Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 188: The Doctor

Chapter 188: The Doctor

It had been only a few hours from when the tutorial ended. Drake swept the city as best he could but there was only so much he could do.

He had already done most of his own neighborhood but there was still so much left. Not to mention that the space between the city had grown exponentially thanks to the system fusing the worlds together.

Drake had not forgotten about his original objective to reach the city’s System Center, which Natto had told him, and constantly reminded him of. But his mind raced, thinking of the rest of the children in the city that might need his help.

Since he had started, he had filled several buses already with not only children but several adults stranded by themselves, and those with kids who needed help as well.

“Drake you are simply running a moving shelter, you must prioritize the forming of the town, once you do that you can come back here and save more. The faster you do this the faster you can help them,” Natto chided from his shoulder.

“I know… Damn it, I know. We’ll head there soon, I just need to make a few more stops,” Drake sighed pushing down his boiling frustration.

“What can possibly warrant going somewhere else now?”

“The schools. Drake said, looking at the kids behind him. They’ll need books to learn properly, not to mention with most of the industrial infrastructure down, anything kept in a database is gone for good. Electricity is spotty at best. I guess it has to do with what damns are still intact. But we will need all the knowledge we can get. Not to mention we need to raid the supermarkets if they haven’t been already. Baby formula is a rare commodity…” Drake sighed, looking at little Gohan.

“You must make it quick then,” Natto conceded, “We may run into more problems along the way, and we certainly do not… Damn it! I still can not say. But hurry!”

Drake raised a brow sure that she was stopped from telling him something once more by the system. But her attempting to circumvent it again only proved to show him just how urgent this town was.

“Fine. It won’t take more than a few minutes,” Drake said, willing his elementals to move them to the nearest supercenter.


A few minutes later, and with some groans from the speed, Drake announced what was happening.

Alright! I’m going shopping. Everyone stays on the buses. The Elementals will keep you safe as long as you do not leave them.”

“What if we need to use the bathroom!”

Drake groaned, “Fine, you get 5 minutes! Then back on the bus!”

Forming lines and getting off the bus Drake and the rest of the passengers, surrounded tightly by the elementals.

Drake didn’t fail to notice the other people in the vicinity. But it seemed his spells had kept them from being too interested.

“Stay where the Elementals can see you,” Drake shouted then pointed to Janey, “Janey you’re in charge with Charlotte, make sure no one gets lost or strays too far.”

“What? Why us?” Janey stammered.

“Yeah, why us? I have my hands full with my brother as is!” Charlotte added, giving a groan.

“Because I said so, and you two have something to lose, so don’t lose it. I’ll be back quickly,” Drake sighed, turning to the market.

He had no time to lose. Drake quickly shifted to his lightning endowment his hair shimmering to a vibrant yellow before he stepped forward in a flash, entering the market.

Not wanting to exhaust the market, as he already had plenty of food for now thanks to the tutorial and the seeds he received in them. His goal was to get medicine, and the important essentials that might be needed for the children most of all. Clothes, toys, books, supplements, and most of all, soap and cleaning products.

Drake stopped in front of the wrapped packages on the wooden dock, his eyes tearing up.

“I never thought I’d see something so beautiful again. It doesn’t take much to make me cry anymore,” Drake sniffled, “Must be my old age,” he scoffed wiping away the tear before stuffing everything into his inventory.

He was through the supermarket in a flash, taking most of the clothes and non-perishables. But what surprised Drake was that most of the food was still good. As if the world had been half suspended in time during the fusion process. Thankfully as well the store had been spared from being split in half by the planet’s growth and the Mana Worms that seemed to be scattered throughout the city.

Leaving most of the food and taking what he needed, Drake was back out of the market in record time. Only to see some of the children fighting in front of one of the buses, Natto in between them with a scowl.

“Nuh uh!” 

“Uh huh!”

“Nu uh! They’re fake, there’s no way they can do that!”

“Yeah huh! I watched them do it stupid!”

Drake walked over his aura spreading out harmlessly to survey the area, and checking up on his elementals making sure all were still up and in position.

Reaching the kids he listened in for a moment then sighed.

“Really? That’s what you two are arguing over?” Drake smiled bending down to get eye level with them.

“Ronnie said that ur magic thingies aren’t real! But I saw them save us!”

“Dolly said they can blow stuff up! But only superheroes can do that and they don’t have capes!”

Drake’s head slumped down as he snapped his fingers, magically capes sputtering out the back of all the elementals.

“Better?” Drake laughed.

The kids’ eyes widened as their grins reached their eyes and they both nodded their heads.

Drake waved his hands, “Magic… Now onto the bus you two, I have cookies for everyone if you can make it there in 5 seconds.”

The kids scattered and made it for the bus, as Drake counted aloud.

Entering the bus with them, he double-checked that no one was left off the bus before he handed out food and snacks to the several buses under his care and took to the intercom.

