Dragon Blood Warrior

Book 1: Chapter 7: Taking liberties with sister-in-law

Book 1: Chapter 7: Taking liberties with sister-in-law

This time not only energy but furthermore a large amount of ling qi was transferred from Ruth to Aiwa. Having this ling qi, he could promote his defense by a large margin.

While returning home on the carriage, Aiwa was still soaked in the pleasure during the hand-to-hand combat with Ruth, at the same time he again once more tempered the ling qi and energy he absorbed from Ruth to promote his abilities. Right now if only he willed, that dou qi would immediately collect together, and that huge binding energy could be used for defending or attacking others, naturally, regarding Aiwa, promoting his Yin technique was most important for him, or to say, he didnt even think of holding power to withstand a man, and only thought of using his Yin technique to handle pretty woman.

Returning home, Aiwa slept for half a day, getting up in the evening, he continued to cultivate his dou qi, he sat in the lotus position on top of the bed, breathing out stale air and breathing fresh air in, then with rapt attention, he cultivated his dou qi until the point of perfection before stopping.

At this time, Margaret came in pushing the door, her attire was a very sexy pajamas, a low-cut half revealing her hidden and serene cleavage, her snow-white breasts swaying along with her body captivating the gaze of any male.

[Still havent slept?]

Margaret coming in being concerned about her son was a normal affair; she didnt need to be anxious of Kyle feeling jealous of his son.

[Today I slept through the whole afternoon, how can I still feel sleepy?]

Aiwa saw that attractive and half-naked soft chest figure of Margaret and couldnt help but get hyperactive.

Margaret came and sat down at Aiwas side, he merely looked at her, however didnt set about. Todays flesh combat with Ruth had already used up a lot of his physical strength, he still had to exhibit his svelte tomorrow at his future wifes father house, he had no intention of indulging in debauchery today evening, or else going to other peoples house with a weary spirit would leave a bad image.

Actually the reason why Margaret came wasnt to make love to him, merely came to look how his spirit was, after all tomorrow he was going to pay a visit to his future father-in-law, these two mother and child can be considered to have a common understanding,

[Today evening I havent come to once again use up your physical strength, however, if you want theres no harm in feeling mother here for a little time using your hands.]

Margaret couldnt resist the temptation of Aiwas lust filled eyes, she slightly pulled the ribbon on her pajamas, letting those two plentiful breasts to be revealed.

Aiwa reached out his hand towards that snow white breast on top pinching it twice, lowering his head, he held one of her nipples inside his mouth and started sucking.

[You this youngster are really gluttonous.]

Margaret enjoyed getting sucked by Aiwa, when he was sucking her nipple, the tip of his tongue deftly teased her nipple, giving rise to a tickling sensation on her body, but she pretended laugh aloofly saying: [Even having two mouths to suck wont be able to satisfy you!]

However Aiwa was sucking her nipple at one side, while extending his one hand inside her pyjamas, groping about her crotch, when his finger entered inside her flesh hole, she gave out a lovable smile clamping her legs together.

[Margaret? Margaret?]

Old Kyle yelled inside the corridor.

[Im at here.]

Margaret answered at one side, while hurriedly standing up from Aiwas bed, quickly tying up her pajamas ribbon. She still hadnt gone to open the door, Kyle at once pushed the door walking inside.

[Originally youre at here?]

Kyle looked towards Aiwa sitting on the bed, not even a single bit doubting his son and stepmother have what adultery going on.


Aiwa somewhat nervously straightened his body.

[Hehe, no need to stand up, I came over to find Margaret. Had a good rest? Tomorrow you have an important mission, you must hold that Dolly as wife and return to our home.]

Kyle quite confidently spoke towards his son.

[Feel relieved, I wont fail to live up to your expectations.]

Aiwa spoke expressing a stiff smile.

Margaret followed Kyle and went out, and going out time, Margaret still turned around stealthily sending a flying kiss towards Aiwa.

The reason Kyle was trying to find Margaret was to discuss about the gift his son was going to take to Grootes home tomorrow, although there has never been any relations between the two families before, but this time was different, after  all is relatives by marriage, son going to pay a formal visit to wifes father, wifes mother was a serious matter, if not that old fox Groote would at once grab this matter as a weak point.

