Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 651 - To Kill An Empire

Chapter 651 - To Kill An Empire

A/n: So for those of you who want to see Relife again, I've started Reading it from the beginning to get my memory up to speed. I am thinking of continuing and contacting the story if still possible.


"Serana, dear. You killed the Gourmet and made the people less merry but the happiness you are bringing to the Brotherhood is worthy of a grand celebration." Astrid joined Serana's side and offered her wine as a toast, "Bloodwine, Argonian."

"Thank you, Astrid." Serana received the cup and raised it up, "To Sithis!"

Eagerly shouting the name of the Dread Father amidst the Assassins like this is supposedly very normal especially to a newcomer like Serana but for the veterans, all of them had to make eye contact with Astrid first.

"Sure!" Astrid raised her cup arbitrarily, "To Sithis, the Night Mother, and for our luckiest charm, the Listener."

Astrid seemed more than just okay and so the rest raised their cups, some more enthusiastic than others, of course, but all very focusing on Astrid.

"Family." Astrid called and moved from Serana's side to the head of the table, "I know most of you here were waiting for this for a long long time. Which one of you mean and vicious killers is the one to off the Emperor's life should be the Greatest Assassin alive. I mean no disrespect but most of you have been working on this mostly with reconnaissance, intel gathering, and planting dead drops. However, Serana here has made 3 major hits and skillfully delivered. Good girl."

Astrid seemed satisfied with Serana and showed her favor.

"Careful there. The rest of the kids will be jealous." Babette, the 9 years old girl who was 9 for the last 300 years, spoke.

"Oh, don't worry about that, Grandma." Festus Krex, who looks the oldest elder among the assassins, replied to Babette.

"Quit it, you two old things." Astrid brushed their pity squabble off and continued, "Most of you have come for me to allow them the chance to take on the Emperor. It is a dangerous job so you have to be extra careful."

"The plan is to infiltrate Castle Dour posing as the Gourmet with his Pass Writ and poison the Emperor's food. The one we need is someone who can infiltrate and fit the appearance of the logical age." Astrid continued and eyed Babette.

"Yes, just bully me because I am 9. Hmph!" Babette acted all upset.

"Well, this also excludes you, Festus, because your old ass is a bit of a problem." Astrid said.

"Fine by me. I wouldn't poison the Emperor anyway." Festus said.

"Who wants to take the honors?" Astrid asked the remaining members.

Veezara the Argonian raised his hand.

"Nope. You truly think the Legion will believe that an Argonian is capable of decent cooking?" Astrid outright refused him.

"What about me?" Nazir the Redguard asked.

"I have my utmost faith in you, Nazir, but I prefer that you run the show rather than play in it. Your counsel is invaluable to me to send you on such a risky mission." Astrid refused him.

"Wife. I can do it." Arnbjorn, Astrid's husband, said.

"No, you can't." Astrid refused him too in less than a heartbeat.

"I am an Alchemist, cooking isn't that hard for someone with my talents." Said Gabriella the Dunmer.

"Really?" Astrid spoke with an obvious mockery, "Food from Morrowind either smells like feet, tastes like feet, looks like feet, or actually just feet."

So far, the process of elimination eliminated everyone except for two, Serana and Cicero.

Of course it is impossible for Cicero since he tends to the Night Mother and his overall personality wouldn't cut it for the job which leaves Serana.

"She's obviously a vampire."

"Can she even cook?"

"Well, she did most of the legwork on this."

"I know but… Astrid, what do you say?"

The members argued a little and then left it for Astrid.

"I want Serana on this one." Astrid said, "The honor will be hers."

"…" Serana put on a smile and remained silent.

"Heh!" Astrid also smiled, "Look at you all calm and confident. I do believe you were born for this task, Dear. So… let us begin."

The final test of the final plan started and all the Assassins were working together on this one even though it was a one-man job.

"The City has many access points but we could only prepare one magical method to teleport in and out. If used once either for going in or out, it won't work again and will remove all traces. The location is here." Festus advised.

"After the Siege of the Dragon Cult, the Legion is very serious about who walks in and out. The new Jarl is also cracking down on our friends from the Thieves Guild so we couldn't fake any identifications. You will have to pose as the Gourmet from the city gate all the way to the castle." Nazir advised.

"Since we're both Vampires, I know how it feels on sunny days especially when we don't walk in the shadows. Gabriella and I prepared a few lotions that can act as cosmetics and hide that you are a vampire. Also, this ring will change your eye colors and give it a natural color. Remember, don't use spells to hide your identity since there will be a ton of Imperial Wizards." Babette advised.

