Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 292: E-Rank

Chapter 292: E-Rank

Heretical Endowment, Sepentarus.”

Drake consumed the rotating spells around him, his hair flashing in a myriad of colors until eventually they melded together into a brilliant gold.

“Leon, will you make sure that Aralleen and Claire have evacuated the area?”

“You think you’re big enough to order me around now?” Leon scoffed, “But yeah I got it. What do you have in mind to take this thing apart anyway? The regeneration we saw is pretty next level, it would take a meteor to blow it apart.”

Drake smiled, “Then I’ll do just that.”

Leon raised a brow then laughed.

“Having magic is pretty fun huh?”

Snapping his fingers a gust of wind took hold of the room, slowly lifting Drake into the air.

“Oh you know it,” he grinned, “My imagination is let free, but,” he looked over to the still struggling Valor, “It isn’t all good…”

Leon threw a jab into Drake’s shoulder, “Don’t get caught up in what these idiots do. Your magic, is yours. And how you use it is up to you. If you use it for good, use it to kill monsters,” Leon grinned, “Or use it for those party tricks you do. It’s you, not them doing it.”

“You’re calling my unbelievably powerful magic. A party trick?” Drake scoffed, “Maybe I should just break your toothpick?”

Leon waved a hand, exiting the room, “Just burn down the tree already, I’m trying to get in a nap before we go try to find someone better to hunt.”

Drake shook his head and then raised it to look at the branches of the World Tree far above before taking a look at Valor one last time.

“I’m not as invested in this fight as the others, but working hard has always been my prerogative. Just like that filth from Sandal, sit there and watch as all you’ve worked for, turns to dust.

He could hear the frantic screaming from the throne as he lifted into the air, powered by his wind magic.

Drake couldn’t help but stare in awe of the World Tree that looked just like it was out of a fantasy book. A wide birthed sturdy trunk, with countless branches and vines that seemed to hum with life and power, almost alive, breathing in the air and mana in the surroundings.

The light cutting of the gentle breeze through the branches almost made it seem as if the Tree was whispering in the wind.

Drake quickly came to the peak of the tree, feeling the edge of the barrier surrounding it that he and Leon passed through previously with some effort.

He prepared a spell to puncture the barrier once more but was surprised that it allowed him to pass it without resistance. But once through he found the barrier as hard and solid as metal, preventing him from reentering and allowing him to stand on it without the help of magic.

Drake tapped his foot against it.

“Pretty sturdy aren’t we?” he muttered, giving an amused smirk that turned to a solemn expression, “I don’t know if you’re actually some kind of special creature in the form of a Tree, but Princess Aralleen’s admiration for you was real. So out of respect…”

Drake raised a hand to the sky, an orange magic circle spreading out over him and the entirety of the Tree’s canopy.

“I will give my all in laying you to rest.”

The magic circle ceased growing, bringing forth a viscous orange liquid from its center as it pooled and swirled inward condensing quickly.

After a few short breaths the swirling ball turned into an enormous spinning red hot sphere of power.

Drake raised another hand and this time a deep earthen brown magic circle formed encasing the ball in a jet black shell.

He clasped his hands together a final magic circle of striking yellow thundering into existence as it electrified the small meteor above him.

The present is here, the past is here… The future is here! Come wind, come lightning!”

Drake roared, bringing down his clenched fists like a hammer, willing the conjured spell to fall from the sky onto the World Tree like a shooting star.

When the morning star shines, let all the world know the sun’s light reaches every corner of the Earth!”

The massive ball of fire, connected with the World Tree’s barrier like a hammer striking a gong. The sound of the impact deafening the area with the single blow. The contest between the mighty defensive protection the World Tree granted and the power of Drake’s endowment enhanced spell, both fighting in a desperate struggle against one another.

Piedra! Del! Sol!”

Drake’s status dropped significantly, beginning to trickle down even more as the World Tree refused to allow the spell through. His empowered regeneration unable to keep up with the expenditure of fueling the spell.

Drake grunted with effort catching a glimpse of a mass of people exiting the section of the wall Damian had destroyed, joining the small group where he knew Claire was.

He grit his teeth, “This isn’t just about taking down this city. It’s about announcing to the world there will be no more quarter! I won’t stand for my family being hurt anymore! Anyone willing to raise a hand to harm what is mine, will meet overwhelming power!” Drake looked down at the World Tree, the sparks from the fight between him and the barrier obscuring his vision.

However he knew just below Valor still struggled to release himself and the only thing between them was the World Tree.

