Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One-Hundred and Forty-Five.Five: He is not a man, he is not a king, he is a God!

Chapter One-Hundred and Forty-Five.Five: He is not a man, he is not a king, he is a God!

“Let go of me damn it!” Aono shouted, her eyes wild as she tried to wrench her hand from the man.

“Mistress, I can not let you go out there to follow him! He has even taken that man Bear with him! This is certainly beyond us!” her guard chided.

“Who fucking asked you?! I watched him kill the King of Goblins! I’ll be damned if I let anyone stop me from recording the greatest history in the making! I will be with my dazzling knight!” Aono quipped.

The man limped as he heard the words leave her mouth.

“B-but I thought I was your knight….”

Aono didn’t even dignify the man with a response as she took the opportunity to run forward through the forest.

“I have to catch up with them! Oh I hope I haven’t missed any of the good parts!” she howled, pushing up her glasses as she sprinted.

Huffing and puffing, with a small entourage behind her that she barely paid attention to, Aono tracked Drake and his party through the forest. Stopping only briefly to sniff the air like a tracking hound.

“Sniff sniff, sniff sniff,” she said aloud as she pointed her nose into the air, “Hmmmm, my knight seems to be low on electrolytes… He must not be getting enough salt in his diet.. Oh! He is low in Vitamin K as well! Oh my poor knight!” she lamented licking her lips like she had just had a meal.

“Mistress!” one of the men said from behind her breathing heavily, “Please at least let us protect you! We can not let our one and only goddess be harmed!”

Aono wiped her brow throwing the sweat to the ground, sneering back at the man.

“You’re only going to slow me down.”

She quickly bolted forward in the direction she smelled Drake in, until she felt her hair on the back of her head stand up. But not the same pleasant feeling she had gotten when her knight had pressed his will upon her.

Stopping, she ducked behind a tree, peering out only enough to see who it was.

Sitting against the trunk of a tree a huge red haired man leaned against his massive sword, his eyes closed.

“Oh…. is that….” Aono mused, pulling out her Mana paper and stylus snickering to herself, “Hoho…. The plot is thickening,” she giggled a mischievous sheen flashing on her glasses.

Turning around again for a look at her subject, she spotten more of Drake’s party.

“OooooOOoo…..!” she screamed in a hush, “Is this the harem arc!?”

Aono, quickly drafted page after page, looking at the people waiting and pacing around, her eyes landing on a gruff man who continued to fiddle around with small machinery, “Yes, yes! It has to be this doesn’t it?! Wondrous!”

Aono’s hand sped across page after page almost in a trance as her concentration became unbreakable, a line of drool forming on the corner of her mouth.

Finished, Aono wiped her mouth on her sleeve, a satisfied grin on her face remaining.

“Oh no, no… We aren’t done yet. Where is my wonderful shining knight?!” she reminded herself, as she inched out behind the tree, carefully walking passed the group to follow her nose which apparently had Drake-dar.

A few minutes later of slowly navigating the forest, she came to the remains of Ants.

“Ah!” she shrieked, “Oh, nevermind it’s dead…” she said, sighing relief, until the head on the ground moved slightly, “Ah! Ok not dead! Not dead!” she panicked running off and passed it.

But she was quickly impeded by a sea of red. Halting and hiding behind the treeline she tried to still her breathing.

A few seconds later, her posse caught up with her, sweating buckets and breathing heavily.

“Mistress, ha ha. I understand that he is important to your work but your talents are not worth the risk,” one of the group members said.

Aono scoffed, and peeked out behind the tree, her nose telling her that her prey, no knight was close.

And after a few moments of scanning she saw him.

Standing in front of a towering mound of dirt, he seemed to be waiting for something, or someone.

Aono could feel it in her bones that something was about to happen, her Drake instincts telling her to prepare for greatness.

Pulling out mana paper and preparing her stylus she pushed up her glasses, ignoring the incessant nagging behind her.

And what she saw, did not disappoint.

The rumbling of thunder started to rhythmically strike, only to increase in tempo until Aono saw the walls of the hive crack and splinter, the feeling of something oppressive welling up from the hive entrance.

Then, a small head poked out of the entrance.

“Awwe… Cute,” Aono cooed.

But it only lasted a second before the rest of the Ant pushed out through the entrance, shattering the sides of the opening to reveal a massive hulking figure accompanied with two massive legs, built like a battle tank on steroids.

“Ok, not cute…” she said deadpan, striking something from her mana paper.

But she didn’t take her eyes off her knight, as he suddenly disappeared as the Monster reared his legs upward attempting to bring it down on Drake. Only to walk out abruptly from the entrance the monster had just exited from his body covered in green goo, but a satisfied look in his eyes.

Aono tilted her head pausing for a moment, trying to process what she had just seen.

“He’s… covered…. In…. slime…?” she said slowly, her brows rising with each word, “Ohohohoh!” she snickered, her stylus beginning to race across the paper.

But her enjoyment didn’t stop there as she saw the monster Ant raise its legs again, but instead of disappearing this time, Drake’s hair changed color.

Her knight took a stance and pulled back his fist, as his hair cascaded into crimson red.

Aono’s eyes widened, seeing Drake then use some spell to cover his arms in red crimson flames.

Heretical Attunement, Fire! Normal Series, Normal Punch,” Drake muttered, somehow it reaching Aono, as she drank in every second, every moment of the scene, her hand never stopping as pages and pages of mana paper fell from her skill.

In a fraction of a second, it was over. Aono missed how, but one moment the massive ant was whole, the next it donned a massive hole in its chest, its arms incinerated from its body.

“Magnificent…” Aono mumbled, tears beginning to form on her eyes.

Drake turned and entered back into the hive, but not before he put the corpse of the monster away.

“Where is my knight going?! I must follow I mu-” but before she could finish, Drake exited the hive once more, this time his staff appearing before him.

The power of the sun within my hands, burn bright, illuminating the unworthy blasphemers that stand before you! Roar in your cacophony of great expanse! Explosion!” Drake roared, filling Aono’s ears with bliss that was incomparable to anything she had ever heard.

A smile creeping up on her face, her hand never ceasing to record the wonder in front of her.

The moment after explosions and thunderous booms sounded in the area, the hive beginning to crumble as Drake spun, his hair changing once more, his staff dematerializing as he somehow brought out rings and equipped them in one smooth motion. The black flames from the rings turning to a wondrous yellow, as Drake stood in front of the crashing Hive, his garb fluttering in the wind of the explosion.

Aono’s lip quivered as she cried, her last stroke crossing the paper, completing her masterpiece.

“He is not a man, he is not a king, he is a God!” she shouted, sobbing.


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