to Allie, "Stop these orc warriors from killing each other. Make them protect you. I need to observe the situation on the battlefield."

Allie nodded and then directed the newly summoned orc warriors to form a protective shield around her.

Ethan looked up into the sky and took off, shooting up like a rocket.

As he surveyed the battlefield from above, he saw an endless stream of orc warriors pouring out from above the camp, rushing to reinforce the center of the battlefield.

Ethan's heart skipped a beat.

Does the Orc Dark Lord have two altars?!

Shock filled Ethan's eyes.

No wonder the battlefield was still so intense.

No wonder the Orc Dark Lord had tacitly accepted his occupation of the altar.

So, this was the reason!

Immediately, he flew towards the other altar, a complex expression in his eyes.

He didn't know what the Orc Dark Lord had gone through to summon two altars, but he had no choice but to go for broke!

The Orc Dark Lord, seeing the direction Ethan was flying towards, felt a surge of joy in his heart.

No longer pretending to be oblivious, he withdrew from the city wall, handed over the defense of the city gate area to the high priest, and led an elite orc squad towards the previously occupied altar.

By the time Ethan had just reached the altar, he had wiped out the newly summoned orc warriors, came above the altar, and exerted all his strength to destroy the second altar.

Just as Ethan was catching his breath, the ally interface flashed.

Ethan instantly felt a bad premonition.

Opening the ally interface, he saw a message from Allie.

[The altar has fallen! Don't come!]

Ethan's face turned grave, and he quickly flew back.

The sight that greeted him was Allie, her hands and feet tied to a wooden bench, with the Orc Dark Lord standing beside her.

The Orc Dark Lord, seeing Ethan, scoffed and said, "Wow, you got here pretty quick. I just defeated this succubus, and here you are."

The Orc Dark Lord burst into laughter, then said to Ethan, "I don't know what kind of dark lord you are, but you should be able to see the world channel, right?"

Ethan remained silent, staring intently at the Orc Dark Lord.

The Orc Dark Lord's smile vanished, and he said expressionlessly, "Open your chat interface. I want all the dark lords to know what happens when you dare to cross me! If you dare not obey, from this moment on, this will be the last time you two see each other."

He put a sharp blade against Allie's white neck.

Allie's mouth was gagged with hemp rope, and she was making muffled noises, trying to say something.

The Orc Dark Lord continued, "Display your system page, just like this."

A light blue panel suddenly appeared in front of the Orc Dark Lord, with a message already typed into the chat channel.

Ethan frowned but did as he was told.

Then, with a playful look on his face, the Orc Dark Lord sent the message.

[Orc Dark Lord: Fellow dark lords, time for a show. Some clueless dimwit thought he could challenge me. He's like a bull in a china shop - bringing trouble onto himself!]

[Merman Dark Lord: Wow, what's up? Public execution?]

[Orc Dark Lord: You bet, I want everyone to know that not just any run-of-the-mill character can challenge me. But I wouldn't mind more dark lords like him, especially ones who gift me succubi.]

[Undead Knight Dark Lord: What? He's not only providing resources but also succubi? For real? This is too good to be true!]

[Blood Phoenix Dark Lord: How much for the succubus? I'll buy her. Heard they are good at serving men, I gotta try.]

[Orc Dark Lord: @Blood Phoenix Dark Lord. This succubus, I won't sell to you. I plan on having my fun with her. And when the time comes, I'll let this idiotic dark lord watch while I have my way. Sounds thrilling!]

[Ghost Vine Dark Lord: You're really twisted, man. But can you tag this foolish dark lord? I wanna see how dumb a dark lord who hands out both wealth and minions is.]

[Undead Knight Dark Lord: Me too, I want to see this. Can't he just gift me instead? I promise to leave him in one piece. Ugh, why don't I ever get in on the good stuff?]

[Fallen Dark Lord: Dude, enough's enough. It's just a case of someone biting off more than they can chew. Making him watch is just sick.]

[Orc Dark Lord: @Fallen Dark Lord. That's how I like to do things, got a problem with that? Want a piece of me?]

Seeing Ethan standing dumbfounded, Orc Dark Lord shouted, "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?! Speak up in the world channel, as for what you should say..."

A sly grin spread across Orc Dark Lord's face.

In a sinister tone, he said, "Tell everyone that you're the idiot who dared challenge the mighty Orc Dark Lord. Apologize to me, your father, Orc Dark Lord, and promise to be my servant in your next life. And, you willingly offered your succubus to me; I didn't force you."

Ethan stared at the messages in the world chat channel, burning the names of those who mocked him into his memory.

They will all pay, sooner or later.

Then, a small smirk curled at the corners of Ethan's mouth.

He looked at Orc Dark Lord, saying clearly and deliberately, "Honestly, the fact that you came up with a decoy strategy against me shows you've got some brains..."

"But that's all you've got."

Hearing Ethan's words, Orc Dark Lord frowned, "What do you mean?! Your succubus is in my hands…"

His words trailed off as he felt... nothing.

·ƈθm As if he were holding onto thin air.

Just then, a stunning woman emerged from the shadows, covering her mouth as she chuckled, "Oh, you silly orc. You didn't actually think you could resist my Charm Illusion, did you?"

Then, she walked over to Ethan and began nuzzling against him like a child awaiting praise.

"My Lord, according to your plan, I successfully lured this idiot out."

Ethan gave a light chuckle, patting her head, "Well done."

Then, Ethan turned to Orc Dark Lord.

His powerful dragon's breath radiating from him, he taunted, "So, who was going to serve who again?"

Orc Dark Lord stared blankly at Ethan.

Upon feeling the overpowering dragon's breath, despair filled his eyes.


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