Alright, this is your handsome and amazing captain speaking. We have two more stops on this crazy train. And no fighting over the cookies there’s more than enough to go around! I said no fighting! Damien! I swear to the holy mother I’ll come back there! Don’t think I won’t! Good. Next stop, the university!”

With a snap of his fingers, the buses all lifted up and began moving at speed down the street in the direction of the University. More specifically the library of the University.


The trip took less than 10 minutes with Drake’s elementals at the wheel. Literally, they were acting as wheels. And when they got there, Drake quickly stiffened, turning the buses around.

Stepping out and getting to the roof of the bus, he made sure to be loud enough that the other buses could hear him as well.

“Alright, no one leaves the bus. There are some nasty things about and I’m going to deal with them. Anyone who leaves the bus now, you are going to be in danger. My Elementals will protect you like always, but you must stay here. Understood?”

“What happened?” Charlotte asked sticking her head out of the window.

“Nothing you need to worry about if you listen,” Drake snapped, “Get your head in that bus and close the window.”

Charlotte’s eyes widened as she shivered slightly, retreating back into the bus, a pink-haired girl replacing her.

“Drake, what is the matter?” Natto asked.

“There’s a lot of mana in the air. Foul mana, poison I think,” Drake whispered pulling her up to the roof with him, “I’m not sure what the source is, but there's something or someone at the center of it. I’m going to clear it up before anyone gets hurt.”

“Drake you can not keep stopping to do as you please. I beg you to hurry. There is only so much time before a town goes up!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be holding back. This will only take a minute,” Drake said evenly his hair changing once again as he put Natto down.

Heretical Endowment. Septenarius.”

Drake pushed off the roof lightly hitting the paved street before launching himself into the dense poisonous mana surrounding the university.

[You have resisted Doctor’s Lullaby]

[You have resisted Doctor’s Inching Poison]

[You have resisted Doctor’s Paralytic Mist]

Drake frowned seeing the notifications as he pushed forward at a blistering pace through the university. He ran over steps through hallways and rooms until he reached the library wing where the mana was centered around.

“Oh? Did someone make it in? Interesting….” a female voice cooed.

“You get one explanation. Why have you set up something so dangerous in the city,” Drake asked.

In front of Drake lying down on a couch was a woman in a white coat, her hair a fire red and went past her hips. In her mouth was a cigarette and on her left eye, an eye patch that looked to be an item based on the gold embroidering.

She sat up almost uninterested in the threat.

“I don’t like to be disturbed while I read. And, I was hoping to find something or someone interesting to fill my boredom….” she said smiling, “And you look, plenty interesting…”

Drake sneered, flexing his aura, “You have poison spreading in the area, what if someone who doesn’t have resistances got caught up in it!”

“Not my problem. We’ve all been through the tutorial. And most people who have will see the mana signature and leave. You are quite the rebel, barreling through it like you did.”

“What about children who don’t even have classes or skills?” Drake asked.

“Not to worry. I can move the mana. I’m not evil, simply bored. Well, evil is relative. But I am pragmatic so I have done some evil things in my time.”

Drake was fed up with the woman's games and musings.

[Bridgette Lovegood Level 10]

Bridgette flinched feeling Drake’s eyes pierce her.

“Naughty naughty. Don’t you know that’s rude…? You could have just asked,” she said standing up, “Level 14? Oh my aren’t you just checking all the boxes?”

“Didn’t you just say that was rude?” Drake sneered back.

“Reciprocation Mr. Wallen, it’s the basis of any good relationship. May I ask your class? You look quite like a Mage, but it is doubtful you could make it through my concoctions as a pure one….”

“No, you may not. And I don’t have time for this. I’ll be taking these books and leaving. Remove your poison and I won’t do anything to harm you.”

“Pity. I am a non-combat class Physician. The system doesn’t seem too keen on giving us our specialties though,” she pouted taking a puff of her cigarette, “I was an infectious disease specialist before all of this. My eye you ask?”

“I didn’t,” Drake sighed, understanding now that this woman moved at her own pace, even more than him.

“Glad you asked, it was from a nasty little creature in our tutorial. I made the mistake of not believing the impossibility of being transported en mass to a separate dimension with the rest of the world. This led to me being careless, unfortunately… Cost me my eye it did. Ruined my stunning face,” Bridgette pouted.

“My condolences,” Drake scoffed, turning to begin inventorying the library.

“You know, Mr. Wallen… Your brother Atticus was quite interesting as well,” she cooed behind him.

The room turned cold and Bridgette froze as the air was sucked out of her lungs. The lit cigarette in her hand went out like a light before she fell to the floor gasping for breath. Her playful manner gone as she desperately looked up at Drake a cold sweat beginning to form on her skin.

“What did you say?” Drake growled his aura shaking the entire room.


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