Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 184: Hey Again.

Chapter 184: Hey Again.

“So where exactly are we going?” Claire asked, following along with Drake.

“Nowhere special. I just want to go there when we leave,” Drake said turning his head slightly to answer her.

“Sounds special… If you want to leave everyone early to go there… Did something happen there?”

“Could say that. But just enjoy being alone with me alright? We get to just relax for the last day, browse the shop.”

“That’s true I guess…” Claire said suspiciously.

Drake scoffed and guided her through the forest at a casual pace, looking at the various items in the tutorial shop.

He had already found the items that Natto had mentioned earlier, worried about them possibly getting sold out if he didn’t grab them immediately.

[Language Book of the Myriad Races] [S-Grade]

  • The use of this book allows one to understand all spoken and written forms of languages throughout the multiverse.

[Quest Voucher: A Land All Your Own] [E-Grade]

  • A quest voucher able to be redeemed at any system-sanctioned center help building.
  • Will expire after one year.

The two items had already cost him a pretty penny and had eased his worry of them being sold out. It seemed that certain items were only available to certain people. Natto explained that it was a combination of accomplishments, titles, and max TP earned during the tutorial.

For example, he, Shigure, and Bjorn could see the Quest Voucher, whereas anyone else they knew could not. As for the Language Book, it seemed to be available so that everyone in the tutorial could purchase it if they wished. It was also relatively affordable for everyone at a price of 5,000 TP, whereas the Voucher was 100,000 TP.

Drake was sure that he would be able to get the other items he was eyeing on the way to their destination so he was taking his time, enjoying the walk with Claire. The last 30 days had been mostly training for the both of them, giving them no time to be together outside of a few select days and nights.

They talked and walked comfortably through the forest that Drake remembered vividly from his time trying to improve and level up rigorously. They even passed many of the same routes he fought through. Passing the Outpost B Drake had single-handedly taken. The fake army he still left within the forest outside of their old Outpost.

Drake even thought they had passed the first place he met Bjorn. He could have sworn that part of the river looked familiar, but all the rocks were the same so who could tell for certain.

“These are places you fought at before you met all of us?” Claire asked as Drake pointed them out casually.

“Yeah,” Drake smiled, “I was alone for most of the beginning. The first person I met was actually Bjorn, then Natto came out of an egg. That was a weird one.”

“An egg? Like a chicken egg?”

“It was bigger, more like an ostrich? I had to use some blood sacrifice to get her to hatch too. Spooky stuff,” Drake said giving a flutter of his fingers.

“So you’ve always just had one thing after another since coming to the tutorial…” Claire said.

“Suppose so. I roughed it alone for the most part until I somehow got Natto then met Theo and rescued everyone else.”

“Hmmm….” Claire hummed putting her hands behind her back, “So are you going to keep me in the dark about where we’re going until we get there?”

“Yup,” Drake smiled pointing to a clearing in the forest, “And we’re there.”

Drake’s face turned solemn as he looked into the clearing, in the middle was a mound with no marker that had since become overgrown by the grass around it. Beneath it the nameless person he met on the day he became a Dual Class.

This was where Drake decided to push forward and give it his all.

He left Claire at the edge of the clearing, walking up to the mound as he pulled a sword from his inventory.

“Hey there. Remember me?” he chuckled wearily, “As promised, I came back at the end when I changed who I was. Literally….” he said giving a bit of a listless laugh, “This sword isn’t the original, but I think it’s just as nice.”

Drake slipped the sword into the mound of dirt, the gravestone replaced.

“Who’s that?” Claire asked gently.

“No idea,” Drake answered.

Claire paused for a moment looking at the mound pensively.

“Were they important?”

“You could say that,” Drake smirked, “This is where I killed my weak self. If it wasn’t for what happened here, I may not have ever gone on to be so strong and save everyone I did… Thinking back, I kinda wish it happened sooner… Maybe… Maybe I could have done more.”

Claire squeezed Drake’s arm no words needing to be said.

And that was because Natto said it for her. Popping out of the side of Drake’s head she slapped him.

“Will you stop this self-loathing! It is becoming insufferable! How many times must I tell you, it is not your fault nor duty to protect every piece of idiotic buffoon that walks this tutorial! You are not god!” she yelled.

