Dropped into Another World…

Chapter 122 - Beastkid

– Slave Beastkid’s POV-

I’ve always been told by scary an adult.

That I should be useful for the kingdom and thank the king for keeping me alive.

That is the mercy of the king.

I don’t understand what they are trying to say.



I kept on being beaten and kicked for some reason, it hurts but I can’t speak.

Even if I try to, nothing comes out of my mouth.

He said that my expression is disgusting and won’t change no matter how much I get hit.

So, he hit me again. What expression?

My body made a lot of noise but he said I was a beast so my body should be strong.

He stepped on me and it’s very painful.

I couldn’t make a sound even though the pain was already rushing through my entire body.

 I have to keep my body small and endure it.

I wonder what I should be thankful for?


I began to understand my surroundings a little better.

I am a slave and the children around me are slaves too.

My voice and expression are blocked because they were not necessary for a slave.

However, I noticed that we can still express our feelings with our eyes.

I was kind of happy about that.

But the number of children with expressive eyes became fewer and fewer. They are slowly disappearing.

That made me sad.


People called nobles came from time to time.

When they came, slaves were dragged out of the room.

They won’t hit.

They don’t kick but they use those shiny silver things to kill a slave.

They said they have to try it out.

Slaves that were killed by the nobles were returned to the room for some reason.

From what I heard, it’s because it’s not cleaning day yet.


Little by little, I began to lose track of myself.

However, for some reason, the number of times I’m being beaten has decreased.

I saw the bastard beating us with a frightened face.

I also heard sounds falling from the sky as well as light running through the sky.


I was startled when the sound fell from the sky.

However, I was more surprised when I heard a voice.

It was my own scream.

For the first time in my life, I heard my voice and when I checked around, I saw that the others were the same.

Somehow, only us kids are like that.

I wondered what was going on.

I’m scared because I don’t know.


Someone who didn’t have a scary face came.

That person looked around us and left.

The next day, two adult slaves came.

The adults were able to talk and taught us a lot of things.

They told us about the country, the forest, monsters, demon beasts, and slaves.

I find it hard to remember them all since it was the first time someone was actually teaching us something. They told us to learn as much as we could, which I did.

As we were working hard, the person who didn’t have a scary face that came before came again.

This time, he came right up to us and told us to escape when an opportunity arose.

He immediately left the room without giving us the chance to react.

I wonder if something’s going to happen. I’m scared.


—Scene Change—


Suddenly, we were taken out of the room and put into a small cage that started moving.

I was separated from the children who were with me.

I was scared, so scared of what was going to happen.

I shivered and made myself small.

Someone grabbed my hand.

In front of me is a girl I’ve never seen before.

However, I could see in her eyes that she has feelings.

She’s telling me to never speak and never show emotion.

She continued to hold my hand like that.


The cage opened and I was suddenly pulled out.

I was so surprised that I almost shouted but I managed to hold on.

I can’t let them find out!


I’m dragged into the forest.

The forest!

I was surprised because I had heard so much about it.


Starting from that point, I experienced more hell than ever.

My whole body was screaming.

There were several horrible monsters in front of me.

They were slashing their claws at me who was rolling around just to be able to escape from them.

When the monsters were about to sink their fangs into me, the people watching from afar killed them.

The same thing happened over and over again.


My consciousness suddenly becomes distant.

I don’t know why my body is shaking so much but that’s what’s happening.

When I looked around, I saw the girl who held my hand.

Is she the next one?

Run away….


I felt like I saw some kind of light.

I don’t know what it was.

However, I felt like my body was wrapped by something warm.

It feels good.

My back also felt warm.

There is a large drawing on my back and it hurts.

Adults say it’s a slave crest.

The pain is coming from that.


—Scene Change—


Water splashes on my face.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the girl.

I looked around and was surprised to see the scary adults lying on the ground.


She held her hand out to me. I squeezed it and stood up.

What should we do now?

「Let’s escape.」

Is this the opportunity he was talking about?

He told me to escape if I could.


I went to the cage if there were other children who could escape.

The cage is open.

I called out to them but no one was reacting.

There was another cage and no child reacted either.

The adults said they were alive but their hearts were dead.

I’m sad for them.


We got food and water from the luggage around and ran to the depths of the forest to escape.

When the scary adults wake up, they will surely kill us.


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