Aiwa was bored being by himself for a long time, and once again practiced his dou qi, before he slowly fell asleep while guiding his dou qi.

The next day was one beautiful early morning. Aiwas spirit was pretty good, he received the gift Kyle and Margaret picked for him, got on top of the carriage, going towards the imperial palace to reach the avenue leading to Dollys home.

At the moment Aiwas carriage had hardly reached half li from the imperial palace, a luxurious carriage galloped over. Nearing it, Aiwa could see two persons on top of the carriage, one was his future brother-in-law Federer, the other one was a tall and sturdy male youth, mouth on top having a shaped mustache. That persons appearance was fairer and clear than Federer by a bit, however inside those eyes of him giving out an obscene feel.

[Youngster, where are you going?]

Federer let the coachman stop the carriage, blocking up Aiwas path. Yesterday in front of his door he let this cheap youngster take small advantage, today he definitely have to make reprisals with him.

[I have never seen someone who calls his younger sisters husband as youngster, you being like this isnt highly humiliating you younger sister?]

Aiwa after hearing Federer call himself in this sort, not all was angry, he didnt think of calming Federers anger but rather tried to infuriate him.

[Younger sisters husband? Aiwa, Im telling you, keep on dreaming. At least my father is improbable to agree about you becoming his daughters husband, youre not fit!]

Federer already came down the carriage, moving towards the back of Aiwas carriage, looking inside the carriage have what thing, [Hehe, the gifts pretty good! It seems, that Kyle really has become a dotard, unexpectedly believes my father is going to agree regarding this marriage! Indeed what a joke! He still hasnt come to see his son hasnt any future prospects!]

TLN: Dotard: an old person, especially one who has become weak or senile.

Federer moved his hand to feel the gift case on top of Aiwas carriage but again stopped his hands, as if the gift case on top has what dust spoil his gloves.

[Mine and Dollys matrimony was from Your Majesty Queens own mouth and arranged, dont tell me your familys old grandpa at once havent loyalty towards Your Majesty Queen as her subject?]

Aiwa deliberately let that youth at Federers side know, Dolly is already his, this is Queens intention, who all unable to disobey.

[Yesterday I forgot to tell you, this Mr. Ryan is my younger sisters fianc, Your Majesty Queen the reason why made you a couple, is because my father still hadnt reported to her that my younger sister is a girl already taken. Right, Brother Ryan?]

Federer patted that a head higher than him  mustached young person and said.

[Right, I am Dollys fianc, you havent power to take Dolly as wife!]

That called Ryan male from carriage on top walked down, to gazes filled with enmity shooting towards Aiwa.

[I how havent heard? That day your younger sister in front of Your Majesty Queen from her own mouth said she hasnt engagement, you know deceiving the Queen is have what punishment.]

Aiwa arrived at the conclusion that this suddenly appearing Dollys fianc , surely is Groote in order to cancel Aiwas and Dollys wedding found last moment candidate.

[Why would we deceive the Queen? Our Herman Clan and Mofarre Clan  however have been aristocrats for many generations holding a large power, our two clans getting linked by marriage is also according to the norms, if only my father reports to the Queen, Your Majesty Queen is surely to recall her arrangement of being the matchmaker. Youngster, Queen isnt improbable for you think milk stinking youngster, offend our Herman Clan, What do you say, Ryan?]

Federer proudly spoke, he thought if in front of Aiwa came up with a flawless, invulnerable plan then it would be sufficient to let Aiwa shrink back.

[Then what if I want to absolutely take Young lady Dolly as my wife?]

Aiwa didnt show weakness, even if it wasnt for taking Dolly as wife in the future, he would still face these two arrogant guys for one breath. Aiwa although is only a youngster, however his that energy absorbed from Ruth had already become his dou qi, this let gave him a formless confidence in himself, if he defeated these two youngsters in front of him in a short period of time, then they how will be able to mingle around?

[Then your path will be cut off by me.]