“Not yet,” Drake smiled.

“You are not even E-Rank yet! Leave your dreams for when you are asleep!”

“But I don’t sleep anymore, so I only have when I’m awake?” Drake laughed.


Drake gave a genuine smile and laugh before pulling out some supplies and placing them nearby. Water, food, camping gear if you could call a luxury bed, chairs, and flooring camping gear.

“Might as well be glampers at this point,” Drake nodded looking at the setup.

He looked back towards the mound where Claire and Natto were still talking and moved to grab their attention.

“Alright. About time we see what this tutorial shop is all about yeah?”

“I don’t have that many points, so I’ll just watch along with you is that ok?” Claire asked.

“Of course, do you want me to get you something? Speaking of something did you get any bonus rewards?” Drake replied, throwing the question right back at her.

“Bonuses? No… I didn’t get anything like that. I wasn’t anywhere near the top after all,” she answered with empty eyes.

“It’s okay we can’t all be special like me. Ow!”

Claire had punched him in the gut. Obviously not hurting him, but Drake felt like acting the part was necessary for these moments.

“Ass…” she mumbled.

Drake just smiled, pulling the boxes from his inventory.

“Guess we look at these first.”

[Epic Armor Box] [F-Grade]

  • Contains a class-specific random piece of non-set armor or accessories
  • Roll using the black die before opening for use
  • Bound to Participant: Drake Wallen
  • Cannot be traded

[Epic Weapon Box] [F-Grade]

  • Contains a class-specific random piece of non-set weaponry
  • Roll using the black die before opening for use.
  • Bound to Participant: Drake Wallen
  • Cannot be traded

Drake currently had two of each in his possession as well as 20 of each stat pill. The pills were not bound to him like the boxes so he had given the vitality pills to Claire ahead of time. The more health for a mage or support class the better.

“It’s been a while since I used this,” Drake mused pulling the die from his inventory, “So what happens to this thing after the tutorial?” Drake asked.

“Disappears…” Natto said snidely.

Drake frowned, “Really?”

“Were you expecting it to be a key item of some sort? Change into an epic weapon maybe?”

“Well, yeah kind of,” Drake nodded.

“It is an item created specifically for participants of the tutorial for the new inductors of the multiverse to make it intentionally more difficult. How skills are gained outside of the tutorial is completely different. I have told you this.”

“I know, just wanted to make sure… Geez,” Drake scoffed, throwing the die to the floor.

While Drake was less stressed over rolling than he had been previously. He had the ability to get exactly what he wanted now that he had the massive pool of TP at the tips of his fingers.

But, there was one thing a gamer always kept.

His need for better loot.

His eyes bulged as his skills took hold, increasing his perception and seeing the die roll slowly to a stop.

First a 17, then to a 5, next it turned slowly double bouncing to a 19 and finally halting, skidding to the ground, 12.

“FUUUUCKKKKK!” Drake yelled.

Claire pointed at Drake seeing him roll for loot for the first time, “Has he always done that?”

Natto nodded.

“That’s cute… In a weird sort of way…” Claire mumbled.

Natto looked at Claire incredulously, “Are you broken? Never mind, I take that back. To love a man like him you must be…. I lost a bet for wonderful candy over this… It was rigged! Rigged I say!”

Drake ignored them, sighing before opening the chest to his first Epic Armor.

“Oh, that’s pretty…” he swooned.

[Ice Wyvern’s Crystal Eye Earing [F-Grade] [Epic]

  • Increase Ice Based damage by 163 - 208
  • +40 to Intelligence
  • +10% to Spell Critical Rate, +20% to Spell Critical Damage
  • Limit 1

“Oooo… Spell Crit….” Drake drooled, holding the item to the fading sun, the crystalline blue capturing the orange spectacularly within the earring.

“That is gorgeous, can I see it?” Claire asked hearts practically in her eyes.

“Sure,” Drake said tossing it to her.

He quickly bent and picked up the die ready to keep the process going.

One after the other he rolled, getting relatively average numbers for each chest. For the last Armor Chest, he rolled a 13. For the two weapon chests 15 and 9 respectively. The results were better than expected but the weapons were not honestly suited for him.

“Is it because I’m a dual class?” Drake wondered, looking at the weapons.

