Dropped into Another World…

Chapter 133 - Interference?….Another Lizard

With the snow piled up, there’s nothing to do so I decided to check the forest out.

There might be a village or a settlement of beastkin there.

The sooner we find the children’s parents, the better.


It had been a while since I had used my drone clairvoyance to look around the forest.

I’ve confirmed that there are no villages within the barrier I’ve created.

I have to check outside the barrier.


I can move the drone clairvoyance within the barrier without any discomfort with the use of magic power.

In the past, when I tried to check outside the barrier, I couldn’t deal with the rapid decrease of magic power.

However, it wasn’t until my accuracy improved that I noticed that my magical power was decreasing with my magic power detection.

Until then, I was troubled with the phenomenon of my body suddenly becoming heavy.


This time….amazing!

My magical power increased?

I don’t feel the sensation of my magical power is decreasing.

I can check a wider area now.

Even so, the black shadows in the forest have decreased considerably.

It would be nice if the curse would continue to disappear like this.


Now, I want to know if there is anything other than forest in this world.

Should I try flying in one direction to check how far I can go?


I see something that’s not a forest on the screen.

Yeah, a field!

Finally, I saw something outside the forest.

I’m very happy since I was even worried that this world is nothing but forest.

Still, considering how long it took me to find the field, I was surprised by the size of the forest.

I sent the drone clairvoyance out of the forest to check the place outside the forest.


I suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling of my body being electrified.

The drone’s image was cut off.


…what happened?

Let’s try again.


…I tried thrice but something was blocking me and I couldn’t get out of the forest.

I thought there was a barrier so I tried to detect the flow of magic but I couldn’t feel anything.

I can’t get out of the forest.


I concentrated once again trying to find the flow of magic but still couldn’t feel anything.

If it’s not magic then…is it a curse….am I being contained?


Let’s calm down first.


Let’s start with what we can do.

We’re still in the middle of searing for villages and settlements.

Yeah, let’s take a look around the entire forest.

Maybe I can find a way out of the forest.


….lakes of all sizes, a few waterfalls, two big mountains,…a hole?….and a river.

The river seems to be in the process of spreading.

Come to think of it, there’s also a river near the field.

It is spreading throughout the entire forest.


As for the villages and hamlets…none.

I checked the forest for several days in a row but I can’t find any sign of them.

So, those beastkids came from outside the forest.

How many days of walking did they do?

They’re amazing.


….but that means they get into the forest.

However….I can’t get out.

I found a path leading out of the forest so I tried moving on the path but I still couldn’t get out.


Hnn, I don’t know.

I let my drone clairvoyance wander around.

How do I get out of the forest?



I was startled.

A lizard suddenly appeared in front of the drone clairvoyance image.

Flying Lizard?

…No, it has grown up and not this little.

Fluffy? Marshmallow?

…I checked outside….they are still playing in the square today.

They are shooting each other with magic but that’s how they play.


I stared at the image.

….it’s still there.

Is it one of Fluffy and the other’s companions?

….perhaps it is only curious about the shape of my drone.


The drone clairvoyance has transformed into the shape of a drone I know.

At first, it looked like a shining blob but before I knew it, it became similar to the black drone I saw on Japanese TV.

When I first saw it with my own eyes, I was terrified.

I had always thought it was a lump of light.


Did it come to check something unfamiliar?

Ah, anyway….what should I do?

I had the drone clairvoyance move toward my house….and it follows.

I’ll try to increase the speed.



Ehto, it really followed up to my house.


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