That mustached youth stood in front of Aiwas carriage, Aiwa was sitting on top of the carriage, looking at the already swelling muscles on top of his body, it could be also concluded that he was in the process of gathering his dou qi together.

By the time Ryan amassed half his dou qi, Aiwa already willed his dou qi to come out of his body, the difference between these persons is, Ryan was actually practicing a Bright system dou qi while Aiwa was practicing a Dark system dou qi, the biggest difference between bright and dark system dou qi that dark system dou qi cannot seen by others, only a high ranked Bright system dou qi expert, id capable of using his dou qi to probe about low-level dark system dou qi experts power distribution. Clearly Ryan didnt possess this kind of strength.

Aiwa sitting on top of the carriage could already make out that even if his opponents dou qi was amassed till the peak, that also wasnt his opponent, because the energy he absorbed from Ruth, already let him promote two ranks in a single day. In other words, right now Aiwa was already a Dark system defense and attack 7th rank expert. Naturally about the exact rank, even wasnt clear about it, he merely compared his and Ryans dou qi dimension, and knew the clear difference between them,

However Ryan didnt know about this, he only thought of taking advantage of Aiwa and winning against him. Actually Federer say he is Dollys fianc also isnt empty talk, he tried to numerous times pursue Dolly, however she never looked upon this - associating with Federer kind of feeling he is an infallible guy.

Those obscene eyes of Ryan were quite disliked by Dolly. Every time he came to Herman Clan, Dolly was unwilling to look at him, although Groote also didnt look upon Ryans this appearance, but his family  was most suited to be Dollys marriage match, therefore, Old Groote not at all was against Ryan pursuing his daughter stubbornly inside his home.

Ryan willed his dou qi to appear outside his body, suddenly one fire-ball came over shooting towards Aiwa. At the time that fire-ball almost fell on top of Aiwas chest he return fired, two fire balls knocked against each other, Ryan believed he hit Aiwa, but suddenly felt his two palms go numb, immediately a portion of large power shook him, he couldnt help but take a step back, in a daze looking towards Aiwa.

[You used what sorcery?]

Ryan stared blankly and asked.

[Hah, how can I use sorcery! This is called evil shall not prevail justice. This is God look upon you covered all over evil influence, helping me dispose you, How? Want to receive Gods punishment?]

Aiwa proudly laughed.

[Aiwa, no need for acting, dont think I dont know you used Dark system dou qi?  You think its possible for this small trick of yours to be concealed from me? ]

In between the speech, Federer already secretly operated his dou qi, he thought, a 17-year-old youngsters cultivation improbable to be how high? In his eyes, Ryan also is one useless man, unexpectedly unable to control a 17-year-old child, really is losing his face. At the moment his final words barely dropped, a cold light shot towards Aiwa.

While Federers that group of dou qi was condensing, Aiwa already from his face on top could make out the development. Aiwa thought: [I already am a rogue, didnt expect Federer still at bit above me!] If before, Aiwas power really would have been underwhelmed, but since he absorbed the essence qi during sex with Ruth, it was simply incomparable. Now whether it was his reaction speed or attack ability, all by a large margin exceeded compared to his previous self, at least he still possessed an abundant upper edge over Federer and Ryan these two guys.

While Federer that group of dou qi tossing out of his body time, Aiwas figure still hadnt moved, but his body was already in an alerted state. Aiwa knew, under any circumstances, reacting prematurely was tantamount to revealing his next move and escape route to his enemy; therefore, he waited for Federer to attack and then make his move.

Federers murderous spirit was very strong, although unlikely to kill Aiwa, if he let Federer hit him, then he definitely would suffer serious injuries. Aiwa thought: [Federer unexpectedly is thinking to conspire to murder his younger sisters husband, very vicious!] At this tune, that path of lightning already reached ahead of him, Aiwa suddenly soared and rose, at the same time transforming the dou qi previously stored in his right hand into a shield to resist Federers approaching fierce attack, and the dou qi on his left hand transforming into a sharp sword, thrusting towards Federers pit of the stomach.