“Yes, that is exactly why…” Natto sighed, sitting down next to Claire, a bag of food popping into her hands.

“Damn. Makes sense. But…. Damn…” Drake lamented.

[Lower Basilisk Wrist Guards [Epic] [F-Grade]

  • 315 to 364 Physical Damage Reduction
  • 282 to 290 Magic Damage Reduction
  • 15% Critical Hit Reduction
  • +20 to Strength, +15 to Dexterity, +50 to Endurance
  • Battleworn wrist guards made from the tough hide of the Basilisk species. +30% defense proficiency.

[Mana Infused Knuckle Claws [Epic] [F-Grade]

  • 628 to 644 Physical Damage
  • 110 to 125 Magic Damage
  • 10% Increase to Critical Strikes
  • +20 to Strength, +25 to Dexterity, Reduces consumption of Stamina for skills by 1%
  • Well crafted three bladed gauntlets made with a basic smithing technique infused with mana to increase the efficiency of the blades and durability of the weapon overall.

[Lightning Storm in a Bottle [Epic] [F-Grade]

  • 4 to 12 Physical Damage
  • 568 to 700 Magic Damage
  • 10% Increase to Spell Critical Strikes
  • +20 to Intelligence, +15 to Wisdom, Reduces consumption of Lighting Based Spells by 1%
  • Can only be worn in the off-hand.
  • Bottled Storms from the Planet Arabath the home of the never-ending storm. Mages of the planet often gift this to fledgling Mages to supplement their growth.

“So these are kinda awesome but Set items are significantly better huh?” Drake asked slipping the wrist protectors on, “Oh comfy….” he smiled.

“By design yes. Set items will always give better effects while the set effects are in full use. You may find unique items that surpass them, but they will be far more specific in use. That orb for instance. It is rather strong for an F-Grade item, even at Epic Grade. But it is only effective for Lighting spells,” Natto explained.

“Well,” Drake said looking at the shimmering and crackling bottle, “It isn’t all bad, I can use this for my disguise on the outside.”

“Disguise?” Claire asked finally done admiring the earring and handing it back to Drake.

“Yeah,” Drake replied, taking the earring and replacing his right ear, “I’m going to be specifically a Mage on the outside until I can’t be. I don’t want people to know just yet that I’m a Dual Class. I’m strong but I don’t know who else might be able to take me. It’s better to sow more misinformation I think for now. At least until we all get back together and we can start building up our strength as a whole. And knowing who’s our allies and enemies and all that is a good way to pace it too,” Drake explained, fiddling with his necklace.

“Well? What do you see?” Drake asked opening up his hands.

Claire was confused, then realized he meant identify.

“Um…” she said squinting, “Drake Wallen… Level… 13..?” she said confused, “You picked a pretty low level, didn’t you?”

Drake smiled, “Yep, I want to know who will pick on the little guy for one. My inner Cid Kagenou is coming through… But also this is relatively the average level I think if our tutorial is anything to go off of.”

Drake heard a snicker come from Natto but didn’t think anything of it.

“Imbecile till the end….” Natto muttered through bites.

Drake opened the tutorial shop now ready to start buying with his deep pockets.

“Alright, let’s see what this baby has to offer!”

Drake and Claire sat down at the table a few feet away, Natto trotting along as well until she took a seat on the table with her bag of snacks.

“Let’s see…. There's quite a lot here… But the price goes exponentially up for the rarity…. That’s really. Wow, that’s a ripoff! 1 Million points for a single Stat Pill?! I found like 50 of these in the King’s Hoard!”

Natto laughed and shrugged, “It is the Dragons. What did you expect? Do you believe they would give up their treasure for mere shekels?”

Drake grounded his teeth, his expectation of coming out with a bunch of good stuff shattered.

“Well, I can still get a lot… I just have to be more selective I suppose,” he sighed.

Paging through the large selection, he browsed the Profession books, seedlings, skill stones, weapons, armor, potions, anything, and everything.

He paged through the entirety of the shop not wanting to miss a single opportunity for something that may be useful for him now or later. Even before adding a single thing to his cart, the sun had long passed below the horizon. The night took hold of the area as Drake summoned floating fireballs to illuminate the surroundings.

“Hmmm,” he mused, then noticed Claire fast asleep on his shoulder, forcing a smile from him.

