Dragon Talisman

Chapter 38 Everyone’s Reactions

Chapter 38 Everyone’s Reactions

“The Princess of the Third Rank, those three counties gathered many cult masters, especially that the Barbarian tribe God Envoy, even the Third Prince dare not easily mess with, The Nineteenth Prince did not. Intelligence, being sent out to hit the headlines, in case something goes wrong? The Imperial court side is not going to be easy to understand any explain.”

A beloved maidservant was reporting to Luo Baiyue.

“I have my own plans, Gu-Chensha and the tiny Banan Province troops can try to go against the cult of the three counties, and that would indeed be a death sentence, but don’t forget, he is of the Xian Dynasty royal bloodline and has inspired the Giant Spirit God bloodline, for the Xian Dynasty those remnants are precious seeds to those who put him in danger, and it is only when the best of the Xian Dynasty remnants appear to rescue him.” Luo Baiyue had a chest full of worry and said: “If that Imperial Master Wen Hong comes out, he will be able to use his hand to kill the Barbarian tribe God envoy.”

“I’m afraid the Princess of the Third Rank is also in danger if the Imperial Master Wen Hong appears.” This beloved maidservant knows a lot of secret information, and is a true personal maid, her martial arts skills, surprisingly, is also at the Grandmaster realm, her eyes are like electricity, there are vaguely blue air currents surfacing on her face, her five fingers ivory green and tender, the luster is soft, but contains terrifying killing power and said: “I heard that Wen Hong cultivated the Ten Thousand Stars Flying Immortal Technique, which has long since become great, only to have cultivated immortality! Otherwise it would not have been possible to escape from the Emperor’s hands back then, and if he hadn’t backed it up, the Xian Dynasty would have perished long ago.”

“He is no match for the Emperor at all, no need to worry.” Luo Baiyue’s eyes looked at the sky and said, “The Emperor’s cultivation has already surpassed the Thirty Six Transformation, and the many Evil Gods are just struggling.”

The henchwoman does not speak, just silence.

“Miaoxiang, you and Yuxiang, Diexiang, Lanxiang, Yunxiang, Xixiang, Luoxiang, Xuexiang, Meixiang, and Sixiang are the ones who are truly in my heart and who I have truly cultivated, and you cannot marry in the future, You can only follow me, do you regret it?” Luo Baiyue suddenly asked.

“This is a blessing that a slave servant has cultivated for an unknown number of lifetimes karmas.” Miaoxiang knelt down evenly and said: “I can follow the Princess of the Third Rank to a monastery, and afterwards be free and at ease, become a dragon and phoenix among men, control power, youth and immortality, and have hope for eternal life, how can it be compared to the love of a mere man and woman?”.

“It’s good that you think that way.” Luo Baiyue stood up and said: “The ten of you are each practicing the Ten Extremes of the Flood Dao, each of you will master one pole, and when you finally join forces, your power will increase by a thousand times, this method was passed down to me by the Emperor, it is rumored that in the Endless Continent, in the ancient times, there were ten kings, each mastering the Extremes of the Heavens, and if the ten kings can join forces, they can change certain rules. Of course this is a rumor, but the ten of you together, you can completely kill the Dao Realm First Transformation Stronger this is a fact, and you must practice hard and not slack off at all.”


At this moment another maid entered, but it was Yuxiang.

She had information in her hand and knelt down with both hands and said: “the Princess of the Third Rank, something big happened, and The Nineteenth Prince met the Black Fiend Bat assassination in Banan Province. He then killed the Black Fiend Bat, and the body and the magical scriptures on it have been transported here on the road, and after much examination, are indeed correct.”

“Is there such a thing?” Luo Baiyue brought the information over for a closer look, refusing to miss any words, only putting it down after a long while, a smile appearing on her face and she said: “It’s kinda funny, the Black Fiend Bat has been rampant for fifty or sixty years, doing evil things, and yet he was unknowingly killed in his hands.”

“Was there any of the Xian Dynasty remnant helping him?” Yuxiang tried to ask.

