Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 671: All Coming Together

Chapter 671: All Coming Together

A Thank You: First off, sorry for being a bit negligent with the releases this month and the past one, I've had some crazy few days working on my new apartment. This Don is finally having his OWN PLACE! A lot of thanks to my Readers and this great community that supported me in the past 4 years. This novel serves as 75% of my income if not more especially after the last inflation wave. Now, I've managed to do a lot of stuff and my wedding will be held next September. I am not sure whether to feel excited or get more busy but why not both? Anyway, this is a Double Chapter!



(Part 1)

Thanks to their little folly in Riften, Glymet and Swims-at-Night found themselves getting dragged by the guards and presented in front of the Jarl, who despite her tolerant nature, judged them to be put in the deepest and darkest dungeon under her castle.

This would be terrible news for anyone whoever they are but Glymet and Swims-at-Night were satisfied with the result of their action. Still, they had to put on a show and act crazy to make sure they were going there.

A few minutes later, the two of them were kicked into a prison cell and the iron doors were barred from outside.

It took them a short while for their eyes to adjust and see what was around them but before that would happen, a voice reached their ears.

"Well, well, well… look at what the guards dragged in."

The voice was distinctive as an Argonian Feminine voice, exactly what the two of them were hoping to hear. Still, it was coming from the cell opposite theirs.

"Sails-Through-Storms, I reckon." Glymet said.

"Huh?" The voice seemed surprised, "And who might you be?"

"Sails, this is me, Swims." Swims-at-Night replied.

"Urgh!" In the darkness of her cell, Sails-Through-Storms rolled her eyes, "Guards! Send me to the executioner already!"

"No no no, wait! We came to rescue you!" Swims spoke.

"I figured that out the moment I heard your dumb voice." Sails replied, "Go get yourself killed somewhere far from here, you twerp."

"Come on, don't be like that, big sister." Swims whined.

"Sister?" Glymet widened his eyes in surprise.

"Hey! Don't you dare act cute with me!" Sails shouted at Swims.

"Cute?" Glymet widened his eyes in surprise… again.

"But sister, you know that I have always pursued you in order to be at your level of greatness one day. Why don't you accept me?" Swims spoke to Sails in a broken voice.

"Accept?" Glymet widened his eyes in surprise… yet again.

"You're too young for this! Just go home and do what normal people do." Sails argued back.

"Young?" Glymet winded his eyes in surprise… wider than before.

"Something wrong with your friend?" Sails asked.

"Not sure." Swims replied.

"This is too much to take in." Glymet rubbed his sore eyes, "So you two are related, an older sister and a younger brother. He is somehow… cute… but you as a sister aren't accepting him and you consider him too young?"

"Something like that, yes." Sails replied.

"He's almost as old as I…" Glymet argued, "And I am in my 50s."

"Humans!" Sails sighed.

"Yes, ignore him." Swims-at-Night agreed then continued, "Anyway, we won't be here long. We've come to free you."

"Really? Why?" Sails asked.

"We hear you know something about Barilzar's Mazed Band." Swims said.

"I might." Sails nodded, "Get me out of here and we'll talk."

"Great." Swims was satisfied, "Glymet, after you."

"Here we go."

Glymet opened the door to his cell immediately and stepped out of it as if it was open all along. Moreover, he went to Sails' cell and undid the lock with a flick of his fingers.

"Wait! Don't they put magic suppressing cuffs on everyone?" Sails asked in surprise.

"Those?" Glymet asked as he pointed at the cuffs around his wrist, "Those are illusions I made."

Right away, those cuffs around his wrist disappeared as if they weren't there from the start. Moreover, he flicked once with his fingers and the cuffs around her hands were removed.

Glymet was indeed a good warrior but he seemed to be an Expert in Illusion and Alteration. While not directly as destructive as the other forms of magic, altering matter and creating illusions can lead to disasters sometimes.

"For now, let's stick close to one another." Glymet said as he gathered the Argonian siblings, "I'll cast the Invisibility and the Muffle spells on us so we cannot be seen or heard. Still, to see each other, I'll cast Aura Vision on you. The two of you must follow well and keep your tails from swaying around and toppling down a barrel or something."

"Well, you make sure you don't fall on your face, mage." Sails replied and received the magic Glymet cast on her without resisting.

There was something poetic about being invisible and walking out of a prison. The guards would surely check on the prisoners periodically but it would take them a couple of hours between each check. Luckily, there is plenty of time till the next check and Glymet can open just about any lock with his magic.

The infamous dungeon of Mistveil keep was nothing but a stroll in front of the combined power of Illusions and Alterations. Like that, the group of three didn't stop until they were out of the city, not just the keep.

"So, our deal, big sister! The Ring."

