Dragon Blood Warrior

Book 2: Chapter 4: Planning to take a female General as prisoner

Book 2: Chapter 4: Planning to take a female General as prisoner

Aiwa already knew Federers nature from the inside out, Federer had already eaten two defeats, but he still dared to come to Tanzya and fight again, this showed how high the discrepancy between what he estimated his capability to be and his real strength was. Therefore, Aiwa concluded that getting captured by Tanzyanians this time, he would definitely look for an opportunity to come take revenge. But regarding this point, Aiwa didnt point it out bluntly to Federer, he knew, even if he clearly said it to Federer, he was improbable to obey his advice, his most biggest merit was his dogmatism.

After Federer reorganized his soldiers inside Favargo city walls, he again conducted a drill. Although their morale was high, from what Aiwa could see it was no more than putting up empty airs thats all, they absolutely couldnt compare to the fighting strength of the Favargo soldiers who had trained for 2 months. However this confirmed Aiwas guess, he believed, after a few days, Federer was sure to once more send troops towards Tanzya.

Looking at those practicing soldiers, Aiwa secretly laughed. After two days, Federer came to Aiwas office.

[My boy, I want to battle that Tanzya woman again!]

TLN:  lo d my boy or old pal/chap was used as my boy in last chapter Ill be varying it according to the situation whenever it appears.

Federer said brimming with confidence. He had already changed into another Junior Officers military uniform, he believed his talent could only be shown by wearing that dignified Junior Officer clothes. However after all he was saved from the enemy rank by Aiwas men. Although his chest couldnt cast out the loath towards Aiwa, but on the surface he also had to show a little etiquette.

Really, relying on Federers grand appearance and his whole body army clothes, an individual servicemans form was distinct, only its a pity, from his rude and impetuous expression, Aiwa couldnt see an individual commanders wisdom and murderous spirit He was certainly going to lose the next battle without doubt!

[Very wondrous! I dont know calling me this small local official as old chap is what business?]

Aiwa knew Federers character, he was improbable to let at any person get involved in the matter he was determined to do. Let alone his aspirations were very high, he couldnt let Aiwa fight over his merit, unwilling to let Aiwa get a little bit of contribution. [Granted if have manpower, after all is your troops, I dont dare to command them without authority, however, at military supplies respect old pal has much support to rely on, after I return, I will surely report old pals real contribution to Queen Sofia!]

Federer knew Aiwa was improbable to refuse his this small request, because they served the Queen, if he didnt correspond with the local official and fight himself, then when he reported to the Queen, the Queen was sure to rule him as guilty.

[Since is this kind, Ill also not refuse. Many supplies are needed, and since you have used old chap this call, you by no means must say to the Queen that this old chap didnt support you during the fight!]

Aiwa was still sitting in his chair, appearing as if he was doing a charity, [I prefer to let my soldiers go hungry, also improbable to let you have foodstuffs under your control. So when do we set out for the journey old chap?]

Aiwas bright eyes looked towards Federer. He was already used to talking to Federer using this kind of business and again having a slightly personal friend look. It was already apparent to Aiwa, that he was insufficient to become his enemy, and can become a stone under his foot; Federer was improbable to form any obstruction to his official career, only becoming his stepping stone.

[I was thinking of setting off tonight!]

Federer had long ago done good preparation for the war, only waited for Aiwas military supplies. [This time I thought of a blitzkrieg strategy, directly taking the Tanzyanians old nest. I request old pal to arrange a breakfast for my brethren, I cannot let my brothers be hungry and fight with an empty belly!]

[Not a problem!]

Aiwa transmitted an order down; let the persons in the kitchen arrange food for Federers expeditionary force. During midnight, Federers army finished their breakfast, ready for the journey.

After a quarter hour, Favargo city gate slowly opened, Federers army mightily went out, disappearing into the late night from Favargo in a long line.

Federer was stationed at the end of the troops, he urged his horse to turn around, waving his hand towards Aiwa, said in a confident and clear voice: [My boy, wait at here for my good news!]

Afterwards, a horsewhip echoed, resolutely slapping on top of the horses hind thigh, that warhorse exerted its hoof and jumped, rushing to the front of the troops. After approximately three quarter hour since Federer set off, Aiwa transmitted the order to fight to all of his hundred man chiefs.

