Dragon Blood Warrior

Book 2: Chapter 1: Entering the Imperial Palace

Book 2: Chapter 1: Entering the Imperial Palace

TLN: Changes: Jance > Jancy

The sun rose up higher than a bamboo pole, similar to a large fire ball hanging in the East sky, and the sunlight like gilded steel wires running into Earth.

Queen Sofia sat upright inside a rattan weaved hundred year old rattan chair, with a huge parasol propped over the head, surrounded by a group of palace maids as well as a few personal imperial guards.

Those imperial guards wore a long sword at their waist, majestically standing around a radius of 10m from the Queen, their keen perception abilities observing the circumstances inside that perimeter. All possible dangerous elements were perfectly covered inside the perception of those imperial guards.

Following a palace maid, Aiwa walked over towards the Queens resting area, passing through an artificial lake en route; a pool raised by the Queen, which was also her bathing and swimming region during summer. The lake water was crystal clear; even the fishes roaming inside were clearly visible.

[Walk this side.]

The maid pointed her finger towards the lakes narrow shore and said to Aiwa. Since it was his first time entering the imperial palace, Aiwa was still a bit nervous, whatever the palace maid said, he quickly followed up, not daring to make a slipup.

Aiwa walked forward, being careful of the lane under his foot, from time to time looking towards that huge parasol, measuring his distance from Her Majesty* Queen. His every step made Aiwa more nervous. This didnt resemble their last meeting, because looking at the faraway Queen attended by a group of people made Aiwa feel, that when meeting the Queen alone, she would act kindly but in front of these many faces she would definitely be serious, this was the main reason for Aiwas nervousness.

*TLN: From now on whenever someone is talking about the queen Her Majesty would be used and when they are talking to the Queen and addressing her Your Majesty would be used.

When Aiwa was walking, he suddenly sensed a huge fireball arriving under his foot, only listening to the sound of explosion, that fireball had already exploded in front of him. Instinctively he moved away from the lake but before he even came to his senses, another fireball exploded to his left making his body fly in the sky.

But, when his body left the ground, Aiwa discovered his body was flying towards the lake. Aiwa didnt have the ability to move in the air, so he could only let his body freely fall into the lake. [Plop!]

Aiwa fell within the water.

Although the lake water wasnt deep, it was enough to drown Aiwa, that palace maid didnt think that this boy didnt know how to swim, she simply looked at him floating and sinking.

[Gurghhgh guh ]

The palace maid who made Aiwa fly and fall into the water, found the appearance of Aiwa floating and sinking to be very amusing, she couldnt help but laugh standing at the shore.

[Seegle, stop standing there being silly and quickly go in and fish him up!]

Sitting in the rattan chair, the Queen could make out that Aiwa wasnt acting but rather really didnt know swimming; she quickly gave an order to that palace maid to quickly go into the water and save Aiwa.

Hearing the Queens command, Seegle didnt dare to laugh anymore, quickly plunging into the water, trying to save him. But by this time Aiwa had already drank two mouthfuls of water, if anyone didnt come to save him, he would have definitely drowned. However Aiwa had already left the shore, Seegle quickly tried to grab his arm; when Aiwa who was possessed by the will to survive saw a person coming to save him, he pulled the hand trying to grab him, hanging over Seegles body.

[Dont grab me!]

Seegle was going to be hugged by Aiwa, with their bodies still submerged in the water, her body whirled, like a fish making her way from under Aiwas arm holding him from behind.

At this moment Aiwa felt two soft meat orbs expanding on his back, but right now he was solely occupied with trying to survive, unable to cherish the palace maids soft body embracing him from behind.

Although Seegles figure was very small, it emitted a vigorous qi inside the water; she swam towards the shore dragging Aiwas body. Reaching the shore, their two bodies were drenched all over, especially Seegle, her clothes sticking on that exquisite body, with two peaks standing erect on her breasts. After looking at Aiwas blank eyes, she forgot all about the cold lake water.

[You two quickly go and change your clothes!]

The Queen was not all angry, rather looking at Aiwas sorry appearance she almost laughed out. But due the Queens dignity, she resisted it.

However the few imperial guards at the Queens side laughed heartily, they all knew that Aiwa was going to hold the same position as them becoming the Queens imperial guard, they didnt expect this small guy would already taste Seegles teasing. Aiwa glanced at the maliciously laughing imperial guards but didnt flare out.

