Dragon Martial Emperor

Chapter 167 – Punishment of imprisonment

Chapter 167 – Punishment of imprisonment

Long Yu appeared right behind Yue Hangshan and delivered a punch to him!

“Nine hidden dragon fist, intoxicated hell!”

The invisible burst of nine hidden dragon qi completely surrounded Yue Hangshan who was obviously unable to detect it.

Long Yu had used intoxicated hell technique for the first time since he had comprehended it to the perfection level, and the result that this technique had wielded now shocked both Long Yu and Yue Hangshan.

Before Yue Hangshan could react and defend himself, he was already enveloped by the sudden burst of invisible nine hidden dragon qi!

In spite of having a cultivation level of Zhenling 5th layer, Yue Hangshan was unable to resist the attack of a trivial Zhenling 3rd layer disciple and this paled his complexion.

“Awakening palm samsara!”

As Long Yu launched his fist, the power of samsara condensed on his fist and then seeped into the body of Yue Hangshan, causing his cultivation level to drop by one layer temporarily.

The very next moment, Long Yu grabbed his Qian dragon spear and pointed its tip at Yu Hangshan’s neck.

“You lost.”

Long Yu said in a carefree tone.

The martial skill, whose comprehension he had recently enhanced, the intoxicated hell had grown so strong now that even a Zhenling 5th layer powerhouse couldn’t resist it!

By this time, Yue Hangshan and his Zhentian Mountain Zhenling entity had crashed down with loud thump, making a huge pit in the ground. However, Long Yu wasn’t hurt even a little.

The tip of Qian dragon spear placed over the neck of Yue Hangshan was declaring the victory of Long Yu over him.

As Yue Hangshan finally got up, sweat dripped from all over his face and his eyes were flashing with a colour of terror. He had never imagined that Long Yu would turn out to be so powerful!

He escaped the heavy pressure exerted by his Zhentian mountain Zhenling entity, and this was a feat impossible to be achieved by a trivial Zhenling 3rd layer expert.

How did this Long Yu do it?

Anyway, his whole life was being ruined at the hands of Long Yu!

He wished Long Yu had killed him, because living like this was worse than dying a thousand times!

Yue Hangshan, who was one of the thirteen chief Elders of Zhentian sect, and was also the head of the Law Enforcement Elders, was defeated brutally by a mere Zhenling 3rd layer disciple!

If the news spread on, he would become a laughing stock!

However, several Zhentian sect disciples had witnessed the combat between Long Yu and Yue Hangshan that it was impossible for him to stop the news from being spread1

All the disciples that had been the spectators were very excited now.

Long Yu had defeated Elder Yue Hangshan!

Everyone was aware of the fact that Long Yu had become very powerful. But no one had expected him to be so strong that he would defeat an Elder whose cultivation level was at Zhenling 5th layer!

“Long Yu…..”

Feng Yuxin was unable to hold her tears. Her eyes expressed her happiness, but there was something else that was lurking in her eyes.

She was overjoyed to see that Long Yu was a formidable powerhouse now, but this thought had given birth to another worry in her heart – Long Yu’s growing strength would increase the distance between them.

And Feng Yuxin never wanted that to happen!

Unfortunately, she could neither stop Long Yu from enhancing his power, nor could she rise to his level.

In this world of martial arts, where strength was everything, Feng Yuxin had no reason to hinder Long Yu’s cultivation.

“Ha! Brother Long Yu has grown so powerful!”

Feng Xiaofei couldn’t contain his happiness and was jumping excitedly.

Since Long Yu had intervened in the matter, everything had become so simple now.

Feng Hao and Feng Xiaofei lifted their heads to look towards Su Biaoxin who had bullied them earlier and saw that his face was as pale as a dead man with fear.

Su Biaoxin knew that when even his teacher couldn’t defeat Long Yu, he certainly didn’t stand a chance.

This incident had subverted him for his whole life regarding the use of martial arts!

At first, it all appeared to be a dream to him, but later he finally realised that his teacher was indeed defeated by Long Yu!

Besides these people, all the disciples were staring with their eyes wide open as they still couldn’t believe what had just happened.

At this time, Long Yu sensed a strong killing intention directed towards him from Yue Hangshan.

“So now you want to kill me?”

Long Yu flashed his eyes and immediately grabbed his Qian dragon spear.

“Kill ten thousand people!”

Long Yu condensed his killing intention on the tip of his spear and pointed it towards Yue Hangshan. The killing intention immediately enveloped Yue Hangshan, incapacitating him!

Before Yue Hangshan could launch a sneak attack, Long Yu attacked him first, putting himself into an advantageous position. The next moment, the tip of his spear was at the throat of Yue Hangshan!

Just then, Long Yu hit him with his spear which made him fly and land a hundred feet away from where Long Yu was standing.

Yue Hangshan’s footsteps staggered; he looked distressed.

“Elder Yu Hangshan, I placed the tip of my spear on your throat. Still, instead of conceding defeat, you chose to launch a sneak attack on me!”

Long Yu sneered with disdain: “Is that what you want to teach the disciples of Zhentian sect? If anyone would hear of what you did here today, they would surely laugh at you.”

These were the same words that Yue Hangshan had spoken to Long Yu before attacking him.

