Dropped into Another World…

Chapter 131 - Watching A Sudden Battle…Cave Amoeba

Snow as far as I can see.

This is my second snow season in this world…cold.


I went out to the wood deck.

It has a barrier and other cold preventive measures so it’s a perfect place to stay outside.

In the square, Marshmallow and Fluffy are fighting….I mean doing some special training.

Two lizards standing up and grabbing each other’s arms….I feel like I’m seeing an animal video live….

No, this should be on a reptile show…

Ah, I remember that giant lizard video.

A giant lizard terrorizing the city….though that one is bigger than the ones here.

Ah, water attack, it evaded.

Amazing, ah, Marshmallow attacked back using ice.

….that giant lizard is not using magic though. This is probably the isekai version.

「Good morning」

I heard a voice from behind me. It seems like the kids have finished eating and are coming out.

Looking at them, I can see that they are wearing warm coats.

…good job, three eyes.

「Good morning」

Finally, the children can communicate with me like this.

I think this is a nice progress.

The number of times they got scared while watching what’s happening in the square has also decreased.

….I’m convincing myself that getting used to something like this is a good thing.


Even so, the battle between lizards was somehow cute.

The magic attacks that came out of their mouths like water or ice are…kind of scary.


The kids are sitting on the chaise longue where I sit.

Soon, the one eyes made and brought warm drinks.

Recently, I thought…they were some sort of specialized perfect maids, secretary….and even butler….the one eyes are amazing.

I see a one eye cleaning.

I’ve casted clean magic to keep it clean but for some reason, it’s also wiping this place.

Should I think of another job that they can do?

But…No, I shouldn’t.


Ah, this is unusual for a cold day like this.

The antlings are out.

Ahahaha, straight to the kitchen which means they want food.


Should I go with them?

…Ah, the one eyes are in charge when it comes to food.

The antlings will be alright.

They have been permitted by the one eyes.


If they do anything without permission, they will be chased.

I’ve seen the little one taking food and wine being chased several times.

I haven’t seen any lately…maa, I guess that’s a result of all the things that have happened.

The one eyes are watching over the antlings with satisfaction.

It looks like there’s no problem.


—Scene Change—


Still, I’m not sure what to do when it’s snowing.

Isn’t it too cold to be having some special training?

Boss-san and Shuri’s family hate this time of the year.


I suddenly felt a magical power approaching.

It seems like my companions also felt it and they were already looking for it.

Where is it?

….that’s weird. Nothing’s unusual around.

I can feel magical power but I can’t see anyone else other than us.


I’m not sure if my magic detection is more accurate now but I can tell the difference and even measure the distance of magical powers.

I’m also quite sensitive to other things like hostility.

The magical power that arrived doesn’t seem to be hostile but I’m kind of warry since I can’t see where it’s coming from.


When I reached the corner of the wood deck, snow nearby suddenly evaporated.

To my surprise, a hole opened up in the snow and an amoeba came out of it.

Oh, isn’t this the amoeba from the cave?

Does that mean it came from that far here?


Even so, it’s staring at me too much.

What should I do now?


The amoeba looked surprised.

Do you know each other?

Is it the snow amoeba’s buddy?


Marshmallow nodded to me then, squirmed away into the hole the amoeba had made.

Since it nodded, it means everything’s okay.

The cave was quite far from here.

Did it move all the way here just by traveling below the snow?

That amoeba was amazing.


Ah, new tea, let’s drink it.

Thank you, one eye.

This is so much better than the tea I made.


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