Seegle held Aiwa and went to the dressing room, simply shedding her clothes she wiped her body and changed her clothes. [What should I do?]

Aiwas whole body felt cold, it was already late autumn, with his clothes drenched, his body trembled due to the chillness.

[Take off your clothes!]

After Seegle exchanged her clothes, she was worried about Aiwa.

[Cant you bring me some clothes first?]

After suffering Seegles teasing, Aiwas heart wasnt reconciled, but he couldnt seize her, after all she was the Queens chamberlain, he couldnt afford to offend her.

[I said take off then at once take off, if you dont dislike the cold then keep wearing them. Ill go.] Saying thus, Seegle turned around to leave.

[Dont . Im requesting you, bring me clothes to change, Im freezing to death!]

Aiwas teeth were trembling due to the cold, when Seegle was about to leave, he quickly grabbed her hand.

[Then quickly take off your clothes!]

Seegles voice wasnt like an order, she wasnt thinking off seeing Aiwas body, rather wanted to give a go at experiencing the wonderful feeling of being a supervisor on Aiwa, because normally shes the one obeying orders.

Aiwa had no other choice but to obey her orders and take off his clothes, anyway he was fearless of being watched by a woman, Seegle only gave a glance towards Aiwas well-built body, taking Aiwas clothes. Aiwa was trying to find a cloth to dry his body, but looked at the clothes in Seegles hands becoming piping hot. Very quickly, Aiwas clothes dried out, all this happened in a blink.

[So fierce?]

Aiwa had never before seen such a magical skill and couldnt help but exclaim in astonishment. Seegle proudly laughed, throwing Aiwas clothes back to him, she turned around to leave the room.

Aiwa followed behind her returning in front of the Queen.

Looking at them, the imperial guard captain walked from the behind the Queen, he sized up Aiwa, asking: [Since you are thinking of becoming Her Majestys imperial guard, what ability do you have?]

From those words, Aiwa could already feel a cold air coming over from the counterparts body, without enough time to evade, he could only meet with that force, that huge force attacked towards Aiwas navel. Aiwa had no choice but to disregard using his bodys power and used his dou qi to resist. The two portions of power knocked against each other, giving rise to an explosion, Aiwa was knocked back four-five steps by that path of cold air before settling his footsteps, if it werent for him already preparing to retreat, he would definitely been injured by that force.

[Haha Haha, You this youngster arent able to withstand even 30% of my strength, and still think to protect Her Majesty Queen? Are you even able to protect yourself?]

The imperial guard captain burst out with laughter, however the Queen merely smiled at Aiwa, she knew, being able to resist her imperial guard captains this one hit, that was what kind of thing, and Aiwa was still a child thats all.

[Rudolph, if a 17 year old youngster is able to receive your hit, then will you still be able to remain as captain?]

The Queen sneered towards Rudolph and said. In her heart, Aiwa was far more adorable than this competitive imperial guard captain, if it wasnt for her safety, she absolutely didnt want this uncommon man waiting at her side! Although his image wasnt ugly, but Queen Sofia wasnt fond of his character at all.

[Your Majesty, that doesnt mean you must let a useless man be at your side? Furthermore, what I did was for his own good, if a person knew General Kyles son was like a dog in a manger, isnt that losing General Kyles face?]

Rudolph thought of shaming Aiwa, and also showing off his virtue in front of the Queen.

[I think you have already spoken enough, Rudolph.]

The Queen impatiently interrupted Rudolph, just now Seegle teasing Aiwa was still acceptable, as it was only a joke, but Rudolphs attitude was far from a joke. The Queens heart was very clear; Rudolph was from the Herman faction, Prime Minister Grootes person. Being her Imperial guard captain, he frequently overstepped his authority making dealings for Prime Minister Groote; this made the Queen be disgusted with him.

Hearing the Queen berate him, Rudolph still wasnt reconciled and simply asked Aiwa: [Then what special ability do you have?]

Looking at Rudolph still bothering him, even after the Queen spoke in behalf of him, Aiwa also understood that this imperial guard captain wasnt a troop from his fathers faction, therefore he simply laughed: [I naturally have my special abilities.]

[Then quickly speak; Ill also listen?]

Rudolph didnt think this 17 year old youngster could have what special ability, crossing his hands; he waited for Aiwas performance.