“It seems I was only puffing out my chest when I said I would give it my all. A measured spell isn’t going to take you down is it? Fine!”

Drake pushed off the barrier beneath him, shooting into the sky as he temporarily released his endowment.

Clapping his hands together fifteen magic circles formed, five of red, five of blue, five of white. All producing their respective elements.

Heretical Endowment! Fire, Water, Ice! Five Fold!”

Drake’s regeneration suddenly shot up, topping off his status, but he could feel his body slowly tearing apart just as it had in Sandal.

I will become the cataclysm that reset the Earth!”

Drake’s tattoos hummed with increased power, the gold dancing with the crimson red of his Martial Skill.

Attunement! Fire!”

Two embers formed magic circles in front of his fists, the flames snaking up his arms.

“Witness the power of my determination and conviction!”

Drake’s fists collided with each other, sparks of flames spitting out in a beautiful display. Above him a green magic circle bursting to life with a gust of wind, a small well of violent air preparing to be let loose. The other formed just above the crashing meteor below.

Ultimo Tope!!”

The wind spell released, shooting Drake forward with enough force it threatened to bring him unconscious from the sudden movement.

But Drake refused and even with darkening vision traveled through the second wind spell he prepared, crashing into the meteor he created and catapulting it forward into the barrier.


Drake felt bones snap and mend repeatedly from the effort of forcing his spell down and past the World Tree’s barrier. The electrified sparks from the contest came to a brilliant finale as the sound of glass shattering rang out to a magnificent tune, proving that Drake had pierced the barrier.

A moment later the entirety of Drake’s spells came in contact with the World Tree, splitting it down the middle with fiery vengeance.

He gave out a guttural roar as he traveled through the entirety of the World Tree and down to the earth below, his spell and skills charring the ground around him as smoke began to bellow from the impact.

And he stayed there for a moment, exhausted and teetering on the edge of blacking out, but he stayed standing, victorious.

[You have killed Valor Alvea Level 28] [Experience Earned, 3,391 Nobility Points have been awarded]

[You have felled the World Tree Felaern]

[Destruction of a Global Restricted System Structure has been recognized. Experience will be given in relation to contribution.]

[Title: I am the Axe, has been awarded]

[I am the Axe]

  • You have topped a shard of the God Tree, Callon. The eyes of the First Tree and the Mother of Nature are now drawn to you.
  • +10% Damage to all Nature. +20% to Nature Damage. +5% Passive Status Regeneration.

[Congratulations, you have increased to Elemental Miller level 30] [140 Free Points have been awarded]

[Congratulations! You have met the threshold to advance to E-Rank]

[Title: World Baseline, has been awarded]

[World Baseline]

  • You are the first to reach the second step towards greatness on your planet. The journey to power will be long and treacherous.
  • +5% Damage to beings one rank above you. +5% to all stats.

[World Alert!]

[The first E-Rank Mana Vessel has been detected. The planet has been entered into the Welcoming Tournament.]

[The top E-Rank Mana Vessels will be transferred to the designated Tournament planet in 2 Years, 364 Days, 16 Hours, 23 Minutes]

[Participants of the Tournament will be determined based on Level and any Mana Vessel above Level 60 will be unable to participate. Rules for the Tournament will be announced on the day.]

[Invitations to participants and spectators will be sent 30 days before the Tournament.]

[Proficiency restrictions on Class and Skills have been lifted and reset]

[You now have access to all E-Grade Equipment]

[Congratulations! You may now access your Church Offerings Box at any system Church]

[New Quest! Unlock your potential! Defeat-in8@7ubH… ErRoR…*209fniW…

[Quest interference…]

[Quest Update. Ghosts of the Past]

[You have reached Level 30, your consciousness will now be transferred to the Legacy Chamber as per instructions.]

“What..?!” Drake snapped, turning around and using a gust of wind to dispel the surrounding smoke and fire.

His hand immediately went to his head, his vision beginning to blur while his feet became unsteady.

“What is going… on…” he muttered, fighting the bat of exhaustion that began hitting him like crashing waves, threatening to drown him.

His body was slowing down and quickly coming to a halt, but Drake’s mind was racing.

I have to at least get to Claire and the others before I pass out! He growled internally, pushing down against the ground to propel himself towards the wall opening.

Each step brought him closer to his goal, but also forced his eyes ever more shut, his vision just a shade more dim.

“I don’t know what’s going on!” he grunted, forcing his legs to move as he saw the wall come into view.

