Dreamer's Throne

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Praying that the monsters tongues couldnt taste his sweat in the air, Garrett stood frozen, his hand still outstretched for the door. With a hunched posture, the monster took a shuffling step forward, its abnormally long arms holding onto the corners of the buildings on either side of the alleyway. Swallowing the lump that had risen in his throat, Garrett activated Observe the Dream, using it to get a better look at the monster hed seen in the reflection. With no head to hold its eyes, the monster instead turned its whole chest this way and that, allowing the dozens of crimson eyes that hid in the folds of its bony ribs to peer into the fog.

Struck by a sense of crisis as the monster started to turn his direction, Garrett opened the door that led into the soap factorys office and slipped inside, shutting the door behind him. Scrambling toward the massive desk, he crawled underneath it, his breath coming in gasps. The movement of the door attracted the large nightmares attention, and Garrett watched in growing horror as it shuffled toward the door hed just darted through. Tucked under the desk, Garrett did his best to control his breathing, keeping himself as small as possible.

The wait was agonizing as the nightmare made its way toward the door, its tentacles waving this way and that as it tried to find the source of the movement that had first attracted its attention. Arriving outside the door, it crouched down, sliding its waving stalks under the door. Crimson eyes opened on the ends of the tentacles, peering into the shadows. Keeping himself as still as possible, Garrett wracked his brain for a plan if the monster came into the room. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead, dripping into his eye, but he didnt wipe it, just in case the nightmare could detect his movement.

The waving tentacles that had entered the room began to stretch, extending further and further into the room until they hovered over the desk. The mouth on the end of the worm-like appendage continued to taste the air while the eyes that had opened around it darted this way and that, determined to pry out the secrets the room held. Turning to the side, the crimson eyes swept the room and then started to look down.

Clenching his fist, Garrett felt his nerves being stretched to their limit and was about to lash out when the tentacle abruptly retreated, flowing back out of the room. Stunned, Garrett chased after it with Observe the Dream, watching as the nightmare stood up straight, its eyes returning to its chest. A crunching sound shook the air of the Dream and set the thick fog roiling. Crouching slightly in a display of fear, the nightmare suddenly darted for the alleyway it had first appeared from, moving incredibly fast.

Yet before it had managed to get more than a few feet away, a massive, hulking creature that reminded Garrett of a minotaur charged through the fog, slamming into the skeletal nightmare. Thick scales that flickered with inky flames, spikes that shifted in and out of vision, and two huge jagged horns created a terrifying vision that carried a sense of tangible pain. Even observing it through his ability caused Garrett to wince and reflexively shut down his ability.

Tears dripped from Garretts closed eyes as they stung, feeling like needles had stabbed into them. It took some time for Garrett to recover from the feeling, and when he did, the first thing that he saw was a floating widow.

You have observed a Chosen of [???????], Crimson Eye of Shalmoroth, a greater nightmare of the Dream. You have gained 5 EXP for observing a new type of nightmare.

You have observed a Chosen of [???????], Burning Pain of Gath, a greater nightmare of the Dream. You have gained 5 EXP for observing a new type of nightmare.

EXP: 29/80

A few weeks had passed since the fight against the Swamp Shark gang in the crypts, and Garrett had spent that time collecting as many experience points as he could, but getting ten experience points simply by looking at the two nightmares revealed how dangerous the situation was. Letting out a breath, Garrett tried to control the shaking in his arms and legs as he calmed down. Too scared to use Observe the Dream again, he scrambled out from under the desk and headed upstairs, through a small door at the back of the room.

According to the Dream Seed hed planted on Carraway, the fat merchant was upstairs in the apartment above the office, and Garrett could also see that Ryn was currently hiding up there as well. Taking advantage of the fight outside that was shaking the windows, Garrett climbed the steps two at a time and opened the door into Carraways rooms. So far he hadnt come across any locked doors in the Dream, apart from the sealed door that led down into the basement of the Dreamers Inn, a fact he was thankful for.

The apartment was as disgustingly opulent as Garrett remembered from his visit with Prince Everan before the princes untimely death. Gleaming gilt covered nearly every inch of the ornately carved floor-to-ceiling panels and the corners of the rooms were dominated by marble statues, most of them depicting women in various states of undress. A deep sense of revulsion grew in Garretts chest as he looked around, and all of sudden he wasnt nearly as torn about what he intended to do.

Carraway was currently eating dinner, his fat fingers stained by grease as he shoved delicacies into his mouth. Walking up behind him, Garrett could see the Dream Seed slowly absorbing the merchants mental strength. The seed was still largely dormant so Garrett reached out a finger, touching it lightly to the back of Carraways head as he allowed energy from his soul spark to flow into the seed, waking it up. Color flooded the room as the seed bloomed, three bright flowers opening up above Carraways head.