[I can only let Her Majesty Queen listen,]

An arrogant expression couldnt help but appear on Aiwas face. And it was this expression that was admired by Queen Sofia. A few days ago, when Aiwa was embarrassing Federer, he was precisely making this expression. Looking at Aiwas expression, Queen Sofias heart couldnt help but be moved. Because in front of her, there were very few, even almost none who could be so confident and show off an arrogant expression like Aiwa; furthermore this expression was directed against her imperial guard captain, if it werent for being born in the illustrious Mitchell family, Queen Sofia would have already expelled Rudolph from the imperial palace. But in capacity as the Queen she had to balance each and every clans power, but what at least made the Queen satisfied was his emotionless loyalty and devotion towards her.

Aiwas these words, made it difficult for Rudolph to retort, because this matter involved the Queens dignity. Who would dare to challenge the Queens dignity?

Queen Sofia finished laughing and waved her hand calling Aiwa over. He quickly stepped over towards her, moving his mouth near her ear, he said in a small voice: [I can make this arrogant chief guard take off his trousers in public, does Your Majesty believe or not?]

The Queen laughed looking towards the chief guard, not at all convinced, but this matter aroused her complete interest: [Really?]

[If only this chief guards body isnt very ugly, then I can make him reveal his body in public.]

Aiwa confidently said.

[Good, let me take a look at what you learned from your 2 years study at the East Empire!]

The Queen made a beautiful smile, revealing anticipation inside her bright pupils.

Aiwa retreated two steps, gathering his dou qi at his palms. Soon a mild red color fog enveloped the 4-5 Zhang* empty space in front of him. And that chief guard Rudolph was in the middle of that fog.

*TLN: 1 Zhang = 10 Chinese feet length = 3.3m

Due to the stimulating passion effect of this fog, all persons present here naturally felt an urge, however since Aiwa was concentrating his thoughts on Rudolphs body, others didnt have a big reaction, but Rudolph was somewhat confused and disoriented.

Using that screen of fog, Aiwa made his lewd serpents appear, quietly flying inside Rudolphs clothes, those two lewd serpents not only worked on woman but also had the same result regarding a mans sexual desire. Meeting with the attack of the two lewd serpents simultaneously, in that distracted feeling; Rudolph saw his admired woman showing off her flirtatious behavior in front of him, making him follow up with joy.

Rudolph liked Queen Sofia in his heart, but afraid of her prestige, he never dared to hold an improper image of Her Majesty Queen in his thoughts; merely his heart coveted a maid at her side. Aiwa had already noticed which palace maid was coveted by Rudolph and synthesized that palace maids figure in front of him. Rudolph mind was already muddled by this time; his body threw itself over and over again towards that inexistent palace maids image, completely forgetting he was in front of the dignified inviolable Queen.

Under Aiwas control, Rudolph performed a sumo wrestling technique, leaving the imperial guards and palace maids in an uproar, but they also didnt expect he would start taking his clothes off in front of the Queen.

When the imperial guard captain was almost going to take off his trousers, the Queen quickly ordered a person to stop him. Aiwa also withdrew his yin technique.

The Queen naturally knew Rudolph was manipulated under Aiwas strange technique, therefore she didnt think of blaming this loyal and devoted imperial guard captain; however his public disgrace, made her even more disgusted with him.

After being stopped by a person, Rudolph felt like he woke up from a dream, seeing the surrounding palace maids and imperial guards all cover their mouths and laugh, he didnt know what kind of blunder he had committed just now, seeming like an unfathomable mystery to him.

Finally, Her Majesty Queen was able to experience the reason for Dragon Blood Evaluation Committee Member Ruths recommendation; it was due to Aiwas sorcery. She had merely heard about this sorcery before, but never seen it with her own eyes; today she had widened her scope. However, having this sorcerer at her side, she felt really afraid, she was nervous thinking what if theres a day he set about on her, using the same method to order her this Queen to disgrace herself in public, if so, then wouldnt those people who were coveting the Kingship use this as a pretext to incite trouble?

[Apparently making you my imperial guard would be greatly wronging you, why dont you become my masseur?]

Her Majesty Queen had consulted with a newcomer for the first time, as for the other imperial guards, they were simply jealous to death. Becoming Her Majesty Queens masseur, this was what kind of honorable position! Which one of those imperial guards at her side didnt wish to fish up this assignment? Unfortunately a newcomer youngster had fished it up today! Alas! It seems that, Her Majesty Queen was still partial towards the Holtzer family.

Hearing the Queens order, Aiwa was happy, although his proud moment flashed past in a moment, but even if it was so, it inevitably made those people who hate the Holtzer Clan jealous in their heart.