Although many people had doubts, didnt Federer go to fight the battle? He also said he didnt need the help of Favargos soldiers, how can there be a combat mission? It wasnt that the Favargo city walls guard and soldiers didnt want to battle, ever since the big martial arts competition, they were already itching to fight but didnt have the opportunity, after Federers army had pissed in their pants in terror after fighting and getting defeated by the Tanzyanians, these city wall guards and soldiers were already stifled, one after one requesting to go out to fight. But due to someone disobeying the order and going out to fight resulting in getting punished by Aiwa, without Aiwas order, no one dared to go out and fight without permission.

Regarding the topography around Favargo, it could be said that Aiwa knew it like the back of his hand; he could close his eyes and easily recall which region had which brook and which region had an obstruction, even recall which region had unusual big trees accurately to perfection. In other words, Favargos entire topographic map was within Aiwas mind. Furthermore he had already assigned each mountain top and gorge a code name, these code names were to be remembered by the hundred man chiefs, without a single mistake.

While releasing the order, Aiwa didnt announce it, rather issued a small order tablet to every hundred man chief, the words of their move were on top of them, and those numbers represented their guarding position. Resembling this kind of arrangement, Aiwa had already conducted countless drills, already learned accurately to perfection. An each hundred man chief was not only in charge of leading their soldiers, but it was also them who carried out the troop disposition methods Aiwa learned from the East Empire. Which region had how many soldiers, these hundred man chiefs could already make out the exquisite details within it. Therefore at the time of combat, they didnt need Aiwa to speak; one order tablet was already enough.

Taking the elites, Aiwa only left behind a few veteran city wall guards behind, properly guarding the city gate. Due to many disturbances to the Favargo locals by the Tanzyanians, Favargos city walls were also made more stable. Could be said that it was invulnerable to attacks, unable to be damaged.

Three quarters of an hour after Federers expeditionary set out, 2000 elite troops also set out from the Favargo city walls, very quickly disappearing within the night scene.

However Aiwa returned back to his bedroom. Before going back to bed he told his city wall guards that, without his order, no one was allowed to open the gate. Violators would be beheaded without pardon! Furthermore he specially added a sentence, [When Im sleeping, no one is allowed to disturb me, violators, would be beheaded without pardon!]

Favargos East sank into the darkness before dawn, right now Federers army had already left the Favargo valley, entering into Tanzya territory.

This land solidified his hate and humiliation as a man, arousing his anger. He hardly considered the safety and danger and directly guided his soldiers rushing towards the Tanzya encampment.

Dusk filling the sky very quickly covered the dull gray sky, making it darker. However the dang dang sound of the horses hoofs roused the vigilant Tanzyanians from their dreams.

Since a 1000 centuries, Tanzyanians relied on their vigilance to exist here, their combat was fierce and crafty resembling a wolf, like how a wolf would perceive an attack while it was sleeping, there wasnt a single sound which could be hidden from their keen hearing senses during the night - letting Federer run away was perhaps also the display of Tanzyanians unwillingness to take the life of a living creature.

At the time Federers army was rushing into the Tanzya encampments similar to bursting river water, those tents were hacked into strips of clothes by blades, floating in the wind like a wine shops banner.

Hass Empires soldiers rushed ahead making a sky shaking killing sound, those excited warhorses powerful hoofs hitting on top of Tanzya land, as if they were going to raze the whole Tanzya tribe to the ground!

However, at the moment when Federer thought everything was going smoothly, the soldiers one after one informed him that there wasnt a single Tanzyanian here Right now Federers mood couldnt be described as bad, he immediately understood that he had once again been played by the Tanzyanians.

At the moment he was strenuously thinking how the news leaked; his army was immediately surrounded by cavalry.

Hass Empires soldiers all became still, the scene of being surrounded the last time they invaded Tanzya was still fresh in their memories, their comrade-in-arms being hacked to death by Tanzya womans blades, they escaped to Favargo with great difficulty, but this time it wouldnt be that easy, because this time the number of Tanzyanians surrounding them seemed to have been more than last time.

At the time the Hass Empires soldiers were still, a big horse left from within the Tanzya troops, a woman with a sweet, fair and graceful figure sitting on top of it, although it was already daybreak, but under the dark light, the Hass Empire soldiers as well as Federers hundred men chiefs could feel the svelte of this high ranking military officer Tanzya woman from the posture on her horseback.

But relying on his dou qi, Federer could make his sight pass through the dull gray dawn, clearly looking at this high ranking Tanzya female military officers appearance, her head having a shoulder length maroon loosely draping over her shoulders, making it look like a falling waterfall behind her head due to the morning wind. Her bright and limpid autumn waters like pupils even separated by a distance of 50 yards could make Federer, this 7th rank attack ability Junior Officer tremble intensely.

