Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One-Hundred and Forty-Seven: Death to the tainted.

Chapter One-Hundred and Forty-Seven: Death to the tainted.

Somewhere in a different tutorial. . .

“Ram uu crux encii! Rap! Rap!”

“Oh! Poor soul tainted by the foul magic of this new world! May the sun cleanse you!”

A man stood over a kneeling woman, but she had the ears of a wolf, the tail of one as well. And in her arms she held another beastwoman, one with feline features, and bright orange hair.

May the sun purge your everlasting soul. Be blinded by that of the brilliant dawn! Giant’s Dawn!” the man chanted, holding his arms wide as a glowing orange magic circle formed in front of him.

The pair of women shrieked in terror, both clinging to one another as they wept and screamed.

The next moment a miniature sun formed from the magic circle instantly the heat in the surroundings spiked upward, singing and charing the area in a blaze of red hot flames. The searing spared no one and nothing as the grass, trees, animals, and the woman were burnt to a crisp.

“Ah! My lord is good, my lord is great! He gives me solace and power to do what is needed to cleanse this world. I thank him every day for the passion he instills in me to walk my righteous path…” the man said, his face showing just how difficult he thought his actions were.

“By his will!” the man shouted turning around his arms spread dramatically, his staff of pure gold in one hand. A ball of glass a brilliant yellow and orange flame inside it in the other.

“By his will! For the Emperor! For our Lord!” shouted the men kneeling in front of him.

The man smiled down on his believers, nodding his head as a tear fell from his eye.

“Bring the next abomination to be cleansed!” he shouted.

“Yes! Right away my Emperor!” one of the devotees replied.

Soon another Beastman appeared, this time a man looking to be in his early 20’s his hair blue and his furred bear-like ears streaks of silver on top of his head.

The beastman roared and snarled at the man, even while constricted by the restraints around his arms and legs. 

He was forced to kneel despite his struggle, the devotees of the man overpowering him.

“Kneel beast! You are in front of the true leader of the Sun God’s Devotion!” one of the men sneered.

“Now now,” the leader said, his face soft and sincere, “We are here to help these filthy monsters. We are here to cleanse them of their tainted bodies and blood. In them being cleansed in fire, flames, and the brilliance of our God. They shall be reborn. Remember that my loyal followers. We are the right, and we are helping these beasts find their way.”

The men on their knees shouted in agreement, a loud cry and cheer sounding out.

The beastman on the other hand continued to struggle, fighting against his constraints as he bared his teeth staring daggers at the man in front of him to no avail.

“Do not worry,” the leader said, “It will be a painless passage. Do not struggle, for my god is great,” he smiled, his left hand raising with the crystal ball, “I will purge you of your disgusting form and blood. Worry not.”

In the light of my sun there is no shadow! May the world be cast in brilliant rays!” the man chanted, the ball in his hand glowing brighter with each word, a magic circle forming above it, “Cleanse this darkened land, illuminate it with your grace! Bear your power in my hand!” a ball of flames formed from the circle, condensing over and over until it turned into a white hot dwarf star.

Guiding Star.”

The man completed his chant, the miniature star stabilizing above the crystal in his hand.

“Open his mouth,” demanded the leader.

“Yes!” replied the men restraining the beastman, moving to wrench his mouth open with their knives.

The leader looked down at the beastman, talking to him one last time.

“May you be cleansed. From the inside out,” he said, his eyes opening and his face twisting into a sneer as he thrusted the sun into the mouth of the beastman.

The beastman roared in pain, his voice quickly burning out as he began to glow in a white light, the men holding him backing away.

In the next moment, the beastman began to tear and rip, his insides burning him alive with light escaping from the cracks and tears in his skin, until he exploded in a cacophony of wondrous bright white flames.

“He has been saved!” the leader shouted.

“He has been saved!” shouted the crowd, “And so shall more!”

The man smiled, “And so shall more.”

“All hail the Emperor of the Sun! All hail the true leader!” they shouted loudly, raising fists and arms into the air.

“All hail! Atticus Wallen the Grand Sun Mage!”

“Haa……” Shigure sighed, looking at the reports on his desk, “These are all just complaints about the food. There is not much I can do to change it unfortunately,” he said aloud, “We still have plenty of food for several more weeks, but we have started to ration already. It is understandable that some people are unhappy with the change.”