[I wish to obey all the arrangement of Your Majesty Queens, Your Majestys needs is Aiwas mission in life!]

This bureaucratic line was taught to him by his father, as soon as he opened his mouth, it already came out.

A 17 year old youngster speaking such a pleasant thing in this situation, made Sofia feel the deep veneration Old General Kyle had. She thought, he really is a Generals house tiger cub, even obeying orders resembled like this!

[Good, from today onwards, youre going to follow me at my side. Im going to rest now!]

The Queen seemed as if she had finished some amazing event, but Aiwa knew, this was only the ceremony for a small attendant entering the castle, was there a need for mustering such large forces? If he was being conferred an official title, then it wasnt known it would have been how grand!

Actually what Aiwa didnt know was, that the biggest reason the Queen held such a grand ceremony, was that he was an important member of the Holtzer Clan, this showed how much value Her Majesty Queen attached to the Holtzer Clan, therefore she let the palace maids and imperial guards at her side look, as among them, there were many members from different clans of Hass empire, they added interest to everything they saw at the Queens side and reported back to their clans, which would then disseminate out through their family members mouths.

Currently, there wasnt much difference between the strength of the Holtzer Clan and other clans, the Queen needed this clan to expand more, so as to not let his family encounter any resistance, this kind of talent guaranteed her empires safety and stability. If she let a clans power become too large, then it would threaten her position. The Queen relied upon her balancing ability to make a threat drop until it was minuscule.

The sun blazed more fiercely, the huge umbrella over the Queens head shielded her from the sun covering her side in a relaxing coolness. Besides a few imperial guards and person palace maids, with Rudolph and head palace maid Jancy tightly guarding the Queen, all the others returned to their posts. If only the Queen had these two at her side, any situation could be easily dealt with, even if the opponent was the empires first class expert.

But Aiwa was clueless; he didnt know his specific work. Looking at him standing there foolishly, Seegle who teased him before stealthily laughed. Although before he came, she had teased him after consulting with the palace maids, she was a bit fond of this youngster; however she was still unclear whether the Queen did or didnt like this Aiwa, if the Queen received Aiwa because of male love, then they could only helplessly watch.

[Dont stand there confused, follow me.]

Saying thus, Seegle pulled the corner of Aiwas jacket and lead him, she very much regretted not carefully enjoying his healthy and beautiful figure inside the changing room.

Jancy accompanied the Queen entering her lounge, and Rudolph went outside to guard the main hall. There was his duty range, if someone burst inside the main hall, then that would make it difficult for Rudolph to escape this guilt. And if anything happened inside, then it was Jancys responsibility, therefore, Jancy and Rudolphs responsibilities were clear cut.

Aiwa wasnt clear where was he stationed, and could only obey this teasing palace maid following behind her. Aiwa was curious about this maid who could use her hands to dry off his clothes; he really didnt expect that this seemingly ordinary palace maid had this kind of skill. At last he could enjoy the beauty and charm of her body from her back.

[Where am I stationed?]

Aiwa couldnt help but ask, anyway he knew, without the Queens order; he couldnt enter her lounge as he wished.

[Youre stationed here.]

Seegles finger pointed towards the lounge door and said. Aiwa obediently stood there. [Stand properly there, you must not indulge in fantasy about the Queen!]

Seegle advanced forward, revising Aiwas stance, but her small hand very deftly held the male thing at Aiwas crotch once. She face became red, supplementing the loveliness of her bashful appearance.

Being held by Seegle like that, Aiwas thing between his crotch, in a flash made a conditional reflex springing up, frightening Seegle who was taking liberties with Aiwa, she jumped to the other side of the door.

[Hehe, if you like playing like this, when we are alone I can let you play as much as you want!]

Aiwa lecherously laughed towards Seegle.

Seegles expression seemed to say: [Youll keep your promise?]

But thinking of this humble child Aiwa holding her, she thought: [See if I dont play you to death!]

Facts were the proof, as the Queens chamberlains, Aiwa and Seegle didnt have any private time to play together, beside the early rush hour these two people were always guarding outside the door, and couldnt meet alone at any other time.

Almost a week went past after Aiwa and Seegle were stationed outside the door.

Inside this corridor, there werent any other people, only they two, and Jancy always accompanied Her Majesty Queen inside, she was also the person who transmitted the Queens orders, whatever the Queen had to speak was passed through Jancys mouth.

[Aiwa, you come in.]

