Dragon Tamer

Chapter 204 - 205 Evil Dragon Gate

Chapter 204: Chapter 205 Evil Dragon Gate

Translator: 549690339

After notifying Wu Feng and the others, Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha started walking towards the end of the wilderness.

Zhu Minglang still had some doubts in his heart.

So, he asked Nan Lingsha, “She has looked haggard these past few days, is it because she’s seen some unfavorable things?”

“From time to time, things that are either related or unrelated to her will intrude into her dream world. In her dreams, she might even play the role of one of the tragic figures, experiencing the torment firsthand until she wakes up,” Nan Lingsha said as she drew a River Grass Boat and stood upon it.

Zhu Minglang also boarded, as the painted boat could race through the Clear River or fly over clumps of grass, with the vast wild scenery rapidly being flung behind them.

“Isn’t that very painful?” Zhu Minglang asked, somewhat surprised.

“Mhm, if it’s something that hasn’t happened yet and can be stopped in time, the torment of the dream world will dissipate. If it actually happens, that kind of pain will linger in her heart and dreams like tormented spirits and malevolent ghosts, causing her restless days and sleepless nights for a long, drawn-out period,” Nan Lingsha explained.

“Is this the price of being a Prophet?” Zhu Minglang said.

Because they could see things that would happen in the future, sorrows that didn’t originally belong to them would be imposed upon them, undergoing the same torture as the victims in their dreams.

“That’s why Miss Xinghua doesn’t wake up often, and this time it could be her longest ordeal,” Nan Lingsha said.

Nan Lingsha’s words reminded Zhu Minglang of what Li Yunzi had mentioned before, that her situation with Li Xinghua was not quite the same as that of the younger sisters.

Nan Lingsha and Nan Yuso seemed to change from time to time. Sometimes it wasn’t clear what their pattern was, as if another soul awoke in the midst of their conversations.

From previous interactions, it seemed that the times when Nan Lingsha and Nan Yuso awoke were quite similar.

But what Nan Lingsha meant was that, between Li Yunzi and Li Xinghua, Li Yunzi was awake for a longer time, while Li Xinghua was awake comparatively less.

“Miss Lingsha, can you tell me specifically, seeing Miss Xinghua so wan and restless these few days, I’m very worried too,” Zhu Minglang earnestly asked.

“Miss Xinghua is experiencing backlash from her prophecies, and most of the time she’s in an unconscious sleep to avoid seeing things she shouldn’t. This time, because Li Yunzi was injured, I am afraid it’s the longest Miss Xinghua has been awake in years,” Nan Lingsha said with a hint of worry, rarely seen concerned for anyone.

“Yunzhi once said she had something to ask of me, but she didn’t get a chance to speak it. Could it be she knew she wouldn’t wake up?”

“The longer Miss Xinghua stays awake, the more she can foresee, and the backlash will increase accordingly, and she can’t escape it as she did before,” Nan Lingsha said.

In the past, Miss Xinghua would only awaken for a few days at most.

It was mostly Li Yunzi who was awake.

This was precisely the consequence of the prophetic backlash.

In the past, the amount of time Miss Xinghua and Li Yunzi were awake was equal. However, as the prophetic backlash surfaced, Miss Xinghua suffered greatly during her periods of wakefulness, so she chose to sleep.

Gradually, it seemed Miss Xinghua got used to sleeping, leaving most of the time under Li Yunzi’s control.

This was also a way of protecting Miss Xinghua.

However, this time, Li Yunzi’s injuries meant that Miss Xinghua was forced to be awake longer, and the backlash had already started to emerge, and it might get much worse in the future.

“So handling the events that intrude into Miss Xinghua’s dream world and that she foresees will alleviate the pain caused by the backlash?” Zhu Minglang asked.

“Yes, it’s best to prevent the tragic events from occurring, as what she sees is often extremely horrific,” Nan Lingsha said.

Zhu Minglang nodded.

It was evident that whether it was Nan Lingsha, Nan Yuso, or Li Yunzi, they all protected Li Xinghua dearly.

Probably because she had been bearing this suffering, which wasn’t hers, from a young age.

Zhu Minglang now understood what Li Yunzi wanted to entrust him with.

At the edge of the wilderness, there was a hill.

The hill was overgrown with green grass and moss, and from quite a distance away, Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha could smell an extremely strong stench of blood.

As they climbed over the hill, the scene before them left Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha breathless with shock!

Below the hill was a large, thick blood pond, enclosed by a pile of large rocks.

In the blood pond, corpses were soaked one after another, all very fresh; some bodies were exposed to the sun on the chaotic rocks, some were hung upside down on the rock walls, and others were like criminals on a rack, nailed to withered tree trunks

They were all eyeless.

To be precise, their eye sockets had been dug out, turned into two terrifying holes.

And in the blood pond, it was even more difficult to count the soaked corpses, whether mutilated or intact, their eyes had been cruelly gouged out, and the expressions frozen on their faces conveyed the fear and pain before death, looking at them was truly hair-raising!

“Someone is using this hill as an evil altar!” Zhu Minglang said angrily.

Even the livestock used for sacrifices are usually cleanly killed by most people, but here, the victims had endured layers of fear, layers of pain before death.

The thought that Li Xinghua had empathetically experienced this in her sleep made Zhu Minglang shiver even more.

If it had been a person who had seen many battles, accustomed to life and death, they might not be able to accept such a brutal slaughter, let alone Li Xinghua, a woman who wouldn’t even let a pot of orchids wilt.

“They were all slaves,” Nan Lingsha pointed out, nodding towards several of the bodies which still had shackles on, not even removed.

Zhu Minglang also noticed this, and even those without shackles bore the marks of slaves on their bodies.

“I remember to the west of the Prairie, there is a Slave City-State that specializes in trading stateless slaves and tribal groups from the wilderness. It’s probably some Evil Sect that transported the slaves here, then gouged out their eyes and slaughtered them to worship some evil creature,” Zhu Minglang said.

“What Xinghua saw must be something that is about to happen, but here it clearly already ” Nan Lingsha suddenly frowned and said.

Zhu Minglang looked around.

Yes, the people here were all dead.

Discarded on the hill like heaps of trash.

Whether some ritual had been performed, or some offering had been made, it seemed to have been completed.

“Shh!” Suddenly, Zhu Minglang made a gesture to be quiet and pointed towards the blood pond.

Nan Lingsha looked over, noticing something moving in the blood pond, like blood flukes, greedily drinking the blood in the pond, cursed as it seemed.

Initially, they were very small, but after swimming a few laps in the blood pond, they became very plump, and gradually, their bodies appeared as fearsome as water serpents.

Soon, the blood flukes began to devour each other, from serpents, they gradually transformed into creatures resembling lesser dragons, even radiating an evil light from their bodies, their aura becoming increasingly powerful!

“Transforming into dragons!” Zhu Minglang exclaimed in shock.

These blood flukes were transforming into dragons!

If such creatures became dragons, who knew how many lives they would harm, for they themselves lived by sucking the blood filled with living people’s resentment, pain, and curses!

The person who had created such a cruel altar probably didn’t expect this place to become a hotbed for a group of cursed blood flukes transforming into dragons.

They had built an Evil Dragon Gate!!


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