At the moment Federers and her sight met, his heart couldnt help but feel the murderous spirit from the counterparts eyes making him feel cold to his hearts depths! His breath became unnaturally cold, tightly pressing from either side on the horses belly with his legs made it tremble.

[Federer, you this reckless guy, last time we thought letting you off will make you remember Tanzyanians benevolence, didnt expect you didnt want to treasure your dog life, then dont blame us! Wuya, grab this guy alive, send him to Tanzyas most ugly woman!]

That graceful woman riding on horseback whipped the horsewhip forward, speaking to a girl at her side.

As soon as her words fell, a squadron of troops rushed forward, rushing towards Federers saddle mount. Without fighting the soldiers at Federers side quickly dispersed and escaped, After looking at not even a single guard remaining at his side, Federer knew he wasnt his called Wuya girls opponent, he quickly escaped on horse. However that Tanzya woman closely pursued him. After his first lesson, Federer didnt want to fall into this womans hand again, not speaking of the humiliation, he was still tied to a stake to suffer and freeze, what kind of person would be able to receive it? If he was caught once again, he was sure to die without a burial just like how Aiwa had mentioned. Although he was unwilling to listen to that youngster Aiwas babbling nonsense, what he said was after all the truth, feeling last time was just luck, will the Tanzyanians give him another opportunity?

In order to not let a Tanzyanian overtake, Federer disregarded the life and death of his soldiers fleeing from within the soldiers, some soldiers were stepped to death or injured by his warhorse, but he didnt even give a glance, patting the horses hind thigh to seize the escape path.

Whenever a Tanzyanian almost overtook him, he quickly used his dou qi to resist, still not to say, Federer saddle horse was also working hard, especially during this large run; moreover it wasnt Federers first time coming for a local campaign to Tanzya, he was very familiar with the topography around here, he didnt need to urge his war horse, it already followed the best route madly rushing the whole journey.

However, it seemed that this time the Tanzyanians were determined to win, absolutely wanting to grab this criminal ringleader, not agreeing to loosen even a bit, the distance between the two didnt surpass 50-60 meters.

Since Federer had escaped their besiege, they were reluctant to part and pursued relentlessly, therefore they didnt expect Hass Empire army to have any ambush, bent on pursuing Federer.

At the time Federers warhorse had already fled towards the territory classified as Favargos valley, he only heard a pu pu ji sound, suddenly a horse tripping rope appeared in front of Wuyas horse, she already didnt have enough time to receive her horse, that horse tripping rope already covered her horses forelegs, causing her horse to fall over.

But Wuya wasnt a normal person; she understood her horse had suffered an ambush, simply stood on her two legs, her whole body flying forward flipping over in the sky.

Unfortunately, when she again flipped over falling on the ground. At that instant, a few Favargo experts quickly arrived in front of her overpowering her to the ground and bound her up.

However the wearily escaping Federer didnt notice the things happening behind him, although he couldnt hear the voice of soldiers chasing behind him, he didnt dare to stop for a moment, rather slapped his warhorse escaping towards the siege city Favargo, the only safe region was inside the Favargo city walls.

Federer from the start till escape time, his horse hadnt rested for a moment, it was already exhausted, by the time he reached the outskirts of Favargo, it was already mid noon; however the city gate was still closely secured.

Riding on horseback, looking at the high city walls, he didnt have the strength left to shout, he said using his dried throat. [For me once open gate ]

After Federer used his hoarse throat to speak a few words, he lied on his stomach on the horses back. If a Tanzya foot soldier overtook him now, he was also with his hands tied ready to get captured. Aiwa had already ordered, besides his command, no one dared to personally open the city gate. When a squadron of elite troops carrying a few women along with Wuya came to the city gate, Federer had already fallen asleep under the city gate, that burning hot suns painful heat shining on his beaten body.

[How have not opened the door for commander Federer?]

An individual hundred man chief substituted for this rich born commander and outraged.

[Senior Aiwa said, without his order, no one was allowed to open the city gate ]

The guard on top of the city gate tower yelled with a loud voice.

[Quickly inform Senior Aiwa, we grabbed an individual high-ranking military official for him, very pretty!]

One hundred man chief proudly yelled towards the city wall. Setting this first class merit for Senior Aiwa was an honor, in the history with the fight with the Tanzyanians, there was never a case where they had grabbed the counterpart as hostage. Can say, this hundred man chief was the first to initiate it, how couldnt he exert himself?

[Grabbed a Tanzyanian high-ranking military officer? Ill quickly go to inform senior!]