"Entering the Castle is one problem. Reaching the Emperor is another. Make sure to act as natural, innocent, and clueless. Some nervousness and goofiness will cut it just fine, you're meeting His Majesty the Emperor after all. Focus on your attitude, etiquette, and language. In my opinion, try using the Bretonic dialect to give an extra sense of mystery." Gabriella advised.

"You can practice cooking from the Gourmet's books or use your charisma to Boss around the kitchen. The problem here will be adding the Poison. Since the Emperor's security is the tightest on Nirn and there will be someone to try the food before presenting it to him, you will have to drop it in that instance. It has to be precise and lethal. Many eyes will be watching at that time." Veezara advised.

"I've stashed some weapons within the construction site outside the collapsed part of the castle at this location. Get to them if you need them." Arnbjorn advised.

"Here, take this, it's called Jarrin Root. It's a rare plant, found only on the island of Stros M'Kai. It can be served like any vegetable. All it takes is one taste, and the effects are quite immediate. The Emperor will be serving Sithis before he even knows he's dead. Once he has been killed, escape through the upper door, it leads to the collapsed bridge which is unguarded. There, you will find a ton of ropes and scaffoldings. Don't hesitate when you get there and arrive at the evacuation point." Astrid advised.

The plan was tight, risky, and daring. It depended on many variables, especially in the bit where Serana will be inside the castle but she was capable enough to deal with that.

"So, let's go for one final run?" Nazir asked.

"Let's do it." Serana nodded and stood facing him.

"Halt! The city is closed by the Emperor's Orders. State your business immediately!"


"I have been summoned."

Serana handed the writ of passage to the Legionary on the gate whose eyes widened upon the sight of the Imperial Legion's Seal.

"Hold on for a moment. An Officer will guide you in."

As the Guard said, an Officer hurried to the front gate and welcomed Serana with a group of Four Elite Legionaries and Two Imperial Knights. Serana descended from her horse and carried her bag which the officer insisted to carry for her as she was guided in.

Seeing the mysterious Gourmet, many were taken as she was a small young woman with rosy cheeks and firm eyes. Her smile was only on her lips and her confidence was towering to the sky.

Serana had her fair share of formalities a lifetime ago so she had to play the role by her standards as a world-class mysterious chef which is different from what Astrid wanted her to do.

Confidence is the key, that's how everyone can waltz their way anywhere. Act like you belong and you will belong.

Serana was led through the city up the castle and was met with Commander Maro.

"So the Gourmet, I will receive your Writ of Passage." Commander Maro said and escorted Serana on the way in.

"I take it that the kitchen has been prepared." Serana asked.

"Yes. Chef Gianna has been preparing since the morning for your…"

"Let's not waste time. You soldier-types wasted enough of my time with your useless formalities already."

"Huh?" Commander Maro was taken by the attitude, "I apologize but…"

"But what?" Serana became more imposing, "Why are you wasting time? The Emperor's not going to feed himself. The kitchen, Commander."

"Yes." The Commander's face went dark but he still complied, "This way."

Serana followed Commander Maro and arrived at the door of the castle's main tower. There, the Commander opened the door for her and she stormed in.

Following the scent of cooking, Serana found her way to the kitchen walking ahead of the commander and walked in. As she ran into the first chef-like individual…

"Changing Room." She demanded.

"Eh… wha…" The man profoundly became confused from the imposing young woman walking in front of Commander Maro and paused for a second.

"You deaf? Changing Room!" Serana demanded once again with a stronger character.

"Right this way, ma'am." The young chef led the way.

The man walked ahead as fast as his leg could serve him and as he looked back, he saw the serious face of the young woman urging him forward which made him almost lose his footing at the doorstep of the Changing Room.

"Move aside!" Serana walked in with her bag, less than a minute passed, and walked out dressed completely like a chef.

Once she did, she could see the Commander speaking with an Imperial Woman who was questioning about the young lady barging into her kitchen like that for the Commander to utter "the Gourmet" right before they saw Serana.

"The... Gourmet? Oh! Finally! When I heard the Gourmet was being brought in to cook for the Emperor, I could hardly believe it. It's just…" the Head Chef Gianna walked to Serana with smiles and checked her out.

"Just whut?" Serana asked.

"A Breton?" Gonna noticed Serana's accent, "Well, I just never expected the Gourmet to be a Breton. It almost seems too obvious. Some of the greatest cooks have been Bretons, and…"

"Alright! Once you're done, tell me what in Oblivion is this mess?" Serana pointed at the Changing Room.