Although Aiwas Dark system dou qi is invisible to the naked eye, but his strength transmitted through the air already let Federer clearly feel the matter to be far from encouraging, he immediately dodged to the site hiding from that continuous hits from Aiwa.

[Aiwa, you have the nerve to attack your brother-in-law!]

Federer couldnt help but shout loudly after hiding from Aiwas first hit, he didnt expect, Aiwa still like that be able to show offensive force, because although Aiwas height was tall, he was a 17-year-old child with an obvious childish nature,but now Federer understood, Aiwas that face full of childish nature was only one kind of fake appearance.

[Hehe, at last I am your younger sisters husband? Since you hold me as you youngers sisters husband, why you still tried to attack me?]

Aiwa spinning in the sky one circle again dropped down on top of his carriage with a calm expression.

[You ]

Federer realized his slip of the tongue, but if he spoke again, the water would be spilt, he would be unable to withdraw and under Aiwas compulsion, stuttered with anger. Most important is not only could Aiwa resist his attack force, but also still able to return that hit  while simultaneously disposing his original attack, this let Federer in the capacity as a Junior Officer lose face repeatedly. Aiwas reaction speed and power all made Federer have no choice to have somewhat misgivings in order to save his face, he had to find another high rank expert later, therefore he jumped on his carriage.

[Aiwa, today I have an important matter to attend, I will not lower myself to you, however, I will still advise you to think what si good for you, my younger sister is improbable to marry you.]

Aiwas corner of the mouth slightly slanted, exposing a disdainful smile, letting the coachman overtake the appeared carriage galloping towards Prime Minister Grootes home.

Arriving at the entrance door, he let his accompanying attendant advance towards the errand runners at the doorway and inform them, General Kyles son Aiwa has come to pay a formal visit.

Prime Minister Groote office wasnt at his home, at home only had Madam and Young lady, hear Aiwa has come to greet Groote and Madam, Young lady Dolly hurriedly told them to let the visitor come in.

Fourth Young lady Sili but received no small amount of her fathers influence, since Kyles whole family havent any good opinion, listen Kyles official wifes son Aiwa came here, without any trace of politeness walked ahead and said: [No need to see!]

[Older sister, Young master Aiwa after all is visitor, how can it be right to lock our door and refuse to see him?]

Along with the errand runners notification, Aiwa entered forward inside the gate. The attendant carried the gift down the cart, however Aiwa walked over facing towards the drawing-room.

[This is precisely Young master Aiwa?]

Beautiful but vitriolic Sili obstructed Aiwas path.

[Who are you?]

Aiwa also stood in front of her.

[You have this right to ask me? First answer my question.]

Sili arrogantly stood in front of Aiwa, not letting him past.

[Older sister, this is my visitor.]

Dolly looked at her older sister in this was bothering her lover, felt unwell in her chest, she advanced towards Aiwa and pulled him, [Walk, follow me!]

Leaving Sili aside.

[Dolly, you have the nerve to ignore me for this stinky youngster!]

Sili turned her body and roared with anger and Aiwa turned around revealing a wry face.

While Dolly and Aiwa entered the drawing-room, Prime Ministers Madam Alice already came inside the drawing-room, after all are aristocrats, even if its two feuding families, cannot ignore etiquette.

Although Alice was already 30 many years, but could be said to be equal to a worth seeing young beauty, moreover emitting a literary excellence, especially her two eyes inside those limpid autumn waters sort of clear lustre, completing her dignified appearance as the Prime Ministers Madam within that literary excellence.

[This is my mother.]

Dolly quickly introduced her.

[Aiwa pays respect to mother-in-law senior.]

TLN: This senior bit here appears when a younger generation is addressing the older generation. ( da ren adult, grownup, title of respect towards superiors etc.. )

Aiwa hurriedly saluted.

[You still havent formally married, this kind of address Im afraid isnt suitable?]

Alices face on top appeared a shade of red, immediately calming her, counterpart  this kid of addressing her, clearly had some overbearing flavour, this was somewhat hard for the  Prime Ministers Madam to accept. However this marriage was decided by Your Majesty Queen, fear she cannot disobey, precisely Herman also cannot resist.