When Aiwa and Seegle were standing outside the door sending flirting glances at each other, the lounges door suddenly opened, Jancy came out walking.

Aiwa pointed his finger at his nose somewhat unconvinced and asked: [Me?]

After coming for one week, he still wasnt summoned by the Queen, this sudden summon, made him felt somewhat out of the norm.

Jance coldly looked towards Aiwa and said. She didnt like to talk much with other people, she wished for  a person to immediately set about after hearing her orders, seeing Aiwa so much dillydallying, she had experienced this for the first time.

Looking at Jancys cold face, Aiwa as somewhat afraid, he obediently followed her inside, during that moment, Seegle made a wry face towards Aiwa.

[Your Majesty has what command?]

Aiwa saw the Queen lying back inside her chair. [A week has passed since you arrived right?]

[Answering Your Majesty, a week has passed.]

Aiwa didnt know the Queens intentions, making his heart restless. His eyes scanned around, fearing he did what rude thing to this beautiful Queen.

[In the capacity of my masseur, you still havent massaged me, today I was thinking of testing you skill, how?]

The Queens bright eyes fell on Aiwas body sizing him up, making him even more uneasy.

[I wish to serve Your Majesty!]

Aiwas heart throbbed, thinking: [I can at last approach Her Majesty Queens jade body!] What was regretful is, Jancy this 10th rank ability maid was standing opposite to the Queen with no intention of leaving.

[You this maid, what are you doing still standing at there? In any case this is massage time, cant you withdraw?] But this was only thought in Aiwas heart, not daring to speak out, merely crossing her sight made him more terrified.

[Come over to this side.]

The Queens words were full of languid enticement. Aiwa bypassed the huge office table, standing behind the Queen, [Your Majesty, can I begin now?]

The Queen didnt speak, rather shut her eyes, slightly raising her head, hinting to begin, this sort seemed as if she just had the strength to move that head.

Aiwa cautiously held his two hands on Her Majesty Queens shoulder, his 10 fingers kneading the Queens smooth and fragrant flesh, lightly pressing them.

[Oh ]

The Queen moaned softly, clearly Aiwas hands made her very comfortable. Aiwas baseless worry also came down.

The Queen wore one loose pajama, since she was lying inside the chair, Aiwa could look at the scene near the Queens navel from the neckline, although he couldnt see the whole scene, but the half hills revealing inside from the Queens silky bosom were already enough enticement for Aiwa, making his body excited.

[You didnt only learn how to massage shoulders right?]

The Queen was a bit discontent. Aiwas heart became nervous once more. His heart spoke [I am thinking of kneading your breasts twice, can I dare?] Aiwa looked towards Jancy; she was standing at a distance of 1 Zhang from the Queen, although she wasnt looking this side, Aiwa could feel her complete attention was on top of his body as if he was a spy conspiring to murder the Queen, making him feel humiliated.

Since the Queen spoke, that moving on her fragrant shoulders wasnt enough to satisfy her. He didnt have any other option but to move towards her arms.

Separated by the thin pajamas, Aiwa felt the exquisite skin of Her Majesty Queen,  was similar to smooth silk, whenever his hand massaged and kneaded on her two hands, it made her pajamas pull to either side, oppressing her chest, making those two peaks on her breasts even more tall, he could clearly see the two plump erect nipples on top of Her Majesty Queens breasts. When the pajamas returned by sliding, it naturally rubbed against her pointed nipples, this provocation quickly made the Queens nipple stand erect.

Aiwa could not only enjoy the Queens elegant moving chest, the Queens body also distributed a enticing and fascinating body fragrance, this spell of fragrant flesh drilled inside Aiwas nostrils, seeping inside his lungs, making his beast blood boil. He thanked the huge chair screening him, not so, his male root would have firmly risen against the Queens back.

Aiwa strived to stabilize his breathing, after his hands kneaded those two lotus arms, they quickly moved towards the Queens face. He massaged her earlobes, kneaded her chin, again lightly caressed her cheeks, this massage method can not only loosen a persons muscles, it actually also had a beautifying effect.

When Aiwa was massaging her face, he took note of her two thin fragrant lips, her lips were more erotic than any woman, if she wasnt the Queen, Aiwa would have already raised her face and kissed her fragrant lips.

P.S : If any of the readers are interested, please visit this blog link made by my colleague regarding one of the most outdated system that still exists in this modern era Caste System So heres the link : Should caste system still prevail? by Rakshit Nigam


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