There were many lockers where the chefs change their clothes for the kitchen wear. However, the situation was messy and the room was unclean.

"Oh!" Gianna's face turned pale and yellow, "This… Most of the assistants here are… active Legion service staff… it is difficult to… but we keep them in line everything is very spotless. I can assure you that…"

"Assure me?" Serana frowned, "Assure me by lining up your staff."

Gianna lowered her head and stared with anger at the seven assistants she had in the kitchen before telling them to stand in line.

Serana walked ahead and looked at them one by one causing a nervous situation but then looked away and stood beside Gianna.

"This one, this one, him, him, and that short guy." Serana said.

"Yes?" Gianna asked in a very nervous voice.

"Send them to bathe." Serana stated.

Commander Maro was still present in the kitchen and was absent-mindedly watching how things unfold before telling the five men to walk out of the kitchen.

Who remained were only Gianna and two assistants.

"Let's get to work." Serana said.

"We are pretty understaffed like this." Gianna nervously complained but she found no remorse in the Gourmet's gaze.

"What are the orders?" Serana asked.

"Oh! Yes, but of course. Ahem. The Emperor has requested your signature dish, the Potage le Magnifique. I've taken the liberty of getting it started. But the cookbook only says so much, and everyone makes the Potage differently. I would be honored if we could make it... the Gourmet's special way. The base broth is already boiled. We can get started right now. So... which ingredient should I add next?" Gianna asked.

Historians recorded various conflicting accounts about this moment (player choices). One historical account (good choices) tells that the content was a Carrot, a splash of Mead, one Nirnroot which is wonderful for the seasoning, and one cup of diced Horker Meat. Another historical account (Gianna's choices) tell that the content was a pinch of Frost Salts, some Chaurus eggs for additional flavor, a sprig or two of Thistle, and some good Tomato Paste. Lastly, there was a historical account (fucked up choices) that claimed that the content was a Sweetroll, Vampire Dust for an earthly texture, a Giant's Toe for some reason, and a gold Septim coin which slightly metallic but delicious aftertaste.

The historical accounts may differ but the lethal ingredient in the Potage Le Magnifique was definitely the Jarrin Root oil which was slipped in by Serana right after the Emperor's food taster tried the Potage.

The end result was as any would expect, the Emperor's Death.

Not the real Emperor though, a body-double as it was revealed later once he cornered Serana at the tip of his blade.

All along, this was a trap made by Commander Maro to lure out the Dark Brotherhood that was targeting the Emperor and avenge his Son who was framed for a conspiracy to assassinate the Emperor and got killed by Serana.

To add more to the drama, this was also a trap laid by Astrid. She never had any plans to save Serana after assassinating the Emperor and all the escape routes were already busted.

Astrid wanted no Listener in her sanctuary but she wouldn't have thought that Serana would survive the ambush in Castle Dour by the preparations the real Listener made for her.

Also, by the time Serana left the Sanctuary, Astrid went ahead to find trouble with Cicero and get rid of him but things didn't go as planned. Cicero seemed to have gone missing even though the Coffin of the Night Mother was still there.

Cicero would never leave the Coffin unattended and no one had a clue where he went.

That night, the Falkreath Sanctuary of the Dark Brotherhood was supposed to be attacked by the Imperial Legion. However, long before that attack would come, strange things started to happen in the sanctuary.

Arnbjorn's forge would heat up on its own, Babette's pet spider would start getting agitated and spit venom if left unattended, Gabriella's Alchemy station would start producing smokes and flames as if possessed by something, the Spectral Assassin would reveal himself and make some evil laughter that would echo wherever he goes, and the doors around the sanctuary would shut and open themselves magically which made Festus Krex keep casting spells on them to keep them from trapping the Assassins in. All of that and much more.

Something was very wrong in the sanctuary but the cold-blooded Assassins didn't really panic until they realized that the Black Door, the one that leads in and out of the sanctuary was not opening at all.

A Curse? A Punishment? A Retribution?

All eyes landed on Astrid questioning her about what she has done to the Listener and the Night Mother's Keeper. They all knew it but no one uttered them.

Yet that wasn't the end.

The Black Door of the Sanctuary opened once and someone walked in. As the Assassins rushed out to see what was going on and held the door, they were stunned to see that it was Cicero who returned carrying the unconscious Serana.

And the door was shut once again, trapping the Assassins in again.

At this moment, the assassins realized that the enemy was here, and as Cicero told them, "He Walks Among Us."


A/n: 13 Early Access Chapters on P4treon and MORE! ?? https://linktr.ee/donovel ??


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