However, since Long Yu had used the same phrase again and again now, it was making Yue Hangshan even more shameful!

Long Yu’s words made a huge uproar arise among the disciples.

“How shameless is this Yue Hangshan!”

“He lost to Long Yu; still he dares to launch a sneak attack on him!”

“Yue Hangshan is so despicable!”

Such behaviour was not expected even from the outer disciples of Zhentian sect, let alone from an Elder like Yue Hangshan!

Yue Hangshan’s eyes flashed with eternal hatred for Long Yu. By this time, his previous cultivation had been restored and he walked towards Long Yu.

“Long Yu, as a disciple of Zhentian sect, your combat experience is too low.”

Yue Hangshan said: “As an Elder, I will now show you what a real fight is like.”

By now, he was well acquainted with Long Yu’s martial techniques, and was determined not to let him overpower him this time!

Long Yu was wondering how shameless a person could be.

Yue Hangshan had been clearly defeated by Long Yu, but now he was shamelessly professing him that his combat experience was low and he didn’t know what a real fight was like?

It seemed that Long Yu was too naive.

He shouldn’t have shown any mercy to Yue Hangshan. Rather, he should’ve killed him. That would’ve certainly put an end to all the problems!

However, regretting now was of no use. After all, who would’ve thought that this Yue Hangshan would turn out to be so shameless?

Although Long Yu had exhausted his skills while Yue Hangshan had his cultivation level restored, still no one could tell who would win and who would lose!

As they gazed at each other, suddenly a Zhenling entity of a giant spear appeared in the sky out of nowhere.


As soon as the entity received the command, it fell to the ground from the sky and landed right in front of Yue Hangshan.

A burst of endless killing intention erupted from the spear Zhenling entity and immediately enveloped the whole body of Yue Hangshan!

Under the immense pressure of the killing intention, Yue Hangshan was so terrified that to him it felt that his slightest movement would make the giant spear kill him there and then.

He had certainly recognised that this spear was the Zhenling entity of the sovereign of Zhentian sect, Baiyun Zhong!

“Yue Hangshan, you have had enough!”

Everyone could hear Baiyun Zhong’s voice.

Along with these words, a man with short hair, clad in a striped robe, paced forward. His movement was so smooth that while he was moving at a great speed, it appeared as if he was strolling slowly.

A few moments later, the man reached the place where Long Yu and Yue Hangshan were standing.

This man was the sovereign of Zhentian sect, Baiyun Zhong!

The spear Zhenling entity had completely suppressed Yue Hangshan. He was unable to move for several minutes since the pressure was immense.

“Baiyun Zhong must be in a much higher layer of Zhenling realm. Otherwise, how would he possibly suppress Yue Hangshan with such an ease?”

Long Yu thought to himself and was feeling relieved after seeing Baiyun Zhong intervene.

Although he never flinched at the thought of having a cut-throat fight with Yue Hangshan and would’ve fought with all his might, the arrival of Baiyun Zhong came as a secret blessing to him.

Since Baiyun Zhong did not greet Yue Hangshan, it was evident that Baiyun Zhong held no regard for this person.

“Sovereign, this Long Yu has no respect for the Sect and the Elders. He provoked me first. I was just following the rules of the sect….”

As soon as Yue Hangshan saw Baiyun Zhong approaching him, he tried to frame Long Yu for whatever had happened.

Unfortunately for him, Baiyun Zhong was already aware of the whole matter, right from the start till the end.


Baiyun Zhong lifted his hand to stop Yue Hangshan from speaking any further.

Baiyun Zhong nodded his head while rubbing his light beard and said: “Yue Hangshan, if I am correct, you have been holding the position of the Head of Law Enforcement Elders for quite a long time now.”

“Yes, Sovereign! This year is the ninth year…..”

Yue Hangshan perceived that Baiyun Zhong was convinced by him, so he replied lightly.

“It’s such a pity that you won’t continue to be one in the tenth year.”

Baiyun Zhong said lightly: “The mannerisms of your disciple, Su Biaoxin have not been quite right. But since your own behaviour is so unacceptable, what else can I expect from the pupils that you teach.”

Hearing this, Su Biaoxin realized that he was not as wonderful as he thought himself to be.

Baiyun Zhong had come prepared to punish the teacher as well as his disciple!

“Elder Yue Hangshan, you wanted to create a fierce warrior out of Su Biaoxin. I understand that. But I must say that you have changed your ways after you accepted Su Biaoxin as your disciple.”

Baiyun Zhong’s face had a stern look now: “This Su Biaoxin had been rampaging all over the Zhentian sect and instead of teaching him the right conduct, you backed him and covered for his mistakes. The Yue Hangshan I knew would never do such a thing. I sentence you to the punishment of imprisonment!”

The punishment of imprisonment!

Long Yu’s complexion changed.

According to the rules of Zhentian sect, the punishment of imprisonment was the second most severe punishment after being expelled from the sect. The person who was to be punished was banned from practising martial arts and was held captive for a certain period of time that ranged from a few years to decades!

From whatever Baiyun Zhong had just said, it was clear that Yue Hangshan was once a righteous man and had changed only after meeting Su Biaoxin.

Long Yu’s complexion became pallid as he wondered how Baiyun Zhong would deal with this Su Biaoxin.


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