“My Lord, perhaps we should go out in search of more wild game? The current hunting parties may just not be going far enough out in fear of monsters and the like?” Uta proposed from his side, caring another stack of papers.

Shigure gave it some thought, then shook his head.

“It has only been a few days since Shot and Bear’s group has left. I would like to give them a little more time,” he explained then his face darkened, “There is also the issue of the people he brought on the day he came.”

Uta’s face turned into a scowl, “You mean the criminals?”

Shigure nodded with a steely expression while getting out of his seat.

“Because of all the commotion, we haven’t had time to deal with them. But now things have calmed down for the most part… And I hate to say it, but thanks to Shot I now have more agency to get things done,” he admitted reluctantly, “No one questions the man backed by a Tyrant…”

“Please do not say it as such my Lord! You are a great leader! What happened with Adam was.. Regrettable..” Uta shouted, trying to console him.

“Uta…” he smiled, “Thank you, but I have to own up to my mistakes if I am to continue leading after we exit the tutorial… but enough of that, I should get going and deal with these criminals. The paperwork can wait until later.”

“Yes, of course,” Uta said, bowing then shimmering in a puff of inky smoke.

Shigure exited the tent a moment later, assuming Uta was trailing him while concealed.

He moved through the outskirts of the outpost quickly, making his way to the other side. Passing through the outpost and greeting people along the way, he finally made it out the other end, to where they were holding the men and women that were branded as criminals by Shot.

Shigure greeted the guards who were standing in front of the wooden cage tools that Shot provided.

“Good evening. Has there been any trouble with the prisoners?” he asked briefly.

“None, Lord Shigure!” one answered, “They have been treated humanely and given food as well as rights to use the bathroom and shower in private… Though some of them don’t deserve it..” the guard added.

Shigure raised a brow, “What do you mean?”

The guard coughed, getting elbowed in the side by the other.

“It’s just… We’ve heard some of them talk. Some are bragging about what they did… And a few of the people that Monster, Shot brought,” the guard said, visibly shivering at mentioning the name, “They came by. Asking about when justice was going to be done, telling us about some of the things that happened.”

“I see..” Shigure said in a low hum, “Uta.”

“Yes,” Uta replied, appearing in a bowing position from a puff of smoke next to Shigure.

“Please find these witnesses. Bring one of the Guards as well. Then also bring several people who do not know the victims or the criminals,” Shigure instructed.

“By your will,” Uta answered.

She stood and grabbed one of the guards, going back into the outpost with haste.

“What are you going to do Lord Shigure?” the remaining guard asked.

“We are going to have a trial. One we should have had a long time ago,” Shigure answered.

Shigure paced the cages, waiting for Uta to return. His eyes observing the men and women inside.

“Hey! You’re the leader of this place right?! Please just let me out! I shouldn’t be in here!” a woman cried out, her hands pushing through the holes of the cage.

Shigure recoiled, not used to seeing such desperate pleading.

“W-we will see… You were brought here by Shot, so you must have done something…” he stammered.

“I was forced to! Please!” she pleaded.

Shigure turned, not wanting to hear her before the trial. Walking away and separating himself from the cages now, he moved back to where the lone guard was, waiting for Uta.

And he did not have to wait long. Soon she arrived back with several tens of people in tow.

“I have brought the people you requested Lord Shigure,” Uta announced with a bow.

“Thank you.. I did not expect so many?” Shigure said in surprise.

“Yes, there were many people who were affected by the people who were captured. And many who wished to speak on behalf of those who were… Killed and can not speak for themselves.”

Shigure flinched at her words. He had expected as much, and he had dealt with these types of people before. But he wished for better.

“I see… Then, let’s start. Bring out the first prisoner,” Shigure instructed, his face clearly showing how he was uncomfortable with the situation.

He looked to the crowd that had followed Uta to the cages, instructing them.

“We are going to judge these criminals today. I ask that everyone please be as objective as possible when laying down their judgment. Those who were brought here and unrelated to the crimes please move to one side. You will be given time to hear and deliberate for each case. Once this is finished you will be rewarded for your time and honesty regardless of the outcome,” Shigure instructed.