The guard on top of the city wall was also excited, immediately withdrawing to inform.

After a moment the city gate opened, a group of soldiers surrounding the trussed up Wuya entered the city gate, Federer also went inside the city walls being supported by a soldier.

Wuya was directly taken to Aiwas office area.

Wuyas elegant hair was already disheveled, but that waterfall like golden elegance was unable to conceal the youthful refined appearance on top of her face. Her bright gaze looked over towards Aiwa through those elegant hair threads.

Because Tanzyanians frequently had dealings with the local residents of Favargo, they were not unfamiliar with Hass Empires language, even more fluent than their own native language, Wuya simply asked: [You are Favargos newly arrived senior officer?]

Wuya doubtfully looked towards the young Aiwa, the childish nature on his face was unable let a person believe this battle was conducted by him. The most important thing was that she had fallen in the hands of Favargo army due to this demonic man from Favargo; she was quite reconciled.

[How, I dont resemble one?]

Aiwa walked down from the chair, coming in front of Aiwa, he lifted his hand, pinching Wuyas sharp chin, lifting her head.

That elegant head had already guess some things about this high-ranking military officer, furthermore imagining her appearance, however, when her long hair parted to the sides, letting Aiwa see her whole face, he couldnt help but get frightened.

He didnt think, a this kind o common land there could be such a pretty woman! Aiwa sight moved away from her face which was able to make a man crazy towards her well developed chest, seeing two peaks standing tall on her breasts, a distinct ravine, because she was bound and her clothes were disheveled, that kind immediately aroused Aiwas desire.

[Pretty good!]

Aiwas finger loosened from Wuyas sharp chin, and then at last fell on top of her twin peaks. Wuya loath fully turned her body; her twin peaks also accordingly trembled.

She wasnt a girl any man could touch. Even those very handsome men inside the Tanzya tribe couldnt even glance at her. If it wasnt for her being caught by the opponent, it would have been dangerous for Aiwas obscene sight to even fall on her body.

[Hehe, girls temper is still very fierce.]

He waved his hand, letting all the persons at his side retreat. One hundred man chief didnt feel relieved and came forward to say in a low voice and warned: [Senior, Tanzya women are very ferocious, be careful.]

Aiwa declined to comment and laughed, he waved his hand. That hundred man chief simply retired.

After everyone retired, there were only Aiwa and Wuya two persons remaining inside the whole office, Aiwa moved his dou qi, and silently read the incantation, initiating the yin technique. To handle this unyielding girl, there was no need for fear, or else she could take contrarily take over control.

Soon, a portion of faint pink smoke pervaded inside the whole room, that pink smoke very quickly enveloped the young pretty Wuya.

Young Wuya also didnt have any guard, let alone there wasnt a single person in the entire Hass Empire who was capable of protecting against Aiwas yin technique. Therefore, before long, Wuyas body started to react. Her eyes became misty, turning her body over due to uneasiness. She naturally knew where she was uneasy, but how could she know it was due to Aiwas yin technique

He was going to take her chastity inside this office!

After some time, Aiwa picked up the subtle reactions on top of Wuyas body, although her reaction was not that intense, but reaction was under a very short time, he was convinced, she was improbable to be like those beautiful woman of Hass empire, for example persevere as long as Dolly.

[You havent told me your name?]

Aiwa carried out the yin technique, while advancing forward, placing his hands on her fragrant shoulders, that avaricious sight gazed towards Aiwas pretty face.

[Why should I tell you?]

Wuya still didnt fight back at this time. She was accustomed to being arrogant, how could she agree to speak out her name to this childish youngster?

[Ordinarily whomever I believe to be a beautiful woman, I think of wanting to know her name, furthermore, I can return her freedom, because in my eyes, only those who are free are beautiful. Isnt that so? If made into a slave, everyday being bound and kneeling down, furthermore what could be said to be beautiful?]

Aiwas finger went down from Wuyas fragrant shoulders, that finger approaching the cleave region under her fair jade neck.

Hardly exaggerating, an individual 17, 18 year old girl to be capable of developing this appearance could already be considered to be pretty good, but if Aiwa dared to brazenly pull open Wuyas clothes exposing her whole chest, he surely would have been more amazed, this kind of individual cant be picky woman, how did the heavens model to come out?

In capacity as a middle level high-ranking military officer Wuya had never experienced what was called as not being free, now after being tied by man from the enemy, she for the first time understood the importance of freedom, she thirsted to see her older and younger sister, thirsted to see her father and mother, however, from the circumstances, if she thought of Tanzyanians coming to rescue her in a short time inside, she feared it would be harder than reaching the sky.

