Dragon Poor

Chapter 328

His filmy white eyes quickly filled with emotions as he began reminiscing. 

“I remember the days when I was running on the battlefield with you, Grand Duke. At that time, I didn’t know how scary the world could be. But still, it was fun, wasn’t it sir?”

“It was fun. So fun that if I could go back in time, I would.”

“Ha, you joke, sir. Rather than go back to that time and suffer the hardships again, I would rather live and die like this. I have been at the brink of death at least thirty times while following you, Grand Duke.”

The old man shuddered, but he couldn’t hide the glimmer of nostalgia in his eyes.

“If I go back now, they’ll act like arrogant and of higher rank. Maybe Hansen will even kick my ass because I came so late.”

His voice slowly got quieter and quieter. It was a precarious voice that seemed to die out at any moment. The young man tightly gripped the old man’s hand with a hard face.

“It will be difficult. Hansen, an old-timer. I don’t even want to think about it.”

A bluish light streamed out and flowed through his clasped hands.


The old man didn’t seem to have noticed the small changes within him because he continued to look dazed. 

“What were we talking about… This keeps happening as I age.”

His voice held more energy than it did before. But it was undependable - it was merely strong one last time as a candle would flare brightly one last time before it went out.

The young man’s face darkened even more.

“Tsk, well, I didn’t mean to say nonsense like this. Seeing how I can never focus whenever I start talking about the past, I have definitely aged, sir.”

The old man took a moment to catch his breath before pointing to the boy who had remained in his seat without a word.

“Please take care of the boy after I leave. Originally, I wasn’t planning on this, but the closer I got to dying, the more I thought it might be okay to be a bit brazen, sir.”

The young man nodded without any hesitation at the old man’s request. However, the old man must have thought it wasn’t enough, because he asked the young man to be the boy’s guardian once more.

“If possible, please help him make use of his talents properly, sir. He has the capability to become a knight if he’s guided well.”

For a moment, interest sparked in the young man’s eyes. His face expressed that he hadn’t known there could be a child with enough talents to become a knight in such a secluded place. 

“I know, sir. Originally, he wouldn’t have been the kind of boy to live here, with a dying old man in a place like this.”

“I’m sure there are reasons.”

The old man nodded.

“That boy, he’s the third son of the Wilhelm family, sir.”

“By Wihelm, you mean…”

“The royal family of the Wilhelia Kingdom, a kingdom who, until the end, hadn’t recognized the Empire’s authority and was destroyed.”

Despite it being his history that was being revealed, the child didn’t blink. The lack of a reaction was quite strange that the young man stared at the child for a long time.

“Now, even if the Empire cares about talented people, it will not be easy to accept him. But sir, if it’s you, then I’m sure you can become the wall that protects him.”

The boy could be a dangerous person who may one day cause trouble, but nevertheless, the old man seemed to believe that the young man would gladly do as he requested. 

The young man did not let the old man down. 

“As soon as I return, I will make sure to formally establish myself as his guardian.”

“Thank you. It broke my heart to see a boy with such a bright future taking care of the elderly in this small room. Now, I feel like I have been relieved of a great worry.”

“I promise you. None will dare to persecute him for his origins. If there is such a person, I will go and knock out all his teeth. [1]

“Ah, now that you mention teeth, I remember something, sir. Hansen had to get himself new teeth several times because of you, Grand Duke. Ah, he was so funny looking with his front teeth missing, but he sure rode a horse amazingly well.. “

They talked of trivial things. The old man’s voice continued to get quieter. The young man called up the bluish light again, but it was to no avail. Now, unless he perked his ears, it was almost impossible to hear the old man’s voice. 

“I want to ride a horse again. Just like back then, racing against the wind as I split through it…”

In the end, the old man’s voice ended up being inaudible.

“Yes. Let’s gallop. Let’s gallop again. Let’s gallop when you recover.”

The old man’s condition had gotten to the point where he couldn’t see or hear, but the young man replied as if he didn’t realize that. 