“No, if the Xian Dynasty remnant makes a move, I will have information on my side, it seems that there are other experts who are helping him, so this Gu-Chensha person has also recruited another strong person, perhaps another strong person has thrown in to assist him and wants to take advantage of the prince’s situation to seek benefits, do an investigation!” Luo Baiyue commanded.

“I wonder where to start looking?” Miaoxiang asked.

“Checking from his mansion in the capital, I’ve heard that there have been many more Warriors, Masters, and Grandmasters pitching in there lately, and that Little Yizi martial arts have progressed rapidly, who are those people?” Luo Baiyue started the layout.

“The slaves and maids have checked this matter, but the Nineteenth Prince’s house has been run in a very systematic manner, and many spies have been cleared out. I have tried to bribe the Warriors in the house, but the Warriors are dull and silent, and live a simple life all day long, eating and drinking as well as practicing martial arts...” Miaoxiang reports back on this.

“It seems that he is supported by at least several hundred years of historical big powers, to train such dead soldiers that is not something that can be done overnight, at least several hundred years of heritage is needed.” A smile appeared on Luo Baiyue’s face and said: “It’s getting interesting.”

“These subordinates have something else to report.”


“the Tenth Prince Gu-Zhensha was successful in stepping into the Dao Realm two days ago, and grew in strength, and wrote to the Imperial court, saying that he was willing to come to Xianzhou to build up his career, gain merit, and get a the Regional Prince peerage, and the Emperor has agreed., and now he is on his way, but is not an imperial commissioner, but merely aiding the Third Prince, the Prince of Fan in his duties.” Miaoxiang dropped major news.

“Oh? He actually broke through? That fast? I was not expecting it. Whenever the world is troubled, snakes and dragons come out of the water. The muddy waters of Xianzhou also contain opportunities, which I should seize.” Luo Baiyue flexed her fingers and the jade bottle in her sleeve flew out and fell into Miaoxiang’s hand and said: “There are ten drops of the Heavenly Dew in this bottle, one for each of you, practice well, I will wait for all ten of you to become the Dao Realm cultivators, and then you can go explore the Ten Kings Treasure. If you are fortunate enough to obtain it, then you will ascend to heaven in one step.”

“Many thanks to the Princess of the Third Rank.” The two women kneel and kowtow.

The capital, the palace, the upper library.

Eight ministers are dealing with government affairs, from the provinces of the memorials were sent in like a stream of water, small matters these ministers can make their own decisions, if the major issues such as the appointment and dismissal of officials, murder and collusion, the mobilization of troops and horses, rewarding ministers, disaster relief and pioneering, building roads and rivers, overseas countries that must be written into an abridged, please Emperor’s decision.

In addition to these eight ministers, there were also two princes who assisted in politics, which was a great honor, and represents the emperor’s trust in his son.

One of them is naturally the Seventh Prince Gu-Fasha, while the other is the Fourth Prince Gu-Huasha.

The Seventh Prince is the Empress’s own son, has the highest cultivation, this was as norm, although he is not crowned a Crown Prince, but has the princely power. the Fourth Prince, although he indifferent to fame and fortune, but he had stepped into the Dao Realm early training, but also by the Great Skyseal Emperor promoted him to the Upper Chamber to participate in government affairs. But he seldom speaks, just quietly does the tasks assigned.

Now he is just copying and writing, seemingly non-stop seemingly wasting time.

He has always been like this, and other ministers don’t care about him.

“The Duke of Yuan, this token you read, is from Banan Province, Xianzhou, His Highness the Duke of Chen personally killed the Black Fiend Bat, an old demon that has been rampaging for sixty years, and after the corpse and magic scriptures were examined, it has now been sent three thousand miles. Capital City, the experts from the Tiangong Institute’s Medical Department went over to examine it, it’s the Dao Realm Second Transformation Nine Oxen Two Tigers’ strong corpse, there’s also an autopsy here.” There was a minister of the Upper Chamber who put down the memorial and documents.

This minister had crane hair, a kind face, and a strong scholarly air, and one could tell almost without looking that he was a great scholar who had studied all his life, and that he had rules to follow in his speech and work, and that the measure of propriety and law was without fail.