Shigure finished his instructions just as the guard brought out the first to be judged. He was a man of about twenty if Shigure had to guess. His face somewhat sunken from his time in the cage and rationed food.

“Does anyone know this man,” Shigure asked the crowd as he looked at Uta.

She moved to him pulling documents that held what every person had done according to the man Theodore had told them when the criminals had been handed over. It included the names, levels, and what the perpetrator had committed or was accused of.

While he waited for someone to step forward, he flipped through the papers and found the individual’s name.

[Harrison Regan Level 12]

Just as he did, a woman stepped forward.

“I-i know who he is…” she said in a hushed tone.

Shigure looked pensively through the file, then steeled himself as he recited the accused crimes.

“This man is Harrison Regan, he is accused of aiding in the sexual assault of a woman during his time in Shot’s Outpost,” he looked to the man first, “How do you plead?”

“Not guilty damn it! I was forced!” the man shouted.

Shigure then looked over to the woman, “What is your evidence against him.”

The woman looked pensively to the man being held by the guard.

“I….I’m the woman that was assaulted…” she said her shoulders shaking, “T-that monster and his friends tried to do something unspeakable to me! But Mr. Shot, he stopped them. He should have died with his friends but he was on the lookout making sure no one…” she stopped for a moment her voice cracking, “No one interrupted… I still wonder why Shot didn’t just kill him on the spot for what he helped them try to do!”

Shigure raised his hand, stopping her.

“I’ve heard enough…” he said solemnly, “You don’t have to relive that anymore, I’m sorry for what happened and sorry that you had to remember it,” Shigure said, his face grim.

He had not realized just how bad some of the people in the tutorial had it. Was he just blind to the truth? Shot had told him many things but he didn’t want to believe any of it because he was the source.

The woman interrupted his thoughts, responding to his consoling.

“If you want to be sorry, then give that man what he deserves! He tried to take advantage of me! What they tried to do was unforgivable! My name is Gracy Morgan, but I’ll never be the same Gracy after that. Why should he get away with that…” she said sobbing.

Shigure opened his mouth to say something but couldn’t find the words, instead deferring to the makeshift jury they had assembled.

“You have an hour to discuss,” he said, handing the piece of paper to one of the members, “This is his file, use it in your discussion. If you decide before the hour you may announce your decision as a group. There are 10 of you, and it must be a unanimous decision,” Shigure instructed.

The man nodded and brought the file to the others as they moved a small bit away discussing.

During the time Shigure looked at the woman who had spoken, her face still in tears and her body shaking.

He turned to the accused man, his face and body language showing just how much he didn’t care for the woman, but instead painted in the undeniable truth that he was guilty, and he knew it. His only concern was what he was going to do about his punishment, obvious on his face.

The jury didn’t take even thirty minutes to reconvene, the time passing quickly as Shigure become lost in thought.

Looking up he nodded to the person they had chosen to represent their finding.

The woman took a step forward from the group, “We find this man Harrison Regan, guilty on all accounts,” she announced, then looked to Shigure somewhat hesitantly, “But we are not sure what his punishment should be..” she said trailing off.

Shigure took a step forward this time, his mind and body steeling himself for what he had come to a decision on.

I hate to admit it but Shot was right…. And now even as a temporary leader of this Outpost, it is my responsibility to see justice done for these people under my care. He thought.

“His punishment will be death for his crimes. This is a cruel world we live in now, and there is no room for people like him,” Shigure said, gripping the sword at his waist, “Release him.”

Shigure motioned for the guards to let the man go, even throwing the man a spare sword to his feet.

“Choose to die like a warrior with a sliver of respect still remaining, or die like the dog you are painted as. I only give you this last service because you are a human and not a beast,” Shigure said, his own hand unsheathing his sword, but an ever so slight tremble accompanied it.

Harrison looked down at the blade, then at the surroundings. Choosing to run instead of face Shigure.

“A filthy coward till the end… You will have no quarter from me. First Strike….” Shigure chanted his skill, his blade painted in a red glow that hummed with power as he stepped forward, his blade bisecting him. His corpse falling to the floor.

Shigure swung the blade, cleaning it of the blood as he sheathed it, turning to the guards, his face looking as if it had matured several years.

“Bring out the next criminal.”


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