Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 35 35-Unlocking The Divine Dragon Tower

Ethan glanced over to see a silver-armored orc warrior calling out to them, holding a small wooden box.

After the experiment, Ethan had deactivated his divine dragon form to conserve energy.

When the orc noticed Ethan's gaze, he discreetly hid the box behind him.

He and Allie exchanged a look, immediately understanding each other's intent.

Allie's eyes flickered with her succubus pattern, her face suddenly contorting into an expression that would break any man's heart.

Sobbing, she ran towards the armored orc.

The orc warrior seemed flustered, feeling something collide against him.

Looking down, he saw Allie tightly clinging onto him, her soft chest pressing against his groin, and her pink tongue wandering on his armor.

This sight had him struggling to keep control.

"Hold me."

The orc warrior, under the influence, was about to embrace her, but the box in his hand was in the way.

Suddenly realizing what was happening, he shook his head and saw a double image: two damsels one waiting for his attention and the other pulling at the box in his hand.

"Let go!"

His armor shone, helping him escape from Allie's illusion.

He then swung a punch at Allie.

Just at that critical moment, Ethan rushed forward and blocked the attack.

·ƈθm Allie looked up at Ethan, her eyes wide in surprise.

Ethan shoved, his immense strength pushing the orc warrior away.

He then scooped up Allie and flew towards safety.

When Allie finally came to, she was drenched in cold sweat.

She had a narrow escape, and had Ethan not reacted quickly to block the attack, she would've been gravely injured on the ground.

Before she could express her gratitude to Ethan, he took off and stood against the orc warrior at a distance.

The orc warrior eyed Ethan warily.

Ethan's display of strength was definitely on par with his master, the Orc Dark Lord.

And considering how unexpectedly Ethan acted, this couldn't be his full strength.

With this in mind, the orc warrior murmured, "My master is the Orc Dark Lord. If you kill me here, I guarantee, my master will avenge me!"

Ethan scoffed, "Will your master take revenge for a mere orc warrior? Aren't orc warriors as common as muck?"

The orc warrior's face flushed, "I'm not as weak as the other orc warriors! The armor I'm wearing is a C-level equip!"

Suddenly, the orc warrior realized what he just revealed and clamped his mouth shut.

Ethan replied playfully, "Oh, a C-level equip? No wonder you could escape the illusion, so that's how it is."

Realizing his information was outed, the orc warrior gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, it's a C-level equip! Among all the Dark Lords, only my master has it. I suggest you let me go, or else you won't even know how you died!"

Ethan smirked, saying, "So, are you trying to tell me that even a grunt like you can wear C-level quip, and just imagine how powerful your lord must be?"

The orc warrior immediately nodded furiously, proudly saying, "I'm glad you get it. I thought you might be dense. Now that you know, step aside!"

Ethan helplessly shook his head, slowly walked up to the orc warrior, and as he closed the distance, his divine dragon form surfaced.

In the terrified gaze of the orc warrior, Ethan stood before him, also in his divine dragon form.

With a pair of golden eyes that seemed to judge everything, Ethan casually said, "You want me to let you go?"

At this point, the orc warrior stared at Ethan in disbelief, stuttering, "A dragon, you're a dragon?!"

His once muscular and strong legs began to tremble.

He couldn't believe that a dragon from the legends was standing right in front of him, and he was a dark lord!

The orc warrior felt no desire to resist.

He had only one thought: Run!

But Ethan wouldn't let him get away that easily.

With a quick chop of his hand, he knocked the orc warrior unconscious.

After making sure there were no more potential threats in the area, Ethan finally deactivated his divine dragon form.

Turning around, he found Allie standing in front of him, so close that if Ethan pursed his lips, he could touch her red lips.

Their bodies were already pressed closely against each other.

As their eyes met, Allie quickly looked down, and Ethan hastily backed away a few steps.

The atmosphere became awkward all of a sudden.

To avoid the awkwardness, Ethan quickly picked up the wooden box from the ground and said to Allie, "Look, that orc warrior was hiding this."

With her gaze still fixed on Ethan, Allie softly responded, "Hmm."

Ethan found it a bit tricky and decided to open the box by himself.

Inside, he found an ancient scroll.

As he reached out to pick it up, the scroll vanished the moment he touched it.

At the same time, a system message appeared in his mind.

[Ding! Congratulations on unlocking the divine dragon tower.]

[Divine Dragon Tower: A defensive structure of divine dragons, powered by energy powder. A primary divine dragon tower can inflict the full-force attack of a C-level entity once, and the damage will double after upgrading.]

Ethan was overjoyed and muttered to himself, "So this is a defensive building? I see."

He completely ignored Allie who had quietly approached him.

Ethan was still thinking.

He had mined some energy powder before, so he had no shortage of energy.

But the construction cost was indeed high.

Building a divine dragon tower required 400 units of wood, 500 units of iron, and 100 units of energy powder.

He had enough wood, but such a large amount of iron was hard to come by in a short time.

He would need all Earth Dragon Laborers to stop their current work and mine iron to construct a divine dragon tower quickly.

As for the location of the divine dragon tower...

Ethan planned to place it near the altar instead of the first level of the dungeon.

Despite the divine dragon tower's powerful attack comparable to a full-force strike of a C-level entity, it was still underwhelming in terms of defense against numerous heroes.

Considering that Allie was able to smash a defensive tower built by Minotaurs with a single slap, the actual defense of the divine dragon tower didn't seem very high.

However, it was a decent counterattack measure that could noticeably increase the consumption of enemy sieges.

In order to prevent the massively resource-consuming Divine Dragon Tower from getting damaged or even dismantled when facing low-level heroes, Ethan had no other choice.

Just as Ethan was deep in thought, he suddenly felt a soft press against his back, then a pair of jade hands snaked around his waist from behind, playfully exploring his private area.

Without having to think, Ethan recognized the scent and knew it was Allie.

He found himself in a tricky situation - to reject or not to reject?

Both didn't seem like a good option.

They maintained this position for a while, Allie not moving, and Ethan not daring to.

Her soft body pressed against his back was already making his manhood twitch in anticipation.

Any more movement, and he'd probably bump into her probing fingers.

Apparently, Allie understood this too, and she simply held onto Ethan in silence.

After what seemed like an eternity, during which Ethan's legs had started to ache, footsteps could be heard in the distance.

Allie quickly let go of him, her face flushed as she stood on the spot.

As a Succubus, she might have fantasized about this countless times in her mind.

However, when it came to actually doing the deed, she was still somewhat scared.

Especially just now, when her fingers unintentionally grazed Ethan's manhood, she could only think of one thing: how could it be so big!

Just as Allie was lost in her thoughts, the scout she had sent out had already returned with information.

Kneeling before Ethan, he reported, "Honorable Lord, the location of the orc camp has been discovered. Requesting further instructions!"


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