Yesterday after being informed about this matter by Federer, the couple consulted over the night, finally without any other option, today Groote prepared to dismiss this wedding by seeing the Queen. However, Prime Ministers Madam still didnt know the outcome, naturally in this kind of situation caused her to be very stiff.

[Since is Your Majesty Queen decided out wedding. We two familial relations are no good to refuse, let alone I very much adore Dolly, My wish, is for me and Young lady Dolly to be married imminently.]

Aiwa was hardly discouraged in front of Alice, he didnt believe Groote wouldnt give importance to the Queen, let alone pay attention to matrimonial freedom nowadays, since Dolly is fond of him, he at once had faith to settle this marriage.

[Young master Aiwa also isnt speaking without reason, however, today my body is feeling a bit unwell, theres no harm in Young master Aiwa chatting with my daughter?]

Alice knew her fourth daughters mouth skill is how ferocious, she thought of withdrawing and letting her fourth daughter stand in for her and send off Aiwa.

Sili was worried about not having the opportunity to vent off her anger, hearing mother speak, she easily agreed.

[That at once good, today let me come to receive this important visitor,]

Silis tone resembled her expression and same, not having single iota of tenderness, filled with arrogance. In front of Sili this kind of girl, a same city boy could only shrink back, but Aiwa improbable to back down. He had Dollys support, behind furthermore Your Majesty Queen and Holtzer Clan huge power support, he didnt fear this silly little girl!

Dolly sat at Aiwas side, and Sili sat opposite to Aiwa sticking one leg over the other, very arrogantly looking at Aiwa. Although she hasnt utilized what skill, however that cold expression of her was enough to kill a persons confidence.

[Dolly, arent you ought to be sitting at older sisters side? Still havent married, at once marrying family and sitting together?]

Sili looked at Dolly sitting like that near Aiwa, made her angry, she this kind of reprimanding Dolly, also was to make Aiwa feel embarrassed..

[Sili, we all are young people, whats up with sitting together?]

Dolly thought her older sister was being a bit excessive and sat there motionless.

[That also wont do, our Herman clan persons particularly pay attention to etiquette, Aiwa again is the noble son of a great family, how can we not treat him with respect?]

Sili looking at her younger sister havent following her battlefront and act, her anger caused her chest to violently move up and down. If Sili was capable of exchange her temper to come out, perhaps Aiwa could fall in love with her, but she was very flamboyant, also excessively arrogant, Aiwa simple though of planning to make her embarrass herself.

[Young lady Silis looks are quite pretty, at our Hass Empire inside also could be considered to be an outstanding beauty? Its a pity, precisely mouth on top simply havent spared person, I think Young lady Sili improbable is because your younger sister met with Your Majesty Queens set marriage with me Aiwa giving rise to jealousy in the heart?]

Aiwa calm and slowly spoke, his sight fell on her exquisite body sizing her up. She really could be regarded as a beautiful woman, her arrogant expression inside appearing a portion of charm letting a man be filled with ecstasy, however she received her father Grootes influence, and always havent any good opinion towards Holtzer Clan persons.

[I have seen many imagining ones love to be reciprocated men, but have never before seen resembling Young master Aiwa so much shameless man can you still be considered a man! Who can fall for you? My younger sister merely due to etiquette and giving respect for Your Majesty Queen havent refused you thats all, you this kind of not cherishing a young lady kind of stinky man!]

Sili was infuriated by Aiwa, just now she was leisurely swaying those crossed legs, but now suddenly wanted to pick up the tea cup in front of her spill it on Aiwas face.

[Hehe, Young lady Silis angry expression is also very good-looking, making a man admire wholeheartedly!]

Aiwa continued to provoke Sili, but also hugged Dollys body.

[This Young lady doesnt need you this kind of stinky youngsters praise. If havent what matter. I say you can leave! Dont wait for me to show you the door.]

Sili really is because of looking at Aiwa and her younger sister being that affectionate not delightful in her heart, since she was very bossy and domineering, there wasnt a male who dared to set about and plan to be with her, she obviously was two years bigger than her younger sister, and her sister already has matchmaker, how could this matter make her body and mind feel comfortable?