“Teacher Zhu, please do your best.” Lou Chongxiao’s heart was greatly shocked, but also maintain demeanor, this minister in front of him is called Zhu Xia, is a Confucian great sage, had also been his teacher, he has many of his students and disciples in the Imperial court, also quite a few princes respect him, they dare not lose their manners in front of him.

He took it carefully and examined it carefully, and then handed it to the other ministers.

After everyone has gone through it, he then gives it to Gu-Fasha.

“I can’t believe Lao Nineteenth accomplished this great feat.”... The Seventh Prince Gu-Fasha’s face looked expressionless and said, “The Black Fiend Bat this demon has been in rebellion for many years, and not only that, he has recently joined the barbarians, killing our officials and people, and building an altar to the Evil God. Even if another expert kills him, he will be rewarded with the Imperial court title, an earl can’t escape. Gentlemen, what do you say?”

“This is a matter of merit and reward, and must be decided by Your Majesty.” Another Lordship minister, this one is also old, but Minister Weng said: “We must not speak presumptuously when His Highness Nineteenth is involved.”

“Wen Xiang said yes.” Minister Liang Tao agreed.

Liang Tao, who is a representative of the Imperial court’s from Qingliu Academy, has many students, he is a teacher of the Princes, and once had Gu-Chensha punished, is secretly surprised and said: “The Nineteenth Prince was acting crazy half a year ago, but I never expected to go out and make a big splash. If we can pull together our Qingliu faction, we can still have great potential.”

The Ministers of the Upper Chamber are also divided into several factions that fight each other, but not surprisingly in the Imperial court, where Liang Tao’s Qingliu academic faction is in huge conflict with Lou Chongxiao’s military radical faction.

“Fourth Brother, what do you mean?” Gu-Fasha asks Gu-Huasha who is buried in writing abridgements.

“How did Lao Nineteenth martial arts improve so fast? I’ll have to ask in detail when he returns to the capital.” The Fourth Prince Gu-Huasha answers the question, the text is not on topic.

Gu-Fasha smiles, but doesn’t ask any more questions, he knows that this Fourth Brother doesn’t like to meddle in nosy affairs, his personality is extremely deep and calm and his background is quite deep, asking him anything for a chance to know how he thinks would be like asking in vain.

“Imperial Father is in seclusion, imperial affairs can be decided by our ministers in the Upper Chamber, but I suggest Lao Nineteenth this matter is not very urgent, put it down for the time being, the merit record file, after Imperial Father is out of the gate, and report it together? I think the Imperial Father must have a reward.” Gu-Fasha clapped down.

“Here’s another thing and said: His Tenth Highness has taken his family’s general, a thousand armorers, to Xianzhou, and sent a token on the way, saying that the armorers’ weapons and armors are insufficient, and that he wants the Ministry of War to transfer a thousand Jue Dragon armor, a thousand sets of fire talisman guns, and a hundred thousand fire talisman bombs from the Tiangong Institute.” A young minister reported with the recital.

This young minister is less than thirty years old, but is firm and resolute, has a calm and steady gait and he is profoundly cultivated, and is swift and resolute when in trouble.

This is the Great Skyseal Emperor’s choice of a young man, called Fang Lin, who is a scholar from the Great Skyseal Emperor. More importantly, he is from a poor disciple, ordinary family, and he becomes a minister of study at a young age, I don’t know how many people hate him. But he is cautious, and his relationships with the people are watertight. After a few years, he hasn’t been caught in bad activities by anyone, and gradually he has gained a foothold in the court.

“Outrageous, Lao Tenth is showing insolence!” Gu-Fasha took the ensign and was both a little annoyed after reading it and said: “He thinks the Jue Dragon armor is a cabbage you can find on the market? A thousand Fire Talisman Guns? The Fire Talisman Gun is the latest development of the Tiangong Academy, and they don’t even have enough for the Imperial Father Guards, yet he dares to ask for it? And what do 1,000 soldiers mean? He’s also a Duke of a county, and according to the establishment, there’s only 50 soldiers quota reserved for him, but he wants 20 times more? The audacity?”


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