The five-petaled light that appeared in his eyes reflected off of the silver in front of him, invisible to everyone but Garrett. Glancing at the two servants who were standing silently by Carraway, Garretts eyes narrowed and he spoke softly into the merchants mind.

Its time for bed.

Letting out a reflexive yawn, Carraway stopped mid-bite, his fork falling to his plate with a clatter. A faint confusion crowded his face, but the rainbow petals in his eyes glowed with light and his confusion faded.

I am going to bed, Carraway said, putting his food down and pushing himself back from the table.

Startled, the three servants glanced at each other, but that didnt stop them from quickly helping him up. Waving them off, Carraway waddled out of the dining room, heading down the hall to his bedroom. Ryn was currently in a small room adjacent to the bedroom, but it was clear from the way she moved to conceal herself that she could hear the sound of Carraway coming. Without even bothering to change, Carraway rolled into bed, his weight causing the four-poster bed to creak alarmingly. Wiggling down into his covers, Carraway frowned and patted his stomach, still hungry.

I need to go to sleep.

Unable to dislodge the thought from his head, the merchant sighed and closed his eyes, trying to relax his body. Stepping close, Garrett was about to reach out and touch him when he suddenly caught a flash of something across the room. Stopping right before his finger touched Carraway, Garrett looked over toward the merchants desk where hed noticed the movement. Lurking on top of the ornate golden mirror was a spindly legged Drudge Wraith that was shifting up and down in apparent excitement.

Creeping down the mirror, the nightmare began to move toward Garrett and Carraway. With Dreamers Cloak still active Garrett was invisible to the lesser nightmare, but he did nothing, simply waiting as Carraway tried to fall asleep and the Drudge Wraith moved ever closer. Climbing up onto the bed, the monster walked up on top of Carraways large stomach and extended one of its legs toward the merchants face. At the same time Carraway seemed to sink into a fitful sleep, causing Garrett to wonder if the Drudge Wraith had the ability to force someone into a dream.

Seeing Carraways face flush and twitch as the nightmare burrowed into his dream, Garrett reached out and touched his head, selecting the option to connect their dreams. Currently the merchants dream was set in his opulent apartment, so Garrett picked the doorway that led into the hall, causing it to stretch out. Appearing in his own dream, Garrett snapped his fingers, recreating Carraways office down to the papers that were scattered on the floor. With another snap, he changed his own appearance, transforming into a grim-looking guard.

Stalking down the hall toward Carraways dream dining room, he spent a moment watching as the Drudge Wraith sat on Carraways head while the fat man stuffed his face full of food. From what Garrett could determine, Drudge Wraiths focused on encouraging vices in their targets, using that as cover to absorb mental strength. Currently the Drudge Wraith was sucking away at Carraways mind, oblivious to the Dream Flowers hiding inside his head, and when Garrett knocked at the door the nightmare froze in place.

The prince will see you now.

Garretts words echoed in the room, bringing a sense of light to Carraways eyes as he woke up to his current situation. He appeared to be able to feel the Drudge Wraith on him, and with a shriek he tumbled backward off his chair even as the Dream Flowers sprang out of him, latching onto the lesser nightmare. Shivering, the monster tried to throw the flower off but only managed to get one leg free before it was completely wrapped up. Smiling grimly as experience notifications popped up in front of him, Garrett reached down and grabbed Carraways arm, dragging him up.

Faced with a scary-looking guard, Carraway shivered, his eyes widening as he saw the badge prominently displayed on the guards chest. A crown laid over a wing was the symbol of the royal family, and there was no way Carraway would confuse it. The sight of the badge jogged his mind, and the merchant suddenly realized what the guard had just said. Fixing Carraway with a harsh glare, Garrett tugged on his arm again.

Dont keep the prince waiting.

Half-guiding, half-dragging, Garrett pulled Carraway along, stepping out of the merchants dream and into the hallway that connected to his dream. Letting go of the merchant, Garrett cloaked himself and rushed forward, transforming into a gentle-looking young man in a golden coat as he took a seat in the merchants office. A moment later Carraway stumbled through the door, his face a mask of confusion.

Ah, Carraway. Good to see you again, Garrett said, standing up.

He had spent nearly his whole life with Prince Everan, so adopting his mannerisms was simple, and with the general haziness of the dream it was impossible for Carraway to tell he wasnt talking to the real prince. Sweat beaded the merchants wide forehead as he hurried to bow low, his head dipping below his waist.