He quickly picked her up and put her to bed inside the tent, small grumblings from Claire as he did.

Coming back out of the tent he got back to his shopping, finding a few things he knew he would need right away.

He looked over at Natto who had long since finished her snacks and was slightly drooling on the table asleep.

Drake poked her awake.

“Hey, Natto.”

“W-what?” she said groggily.

“There seems to be a pack of set equipment here, Rare Grade. Is it worth getting? It is giving me limited access to what’s inside, but based on the labeling I think it’s good.”

“What is the name?”

Drake turned the screen around and pointed at it, “Asuran War Garb Set, Rare Grade. It’s 30 Million Points though.”

Natto looked over the item for a moment then nodded, “Yes it does seem made for you based on the name. But unfortunately, I can not tell you either way if it is an advisable purchase. I can tell you that it is worth much more than mere Tutorial Points at the least.”

“So that’s a yes,” Drake said hitting the add to cart button, “What about this?”

[Spirit Ink Tattoos of the Asurans [Rare] [F-Grade] 10,000,000 TP

Natto looked at Drake like he was dumb, “Do you really need me to answer this? It has Asuran in the name Drake.”

Drake smirked, “Just making sure.”

Continuing to add things to his cart one by one he paged through the store.

[Lesser Fire Drake’s Burning Eye Ring [F-Grade] [Rare] 3,000,000 TP

  • Increase Fire Based damage by 80 - 131
  • +10 to Intelligence
  • +5% to Spell Critical Rate, +5% to Spell Critical Damage
  • Limit 1

[Lesser Earth Dragon’s Petrified Eye Ring [F-Grade] [Rare] 3,000,000 TP

  • Increase Earth Based damage by 100 - 110
  • +10 to Intelligence
  • +5% to Overall Spell Damage
  • Limit 1

[Large Dimensional Compartment [F-Grade] 5,000,000 TP

  • 300x50 Dimensional Space Bag
  • Requires one Inventory slot. Must be placed in Inventory to be equipped
  • Stores Items in current state indefinitely, does not include living entities
  • Drops on death.
  • Only 1 may be equipped at a time

“Ok that does it for accessories and I know I’ll need that inventory space in the future… There’s a reason games always charge micro-transactions for space after all. Now, for the stuff I’m going to be using for my plan….” Drake hummed, “Oh wait, there’s that as well.”

[Small Dungeon Dimension Anchor] [F-Grade] 500,000 TP

  • Anchors a Dimensional Space. Producing a Small Dungeon Anomaly.
  • Does not provide the Monsters within the Anomaly.
  • Anything trapped within the Anomaly space when anchored will forever be anchored to it.

“I have no idea if this is going to pay dividends but a Dungeon sounds just like what I’ll need later on. Too bad I can only get one from the shop.”

Next Drake filled all he could into his cart with skill stones he thought would be valuable to people on the outside, as well as material and seeds much like his man-eating plant. But lamented being unable to get a particular item he spotted in the process.

[World Tree [Epic] [F-Grade] 100,000,000 TP

  • A Growing Monument to the Elven Lineage.
  • This tree must be grown over centuries but gives massive beneficial growth buffs to its citizens.
  • Only one may be planted on a planet at a time.

“It would have been nice to get this. Really drive home the fantasy feel ya know?”

“You would be asking for trouble if you even could purchase that…” Natto explained, “World Trees are beneficial in many ways to worlds. They inspire and encourage growth of all kinds in both the citizens and monsters of the world. They also bear fruit of all kinds of surprising things. Not to mention items made from the Tree are always in demand no matter the Grade. You are better off not having one right off the bat. Especially with no Elves to properly care for it.”

“Hmm, well that’s unfortunate…” Drake sighed, “But I got almost everything that I wanted regardless. Thankfully the skill stones I picked up were duplicates from stuff I had before so they weren’t too much. And the profession technique books were pretty inexpensive also for some reason. But time to blow my load!” Drake chuckled hitting the purchase button, Natto rolling her eyes at the joke.

But she only scoffed and looked at Drake in contempt for so long, before a large box appeared and crashed into the table, snapping it in half and sending her flying off into the distance.

“Isn’t that just karma,” Drake laughed, then frowned looking at the table, “I really liked that table though…”


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