[Im called Wuya.]

For the first time, the willful Wuya had surrendered in front of the enemy, she knew in her heart, right now she had to cooperate, if not, perhaps she would be unable to forever see her close relatives.

[Wuya, a pleasant to hear name! Most important is that the persons looks are also very pretty, resembling such a pretty Tanzyanian woman if fell within my troops hands, then I would become really anxious that the girl would suffer losses! Therefore, if Wuya obediently listens to me, I wont send you to those barbarous troops, Im however a quite understanding and tender man. If Wuya girl wants to go for a bath right now, I also wont mind about it.]

During his speech, his finger had already moved away from her glossy skin, but at the second it was moving away, his finger conveniently raised open the clothing near her navel, exposing more of her skin.

When Aiwa put his hand on Wuyas shoulders, was precisely the moment his yin technique was most efficient, Wuya could naturally feel but she hadnt thought much, still believing this youngster fell in love at first sight with her magnificent appearance.

Her lower body started to gradually itch, however her skin also thirsted for the counterparts gentle caress. But resembling her who had never directly faced a boy a girl person, how could she act servile and go beseech other people.

Hear Aiwa say she could have a bath; her heart couldnt help but feel happy. Although trapped in the enemy camp, Wuya still couldnt forget her habit of liking cleanliness.

[Can you guarantee no one will disturb me?]

Wuya wished for this benevolent and righteousness appearing regional senior officer to do as he had explained, not using dirty methods to handle her, at least id she wasnt sent to those dirty and unbearable soldiers to get insulted wantonly it was at once good.

[Wuya girl, you feel relieved, if havent your order, even I myself wont enter your bathroom. Of course is one individual sealed small room, you can feel relieved and take a bath. You can imagine, if I thought of using violence against you this girl, would you be able to resist?]

Right now Aiwas expression wasnt vulgar anymore, rather resembled an individual upright gentleman, this was sufficient for Wuya to be convinced, using his hinged bathroom door, he was also improbable to assault her!

[I dont need any person to attend  to me, Ill go by myself!]

Wuya again raised another request. Aiwa didnt reply, but suddenly not known from where fished out a dagger, after looking at Aiwa holding a dagger in his hand, Wuya still didnt understand for a bit of time, she thought that due to her request being too excessive she had angered this enigmatic natured high-ranking military officer.

At the time of her doubt, the dagger in Aiwas hand suddenly stabbed towards Wuya, Wuya thought in her mind: [This in this way broke his promise, just now he said he was going to return my freedom, again said he was going to let myself take a bath, apparently the rule of not wantonly killing a person in my tribe is not used at Hass Empire. If I had known it was going to be this way earlier, then she would have killed the Favargo region men she had captured, if so, todays disaster was also improbable to occur.] At the time Aiwas dagger almost stabbed towards Wuya, Wuya closed her eyes shut, she was still excessively bound, powerless to resist, could only get trampled on. Apparently her beautiful life was already on the eve of ending! She made a long sigh.

But that cold light didnt come across Wuyas skin, only lightly brushed past, the ropes tied on top of Wuyas body completely broke apart.

Wuya shut her eyes but didnt feel the pain she had imagined she would feel when the dagger pierced her body. She doubtfully opened her eyes, looking at Aiwa smilingly standing in front of her, that dagger revolving at lightning speed in Aiwas hand. Again bowing her head to look, the ropes on her body had already fallen down to her foot, each cord cut off.

This was sort of blade teaching? She didnt even feel anything, but so many ropes on her body had already been cut off? She roughly counted, ought to be improbable is less than 30 pieces! What made her amazed was, although the rope was cut into fragments, but also hadnt injured even half a root of her hair.

[This is you cut open?]

Wuya right now could only use a [very amazing] these words to describe it. [Besides you and I two individuals, you see any other person inside the room?]

Aiwas eyes also searched all around the room. His expression was very relaxed, unexpectedly making Wuya forget that the youngster in front of her was her enemy.

[You can really guarantee no one will enter the bathroom?]

At the most crucial time Wuya was still not very convinced. It was after all Tanzyas foundation.

[If you dont want to bath, the let it be. I also dont like to force people, especially when dealing with beautiful woman.]

Aiwas sight never separated from Wuyas pretty face, furthermore her that towering chest. Because her clothes were not proper, she seemed lovelier.

Wuya half doubting, walked facing towards the bathroom and went in.


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