Your highness! I I thought

You thought I was dead? Garrett asked, his voice amused. Why would you possibly think that? Unless you had something to do with the plot against me?

What?! No, no, I

You dont need to deny it, Carraway.

Stepping closer to the merchant, who was cowering back, Garrett smiled widely as a red line appeared on his throat, growing thicker and thicker until blood began to drip from it, splattering against the ground.

After all, if you had the guts to do it, you should have the guts to admit it.

Terrified by the sight in front of him, Carraway shook like a leaf in the fall wind, backing up until he bumped into the wall. Lifting his hands, as if he could ward Garrett off, he spoke hurriedly.

It wasnt me! It wasnt me! The royal duke forced us!

How dare you accuse my royal uncle of such treason! Garrett hissed.

Its true! He made us bring the assassins into the city in our carts! If we didnt, he said he would have us arrested and thrown in prison to rot!

Enough! I will not listen to this treasonous slander. We have other things to discuss.

Returning to sit down, Garrett stared at Carraway as the merchant fumbled his way to the couch, wiping the sweat from his flushed face.

Before I was attacked, I asked you to participate in a mission of great importance. Imagine my disappointment when I discover that, far from completing my wishes, youre actively suppressing them. Tell me, what sort of reward should I give you for your good work?

Shuddering at the veiled threat in his words, Carraway didnt dare to meet Garretts piercing gaze. Lowering his head even more, he tried to mumble an excuse, but Garrett cut him off with a wave.

None of your excuses are valid, and in fact, they will simply get you into more trouble. Keep your mouth shut and listen to me, lest you find that precious fat you carry contributing to the soap your factory produces.

Waving his hand, Garrett called out the Dream Flower that had planted itself in Carraways body. Shining brightly, the flowers floated out of the merchants head and hovered in the air between them, casting a wave of beautiful colors across the room.

This is the royal flower, the true symbol of devotion.

Pausing to look at Carraway, Garrett saw the awe and infatuation in his eyes and smiled slightly, though his gaze remained as cold as ice.

It is to this flower that you will commit your life, but more importantly, you will spread the word of it. The soap you sell through my agent will bear a likeness of this flower, granting the poor and suffering the chance to bask in its glory.

You you mean Garrett? Carraway asked, unable to tear his eyes away from the Dream Flower.

Yes. He will return tomorrow, and you will give him terms better than the original deal we struck.

A slight furrow appeared on Carraways forehead as Garretts words echoed in his head, but he clearly didnt want to offend the prince so he forced a greasy smile on his face. For a moment, Garrett was torn as he stared at the merchant. His original plan had been to forcefully grow a fourth flower in the merchant, cementing his loyalty and forcing him into obedience. Already, he could feel that the flowers that bloomed on the merchant were only a slight push from obliterating Carraways will entirely.

Yet, now, when he was actually faced with the decision, he found himself torn. While the merchant was a scumbag who had just admitted allowing assassins into the city, Garrett wasnt sure that he could knowingly eliminate the mans free will. Ryns presence in the apartment further complicated things, and even now, Garrett could sense her creeping into the room where Carraway lay sleeping. Faced with a decision, Garrett lifted his hand to command the dream flowers to consume the merchant when a thought struck him and he stopped.

He had little opportunity to affect the real world from his position in the dream, but the same was not true for Ryn. Rapidly revising his plan, he couldnt help but feel a rush of relief, as if he had managed to avoid crossing a line that shouldnt have been crossed. With a snap of his fingers, he shifted the dream and Carraway suddenly sat bolt upright in bed, gasping.

What a horrible dream, Carraway muttered, his fingers trembling as he remembered the cold stare the prince had given him.

Swinging his feet over the side of the bed, he waddled over to a closet and opened it up, pushing the expensive clothing away to reveal a wooden panel. Glancing around the room to make sure no one was present, he pushed the panel aside, revealing a safe. Muttering it aloud, he entered the code and opened up the safe, reaching in to get a piece of chocolate from the box he kept locked in the safe. Below it was a number of files and a black book, along with stacks of thin gold bars.

Letting out a sigh when he saw it was all safe, he closed the safe and put everything back before wiping his chocolate covered hands on one of the expensive shirts in the closet and heading back to bed. Watching him climb in bed, Garrett, who had been there the whole time, smiled slightly and disconnected from the dream. He had transformed the princes meeting room into Carraways room and given the merchant the impression that he had woken up.

Back in the Dream, he watched as Carraway turned fretfully in bed and then settled down. The door to the walk-in closet where Ryn had been hiding eased open and she peeked out, scanning the room. With a confidence that Garrett would not have been able to muster in a situation like this, she crept out of the closet and began to look around the room again.


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