But in the end, the young man burst into tears as if he couldn’t stand it. 

“Get some rest, Clark.”

The young man stood up only after the old man, Clark’s body had cooled.

“What is your name?”

The young man’s voice 

The young man’s voice was devastatingly subdued. The child’s voice was not much different.

“Lowenthal von Ausuria Wilhelm.”

“Alright, Lowenthal. Pack your bags and come outside. I will be waiting.”

The young man left the room before he even heard the child’s answer.


“Mister Clark! Mister Clark!”

Having left the room, Kim Seon-Hyeok closed his eyes tightly at the child’s wail. But soon, he opened his tightly closed eyes and gave orders to the indigo uniformed knights.

“He has done a lot for me and is someone like a brother to me. I plan on holding a funeral for him on the mainland, so take special care as you move him.”

“It will be done as you command, sir.”

“Also, I’m sure there are more children who were in Clark’s care besides the one in there, so inform them that if they wish, we can take them back to the mainland as well.”

The knights responded promptly and politely before disappearing into the room. Shortly after, the child’s crying stopped. 


Just as he heard the old hinges creaking, a child appeared with his tear-stained face.

“Come here.”

Kim Seon-Hyeok sighed as he gestured to the child.

Was he even ten years old? Seeing the child up close, he saw that the child was too young to have experienced such a parting.

“From now on, I will take care of you in Clark’s stead.”

The child did not respond. Kim Seon-Hyeok couldn’t tell whether the child was thinking that since Clark had trusted him so much during his lifetime, the child would also follow him, or that whatever was fine.

“I will give you a choice.”

However, instead of warmly comforting him, Kim Seon-Hyeok gave the child the opportunity to make a choice.

“If you wish to keep the Wilhelm name, then you may keep it. If you decide to give it up, then I will give you an appropriate surname.”

“Is there a difference, sir?”

He answered the child’s question calmly.

“If you keep the Wilhelm name as is, then many unjust and unfair things will occur. There may even be some who will pick a fight with you over your father’s mistakes. If you drop the Wilhelm name and adopt a new one, that will not happen.”

There were quite a lot who hated the Wilhelm royal family for refusing the help of the Empire and trying to endure on their own until the end because they did not want to lose the independent kingship and kingdom. Because of the Wilhelm royal family’s stubbornness, powerless people and countless nobles had become food for the monsters.

“I must make it clear right here, right now. I will fulfill my duty as your faithful guardian. However, I cannot be an attentive nanny to you. I can guarantee that is not something Clark would have wanted either.”

Decades had passed since the war against Chaos ended, but many people still remembered the Indomitable Grand Duke and the Dragon’s power. As long as the people did not forget what price their enemies paid, they would not openly discriminate or persecute the child. 

However, even the Indomitable Grand Duke’s magnificence would not completely stop the hidden discrimination the child would experience in the future. There was also nothing he could do about the stupidity and selfishness associated with being a descendent of the Wilhelm royal family forever holding back and restraining the child. 

“Sir, I will not abandon my name.”

When the child finally gave an answer after a long time, Kim Seon-Hyeok gave him another opportunity to choose. 

“Do you understand what it means for you to choose that?”

The child did not change his decision.

“Very well. You will enter the Imperial Capital as the last descendant of the Wilhelm family. I will also treat you as befitting your position.”

He calmly accepted the child’s decision.

“But before that, we need to do something about your beggar’s appearance.”

For the first time, the child had an expression fitting a child - bashfulness.

“Mister Clark told me that looks were not important for a man.”

Kim Seon-Hyeok grinned as he watched the child stutter out what seemed like an excuse.

“That’s not wrong. A man should express himself through actions rather than words and appearance. But, you’re not a man yet, so let’s neaten up your clothing.”

The child opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, he was dragged away by the knights of the aviation corps.

[The child is one who has a rare soul. The light of his soul is untarnished and he will become a great figure in the future.]

“If I throw him at Victor, then even if he hates it, he will become a great person. Victor is just like his mother and grandfather and was born to order people around.”