As the magic was dispelled by Glymet, Swims faced his sister. He was even making sure she doesn't escape his senses and it seemed to Glymet that the past between the pair is something he shouldn't miss asking about.

"Ah, yes about that." Sails-Through-Storm said while laughing awkwardly.

"I knew it." Swims-at-Night said as if he figured out this is what is going to happen, "Where do you keep it?"

"I have no idea what ring you are talking about!" Sails laughed, "It just happens that my pushover younger brother came to me with his pushover friend saying that they can get me out if I promise them something."

Her smile was sly and Glymet's eyes were wider than before. Swims, however, was looking at her completely unamused and waiting for this to end.

"Last chance sister." He said.

"Or what?" She asked.

"I don't know… maybe a certain best smuggler in Tamriel has found a lead about a sea route beyond the Dragon Isles that may lead to…"

"YOU DIDN'T!" Sails-Through-Storms got provoked immediately.

"… the Blindspot of Akavir." A wide grin appeared on the face of Swims-at-Night.

It seemed that there is more to this story but it was very personal to both Swims and Sails. She wasn't going to let this chance slide and he was using her curiosity to get what he wanted.

A Trade between siblings.

"What do you have then?" He asked.

"A Journal. It tells you about your blasted ring." She replied.

"What a coincidence! A Journal is all I have for you as well." He said and showed a book from his pocket.

"You filthy little lizard. We barter?" She asked.

"We do, sister." He handed over his journal and received hers, "Akavir awaits."

"Naval charts, huh? It'll take me a few months studying them." She said.

"I've stolen them a few years ago from the Imperial Naval Command Center. They were relics from Uriel's Campaign on how to avoid the Akaviri surveillance. Not sure if a 500-year-old chart would be of use to you…"

"Oh, it will." She said with the biggest smile she had this evening, "Akavir doesn't change that much and the Imperial Tsaesci Navy always has the same response time. Besides… I know an authentic chart when I see one."

"So." Glymet interrupted and asked Sails, "This journal, where did you get it from?"

"Morrowind. It belonged to a great adventurer some 200 years ago. He claimed to have hidden the Ring in the most dangerous place he could find. Since that man was known to have traveled to Akavir, I tracked down the thing but I learned later that it is Barilzar's Mazed Band. Not the most interesting item." Sails-Through-Storms replied with a nonchalant tone. (A/n: Nerevarine reference.)

"And of course, we all know what this ring can do." Swims-at-Night said with excitement.

"It's sealed inside a Dragon Cult's tomb called Forelhost. I'll lead the way over there." Sails said and pointed towards the city gate, "I hope you guys brought your horses."


(Part 2)

Forelhost Ancient Catacombs, one of the Dragon Cults' greatest strongholds and the site where the Dragon Cult made its last stand against the forces of the Nordic King Harald in the First Era. Today, it is nothing but a crypt crawling with the deadliest sort of undead in Skyrim.

Forelhost was a known danger zone all across Skyrim and only fools would dare venture around it. Luckily, a special fool who would get triggered by anything that dares him was over there just now.

Jon and Akara climbed the rocky road leading to Forelhost top where the main entrance was and in their wake, many corpses littered the way.

Cultists of the new Dragon Cult, Mercenaries of Maven Black-Briar, Undead of Forelhost, Legion Soldiers, Stormcloaks Rebels, and finally, Jon and his undead.

This great massacre occurred before Jon and Akara were dragged into its flow. The two of them were innocently having some wild fun not too far in the nearby forests when suddenly, a few Stormcloak deserters rode through their camp and one of them tried to strike Jon with his spear.

Enraged, Jon slapped the man so hard he flew off his horse and alerted a nearby Imperial scout who rushed in with his party and started to fight around Jon's camp.

Jon and Akara then left the camp and escaped on Flame Atronach Horses towards where those war parties came from only to run into a full-scale night raid from the Imperial Legion on a Stormcloak Stronghold at the foot of Forelhost Hill.

Due to the bad scouting on the Imperial Legion's part, it seemed that the fight had released some Dragon Cult prisoners who were taken in by the Stormcloaks and the three forces were fighting against one another. Still, shit was only getting south from this moment onward.

This noise outside Forelhost alerted the undead inside and flowed out from the caves on the hillside and started jumping the living at night, fighting the three parties indiscriminately. The more annoying thing was how some of the undead were actually incorporeal ghosts, so they completely overwhelmed the defenses of the living.

For a moment there, the Imperials and the Stormcloaks found themselves fighting back to back against the Dragon Cultists and the Undead of Forelhost. But this wasn't the end either.

Just then, and when Jon was about to conjure himself some popcorn, a volley of arrows broke through the night sky and it decimated all the four parties; the Legion, the Stormcloaks, the Cultists, and the Undead.

The identity of the fifth mysterious party made Jon instantly put away his popcorn and take out his entire arsenal of weapons and armor. He threw some of his best items at Akara and told her to prepare herself for an all-out assault.