Aiwa merely laughed, secretly reading the  Yin technique incantation, stealthily call out two of his small lewd serpents inside of Silis skirt letting those two small invisible serpents go and torment Sili.

Very quickly, Sili at once was unable to resist the provocation of the lewd serpents, she felt as if have what thing gently caressing and stoking her soft chest, and again at the same time have what thing drilling inside her flesh hole inside her skirt.

[If Young lady Sili really wished for me to leave, then at once accompany me for a quarter-hour time, let me finfish this cup and tea, if you wish for me to stay behind and have lunch, then I at one request Young lady Sili to go out and prepare for the lunch banquet.]

Aiwa deliberately wanted Sili to make a fool of herself, he naturally thought of letting Sili leave drawing-room inside. He believed, relying on Silis personality, after hearing these words, anyhow, she wouldnt be willing to depart half a step from inside the drawing-room.

[This Young lady will accompany you.]

Thus speaking, Sili pretended as if nothing had happened and rose the tea-cup to drink, however at this moment the two lewd serpents were under Aiwas control, along with Aiwas lust, those two lewd serpents did their utmost to drill at Silis sensitive positions. One of them directly squeezed inside her flesh hole, pierced her hymen, stretching out its tongue and licking on top of her stamen.

How could a girl possibly receive this kind of disturbance easily, although Sili made utmost effort to control herself, her body couldnt help but twist around.

[Young lady Sili as if seems to have what obscene demonic thoughts? Otherwise, at once return to your room inside? Not so, I see you disgracing yourself in front of a visitor.]

Regarding this kind of strong-minded and arrogant girl, Aiwa at once thought of using this kind of method to handle her. Sili is one extremely caring about face girl, hear Aiwa this sort of speak about her, she naturally couldnt admit it, and in order to prove she havent any wicked thoughts, she also couldnt return to her room, she still descended enduring her pain in front of Aiwa.

However, along with the reinforcement of Aiwas thoughts, those two lewd serpents tossed around on Silis body, that one serpent inside her flesh hole rapidly twitching its body, as if Aiwas thick meat rod quickly sliding in and out of her and same, she wasnt able to resist anymore but again couldnt lose her face, not willing to depart.

[Sili, finally whats up with you?]

Dolly looked at her older sister that resisting appearance was unable to guess happened what matter and simply got up and asked.

[Oh I also dont know, my bodys itching ]

She really couldnt bear to resist that lustful feeling burning her body, that lewd serpent drilled inside her flesh hole making her wish to quickly pull out and have sex with Aiwa whom she just now humiliated, letting him use all of his force to stick it inside her one time. She at last stood up from the sofa.

[Dang! Ill go and call mother to come take a look.]

Dolly at once became anxious looking at her older sister like this.

[No need, Ill be able to manage.]

Saying thus, Aiwa advanced towards Sili holding her, obstructing her face, Sili pretended to slap down on Aiwas body a few times. Aiwa then held her and took her inside a room beside the drawing-room.

[Where is it itching?]

Aiwa asked.

[Ahh below ]

Sili shyly closed her eyes and spoke.

Aiwa controlled those two invisible lewd serpents using his thoughts and already held them to provoke Sili until she was mentally confused, right now no matter Aiwa asked what, she would at once genuinely speak.

Aiwas hand stretched down towards her crotch, separating her skirt gently caressing and stroking her vulva, at the same asked: [Is this kind comfortable?]

[Oh comfortable very comfortable ]

Silis body twisted while speaking.

[Furthermore where else is itching?]

Aiwa again asked.

[Here ]

Sili lead that hand to press on top her breasts, Aiwa substituted for her and grabbed those breasts, Silis breasts as compared to Dollys were more erect and also well-developed, giving a soft and flexible feeling when grabbed.

Dolly looking at Aiwa under her older sisters incitement gently caressing, kneading and pinching at her secret locations, doing unmentionable things, also didnt dare to let her mother come and look her older sisters this kind of embarrassing appearance, without any option she shut close the small door, letting Aiwa follow her older sister s will and act on her body.


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