Just as Ophelia had assumed the position of regent and taken care of government affairs in Theodore’s place, Victorius was going through the same process. Once time passed a bit more, he would naturally inherit the throne.

[But more than that, you seem to have a heavy heart.]

“Clark was a truly special person to me.”

Clark had taken a foreigner who knew nothing and turned him into a fully-fledged cavalryman. Then, later on, Clark had selflessly allowed him to run in front of him. Because of Clark’s unwavering trust, Kim Seon-Hyeok had never once worried about his back will riding on the battlefield. 

But that had become a thing of the past. 

Now, not a single comrade who had ridden with him remained. Hansen had left two years ago and Johansson had died long before that. And Jackson, who had reached his zenith in Count Paslan’s castle in his hometown, had a short life for a superhuman.


Kim Seon-Hyeok looked up at the sky.

One by one, all the faces of his old comrades came to mind before they disappeared. The space left behind after their faces disappeared was strangely empty. 

It was as if he was left alone in this world, no, he felt as if this world was not the world he knew. It felt as if he had returned to the time when he had suddenly been thrown into this world.

He was lonely as if he was facing a world where he didn’t have a single connection.

[You are not alone.]

It was a voice full of love and trust. When he turned his head, Kim Seon-Hyeok saw the Dragon looking at him with eyes full of trust and love. 

“That’s true. I have so many family members. The head of the family shouldn’t be dawdling here like this.”

[Seems to me, the phrase “head of the family” should be applied more towards the human monarch than to you.]

Edda said something, but he completely ignored her.

“Grand Duke.”

The knights of the aviation corps returned after completing their duties and informed him that the airship was ready for take-off. 

“Let’s go back.”

The airship took off with a heavy roar unique to the magic engine as the platinum dragon flew over it. 


‘Here lies Clark Joseph Owlvaizen, the Empire’s best cavalryman and the first Director of the Owlvazien Support Foundation.’

After the wake was over, Clark was buried on a hill overlooking the borders of the previous Noctein Kingdom. The tombstones of the former Drake Cavalry members were also there.

The passionate men who had kept each other’s company their entire lives were now gathered in one place again after their death. 

“Get some rest.’

Kim Seon-Hyeok looked at the tombstones of the men who had been like his brothers, then he turned and left the place.


Ophelia, who was previously called the Iron-Blooded Empress and feared by all, was now praised as the Empress of the Light. That’s how dazzling the development of the Empire became under her reign. As the livelihood of the public stabilized, the nobility and the commoners alike wanted her rule to last a long time. 

However, she was wary of the Empire stagnating because of her and decided to step down from the throne once all the Empire’s affairs were dealt with. 

Although the people were disappointed, there wasn’t any objection since the newly crowned Victorius Drachen Ro Adenstein had proved during his time as regent that he lacked nothing when compared to the Empress of the Light. 

The people had no doubts that the new Emperor would continue the Empire’s era of prosperity.

“But must you really do this?”

Victorius was talked about by the nobles as having the bloodline of the Dragons and described as a wise Emperor. However, he returned to how he had been when he was a young boy as he saw his parents off as they left the Imperial Capital. 

“On a macro level, this is being wary of the Empire stalling without a generational change. On a micro level, this is to avoid damaging the authority of the only ruler of the Empire.”

Instead of comforting her fully grown child, Ophelia admonished him in a harsh tone. Even until the end, it seemed like she hadn’t lost the majesty of a monarch.  

“With the aviation corp, the Qeishas’ Forest will not be far away. Of course, the Imperial Emperor of a busy Empire cannot leave his seat recklessly, but if you truly cannot stand it, you may come visit us once in a while.”

But his father Kim Seon-Hyeok was different. Even as Ophelia glared at him, he promised that they would see each other again. 

“No matter how much time is given to you, as a monarch, it is not a virtue, but a duty to provide the future generations. Quickly find a possible candidate and contact us. When you do, we’ll drop everything and fly over.”