At the head of the fifth party, Jon could see his targets. Arch Wizard Mecinar, the Thief Mercer Frey, and the now-walking Maven Black-Briars along with a group of Mercenaries and a shackled vampire walking among them, Serana.

Jon immediately started casting mass conjuration spells. Aside from the usual Wrath and Envy who would lead his undead conjurations, he was amassing over a hundred Bonemen who were armed with bows and arrows.

"Akara, not much of the Fang Clan will survive this but those who do are your fair game." He said.

"Akara doesn't mind." She replied.

"Then by the grace of heavens, bombard those bastards!"

And by this command, Jon and Akara arrive at the present where they were annihilating what is left of Forelhost Undead, the surviving Dragon Cultists, and Maven's Mercenaries while letting the Imperials and the Stormcloaks escape.

At the top of Forelhost hill, Mecinar, Mercer, Maven, and their last patch of mercenaries were gathered as they watched their force get eaten away by the flood of dark undead.

"Undead of the Soul Cairn, this is no ordinary summon." Mecinar commented and felt the great presence he wanted to avoid coming by.

"I didn't sign up for this, Mecinar." Meanwhile, Mercer Frey seemed to be very dissatisfied with Mecinar as he was looking at Serana, the one they dragged with them all the way here.

"Really?" Mecinar asked, "Then this as far as we go together, Mercer."

"Not so fast!" Mercer said, "You said this will be greater than any treasure a thief can get their hands on. You no longer need me now?"

"There is always someone who can disable traps the usual way. I just wanted the best but I can pretty much handle myself there." Mecinar replied.

"But…" Mercer seemed to agonize over something but he then turned to Maven, "And you… will you remain silent about his actions for this long?"

Mercer's words were directed to Maven, who while able to walk on her own, still looked like a 100-year-old corpse. She didn't seem to be able to reply either but kept glaring in some direction with obvious hate.

Mercer gave up on Mecinar and Maven at this point. It is too dangerous and for some reason, he couldn't bypass the security imposed on Forelhost's entrance just for the sole reason that the door was actually not closed.

The key to entering Forelhost was the vampire they captured and it seemed Mecinar was going about with this plan that Mercer rejected like hell.

"Only the dead may walk these halls. Take up the chalice, heed Alduin's call."

To enter Forelhost, one had to be among the ranks of the dead. Forelhost itself offered a chalice of unknown poison in order to get in but to Mecinar, he can just use the Vampirism Curse to gain entry. This is what Mercer was rejecting.

"Then it is time for me to leave. Those of you who wish to follow…" Mercer spoke to the remaining mercenaries but it seemed that they would rather go with Mecinar than him.

Walking down the hill at this time is mere suicide now that the enemy they were hiding from has found them. Moreover, they are only four mercenaries, nothing more.

"Fine, I had an easy way out anyway, your loss."

Mercer walked back and disappeared behind an ancient stone pillar. His presence completely faded off Mecinar's perception.

"Hmmm… how curious!" Mecinar wondered about Mercer's mysterious abilities but he lost interest gradually and turned to Serana.

"So, we are ready, Ms. Vampire?" He asked Serana whose shackles were unlocked by a blonde female mercenary.

"Yes, we are." She said, "After this, I am free to go?"

"Yes, you are." He replied, "I rarely go back on my words."

"Great." Serana smiled and brandished her claws, "Who's first?"

"I'll go first." The female mercenary said, "Mind the face, Vampire."

"It's only a scratch, dear." Serana replied and with a swift move, she made a wound on the mercenary's arm.

The other mercenaries followed along and they all got scratched on their arms. These scratches were enough to transfer Sanguinare Vampiris to them. This will easily count them among the dying and well let them in the Crypt of Forelhost.

But it was then when a loud shrill cry echoed in the air a ghost flew through the night sky while devouring the other ghosts of Forelhost. Once Mecinar saw that, he was triggered immediately and offered his arm for Serana to scratch it with her claw.

Meanwhile, the silent Maven Black-Briar reacted for the first time. She started baring her teeth and fangs that elongated more than what normal teeth should and her limbs elongated with her back getting arched like a Falmer. She may have looked like a zombie version of her former self a while ago but currently, she was even scarier than a Hagraven.

Immediately, Maven darted ahead with her claws brandished and sought out the one that she has a very deep grudge against, the one responsible for her current deformity, Potema of Envy.

Potema of Envy redirected her shrill against Maven the Vampiress but as her sonic attack hit Maven, it seemed ineffective and Maven didn't slow down one bit. She even reached Potema of Envy and attacked her in close range.

The attack swooshed through Envy's body but didn't make contact. Envy immediately reached out her hand inside Maven's body and tried to do something but it was also ineffective.