[Transfer to Legacy Chamber nearing completion.]

[While in the Legacy Chamber, Legacy Holder will be unable to access their outside inventory and will temporarily not have access to experience and skill proficiency gain. However, any experience or items gained in the Chamber will be granted after Quest completion.]

Drake grounded his teeth.

“No.. No, no, no, no! I can’t go somewhere right now! I have too many problems here! You hear me you fucking dumb system! I don’t want to go right now!” he shouted into the air.

He finally came to the edge of the wall, seeing a large blue mechanized suit of armor in the distance surrounded by the outlines of people.

Drake shot himself forward one more time, his last step taking him into the arms of a worry stricken Claire and his endowments being forced to cancel.

With heavy labored breaths Drake tried to grunt out a question but stopped. His eyes catching Leon, also struggling to hold himself up off the ground.

“Drake?! Drake what happened?! What’s going on?! What do you need me to do? Are you hurt? Mr. Leon suddenly collapsed!” Claire said in rapid succession.

Drake attempted to speak, but suddenly coughed, his hand covering his mouth to feel a cold liquid spill between his fingers and the taste of something incredibly bitter almost like wet clay filling his mouth.

He pulled his hand away looking at his palm to see a dark iridescent black goo.

It’s the same stuff from the F-Rank advancement. He thought, then looked at Claire, her face desperate. I have to.. I have to tell her, tell them…

Drake looked around seeing the teens’ worried faces, Aralleen staring at him in shock and Teresa equally perturbed.

“L-listen, carefully,” Drake sputtered, “It looks like.. L-Leon, Damian and I are going to pass out in a few moments. Take everyone back to ReUnite until we wake up…” he explained, then raised a hand, doing the only thing he could think of to help protect them, “I-I’m going to give us a little insurance. Ari, step away from Leon, and everyone else stand clear of me and Damian’s suit.”

“Drake no! Where are you going? You need to explain this more clearly!” Claire pleaded, “Don’t… Don’t leave me again!!”

Drake gave the best smile he could, “I’m sorry, but there’s no time Claire,” he looked at the rest of the group, “I’m trusting you all to protect the city. And our family.”

Cries of protest and shouts of question bombarded Drake, but his consciousness was wavering, his vision glazing over by the second.

Mustering up all the focus he could, he summoned three white magic circles. And by pouring the last remainder of his mana, he encased Damian’s suit, Leon, and himself in ice.

They should be able to break out of it when they wake up. I just hope we don’t suffocate haha… Drake smiled to himself, his vision going dark.


Drake’s eyes shot open.

His head went on a swivel as he looked around, but all he was met with was darkness and the eerie sound of nothing.

Raising himself from the ground he tried to spread out his aura only to find he couldn’t sense anything. As in he couldn’t produce his aura.

“That’s not a good sign…” he muttered to himself.

Standing up, Drake attempted to use his skills and magic running into the same problem as with his aura. They did not work.


Drake’s fingers curled inward in frustration. He was without his magic and skills.

The sound of a shout suddenly caught his ear and his head snapped to it.

“...I told you… little shit!!”

In the distance Drake could hear the echoing of a voice, a faint silhouette of someone or something in the distance against the pitch black background.

He began running as fast as his legs would take him. However his chest began to burn as if he was without his stats again.

“Damn it…!” Drake gasped, running towards the voice.

He could hear the shouting grow louder as he closed in on the outlines. Now able to hear them more clearly, he could make out the clear sound of someone being struck.

“Look what you made me do! You little shit! Now where am I supposed to get my drink!?”

“I-i’m sorry! I’m sorry, Dad! P-plea-”

“Shut up you fucking little shit!”

Drake could see what was happening, and pushed his body harder. There was clearly a grown man raising a hand with a bottle in it, a small child about to be struck, cowering in fear. A woman’s body on the ground next to them, unmoving.

“What the hell are you doing!?” Drake roared, “Stop! Stop right now!”

Drake lunged for the man, tackling him to the floor. Both tumbling until Drake was able to wrestle the man to the ground.

“I said what the fuck are you do-”

Raising one fist he was about to unleash a barrage of strikes on the drunkard but was stopped. The face of the man was different, but all too familiar.

Riddled with growing stubble, sunken eyes, messy hair, and a dull look. But he was still there.

“D-Dad…?!?” Drake muttered, then looked to the still crying child, his eyes going even wider.

The boy had blond hair and couldn’t be older than 8, but Drake would never mistake the face he saw.


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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