“Then if I want to see Father and Mother Empress often, I should marry several times…”

“What a ridiculous talk between father and son.”

Although Victorius had the best qualities as a monarch, he was like his father and had a silly side to him. Even as she scolded him, there wasn’t any sign of genuine reproach on Ophelia’s face.

“Anyway, you are the Emperor of the Empire now. So, it’s up to you whether you destroy or better the Empire as you go forth. 

“I hope you do not lose your virtues as a monarch…”

“Ugh, I got it. I’ll figure it out. It’s time, so go now.”

Ophelia seemed sorry she couldn’t finish her speech. It seemed like she wanted to give him a speech on the basics of being a monarch. But, she realized that she had nothing more to say to her child - who had already established himself as a monarch - and gave up on her speech.

“I pray that you remain a wise and sage emperor.”

“I will keep that in mind, Mother.” [2]

Only after she heard Victorius’ determined reply did Ophelia have a satisfied look on her face.

“Ugh. But I still want to see the mage mount[3]  being completed.”

As if he could see the completed prototype that several high-level mages had been working on for several decades, Kim Seon-Hyeok kept looking back. 

“What on earth is so amazing with a mage mount that you are so obsessed with it?

“A mage mount is a man’s love.”

Ophelia shook her head in response to his very decisive answer.

“Then, be well.”

At the end of the rough greeting that didn’t suit the parting of the noblest family on the continent, Kim Seon-Hyeok and Ophelia boarded the airship.

“Anchor bonding, complete! 240 seconds until storage!”

“Anchor storing, complete! Magic engine warm-up complete!”

“Jumper operation preparation, complete! All checks for takeoff are complete!”

The crew’s quick and cheerful reports followed one after another. Soon, the airship began to make a loud sound.

“The ‘War Dragon’ is taking off!”

At the same time the captain was shouting, the airship began to lift.


She had been staring blankly in the direction of the Imperial Capital, which was now out of sigh. She turned towards Kim Seon-Hyeok.

“Now, the Empire, no, the world belongs to the next generation. So let’s leave the Empire to Victor and this generation’s children.

“You are correct.”

He forcibly pulled her when she still couldn’t take her gaze away from the Imperial Palace.

“Now, instead of the Empire’s future, we need to think about how we’ll spend the rest of the time happily and at its fullest.”

She sighed at his words.

“It’s daunting.”

“Well, we have plenty of time, so we can take it easy and think about it.”

Perhaps it was because she was shedding her dignity as a monarch? She didn’t show any signs of discomfort at his flippant tone. She merely showed confusion as to how she would spend her first vacation.

“Ah! Before that, there’s something we need to do first!”

Her eyes widened when he suddenly started making a fuss.


It wasn’t easy for her to understand when there was no beginning or end to that sentence.

“We’re not even in the Imperial Capital. It’s weird to be speaking like that.”


When she finally understood what he was saying, her expression turned despondent. To her, figuring out how to change her tone when it had been ingrained into her for her entire life seemed like a bleak future.

“It will take some time, but it shall… it will be changed.”

He burst out into laughter at the way she tried to end the sentence. It wasn’t palace formality, but it wasn’t casual either.

“Well, it’ll change someday.”

Ophelia seemed to have grown naive after leaving the Imperial Capital, and for Kim Seon-Hyeok, that appearance of hers couldn’t be more lovable. That’s why he ended up grabbing and hugging her without intending to.

“Hey, there’s too many people watching us.”

“So what?”

He smiled again as he looked at how her expression was saying something different from her words.

“Now, we\\\'re just an ordinary couple.”

1. The original Korean phrase used was ‘pull out all his teeth.’

2. The raws did not have ‘mother’ in it, but I added it in to reflect the formality of the sentence.

3. 마장기 This was a bit difficult. 마 meaning magic, 장기 - weapon, but it could also be a mount. I thought of translating it as magic robot, or even magbot, but decided since technically, a robot is something that could be ridden, and a mount is anything that could be rode, I would translate 마장기 as mage mount


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