The two monstrous-looking ladies looked at one another with strange looks in their eyes and realized that they are useless against one another. On one hand, Envy has no physical form aside from the skull that can turn Ethereal for safekeeping, and on the other, Envy's soul attacks weren't effective on Maven whose Astral Form was already damaged and deformed.

But that means only physical attacks can come in contact with Maven and by that…



… a Punch landed on Maven's face by a large warrior-like creature made of bones, Odokuro of Wrath.

Maven flew up the air for a few feet as the uppercut she received was more powerful than whatever anyone can take and as she landed, all her limbs and bones were broken and twisted. Still, that didn't stop her body from twisting back into form and planting her feet to the ground before arching her back while her limbs were fixing themselves for her to finally stand on her two feet.

Her twisted neck even fixed itself and now she looked back at Potema of Envy and Odokuro of Wrath who were standing around the newest person to arrive on the Hill of Forelhost…

"Jon Dare."

Mecinar retrieved his arm back from Serana's clutch as he looked at Jon Dare. He was smiling widely to return Jon's obvious grin.

"Goddamn, Maven." Jon said while laughing, "You look peachy, gurl!"

"Grrrrr!" As a reply, Maven seemed to be growling back to Jon rather than using actual words.

"Huh!" Jon frowned, "What kind of vampirism is this?"

"Damn if I know." Mecinar replied nonchalantly, "Still, her Astral Form was broken and once she started turning into a Vampire, she deformed like this."

"Oh! So Vampirism affected her damaged Astral Form this way. Good to know." Jon sighed, "And it seems I have caught you in a bad time too. You're using Vampirism to gain access to Forelhost?"

"One can easily cure it later." Mecinar said, "But you are not here because you are concerned for my health, Arch Wizard Jon Dare."

"Indeed. I am here for your head, Arch Wizard Mecinar." Jon replied.

"To be honest, I researched you a lot in my free time. You are a unique individual and I have come to respect you. The two of us don't need to oppose each other. We can profit from one another greatly."

"How so?" Jon asked.

"Skyrim is your realm as I see it. There is no one who can compete with you here. You are almost the king of this land but you don't want to bother yourself with the political drama and you have your own undisputed power. I am not going to fight you in your home and expect to win." Mecinar said.

"So you are a reasonable man, after all." Jon replied.

"I am. That's why I will respectfully ask you to let me leave Skyrim without any conflict between the two of us. Once I am out, I will even send you my honest thanks, a compensation, and will try to work with you for our mutual benefit." Mecinar added.

"So, a deal?" Jon asked.

"A Covenant between our most exalted and gentle persons. An enigma of moratorium and peacemaking that can become an epitome of civil reciprocity." Mecinar said.

"This bastard of an author can't help himself, can he?" Jon sighed and shook his head.

"So, Dragonborn Jon Dare, what do you say?" Mecinar asked as he made an offering of peace.

"You see, Mecinar, you've gone after my girl. If you research me, you know the things I do for my people." Jon said.

"I know. Mademoiselle Jullanar was indeed pursued by our people but back then, I couldn't have known it was that rat Mercer's idea. When I found out later on, I was taken and depressed." Mecinar said, "And the time before it during the Siege of Solitude, I was simply hired by Maven so it can be accounted as an old cold business."

"You sure can talk." Jon smiled but his bloodlust spiked through the roof, "I wasn't just talking just about Jullanar." His eyes then landed on Serana, "You're still holding one of my girls."

"Hey, Jon." Serana then waved her hand to Jon behind Mecinar.

"Hey, Serena." Jon replied.

The look on Mecinar's face went instantly to pale as he couldn't help but feel like he was being toyed in this conversation all along.

"I see." Mecinar sighed, "This is most unfortunate indeed."

And just like that, Mecinar hit the ground with his prosthetic arm causing a large wave of radiance to cover his escape towards the entrance of Forelhost along with his four remaining mercenary goons and Maven the Vampiress.

Jon instantly moved ahead and shouted the "Marked for Death" Thu'um on himself to enter Forelhost after Mecinar.

Only Serana remained standing alone at this scene.

"Hmmm… guess I'll just go home." Serana sighed and dusted off her clothes and hair.

After a few minutes, Serana left the hilltop of Forelhost and met Akara along the way before they started to get acquainted with one another as it is their second meeting since their first meeting during the ambush yesterday.

But that is not the story we will focus on now.

Not long after the place became as silent as the dead littering its roads, the Forgotten Hero, Glymet; the Best Smuggler in Tamriel, Swims-at-Night; and the Sailor who seeks Akavir, Sails-Through-Storms; have all arrived at the entrance of Forelhost Catacombs.

[A/n: in case you guys are doubting it, yes, I am hinting at an Akavir adventure but that will be a sequel to Dragonborn Saga.]


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